Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Joke's on the Jokester-Antipope of Roman Protestantism

Antipope Francis has, in the last few days, publicly taught what he says are his "magisterial teaching" that, as people marrying may lack a proper understanding of the Catholic faith, their marriages would be invalid, and so easy to annul (declare to have never existed).

And Catholics have imediately piled on this as they have on his "rabbits" remark.

Antipope Francis: Many marriages are invalid | The Rabbits Bite Back | Rabbit-Mother Verbally Spanks Bratty Antipope

What is interesting is that, the late Bishop Guerard des Lauriers and his followers, including Bishops McKenna, Johas, Sanborn, Van Stuyvers, etc., publicly teach what is called Sedeprivationism, that Francis, as he doesn't accept orthodox Catholicism, is himself not a valid Pope, but a defective Pope.

See: Sedeprivationism | Biography Guerard des Lauriers | Einsicht Contra Cassiciacanissimum

What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. The joke's on the Joker!


Lucio Mascarenhas

Thursday, January 15, 2015

#WordOfGod  - #HereticsFaveCuisine! #DeliciousFaeces

The Bible warns straying Israel, most particularly through the Prophet Ezechiel, that they are "eating faeces" & will be punished by more of it - till they are 'satiated'!

«And you shall eat it as barley bread baked under the ashes: and you shall cover it, in their sight, with the dung that comes out of a man. And the Lord said: So shall the children of Israel eat their bread all filthy among the nations whither I will cast them out. And I said: Ah, ah, ah, O Lord God, behold my soul hath not been defiled, and from my infancy even till now, I have not eaten any thing that died of itself, or was torn by beasts, and no unclean flesh has entered into my mouth. And He said to me: Behold I have given you cowdung for man's dung, and you shall make your bread therewith» Ezechiel iv, 12-15 Traditionally, the Hebrew terms for idols includes references to them as "heaps of dung" etc.

Martin Luther was a voracious gourmet of this "cuisine," possibly the greatest prodigy of this "Diet." So is the NewWorldOrder cleptarchs: Bush, Clinton, Biden, Obama, Pelosi, Hollande, Merkel, etc. John-Paul II was another gourmet, as also Ratzinger; so is Bergoglio.

These "worthies" travel home & abroad inviting all & sundry, "all that hunger" to "come & dine," to join them in this "joyous, enriching, nourishing, liberating, enlightening, apotheosizing, feast"!

I have been reiterating God's Word, as He commands, using the words Coprophages (Dungeaters), Coprophagia (Consumption of dung), Coprophagalia (Feast of dung eating), but all falling on deaf ears.#DeliciousFaeces is more direct.

There is a need to be more direct. Drive home the message. Call a spade a spade. To all those who insist on the «Luther Diet», 'Bon Apetit!'

Lúcío Mascarenhas
Catechist-Apologist by Authorization of H.H. Michael I, PP