Thursday, October 17, 2024

Reply to an Apostate to Mahomettanism

"God is not a man, that he should lie, nor as the son of man, that he should be changed. Hath he said then, and will he not do? hath he spoken, and will he not fulfill?"

God is not man. Man is not God. Jesus Christ is both God and Man. If God is Omnipotent, He is able to incarnate. If God is not able to incarnate, he is not omnipotent, and such a thing is not god, but is a fraud. Such is Allah.

The God of the Bible repeatedly insists that He is Father of Humanity. His Fatherhood is two-fold, the first, which encompasses all humanity, as its creator. The 2nd is in Grace, unto Eternal Life, unto Salvation.

Allah denies & mocks at God's teaching that He (God) is father of humanity ( It is therefore obvious that Allah is none other than Satan masquerading as, Aping, God, but incapable of aping His fatherhood of humanity!

God, in the Bible, closed the Door on any further Public & Salvific Revelation: Galatians 1:6-9 & 2 John 1: 6-11. God shut the door in the face of the false prophet Muhammad, as Accursed! Accursed!

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Feasting On Blasphemies

From: Lucio Mascarenhas
Date: Fri, Jun 7, 2019, 12:15 PM
Subject: GoanCenter: Feasting On Blasphemies

To: The Goan Center Forum

Updated April 11, 2024.

"As a Parish Pentecost-Outreach, we will also have an Easter-Eid-Milan fellowship meal on Jun 9, 2019, evening, for which representative families of different religions are invited. Your prayers are requested for a good atmosphere of understanding and bonding at the event." (

"Some felt that interreligious initiatives could result in dilution of our own faith and create confusion especially with the youth. Fr. Frazer Mascarenhas responded that strengthening our own faith is a life-long effort which we cannot stop. However, learning to respect the traditions & religious experiences of other groups was the need of the hour.

"Interreligious bridgebuilding and inculturation: Fr. Frazer Mascarenhas emphasised the need to understand that people of other faiths are also yearning for God. We need to make efforts to continue to address the issue of parishioners who are not yet comfortable acknowledging God-experience in other religions. We must be open to people of all religions. We must broaden our minds, and continue to dialogue.

"Catholic theology appreciates the religious experience of other religions, which is very relevant in these days of sectarian conflict. Reading a note on the feast of a major religious group (e.g., Hindu, Muslim) at the Eucharist in no way suggests that we are worshipping other gods or getting personally involved in their religious ceremonies; it just means that we are showing respect and lifting them up in prayer at the Eucharist (sic!)

"One can celebrate interfaith cultural events like Dandiya dances, the Easter-Eid Milan, and recently, the Iftaar program, with our brothers and sisters of other religions.

"30 parishioners went on an interreligious pilgrimage to shrines of different religions in Bandra, and were warmly received; such interaction will make our evangelization more fruitful. We intend to resume such pilgrimages after the monsoons.

"Fr. Frazer Mascarenhas suggested listening to two YouTube videos, (his brother) Fr. Fiorello Mascarenhas' Broadening of Horizons, and his own Reading the Signs of the Times, for a better understanding of these initiatives." (

"Our interreligious committee has conducted, under the guidance of Fr. Aubrey A. Mascarenhas, S.J., cultural programs like the Easter-Eid Milan, Dandiya dances, pilgrimage to shrines of other religions, and other events of significance for underlining that we are all sisters and brothers." (


«The Catholic Church teaches that scripture is divinely inspired and thus cannot teach moral error. She also teaches, in the words of the Vatican Council (1869-1870), that it is not permissible for anyone to interpret Holy Scripture in a sense contrary to the meaning which Holy Mother Church held, and holds, or which is against the unanimous consensus of the fathers (Patristic Consensus)."» Edward Fesser, "Traditional Catholic Doctrine on Capital Punishment is Irreversible: A Reply to E. Christian Brugger" (See

God is not confused. God is never confused. God does not correct Himself, God does not reverse Himself. God does not Err, He never factually Repents, or has need to admit that He was wrong.

The God of Abraham, the God of Israel, Who inspired the Jewish Old Testament and the Christian New Testament CANNOT be the same "God" who "bestowed" the Quran, which directly contradicts the Bible, falsifies the Bible narratives.

The same God did not teach that He, God, is a loving, passionately caring Father to humanity, in the Bible, and it's deliberately insulting, mocking, diabolical opposite, in the Quran (

The same God did not teach that Jesus Christ is God Incarnate, true Man and true God, as Jesus Christ Himself repeatedly affirmed in the Bible, and it's Mahomettan opposite, where a counterfeit Jesus denies that he, masquerading as Jesus Christ, is God.

The same God did not teach implicitly in the Bible that God is Triune, a Trinity, as explicitly taught by the Catholic Church, and also it's opposite, the explicit denial of the Trinity, in the Quran.

The same God did not teach with the Council of Florence, Decree "Cantate Domino" in 1441 AD that those who reject the Catholic Church, or who leave it, will be damned in hell for eternity, and it's opposite, in the Latrocinium of "Vatican2" that Protestants, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc., seek and worship the true God. (

I have quoted in my last epistle "Every Morsel Damns" ( how the Bible and the Quran are directly opposite, absolutely opposite, and both cannot be true, mutually true, both cannot be simultaneously true positive commands of the same true God, so that, if the Bible is true, then the "God" of the Quran and of Vatican2 can be no other than Satan "masquerading as an angel of light," masquerading as God Himself, for the Damnation of Souls.

And so what do the apostate Vatican2 sect's apostate "NewJesuits" at the apostate St Peter’s Church Bandra Bombay did on Sunday, June 9, 2019?

They "piously, devoutly, gloriously, defiantly, perversely" Blasphemed against Jesus Christ!

I underline once again this truth that the Catholic Church has always taught: It is a Mortal Sin, and the Greatest Enmity with God, to affirm a false religion, such as Mahomettanism, the various Protestantisms, and the Roncallite "Vatican2" Modernist Apostate Panreligionist sect, also called the Antichurch, the Prostitute Church, Roman Protestantism. No one can be saved in the Antichurch, the Prostitute Church. It is God’s imperative & urgent command to all souls to flee from this Whore, to have absolutely no part with it, its liturgies, its "Masses," its feasts, its priests, its bishops, its Antipopes, etc. Those who adhere even nominally, to the Whore Church, are assured Eternal Damnation in Hell.

To the "Vatican2" Modernist Apostates, I say, I affirm, one simple truth: Jesus is God. Jesus is God. Jesus is God. And all who deny that Jesus is God, even if by passively co-worshipping with Mahomettan infidels, or justifying them that do, that they are Accursed, they are Accursed, they are Accursed before God Almighty, before Jesus Christ Pantocrator.


(Every member of the Whore Church, merely by remaining a member, even if only nominally so, thereby assents to its teachings that Mahomettanism is a true and lawful religion, and is therefore under the Ban & Curse of God, even if they do not themselves participate in "mixed liturgies" with Mahomettans. It is a Mortal Sin to participate in the Prostitute Church, & in it's acts. Even reading from the Quran in Church, or merely being present where the "celebrant" affirms that the Quran is valid & lawful, holy, merits the Ban & Curse of God).

Lucio Mascarenhas
Missão de Nossa Senhora Mãe de Deus, Destruidora de Heresias

Isaac, Not Ismael

I have been sending out this message every year, for many years, warning baptized Christians against joining Infidels in celebrating "Bakri Eid" & other "festivals" of the Infidels: 

«Is the God of Abraham a Liar? 

«Did He not command Abraham to send away Hagar & Ismael, and did He not command Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on Mount Moria as a test of his faith? (

«Have nothing to do with the False Gospel that makes God a Liar, substitutes Ismael for Isaac, denies the Trinity, denies the Deity (Godhood) of Jesus Christ. 

«1 Cor. 6, 17-18: "'Go out from among them, and be you separate,' says the Lord, 'and touch not the unclean thing: And I will receive you; and I will be a Father to you; and you shall be my sons and daughters,' says the Lord Almighty." (

«Those who falsify God will be eternally damned. Those who make God a liar will suffer the most; for them is reserved the worst, harshest, part of Hell.

«Be counted amongst His Sheep, not amongst the Goats. 

«Stay away from the Goat People, and do not communicate in their feasts, which is "Communication in Sacrifices to Devils, and not to God" (1 Corinthians x, 20, #EveryMorselDamns!»

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Chrisanghism, Part I

"ChriSanghism" is a movement amoung Keralite Christians to counter Mahomettan aggressions, including Love Jihad. 

Communists who have a symbiotic & Siamese Twin relationship with Mahomettanism (IslamoCommunism), have denounnced "ChriSanghism." 

On Reddit, the Communist Fascist "Lal Salaam" "community" has viciously & vituperately attacked "ChriSanghis" for their alleged proximity to the Sangh Parivar. 

"ChriSanghism" is said to have started as a defensive reaction to Mahomettan aggression, culminating in the Jul 4, 2010 terrorist attack on Professor T.J. Joseph, Head of Department (HOD), Malayalam Literature, John Henry Newman College (See Assault on Prof. T.J. Joseph).

The main "ChriSanghi" organization is allegedly the Christian Association & Alliance for Social Action, CASA, ( 

Others are said to be the Christhiya Viswasa Prathirodikal (Defenders of Christian Belief), Proud Catholics, Brotherhood of Light - Warriors of the Cross, and the Kerala Catholic Youth Movement (KCYM), etc.

CASA was formally incorporated 2019 but claims to have organized 
as the Carnival Heritage Protection Council in 2006, in the wake of Muslim agitators protesting the execution of Saddam Hussein & not allowing the pre-Lenten Carnival in Cochin (Kochi) to be conducted. 

It is also alleged that CASA was set up in 2017 as an RSS front called the Christian Helpline, & as a part of the BJP's "Minority Morcha" program.

Communist hypocrisy is demonstrated by saying "prominent Catholic preacher Xavier Khan Vattayil," (also known as "Vattayilachan,") as opposed to "Father Joshy Mayyattil, a representative of the Kerala Catholic Bishops Conference." 

The fact is that Xavier Vattayilachan is in fact "Fr. Xavier Khan Vattayil" or "Fr. Vattayilachan," but you won't realize that if you go only by this yellow rag journalism. 

Further hypocrisy is when Commies "denounce" the Idukki Diocese, Syro-Malabar Church, for screening the BJP's Adult-rated propaganda movie 'The Kerala Story,' for minor Sunday school catechism students 
of Classes 10, 11 & 12, on April 2, 3, & 4, 2024.

(The Indian State TV Broadcaster, DoorDarshan, broadcast The Kerala Story on Friday, April 5, 2024, at 8 p.m. IST. If this was an "Adults only" movie, how & why did the HinduNazi Narendra Modi regime do this broadcast?)

Commentators have asked why the screening of "The Kerala Story
" movie by the Idukki Diocese to minors is "bad, illegal," while the the Muslim Supremacists' Oct 27, 2023 rally of minor collegians is not "bad, illegal," with Kerala Police, reporting to the IslamoCommunist "Government of Kerala," not prosecuting? Because, meallymouthed hypocrisy? Hamas Terrorist Khaled Mashal addressed the rally of minor collegians in support of Hamas terrorists in Kerala's Malappuram, organized by the Solidarity Youth Movement, youth wing of the Jamaat-e-Islami, Friday, October 27, 2023.

Exempli gratia of Communists' meallymouthed hypocritical vituperation

  1. "Christians, these days, are growing exponentially retarded and extremist.  Chrisanghis have been growing a lot through cliched social media grabs. It's scary how pro-BJP they are. Do they forget what BJP do to Christians outside Kerala? Fellow Christians, do you see the change in your houses?" (

  2. "Chrisanghis are the biggest fools & dickriders in today's India... simping for the Sanghis in Kerala, just like how Sudapis are simping for the Arabs, both in a tight competition regarding their servility to their masters." (
It is "heartbreaking," "devastating," that Christians are "Simping" to the HinduNazis, who are virulent enemies of Jesus Christ, & of Christianity, & who have butchered Christians by the thousands, instead of "Simping" to the Communists who have butchered Christians by the hundreds of millions!

It is "heartwarming" that Communists who, with their overpowering hatred of Jesus Christ, Christianity and Christians, & who have butchered Christians by the hundreds of millions, 2nd only to Islam, are disturbed by Christians "Simping" to HinduNazis, instead of "Simping" to them, the Communists!

And so, Muslims who have butchered more Christians than anyone else in the  course of their 1400+ years history, & Communists, who have tried to catch up with the Muslims in butchering hundreds of millions of Christians, are both "heartbroken" that Christians are simping to HinduNazis?

Suck on it!

Lucio Mascarenhas
Missão de Nossa Senhora Mãe de Deus, Destruidora de Heresias

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Every Morsel Damns

Date: Thu, Jun 6, 2019, 6:17 PM
Subject: Every Tasty Morsel Shall Damn
To: The Goan Center Forum
Revised Mar. 21, 2024

I will be liked if I post porn, or soft porn. Porn takes to hell. God's truth takes to Heaven. 

#Vatican2Apostasy, #SatanismInAction: #Quran Disgraces Pune "Catholic" Cathedral of Apostate "Bishop" Thomas De Abreu #ThomasDabre

#1stCommandment, etc., including, #ActsOfTheApostles, "There is no other name given to man under the heavens, wherein man can be saved, other than that of Jesus Christ." Absolutely excludes #Mahomettanism, as being a #False Religion. (The Word of God: Acts iv, 12: "Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is no other name, given to men, under heaven, whereby we must be saved."

"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be accursed." The Word of God: Galatians i, 8.

"If any man come to you, and brings not this doctrine, do not receive him into the house nor say to him, 'God speed you.' For he that says unto him, 'God speed you,' communicates with his wicked works." 2 John i, 10-11.

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For the things that are done by them in secret, it is a shame even to speak of." The Word of God: Ephesians v, 11-12.

"The people that walked in darkness, have seen a great light: to them that dwelt in the region of the shadow of death, light is risen." The Word of God: Isaias ix, 2; Matthew iv, 16. #DoTheyKnowTheLight? #ErrorHasNoRights

«One difference between the Islamic God and the Christian God that is quite personal to me is his Fatherhood. According to Jesus, God is our Father, yet the Quran very specifically denies that Allah is a father ( In fact, in, it tells Muslims to rebuke Jews and Christians for calling God their loving Father because humans are just things that God has created.» Nabeel Qureshi, "Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?"

«My son, reject not the correction of the Lord: and do not faint when thou art chastised by him: For whom the Lord loveth, he chastiseth: and as a father in the son he pleaseth himself.» The Word of God: Proverbs iii, 11-12

«And you have forgotten the consolation, which speaks to you, as unto children, saying: My son, neglect not the discipline of the Lord; neither be thou wearied whilst thou art rebuked by Him. For whom the Lord loveth, He chastises; and He scourges every son whom He receives. Persevere under discipline. God deals with you as His sons; for what son is there, whom the father does not correct? But if you be without chastisement, whereof all are made partakers, then you are bastards, and not sons.» The Word of God: Hebrews xii, 5-8.

«Say, "He is Allah, who is One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, nor is there to him any equivalent." (Quran, Surah 112:

«But the Jews and the Christians say, "We are the children of Allah and His beloved." Say, "Then why does He punish you for your sins?" Rather, you are human beings from among those He has created. He forgives whom He wills, and He punishes whom He wills. And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, and to Him is the final destination.» Quran, Surah 5, verse 18.

«Islam roundly condemns worship of the Trinity (, establishing in contrast its own core principle: Tawhid, the absolute oneness of God. Tawhid specifically denies the Trinity, so much so that it is safe to say the doctrine of God in Christianity is antithetical to the doctrine of God in Islam. Not just different but completely opposed to one another.» Nabeel Qureshi

«They have certainly disbelieved who say, "Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary" while the Messiah has said, "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Indeed, he who associates others with Allah – Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers.» Quran, Surah 5, verse 73.

Tertullian: "Heretics do not have the same God, the same Christ, as do Catholics."

Saint Augustine of Hippo: "Heretics worship a God who is a liar, and a Christ who is a liar."

«Christians believe Jesus is God, but the Quran is so opposed to this belief that it condemns Jesus worshipers to Hell ( For Christians, Jesus is certainly God, and for Muslims Jesus is certainly not God.» Nabeel Qureshi

«He that believeth in Him is not judged. But he that does not believe, is already condemned: because he believes not in the name of the only begotten Son of God.» The Word of God: John iii, 18

«For as the Father raises up the dead, and gives life: so the Son also giveth life to whom He will. For neither doth the Father judge any man, but has given all judgment to the Son, that all men may honour the Son, as they honour the Father. He who honours not the Son, honours not the Father, Who has sent Him. Amen, amen I say unto you, that he who hears My word, and believes Him that sent Me, has life everlasting; and comes not into judgment, but is passed from death to life. Amen, amen I say unto you, that the hour comes, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear, shall live." The Word of God: John v, 21-25.

«They have certainly disbelieved who say, "Allah is the third of three." And there is no god except one God. And if they do not desist from what they are saying, there will surely afflict the disbelievers among them a painful punishment.» Quran, Surah 5, verse 73

Sunday, September 03, 2023

Resources Against "Vatican2"

Resources On The Great Modernist Apostasy As Endorsed By Latrocinium & Pandemonium of "Vatican2," Falsely So-Called
The "Catholic Resistance" to the Great Modernist Apostasy provides valuable resources for the Great Modernist Apostasy, particularly focussing on the Anticouncil, Latrocinium &, indeed, Pandemonium, of "Vatican2," falsely so-called. 

A caveat, however: The "Catholic Resistance" is riven by heresies. 

Some of these heresies, principally Feeneyitism, an exaggerated reaction against Protestantism, so much so that it flatly denies particular Catholic doctrines, such as the Baptism of Blood, the Baptism of Desire, pre-dated the Great Modernist Apostasy. 

Feeneyitism is a particularly severe threat to the faith of Catholics.

The greatest heresies that have corrupted the "Catholic Resistance" are Ambiscamnism, Acephalism, and Quietism. 

Quietism, also called Molinism, is several centuries old.

Ambiscamnism, separated into factions of Sedeprivationism, Lefebvrism, and "Recognize And Resist," teaches that the Great Modernist Apostasy constituted a separate, new sect, yet affirms an impossibility: That the Apostate Heresiarchs of Roman Protestantism, are at the same time, legitimate Catholic Popes!

Acephalism, from "Acephali," "the headless ones," is the heresy that the Papacy has either ceased to be, or that human efforts are not required by God, and cannot succeed, in restoring the Catholic Church, thus marrying Quietism to Acephalism. 

Most Acephalists pretend to be Sedevacantists. 

Sedevacantism is not, in itself, a heresy, in so far as it denies that Public and  Manifest heretics and Apostates cannot hold any offices in the Catholic Church; it is Acephalism, and Quietism, when it implicitly or explicitly denies, or obstructs, or resists, the effort at restoring the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Pope after His Holiness Pius XII died in October 1958, was His Holiness Pope (Saint) Michael I, elected September 1990, died August 2, 2022. 

The present Catholic Pope is His Holiness Pope Michael II, elected by a Synod in Vienna, July 29, 2023. 

Sanborn & Celada, etc


Pulvermacherite heretics 

Ambiscamnist heretics

Williamsonite Lefebvrists


Feeneyite heretics

Lúcío Mascarenhas, O Preceptor 

Monday, February 20, 2023

Rama's Pythoniacism in Goa

A notorious and infamous criminal and teacher of Hinduism, "Ramadeo Baba," has been brought in by the self-styled "Hindu Nationalists" ("Hindurashtrawad"), or "Hindu Nazis," admirers of Adolf Hitler, into Indian Occupied Goa, to lead Rites of Apostasy, Feb 20, 2023.

I, Lúcío Mascarenhas, an authorized teacher of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church, the sempiternal orthodox Catholicism, which is not the same thing as the Prostitutions of the Pandemonium called "Vatican2," and as against it's Prostitute "Vatican2" sect, would like to remind people that participation in "Yoga" is a violation of the First Commandment, is a participation in Pythonic Rites, and a grave and mortal Sin, an act of "Communicatio in Sacris," which results in automatic excommunication "latae sententiae," and which guarantees Eternal Damnation.

In the Seleucid Persecutions and in the Jewish, Roman pagann, Zoroastrian, Hindu, Buddhist, Mahometan, Caerularian-Palamite, Protestant, Shinto, etc. persecutions over the last 2000+ years, millions of Catholic Saints have chosen martyrdom over Apostasy. 

The eyes of God, and of His immense cloud of Saints and Martyrs is upon you.

Lúcío Mascarenhas
February 20, 2023

Friday, December 09, 2022

Almaya Munnettam

Why is there a terrible row in a sect in Kerala, and what is that row about?

This is not about the 100 years old quarrel between two factions of the Antiochian Jacobite sect that went up to the Indian Supreme Court. 

This is about a quarrel between the ultra-Modernist and the pseudo-Traditionalist factions of the Syro-Malabar Rite "Catholic" Church. 
In both cases, the Hindu Supremacist Narendra Modi regime is using these divisions to play monkey tricks to make inroads into Kerala Christianity, to co-opt "Christians" as subaltern Sanghists. 

The Modernist Protestant and pseudo-Traditionalist "" run by a "Fr" Morrison in the USA, stated that this fight is a resistance and an uprising by "faithful laity" protesting against the imposition of "Vatican2" reform "mass" with the priest forced to conduct the Mass in the Satanic rite of Demolatry (worship of the people), facing the people ("Versus populum"),  instead of the Christian rite of Mass facing the Altar ("Ad altare"). 

As a matter of fact, Morrison, as usual, has got it wrong. It is the other way around: It is the ultra-Modernists who have risen up, who are protesting, and fighting, against the imposition of a "Compromise" Uniform rite of Mass that largely mimics the Christian rite of "Ad altare." (Ironic, because they no longer have altars, as 'Vatican2 reforms' physically desecrated and destroyed the former Catholic altars in these churches!)

The fact of the matter is, in the wake of the "Vatican2" Apostasy, and it's Desecrations, the Syro-Malabar Rite's "mass" or "Qurbana" broke up into three broad practices: The New, Satanist "Vatican2 reformed" rite of Demolatry or "Versus populum;" an attempt to retain the Christian form of "Ad altare;" and a mixed rite compromising between the two. 

For the last several decades there have been efforts to unify the rites, to uniformize them, as they had been uniform before the "Vatican2" Apostasy. 

In 2021, a Synod assembled for this purpose, and effected a compromise, called the Synodal Uniform Rite, which, in the face of the majority of the Syro-Malabar Rite's insistence on "Ad altare," largely hewed to "Ad altare".

The ultra-Modernists have risen up in protest against this compromise and to insist on the "Vatican2" Demonic Rite of Demolatry or "Versus populum."

The "Almaya Munnettam" or "Laity Front" is an organization of ultra-Modernist laity, established as a front by ultra-Modernist "priests" of the Syro-Malabar Rite. 

The "Almaya Munnettam" seconds these unordained ultra-Modernist "priests" in their fight for the Satanic "Versus populum" form "New Mass" against the pseudo-Traditionalist faction's enforcement of the simulation of the "Ad altare ," or "ad orientem," rite of "Mass" or "Qurbana."

The ultra-Modernists put it, very crudely, as, "Due to the 'Ad Orientem' rite, Mass attendees can neither see nor communicate with the priest, who we see as God, and it is not right that God does not look at us"! (

The celebrant is not God, nor does he represent God. He represents Jesus Christ as the Theandros, and as the Head and Representative of Humanity, praying to God. 

Also, the Mass is the priest and congregation praying to God, it is not an assembly for a conversation between the priest and the congregation, nor an occasion to admire the priest's carnal form, to look upon the priest or for the priest to look upon the carnal forms of members of the congregation!

Catholicism is, like Hinduism, a sacrifical religion, oriented "Ad Dei." There are parts of the liturgy that are addressed to God, and performed by the priest facing the altar, the liturgical locus for God, while other parts are addressed to the congregation, so performed facing the congregation. 

The Catholic Mass (which does not include the "Vatican2" mass), is instituted by Jesus Christ, and is a continuation of the Mosaic rite. 

Protestantisms are Anthropolatrist religions, at heart, for which reason, they scorn and have abolished the "Ad Dei" parts, so that their liturgies are, usually, solely "Versus Populum."

The "Vatican2" Apostasy is a direct continuation of, and the "Vatican2 mass" slavishly follows, the Deformers, the Protestants, their man-made rites.

SFX Exposition 2022

SFX Exposition 2022
In Goa, every year, is traditionally celebrated the festival of St Francis Xavier, from Nov. 21, to January 2, overlapping the feast of his Tropaeum and Apotheosis, Dec. 3, 1552. 
This year, that is Nov. 21, 2022 - Jan. 2, 2023. 

I have been asked if I would be attending. 
I had, only once, attended, or attempted to attend, an Exposition of the relics of St Francis Xavier, in the 1990s (1994, possibly). 

Standing in the long queue, I was appalled, supremely nauseated, deeply sickened, to the core of my being, by the profusion of immodestly, impiously, dressed women, women in tight, figure hugging jeans, and the like, and left, halfway, without reaching his relics. 

I know that St Francis Xavier felt and feels the same way, and that, for me to attend, would be a great sin, an enormous insult to God, for these rites of the Antichurch, the Whore Church, are exactly that, blasphemies, sacrileges, spitting in the face of St Francis Xavier and of Jesus Christ. 

That is why, when asked, I replied: "I don't attend Satanic rites. I did not take part in the Festival of Spitting in Jesus' face, of Spitting in the Face of St Francis Xavier!"

Please remember that the "Festival of St Francis Xavier" 2022 comes hard on the heels of the laymen "priests" of the "Archdiocese" of Goa visiting Hindu homes during Ganesh Chaturthi, Diwali, Holi and other Pagan "festivals," immediately preceding, and worshipping the Demons of the Pagans, to the orgiastic joy and orgasms of the layman and pretend Archbishop Patriarch Cardeal of Goa Felipe Neri Ferrão. 
Despite these grave insults to God, to Jesus Christ, to St Francis Xavier, crowds are flocking to "Old Goa" to indulge, under the auspices, of these same "priests" and "Cardeal" Ferrão, a further "festival" of spitting in the face of St Francis Xavier, of Jesus Christ! 

See also: 

See also: 
"Indian Catholics . . . use 'Aarti' to greet 'Pope Karol Lying Pole Wojtyla'"
"Use of the 'Aarti' ceremonial by Indian Catholics is no more the worship of a heathen deity than is the decoration of a Christmas tree by American Christians a return to the pagan rituals of Northern Europe."