Today, Jan. 16, is supposedly the feast of my fellow-Goan, "St. Joseph Vaz." It marks the day of his death, Jan. 16, 1711 A.D.
In Catholic theology, a person's day of death on earth, is considered their "Birthday in Heaven," or "Birthday in the Lord," or "
Dies Natalis," if that person is regarded with absolute certainty as surely a "Saint admitted into heaven," by God.
There are two categories of persons regard as "Saints admitted into heaven," 1. Martyrs; 2. Non-Martyrs.
A Martyr is a person who died in adherence to the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Roman Church, without having defected to any system or organization of schism, heresy or apostasy, & was killed, or murdered, for the faith, or in hatred of the Catholic & Christian faith, or "Odium fidei," which is also defined as "hatred of Jesus Christ," including by sects pretending to follow Jesus, in part or whole, such as Mahomettan Infidels, Protestant Heretics, etc., & including being killed for progressing, or defending, or in the exercise of the True Faith.
A person incarcerated & dying thereby is also a Martyr.
A person that was not killed, murdered, is not a Martyr.
For a Martyr to be considered a Saint, it is my understanding that, no "Authorization" of their cult is necessary.
For a person not a Martyr, the rules as established since some centuries, require a process of investigation, & discernment, by the Pope, ending with an autoritative declaration by the Pope that that person is a "Saint admitted into heaven."
I am personally of the firm belief that, alongside all the several Goan Martyrs down the ages, such as at Cuncolim, & elsewhere, Martyrs under the Adilkhan's invasions, Dutch invaders, under the Accursed & eternally damned Apostate & Satanist Sebastião do Melo e Pombal, under the Maratha invaders, the Ranes, Siva & Shambhu Bhonsale, under the various invasions of the Mahomettan Infidels, etc., in Goa, Kerala, Ceilão e ilhas das Maldivas, Mangalore, Baçaim, Bommaim, Colaba, Corlai, etc., including the Holy Orphan Martyrs of Arnala murdered by Arab raiders from Yemen & Oman, the Holy Martyrs of Dukhthan near the city of Palghar, murdered by the Demoniacal Pagans under Chimpanjiappa, the Accursed Harbists, under the English invaders, under the invasions of 1954 & 1961, etc., Jose Vaz of Sancoale, Agnelo Gustavo Adolfo da Sousa of Anjuna, (& Casimiro Monteiro), etc., are Saints in Heaven, gloriously reigning with Jesus Christ.
However, Jose Vaz was not a Martyr, & so, he requires to be canonized.
It is claimed that he was canonized. Was he?
The claim that Jose Vaz has been "canonized" claims that the Whore Church of Roman Protestantism, masquerading as the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Roman Church, & which Prostitute Church officially, publicly, manifestly, disciplinarily, mendaciously, pertinaciously, teaches the Greatest Apostate heresy in Salvation history as yet, the Excommunicated Heresy of Modernism, & which includes "Panreligionism," teaching the Falsehood of the Pandemonium of "Vatican2," that "All gods're one, all religions're true, one can attain to heaven through the sincere practice of any belief system," also known as "the Vatican2 Project of creating a One World Religion, by uniting into one, all religions of the world," largely accomplished by the Demoniacs Carol Wojtyla, Joseph Ratzinger & Jorge Bergoglio, which Apostate heresy is also called "Omnism," as some of its votaries prefer to call it, has purported to have "canonized" Jose Vaz.
As Pope Paul IV reiterated Divine Law in his Apostolic Constitution "Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio," the Whore Church has absolutely nothing to do with the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Roman Church, it's Heresiarchs-Apostatarchs aren't Catholic Popes under any circumstances, their pretended Acts of Authority, including "canonizations," are Acts of Satanism, pretensions, Usurpations, supremely hateful to God & His Saints, canonized & otherwise, & null & void, of no effect, whatsoever.
Therefore, indeed, Jose Vaz, who, I am personally convinced, is a Saint gloriously reigning in heaven with Jesus Christ, is not yet canonized a Saint.
It is therefore a grave affront to the Divine Majesty, a Mortal Sin, to participate in the Prostitute Church's insult to St. Jose Vaz, by accepting it's lying, pretended "canonizations," & "celebrations" of Jose Vaz, etc., as "Saints raised to the honor of the Altar," moresoever as the Whore Church does not have Altars, having desecrated, vandalized, Altars, abolished, & supplanted them with the Demonic Protestant Dining Table!
When an Ecumenical Council of the Church teaches, it is the authoritative teaching of the Catholic Church, that, through the Ecumenical Council, it is God the Holy Ghost teaching, & that such teachings are not able to be rescinded, or negated, or "reformed," to allow opposite teachings.
The Holy Ecumenical Council of Florence, Feb. 4, 1442 A D. in its Decree
Cantate Domino (also called "
Haec Sancta"), adopted for itself, & thereby
Canonized, the following teaching of St. Augustine of Hippo & of his disciple St. Fulgentius of Ruspa, teaching: "
This Most Holy ("sacrosanct")
Roman Church firmly believes, professes, & proclaims, that those not living within the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also Jews, heretics & schismatics, cannot become participants in eternal life, but will depart "into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the Devil & his angels" [Matt. xxv, 41],
unless before the end of life they have been added to the flock; & that the unity of the ecclesiastical body is so strong, that only to those remaining in it, are the sacraments of the Church of benefit for salvation, & do fastings, almsgiving, & other functions of piety, & exercises of Christian service, produce eternal reward, & that no one, whatever almsgiving he has practiced, even if he has shed blood for the name of Christ, can be saved, unless he has remained in the bosom & unity of the Catholic Church."
The Thrice Accursed Latrocinium & Pandemonium of "Vatican2" pretended to "undo" the Council of Florence, to teach the opposite, effectively teaching, "All gods're one, all religions're true, one can attain to heaven through the sincere practice of any belief system."
In implementation of the Thrice Accursed Accursed Pandemonium of "Vatican2," the Thrice Accursed Whore Church & it's Demoniacal Fake Popes, have pretended to "Canonize" public & manifest Heretics, as "Catholic Saints!"
This was first implemented by the Thrice Accursed Antipope John-Baptist (Giovanni Battista) Montini.
Pope Benedict XV beatified the 22 Holy Martyrs of Buganda, Saints Charles Lwanga, Matiya Mulumba, & their 20 Companions, June 6, 1920; the Thrice Accursed Antipope Montini pretended to canonize them, Oct. 18, 1964.
During this pretended Canonization, the Thrice Accursed Apostatarch stated,
"Who could have imagined that, among the great African holy martyrs & confessors, known in history, such as Cyprianus, Felicity, Perpetua, & Augustine, the great man, we would once have added Charles Lwanga, Matthias Mulumba Kalemba, whose names are dear to us, & their twenty companions? And others are also worthy of mention who, professing Anglican religious institutions, suffered death for the name of Christ." (
By this statement, the Thrice Accursed 2nd Apostatarch, Montini, pretended to recognize as "Martyrs, & Saints in heaven," in opposition to God's declared word, expressed in the Council of Florence's Decree Cantate Domino, that heretics dying outside the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Roman Church cannot attain to heaven but are consigned, by God, to Hell, to Eternal Damnation!
The Thrice Accursed Pandemonium of Vatican2 reinforced this heresy, & it was thereafter
repeatedly taught by the Thrice Accursed 4th Apostatarch Carol Wojtyla, as is evidenced by this page (
«Today I'd like to say to my brother from Constantinople & to all our Eastern brothers & sisters: Dearly beloved, we are united in these martyrs from Rome, from the "Hill of Crosses," the Solovietsky Islands & many other extermination camps. We are united against the background of these martyrs, we cannot fail to be united» (Oss. Rom. English edition April 14-6, 1994).
«In his letter "Tertio Millennio adveniente," # 37, "Witness to Christ, borne even to the shedding of blood, has become a common inheritance of Catholics, Orthodox, Anglicans & Protestants, as Antipope Montini pointed out in his homily for the Canonisation of the Ugandan Martyrs.»
On Feb. 12, 2015, Mahomettan Infidels in Lybia, at present the Arab SettlerColony called Libya, murdered 20 kidnapped Jacobite heretics from Egypt, & with them, a 21st person, a Ghanian.
The Thrice Accursed 6th Apostatarch of Roman Protestantism, Antipope Jorge Pachmama Bergoglio immediately declared that he added these 21 persons to his Apostate sect's Martyrology, as "Catholic Martyrs"!
In Nov. 2024, the Thrice Accursed 6th Apostatarch Jorge Pachamama Bergoglio further declared that he has added the Nestorian & Universalist (
link) heretic Isaac of Qatar (
link) as a "Catholic Saint"! (
I, therefore, reiterate: It is a grave affront to the Divine Majesty, a Mortal Sin, to participate in the Prostitute Church's insult to God, to St. Jose Vaz, etc., by accepting it's lying, pretended "canonizations," & "celebrations" of Jose Vaz, etc., as "Saints raised to the honor of the Altar," acts which are guaranteed to damn those who participate & / Connive, with these outraged!
Addenda: Some have attempted to "defend" the Apostatarchs by claiming that their heresies, such as Antipope Jorge Bergoglio 's teaching in 2024 in Singapore, that "Different religions are different paths to God," while possibly sinful, are not infallible acts, and so, these Apostatarchs are, or remain, "legitimate Catholic Popes."
However, this is a false argument, for two reasons:
1. The Heresies taught by Apostatarchs Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, Ratfinger & Bergoglio are not "private opinions & teachings," but are the Putative Doctrinal, Disciplinary & Authoritative Pronouncements of a Putative Ecumenical Council, & as such, are official teachings of an ecclessoid body, of a sect, one that is necessarily the Antithesis of the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Roman Church;
2. Definitions of persons as "Saints," such as the Protestant "Martyrs" of Uganda, the "Coptic Martyrs of Lybia," Isaac of Qatar, etc., are Acts that are part of the Infallible Authority of a Pope:
«The act of a Pope in "raising a person to the honor of the Altar," or Canonization, of some kind or the other, is an act of infallibility. Therefore, if a putative "Pope" defines a person who could not possibly be admitted to heaven, such as, for dying as a schismatic, a Heretic, an Apostate, a person falling afoul of God's Declaration in the Council of Florence's Decree Cantate Domino.
«1. "The pope's decree that a person is in heaven falls under the definition of papal infallibility."
«2. "Question: If the Church declares someone a saint, how can we know with absolute certainty that he, or she, is in heaven? Answer: While the Church has never officially defined canonization as an act of infallibility, the consensus of theologians has been that it is. As St. Thomas Aquinas noted: 'Since the honor we pay the saints is in a certain sense a profession of faith, i.e., a belief in the glory of the saints, we must piously believe that, in this matter also, the judgment of the Church is not liable to error.' (Quodl. 9:a:16). Because the Pope is officially decreeing that all Christians are to believe that a certain person is in heaven, it is believed to fall under the definition of papal infallibility."
«3. The New Catholic Encyclopedia of 1967 discusses the theological foundation for the infallibility of canonization: "The dogma that saints are to be venerated & invoked as set forth in the profession of faith of Trent (cf. Denz. 1867) has as its correlative the power to canonize.... St. Thomas Aquinas says, 'Honor we show the saints is a certain profession of faith by which we believe in their glory, & it is to be piously believed that, even in this, the judgment of the Church is not able to err' (Quodl. 9:8:16). The pope cannot, by solemn definition, induce errors concerning faith & morals into the teaching of the universal Church. Should the Church hold up for universal veneration a man's life and habits that in reality led to his damnation, it would lead the faithful into error. It is now theologically certain that the solemn canonization of a saint is an infallible & irrevocable decision of the Pope. God speaks infallibly through his Church as it demonstrates & exemplifies its universal teaching in a particular person or judges that person's acts to be in accord with its teaching."»