Sunday, September 03, 2023

Resources Against "Vatican2"

Resources On The Great Modernist Apostasy As Endorsed By Latrocinium & Pandemonium of "Vatican2," Falsely So-Called
The "Catholic Resistance" to the Great Modernist Apostasy provides valuable resources for the Great Modernist Apostasy, particularly focussing on the Anticouncil, Latrocinium &, indeed, Pandemonium, of "Vatican2," falsely so-called. 

A caveat, however: The "Catholic Resistance" is riven by heresies. 

Some of these heresies, principally Feeneyitism, an exaggerated reaction against Protestantism, so much so that it flatly denies particular Catholic doctrines, such as the Baptism of Blood, the Baptism of Desire, pre-dated the Great Modernist Apostasy. 

Feeneyitism is a particularly severe threat to the faith of Catholics.

The greatest heresies that have corrupted the "Catholic Resistance" are Ambiscamnism, Acephalism, and Quietism. 

Quietism, also called Molinism, is several centuries old.

Ambiscamnism, separated into factions of Sedeprivationism, Lefebvrism, and "Recognize And Resist," teaches that the Great Modernist Apostasy constituted a separate, new sect, yet affirms an impossibility: That the Apostate Heresiarchs of Roman Protestantism, are at the same time, legitimate Catholic Popes!

Acephalism, from "Acephali," "the headless ones," is the heresy that the Papacy has either ceased to be, or that human efforts are not required by God, and cannot succeed, in restoring the Catholic Church, thus marrying Quietism to Acephalism. 

Most Acephalists pretend to be Sedevacantists. 

Sedevacantism is not, in itself, a heresy, in so far as it denies that Public and  Manifest heretics and Apostates cannot hold any offices in the Catholic Church; it is Acephalism, and Quietism, when it implicitly or explicitly denies, or obstructs, or resists, the effort at restoring the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Pope after His Holiness Pius XII died in October 1958, was His Holiness Pope (Saint) Michael I, elected September 1990, died August 2, 2022. 

The present Catholic Pope is His Holiness Pope Michael II, elected by a Synod in Vienna, July 29, 2023. 

Sanborn & Celada, etc


Pulvermacherite heretics 

Ambiscamnist heretics

Williamsonite Lefebvrists


Feeneyite heretics

Lúcío Mascarenhas, O Preceptor 

Monday, February 20, 2023

Rama's Pythoniacism in Goa

A notorious and infamous criminal and teacher of Hinduism, "Ramadeo Baba," has been brought in by the self-styled "Hindu Nationalists" ("Hindurashtrawad"), or "Hindu Nazis," admirers of Adolf Hitler, into Indian Occupied Goa, to lead Rites of Apostasy, Feb 20, 2023.

I, Lúcío Mascarenhas, an authorized teacher of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church, the sempiternal orthodox Catholicism, which is not the same thing as the Prostitutions of the Pandemonium called "Vatican2," and as against it's Prostitute "Vatican2" sect, would like to remind people that participation in "Yoga" is a violation of the First Commandment, is a participation in Pythonic Rites, and a grave and mortal Sin, an act of "Communicatio in Sacris," which results in automatic excommunication "latae sententiae," and which guarantees Eternal Damnation.

In the Seleucid Persecutions and in the Jewish, Roman pagann, Zoroastrian, Hindu, Buddhist, Mahometan, Caerularian-Palamite, Protestant, Shinto, etc. persecutions over the last 2000+ years, millions of Catholic Saints have chosen martyrdom over Apostasy. 

The eyes of God, and of His immense cloud of Saints and Martyrs is upon you.

Lúcío Mascarenhas
February 20, 2023