Saturday, November 28, 2020

Judging Diego Maradona

Is Diego Maradona in Heaven or Hell? Can I Judge?

Lucio Mascarenhas, Nov 28, 2020.

When Diego Maradona died recently, a lot of people joined in the adulation. I pointed out that he was an atheist and a Communist, one who supported the communist terrorist and murderers of hundreds of thousands of Catholics, Infidel Castro and Hugo Chavez. Hugo Chavez was a military officer who tried to seize power in a coup, later founding a Socialist-Communist populist party that won power in Venezuela. Chavez died in office of cancer, and has been succeeded by his chief acolyte, the Jew Nicholas Maduro. These two men, Hugo Chávez and Nicolas Maduro, have made Venezuela, what was once one of the richest countries in the world, into one of the very most poor countries in the world, and driven millions into starvation, beggary and exile. Diego Maradona is also most notoriously an admirer of the Communist terrorist Che Guevara who was not only a terrorist, but also raped and murdered a child. He had Che Guevara's picture tattooed on his upper arm. (By the way, the Bible forbids tattos, and today nearly all the "Catlicks" in South Asia have tattos! It is part of the "New Gospel" Identitarianism! But that is another topic).

It is said that Diego Maradona was born dirt poor, and that his father was from the native American Tupi Guarani peoples, therefore his hostility to Catholicism. In the last 500 years, the Catholic Church did more for the Tupi Guarani people than it did for any other ethnic group. The Jesuits sought and obtained from the Government of Spain the setting aside of large Indian territories called the Missions or the Jesuit Reductions, over the lands of the Tupi Guarani people, evangelized and helped them to assimilate into Latin America. Protestant England corrupted the Portuguese, through King Joseph of Braganca and his chief henchman Joseph de Melo whom King Joseph later made into the Marquis of Pombal. The two Josephs admired Protestant England and sought to conform Portugal to Protestant England, to split it away from the Catholic Church, and to "modernize" Portugal in the same way that the inhuman "Protestant Work Ethic" and the large-scale landgrabs were instituted by the Protestant Robbers / Kleptocrats who stole England from the Catholics, including in the so-called Industrial Revolution and the formation of the Capitalist system.

As part of this Protestantisation of Portugal, Portugal progressively implementing a mitigated form of Protestant White Racism & Supremacism, as practised in Protestant England, that was born out of the Heresies of Jean Chauvin, and reinforced by Jansenius. For this reason, Portugal betrayed and destroyed, the Kingdom of Congo, in Africa, which was its very close ally. At the same time, and as part of the same effort, Portugal unleashed terrorist militias called the Bandeirantes (flagbearers) or Mamelucos, on Spanish South America, on the Tupi Guarani Jesuit Missions, killing, raping, enslaving the Tupi Guarani people, as part of the Jewish, Protestant and English worldwide gameplan. South and West Brazil, the Rio Grande do Sul and other areas bordering Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia were thus invaded and annexed by Portugal, under Pombalism, to Brazil.


"Trickery could also be used; one common tactic was disguising themselves as Jesuits, often singing Mass to lure the natives out of their settlements. At the time, the Jesuits had a deserved reputation as the only colonial force that treated the natives somewhat fairly in the Jesuit reductions of the region. If luring the natives with promises did not work, the bandeirantes would surround the settlements and set them alight, forcing inhabitants out into the open. At a time when imported African slaves were comparatively expensive, the bandeirantes were able to sell large numbers of native slaves at a huge profit due to their relatively inexpensive price.

"By the 17th century, Jesuit missions had become a favorite target of the expeditions. A bandeira ("flag march") that took place in 1628 and was organized by Antônio Raposo Tavares raided 21 Jesuit villages in the upper Paraná Valley, ultimately capturing about 2,500 natives. A bandeira tactic was to set native tribes against each other in order to weaken them, and then to enslave both sides.

"In 1636, Tavares led a bandeira , composed of 2,000 allied Indians, 900 mamelucos, and 69 white Paulists, to find precious metals and stones and to capture Indians for slavery. This expedition alone was responsible for the destruction of most of the Jesuit missions of Spanish Guayrá and the enslavement of over 60,000 indigenous people."

"The bandeirantes were also responsible for unsteady relations between the Spanish Empire and the Portuguese Empire, as they essentially conducted an undeclared war on indigenous residents allied with Spain or the Jesuits. With only a few outlying Spanish settlements surviving and the majority of Jesuit missions overrun, the de facto control by Portugal over most of what is now the Southeast, Southern, and Central West territory of Brazil was recognized by the Treaties of Madrid in 1750 and San Ildefonso in 1777. Additionally, Portugal officially expelled the Jesuits in 1759, reducing the ability of the Jesuits to fight back even further.

"These expeditions were catastrophic for the native peoples, who were either killed through sheer violence or due to diseases and poor sanitation, or were reduced to slavery, stripped of their identity and expulsed from their ancestral lands. Nevertheless, the Bandeirantes are generally considered heroes in traditional Brazilian historiography; this may be slowly changing, as protests in 2020 have brought back up the more unsavory parts of the bandeirantes activity to light."

When I wrote that Diego Maradona, an atheist and a Communist, is now damned in hell, I was told, "How do you know? You are not the judge!"

That "Judge Not" is based on Matthew vii, Matthew chapter 7.

We all make judgments of Discernment, that has an impact on our lives and on the lives of those we accept and those we reject.

We decide what is good and what is bad, who we shall consort with and whom we shall not consort with, how we shall worship and how we shall not worship.

So, the man that tells me, "How do you know? You are not the judge!" says that he firmly judges that Karol Wojtyla and "Mother Teresa" are Saints in Heaven; these persons (Wojtyla & "Mother Teresa") taught and practiced that "All gods are one, all religions are true, one can attain Heaven through the practice of any religion whatsoever." So I have challenged him numerous times: Walk the talk! Post me pictures of you publicly worshipping the Demon Ganpati, but he recoils with horror and disgust! HE JUDGES that as a "Christian," it is "wrong" for him to teach that "All gods are one, all religions are true, one can attain Heaven through the practice of any religion whatsoever," or to worship the Monster Ganapati whether Publicly or privately! He judges! Yet, he says that I am not to judge!

If I give you a cup of drink, and say, I have mixed poison in it, but drink it anyway, for who are you, or I, to judge?, would you drink it? Would you refuse to judge the possibility, the probability, that I speak, not in jest, but in truth, and that drinking it will kill you?

We choose who to marry and who not to marry, we make a judgment.

We choose which school, academy and university we will seek admission from.

We choose what jobs we will seek.

We choose to accept certain people as our friends, some as acquaintances, some as very close, bosom buddies. We equally choose not to accept the friendship of some, not to associate with some, not to consort with them.

We choose what food to eat and what not to eat.

Those who choose to vote, choose to exercise a judgment as to who will be the best or, at least, not the worst bet, for public office.

In all this we exercise judgment.

My friend that said, "Who are you to judge?" says that he judges that George Borgoglio is "Pope Francis," and that Karol Wojtyla and "Mother Teresa" are saints in Heaven. Since Borgoglio and Wojtyla and "Mother Teresa" teach / taught that Jesus and Ganapati, are one (God), I asked him to publicly worship Ganapati. He judges that God forbids him from that. Who is he to judge against Ganapati as true God?

Let us examine the Context of Mathew vii.

"Judge not, that you may not be judged, For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged: and with what measure you measure out, it shall be measured to you again. And why do you see the mote / speck that is in your brother's eye, and do not see the beam that is in your own eye? Or how do you say to your brother: Let me cast the mote out of your eye; and behold a beam is in your own eye? You hypocrite! cast out first the beam in your own eye, and then you shall the better see to cast out the mote out of your brother's eye! Give not that which is holy to dogs; neither cast you your pearls before swine, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turning upon you, they tear you to pieces. Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and you shall find: knock, and it shall be opened to you. For every one that asketh, receives: and he that seeks, finds: and to him that knocks, it shall be opened. Or what man is there among you, of whom if his son shall ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he shall ask him a fish, will he give him a snake? If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children: how much more will your Father who is in Heaven, give good things to them that ask Him? All things therefore whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you also to them. For this is the Law and the Prophets." Matthew chapter 7

Is that an absolute "Judge Not"?

How can we "judge" as to what is a "beam" and what instead is a "mote" or a "speck," if we are absolutely to "Judge Not"?

How can we judge that what we are giving to dogs, or casting before swine, is "Holy," or "Pearls," and not to be given / cast before, if we are absolutely to "Judge Not"?

How are we to discern and to judge, if we are absolutely to "Judge Not"?

The Gospel of John puts this differently: "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge just judgment." John vii, 24

So that is then not an absolute "Judge Not."

I will quote a "Newchurcher" on "Judge Not": A Newchurcher is one who follows the Roman Protestant Vatican 2 self described "New Church," giving the Catholic Bible (Douay-Challoner-MacMahon version) where he cites the Protestant Bible (It is usual for Newchurchers to quote Protestant Bibles rather than Catholic Bibles!)

«Just and righteous are both translations of the same Hebrew word.

«"For Yahweh loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints; they are preserved for ever: but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off." Psalm 37:28 (Protestant) "For the Lord loves judgment, and will not forsake His saints: they shall be preserved for ever. The unjust shall be punished, and the seed of the wicked shall perish." (Catholic).

r «"Yahweh openeth [the eyes of] the blind: Yahweh raiseth them that are bowed down: Yahweh loveth the righteous." Psalm 146:8 (Protestant) "The Lord enlightens the blind. The Lord lifts up them that are cast down: the Lord loves the just." (Catholic).

«"Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?" 1 Corinthians 6:2-6 (Protestant) "Know you not that the saints shall judge this world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know you not that we shall judge angels? how much more the things of this world?" (Catholic).

"You shall do My judgments, and keep Mine ordinances, to walk therein: I am the Lord your God. Ye shall therefore keep My statutes, and My judgments: which if a man do, he shall live in them: I am the Lord." Leviticus 18:4-5 (Protestant) "You shall do My judgments, and shall observe My precepts, and shall walk in them. I am the Lord your God. Keep My laws and My judgments, which if a man do, he shall live in them. I am the Lord." (Catholic).

"Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty: but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour." Leviticus 19:15 (Protestant). "You shall not do that which is unjust, nor judge unjustly. Respect not the person of the poor, nor honour the countenance of the mighty. But judge your neighbour according to justice." (Catholic).»

Did Jesus Christ actually say in an absolute sense, "Do not judge"? When examined carefully, it is obvious that that is the pretence of Hypocrites. Yes, that is right: I judge that that pretence, a pretension that Jesus Christ absolutely forbade us from making judgements, as Hypocrisy and as the last refuge of Hypocrites!

We live in the time of a man who claims to be the highest authority for Christians, who says, Who am I to judge? when asked about Homosexuals, and then, in effect says that orthodox Catholics are Clericalists, Pelagians, Coprophages (Shit eaters in plain english), Rosary counters, and such like. He judges Donald Trump as a "bad Christian," and indeed as "not a Christian," but anyone who works to destroy what remains of Christianity and of Christendom, he judges as the most moral of persons! There is a very open Hypocrisy in his Judging of some and in his "Refusal" to Judge others, in his Condemnation of some and in his Loving Embrace of others. Most remarkable, and something that is rather open and in-your-face is his Loving Embrace of those that God insistently Condemns and Excludes, and his Hatred of, and Maliciousness towards, those that God and His Catholic Church have always praised and extolled! He condemns those who are loyal to God, and he exculpates those that practise Sodomy, which God said is the practically the most obscene sin and crime! Yet, people not only do not take this man to task, do not Judge this Poor Excuse of a Pagan, this High Priest of Pachamama, and an Apostate, they take me to task, they sit in judgement over me, for questioning this man's "Divine Right" to anti-Catholic hypocrisy! They judge that Jesus Christ forbade me from judging, but that they may judge!

This man, High Priest of Pachamama, of the Bloodthirsty Demoness Pachamama to whom the pre-Columbian Pagans sacrificed and poured forth the blood of babies, is the 6th in his line of frauds who condemns Catholics and who exculpate Sodomists. This line of Rascals of the First Order have made it their Official teaching that "The Catholic Church does not condemn Sodomism as evil, or exclude Sodomites from her life!" In a way, however, they are truthful, for the "Church" they head and govern is as Catholic as Julian the Apostate or as the Aga Khan or the Dalai Lama!

I will now "digress" by quoting the great Doctor of the Church, St John the Golden-Mouthed (Chrysostom means Golden mouth).

"'Judge not, and ye shall not be judged' (Luke vi, 37). What does this mean? Are we not to denounce those who sin? Why, then, does Paul say, ‘Reprove, entreat, rebuke!' (2 Timothy iv, 2), and 'Reprove before (ie, in front of) everyone those who sin' (1 Timothy v, 20)? Christ also said to Peter, ‘Rebuke him, and if he will not obey, tell the Church' (Matthew xviii, 15-17). Why, then, did He give His Apostles the power of the keys? For, if they are not to judge, they are without authority, and in vain have they received the power of binding and loosing. Besides, if this were the case, everything in the churches and cities and homes would come to an end. And, unless we correct our enemies, we shall never put an end to enmity, and everything would be turned upside down. Therefore, let us take care to study the meaning of what is said here, so that no one may think that the remedies of our salvation are laws of disorder and confusion. For, Our Lord has made as clear as possible to those who have understanding the perfection of this law, saying: 'First cast the beam out of your own eye' (Luke vi, 42). You see, He does not forbid us to judge, but commands us first to remove the beam from our own eyes, and only then correct the faults of others." (St. John Chrysostom, On Matthew, homily XXIV, pg. 57, SS vol. III).

What is obvious is that Jesus Christ warns against, and forbids and excludes Rash and Presumptuous Judgment, and Hypocritical Judgment. The Catholic Church has always taught that we can and must judge but that we must very certainly not be Rash in judging, for Rashness is the very opposite of Justice, nor must we be Presumptuous, not Presume to place ourselves in the position of the Supreme judge, who is God, claiming to lay down absolute and definite judgment.

Do I? Have I judged Diego Maradona Rashly, Presumptuously, Hypocritically?

I have stated what I have stated based on Catholic theology.

1. Catholicism states that all those outside the Catholic Church, will be damned. The only exception is Invincible Ignorance. Are we able to even Pretend that Diego Maradona may had suffered from Invincible Ignorance? Not without doing violence to the Truth!

2. The Catholic Church affirms that only the God of the Bible, which is the Triune God, consisting of three distinct persons, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, is the true God; that Jesus Christ is God the Son who became flesh as a real human being, and that He willingly gave Himself up into the hands of the wicked, of the sinners, that He may be illtreated and murdered, for the Sins of all humanity, that Jesus Christ then rose up again from the Dead, that He then ascended to Heaven where He sits at the Right Hand of God the Father; that He founded a definite body as His Church, replacing the Mosaic Church or the Church of the Covenant that was entrusted to the Prophet Moses, with the renewed Church as the Christian Church, not a new creation but a continuation of the same body of the faithful as before; that there is No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church, etc.

3. The Catholic Church, Canon Law and the Popes have repeatedly stated that a person who publicly and with pertinacity (stubbornness), recedes from the holistic Catholic faith in even one point, they have thereby ceased to be Catholics: such are called, in Canon Law, "Public and Manifest Heretics" or "Public and Manifest Apostates," as the case may be.

4. That the Catholic Church teaches that when an Ecumenical Council that is accepted and endorsed by a legitimate Catholic Pope as the Head of the College of Bishops, speaks, it is God that speaks, through God the Holy Ghost. The Council of Florence in its Decree for the Jacobites, "Cantate Domino," taught that all those who refused to submit to the Catholic Church or who have publicly and manifestly abandoned or left the Catholic Church, and died, unreconciled, to the Catholic Church, are, Eternally Damned to Hell, by Jesus Christ. Let me quote verbatim: "It firmly believes, professes, and proclaims that those not living within the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also Jews and heretics and schismatics cannot become participants in eternal life, but will depart 'into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels' (Matthew xxv, 41) unless, before the end of life, the same have been added to the flock; and that the unity of the ecclesiastical body is so strong that only to those remaining in it are the sacraments of the Church of benefit for salvation, and do fastings, almsgiving, and other functions of piety and exercises of Christian service produce eternal reward, and that no one, whatever almsgiving he has practiced, even if he has shed his blood for the name of Christ, can be saved, unless he has remained in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church."

Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, Fidel "Infidel" Castro, Che Guevara, were "born Catholics," born, at least nominally, to Catholic parents.

Are they (Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, Fidel "Infidel" Castro, Che Guevara, etc.) persons who have died as faithful Catholics?

Did Diego Maradona die as a faithful Catholic?

If Chi Guevara (I deliberately use "Chi" which is Indian for "filthy" instead of "Che") and Diego Maradona died as faithful Catholics, then so did Hitler and Goebbels!

If Chi Guevara is a "Martyr," then so are Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels!

Is there a Rascal, a Public Reprobate, a Spiritual Prostitute, so barefaced and brazen faced, as to allege that the Eternally Damned Chi Guevara, Diego Maradona, Infidel Castro, and the Traidores Simon Bolivar, Joseph Martin, Manuel Belgrano, Raymond Castilla, Andrew de Santa Cruz, Joseph Artigas, Francis de Miranda, Marian Moreno, Bernardo Ohiggins, Agustin Iturbide, Anthony Sucre, Peter da Braganca, etc., are not Eternally Damned but are Saints in Heaven?

Even if there are such Liars, a Christian is bound to ignore and to contemn them, and not join them.

But you that disagree, don't be hypocrites, "walk the talk," "go the whole hog," post me pictures of you publicly worshipping the Demon Ganpati! Put your actions were your mouths are!

Lúcío Mascarenhas, Plenipotentiary Apostolic of His Holiness Pope Michael I #ReturnToCatholicism

Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Rick Mathes Narrative against Mahomettanism

Appraising the Aderemi Akin or Rick Mathes "What Is An Infidel" also known as "Allah versus Jesus" also known as the "Dr Aderemi Akin vs Imam Story"

By Lucio Mascarenhas, November 22, 2020.

According to the orthodox understanding of Christianity, Jesus Christ claimed to be God incarnate, come to die for the sins of man, willingly allowed Himself to be seized, iltreated and murdered by Renegade Jews, rose again, ascended to Heaven, where, as true God and True man, the Hypostatic Union, He sits at the "Right hand of God," that He commanded His Apostles to go out into the fullness of humanity and to preach His Good News, and said that those who accepted would attain to Heaven, and those who rejected Him and His Gospel, would be Eternally Damned; the Bible also closed Salvific Public Revelation in Galatians chapter 1 and in 2 John chapter 1, verses 10-11, so that no subsequent promulgators of new salvific revelations, including Mahomettanism and Mormonism, can be accepted as being legitimately from God.

Galatians, chapter 1, verses 6-9, reads: "I wonder that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ, unto another gospel. Which is not truly another Gospel, only that there are some that trouble and mislead you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be accursed! As we said before, so now I say again: If any one preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be accursed!"

Thus St. Paul the Apostle and the Bible, the Word of God, barred the way as Accursed! for any other contrary or amending or supplantory "New Gospel," including those of Marcion, Manes, Arius, Nestorius, Muhammad, Peter Valdes, John Wycliffe, John Huss, Martin Luther, Jean Chauvin, Thomas Munzer, Henry Tudor, Jansenius, Joseph Smith, Charles Taze Russell, Mary Ellen White, etc., etc.

Mahomettanism claims to be a further Salvific Revelation subsequent to, and superseding Christianity, which is totally excluded by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, by the teachings of the Apostles in the Bible, particularly Galations 1 and 1 John 1, so that Mahomettanism is not a legitimate religion from God, but is a fraud, and is from Satan. Anyone who is a sincere, believing and orthodox Christian cannot but accept these truths and its condemnations of Mahomettanism as false, and as a fraud that emanates from Satan.

I received this on WhatsApp on Saturday, Nov 21, 2020:


«As it stands today, the Islamic religion is the fastest growing religion per capita in the United States, especially amongst the minority races!!

«Last month I attended my annual training session that's required for maintaining my state prison security clearance. During the training session, there were presentations by three speakers representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim religions who each explained their beliefs.

«I was particularly interested in what the Muslim had to say. He gave a great presentation of the basics of Islam, complete with a video. After the presentations, time was provided for questions and answers.

«When it was my turn, I directed my question to the Muslim and asked: "Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world and, that by killing an infidel, (which is a command to all Muslims), they are assured of a place in heaven. If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?"

«There was no disagreement with my statements and, without hesitation, he replied, "Non-believers!"

«I then responded. "So, let me make sure I have this straight i.e. All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so that they can have a place in heaven. Is that correct?"

«The expression on his face changed from one of authority and command to that of a little boy who had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He sheepishly replied, "Yes."

«I then stated, "Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine that the Pope can command all Catholics to kill those of your faith or in addition, Dr Stanley ordering all Protestants to do the same in order to guarantee them a place in heaven!"

«The Muslim was speechless!

«I continued, "I also have a problem being your friend when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me!

«"Let me ask you a question: Would you rather have your Allah, who tells you to kill me in order for you to go to heaven, or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to heaven and He wants you to be there with me too?"

«You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam hung his head in shame.

«Needless to say, the organisers or promoters of the 'Diversification' training seminar were not happy with my way of dealing with the Islamic Imam and exposing the naked truth about the evil in Muslims' beliefs.»

There are many copies of this story attributed to "Dr Aderemi Akin" on the Internet. By searching further, i found that the original author of this write-up was not a Nigerian "Dr Aderemi Akin," but is a Protestant Pastor in the USA, Rick Mathes, of Chesterfield, Missouri, operating his "Mission Gate Prison Ministry" and who claimed this happened in May 2003 at the State Penitentiary, officially, the "Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center," in Fulton, Missouri, USA. See: See his "Ministry website" at

Apparently, Mathes had initially titled his article or write-up, "What Is An Infidel," but later switched to "Allah Or Jesus." For convenience, I will refer to it as the "Mathes Narrative."

There are websites, entities, persons, groups, etc that claim to be "Hoax-slayers." is one. has given its take on the above Rick Mathes Narrative. Others are and There are also others, as these three are but the leaders of a number of such "Hoax-slayers."

The first two of these have "rated" the Mathes Narrative, and rated it false, with others in this Echo Chamber parroting that.

Let's start with David Mikkelson's

«According to David Mikkelson of "Reporter Greg Kearney, writing for the Lee News Service, came away with a decidedly different version of events from Missouri state officials. Tim Kniest, Public Information Officer for the Missouri Department of Corrections, described the event as a training program for prison volunteers, for which ministers from several faiths were invited to give presentations in order to acquaint the volunteers with the varied religious beliefs of the inmate population. The man who gave the presentation about Islam was not a Muslim minister; he was an inmate pressed into service to present a short film on Islam and answer some questions when the prison's Volunteership Coordinator was "unable to find an Imam to speak."

«Moreover, according to Mr. Kniest, the Volunteership Coordinator said that "The inmate did a good job. He was asked a few questions that were beyond his ability to answer. But he was not asked anything like what Matches claimed."

«"... the Volunteership Coordinator said that no such exchange as Mathes reported ever took place. "He certainly did not 'Hang his head in shame,'" according to Kniest. In fact, the inmate was thanked by the assembly before being escorted back to his quarters. Furthermore, the Coordinator does not recall any questions dealing with jihad [Holy war] against non-Muslims as reported by Mathes. Greg Kearney / Tim Kniest / Unnamed Prison Volunteership Coordinator denied Mathes' portrayal of the Muslim presentator as an Imam, or Islamic minister.»

Mikkelson goes on to add: «Regardless of whatever may have transpired at the prison training session referred to above, the larger point the writer is attempting to make in this piece is a grossly inaccurate one. Islam is not a monolithic religion in which unanimity of belief and action is coordinated from a central authority; it has well over a billion adherents in countries all over the world who belong to any one of a number of different sects with varying beliefs, traditions, and interpretations of scripture. No one Muslim (especially one who wasn’t even a cleric) could speak to what all of Islam believes, any more than a single member of a Methodist congregation could speak for every denomination and follower of Christianity.»

According to the original 2004 appraisal of the Mathes Narrative, "Rick Mathes says that the Muslim Presentator was introduced at the meeting as an Imam and that the story happened as he describes it."

The 2nd appraisal (See is dated 2015 and is entirely excerpts from a Matthew Salmon's 2008 attack on the Mathes Narrative. I reproduce here the Salmon Excerpt from and from Matthew Salmon's own webpage (

«At first examination, I dismissed the forwarded email as a fabricated tale, designed to foster support for one denomination over the other, as well as to distinguish one culture as superior to another. Nevertheless, a quick Google search exposed the account as an honest and factual retelling of a particular occurrence in a prison in Fulton, Missouri, as retold by Rick Mathes. Rick Mathes is neither a trained theologian, nor schooled in Islamic Studies.

«Unfortunately, the retelling of this event, without proper understanding of the situation, individuals present and philosophical intricacies of theological/cultural/political discussion, leaves the reader with a false supposition of reality.

«To begin, the Imam in question was not trained in Islamic theology. In fact, the Imam was an inmate, recognized by his fellow peers within the institution as charismatic and devout.

«Unlike Christianity, in which the order of ordination and ministry often follows the examples of the ancient hierarchical structures of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, specifically honoring organization and accountability to higher recognized authorities, Islam has another unique organizational structure, involving community recognition and commonly accepted credentials, typically involving extended years of training and instruction. However, in a pinch, the Ummah, or community of believers, may recognize one as the leader of the group, albeit with reservation.

«The Imam does not act as the supreme religious head of most Ummahs, but more as the facilitator of group discussion and prayer, the responsibility of religious observation falling on each particular member individually.

«In this particular case, the Imam in question had an unfortunate complete lack of understanding regarding Islam (submission or worship of God), the Quran (The believed/accepted revealed Word of God) or the Hadiths of Muhammad (The traditional sayings and actions of Muhammad).

«I say unfortunate, because his response was completely misleading and erroneous....

«Islam, contrary to popular opinion propagated by news sources and talking pundits, is a religion of peace. Obviously, history has accredited much violence to the standard of the religion, but this is neither new, nor accurate. Contrary to the claims of atheist secularists such as Dawkins and Hitchins, religion is not the cause of human misery or suffering, nor is it the point of confrontation from which atrocities arise. Instead, religion has been used by the skillful and manipulative as the outward commonality under which political aspirations may be attained. Religion, on the other hand, is a set of principles, typically outlining peace, understanding, love and mutual respect. The Golden Rule is golden for a reason, because it transcends geopolitical boarders and philosophical differences, unifying religious thought throughout the world. Islam in particular advocated the love of the divine for humanity, and the continued process of revelation facilitating the twahid (unity) of all people. The central message of Islam states "there is no god but God." The statement may be read through a myriad of interpretations, but the most commonly accepted across nations and religious denominations concerns the unity of all natural existence, living and static. True harmony, Islam claims, exists when each recognizes the interconnectivity of all beings, and the dual nature of each reality. In this philosophical vein, only through understanding that which seems different can one understand oneself, and appreciate the manifestation of the transcendental, of the divine, of God, in everything.

«Islam, separate from later interpretations of nations, individuals and political groups, does not call for the death of anyone, nor does it claim any term such as infidel.

«In fact, no such word exists in the Arabic, the word from which infidel is usually translated, albeit poorly, is kafir, or literally 'One who covers, or is in hiding,' referring primarily to atheists or polytheists.

«Infidel in fact, has a uniquely English epistemology, and referred originally to those who rejected the divinity of Christ, or were free thinkers. Specifically, it was utilized during the crusades as a derogatory term for Muslims and Jews, and was used proficiently to persuade the Christian Knights, and later inquisitors, in the right action of war and inflicting death on the Saracen Muslims and Jews.

«Secondarily, the Quran, and Muhammad as well, specifically opposed the use of any violence, or derogatory term toward his Jewish and Zoroastrian neighbors, (who, by the way receive the honorary title 'people of the Book,' meaning people under covenant of God) under punishment of exclusion and expulsion from the Ummah, or Muslim community.

«Likewise, there are no promises for rewards in heaven for murder, be it for a kafir or one of the People of the Book. Such a passage does not exist.

«Rick Mathes comments more about his experience on his webpage, but continues to resist examining the reality of the situation further, and thus remains stagnant in the quagmire of false assumptions and overzealous faith in his own correctness of religious thought.»

From Salmon's reply, it is obvious that, by his research, he found that Rick Mathes' Narrative was substantially true or unrefutable, and so he, accepting that fact of the truth of Rick Mathes' Narrative, then proceeded to spin the facts, to claim that the Muslim Presentator was unqualified, and ignorant of Islam, while, he, a non-Muslim, claimed for himself a higher, intimate and Infallible knowledge of Islam, and certifies that it, Mahomettanism, is undoubtedly a Religion of Peace, and of brotherly love.

While and have taken a stand that is, in effect, against Rick Mathes and his Narrative, has ignored the Rick Mathes Narrative. I have searched and drawn a blank. However, does indeed take a stand in the Culture Wars for and against Mahomettanism, by affirming that Mahomettanism is indeed a Religion of Peace. One such specimen is this page: email/barbary-wars-did-us-declare-war-islam. claims that: 1. The USA under President Thomas Jefferson did not declare war on Islam; 2. The attacks by the coastal Muslim states upon Christians, the abuse and enslavement of Christians captives, were all a "Protection Racket," and not religiously motivated ("Historians of the period say that religion was not a significant factor in the Barbary wars; historians say it was more like fighting the mafia than religious zealots; "Very little of this had to do with Islam, but had much more to do with trading opportunities and economics." Adrian Tinniswood, author of Pirates of Barbary: Corsairs, Conquests and Captivity in the Seventeenth-Century Mediterranean. "We (the USA) didn't attack them out of matters of faith. The Barbary Wars were all about freedom of the sea and protecting the U.S. flag," Lance Janda, a military historian at Cameron University). then "sums up the case" and passes "judgment": "The Barbary powers were Muslim, and religion sometimes crops up in the historical record. But historians agree that the overriding motivation of American military action against the Barbary pirates was to secure a vital national interest, namely protecting the U.S. merchant fleet and its ability to conduct international trade. They see no evidence that Jefferson or his contemporaries were undertaking a religious holy war. So we rate the claim False."

It is true that the viral mails tend to add drama. That is how viral mails are structured: They are designed to shock and to grab your attention. Have the self- described "Hoax-Slayers" themselves been truthful as compared to those they sit in judgment over? has played a sleight of hand. That the USA did not specifically go to war against Islam, is true; equally true is that the USA has always formally affirmed its irreligious foundation and nature, that it is not a Confessional State. The Viral Mails claim, that the USA went to war against Islam under Thomas Jefferson, is still true, because the USA found itself under attack by Muslims who affirmed that the reason they were waging their war, is because they are commanded to do so, by the Muslim religion, and so the USA was forced into a Defensive War against Islam in the Mediterranean Sea, against the Barbary States, even when it went on the Derna Offensive against its enemies.,, all sedulously ignore the narrative of the First Barbary War. This Barbary War Narrative is included by Wikipedia, itself a Frontline Champion of Inclusivism, Pluralism and Islamophilia, just as Snopes, or are.

«In March 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they enquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury," the ambassador replied: "It was written in their Koran, (that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise). He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once." Jefferson reported this conversation to the US Secretary of Foreign Affairs John Jay, who submitted the ambassador's comments and offer to the US Congress."» See

This is the Wikipedia page footnote: "American Peace Commissioners to John Jay," March 28, 1786, "Thomas Jefferson Papers," Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651–1827, Library of Congress. LoC: March 28, 1786 (handwritten). Philip Gengembre Hubert (1872). Making of America Project. The Atlantic Monthly, Atlantic Monthly Co. p. 413. Some sources confirm this wording, some other sources report this quotation with slight differences in wording.

The Statement of the Ambassador of Tripoli Mr Adja are a part of the US Congressional Record, beyond controversy, a part of the public record. It is only, however, one such statement of evidence. The successor state of Tripoli is Libya.

One can search carefully, or for a refutation of the Wikipedia page on the First Barbary War, on the encounter between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams with the Ambassador of Tripoli, Abd-ur-rahman Adja, and one will find nothing, zilch. This is a truth that cannot be refuted.

Another piece of Evidence is the Story of the Sudanese thinker and reformer Mahmoud Mohammed Taha who was executed as an Apostate from Mahomettanism

Taha went against the Consensus of Mahomettanism that, affirms as Muhammad taught and affirmed, that the Revelations at Medina superseded the Revelations at Mecca, and that consequently, orthodox Islam considers the Meccan Revelations as abrogated and negated, superseded by the Medinian Revelations. The Meccan Revelatons taught peaceful coexistence and the rejection of violence against non-Muslims, while Muhammad was ruled by and lived under the political power of non-Muslims. The Medinian Revelations were made when Muhammad had seized power for himself in Yathrib, henceforth Medina, revealed his true face, rejected peaceful coexistence with non-Muslims, and commanded as an urgent obligation that all Muslims are to wage war against all non-Muslims, until the non-Muslims either submit to a slavery called Dhimma, as subjects and the common property of the Muslim Community, or convert to Islam.

Taha advocated that the Medinian Revelations be rejected and that a Reversion be made to the prior, Meccan Revelation. Such a suggestion Militates against Orthodox Islam, and he paid the price by being arrested, tried and being executed as an Apostate. He was and is not alone: Over the centuries from the lifetime of the False Prophet Muhammad, hundreds and thousands of men and women have been murdered throughout the world by Muslims and by Muslim States and Governments for saying or suggesting the same thing.

Ahmed Hussein Harkan is an Egyptian Muslim, who had been raised a fundamentalist, and who, from 2010 to 2020, had been an Atheist after rejecting Islam as inhuman. After years of severe persecution, imprisonment and harassment, in late March 2020, he announced his return to Islam. Harkan famously asked, a poser that no one has ever refuted, "What has ISIS (Daesh) done that Muhammad did not do?" ISIS / Daesh and Al Qaida are ultra-ultra Muslims, more Ultra than the Saudis or Deobandis, and look to rigidly and literally do as Muhammad did, including as a rapist, robber, murderer, pederast, etc.

To illustrate his bigotry and malice, Mikkelson added this made-up Scenario: «If one is willing to ignore history, context, and actual practice when quoting scripture and other religious texts, followers of just about any religion can be painted as uniformly fanatic and intolerant. By presenting misinterpretations and fringe activities as the norm, one could claim that mainstream Christianity tolerates or promotes child molestation and stoning and could recast the piece quoted above as follows:

«The minister gave a great presentation of the basics of Christianity, complete with a video. After the presentations time was provided for questions and answers. When it was my turn I directed my question to the minister and asked: “Please, correct me if I’m wrong, but I understand that in Exodus 35:2, the Bible instructs Christians to kill everyone who works on the sabbath: ‘Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the Lord: whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death.'"

«There was no disagreement with my statement.

«I responded, "So, let me make sure I have this straight. God has commanded Christians to kill everyone who works on Sunday, even Muslims and other non-Christians?"

«The expression on his face changed from one of authority and command to that of a little boy who had just gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He sheepishly replied, "Yes."

«I then said, "Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine the Prophet Muhammad commanding all Muslims to kill those of your faith for not observing the Muslim sabbath."

«The minister was speechless.

«I continued, "I also have problem with your Bible commanding all Christians to stone to death anyone who criticizes your God, as detailed in Leviticus 24:16. Let me ask you a question... Would you rather have your God who tell[s] you to kill me in order to go to heaven or my Allah who tells me to love you because I am going to heaven and wants you to be with me?"

«You could have heard a pin drop as the minister hung his head in shame.»

This statement is falls under British Indian law, and the laws of the Republic of India, against insults to the religious faith of a person or a group, and so, I advise and suggest that Christian activists take this up and have a case registered against David Mikkelson and for slandering, libelling, calumniating, misrepresenting etc Christianity, insulting the Christian religion, and that they be tried and be punished for these crimes.

Lucio Mascarenhas. 22nd Nov 2020.


Why Is Vaughn Treco Pulling His Punches On "Another Spirit"?

"Two Opposite Spirits in the Church," as remarked upon by "Father" Vaughn Treco

By Lucio Mascarenhas, 8th December 2019. Rewritten June 8, 2020.

Recently, I saw, and commented, on "Fr" Vaughn Treco's sermon of Nov 2018 titled, "The Fathers' Grapes and the Children's Teeth," that got him "excommunicated" April 1, 2019.

In that Sermon, Treco had stressed that "Popes" John 23-2 and Paul6 had explicitly "opened the doors... to a new spirit," a spirit that is distinctly and definitely not the same Spirit that Jesus had promised "unto the end of time," and had sent down, at Pentecost.

WHAT I WRITE here, will make no sense at all, unless you listen to, or better still, read Treco's sermon, and note, and digest, his urgent contrast between the Spirit of Catholicism, and the "Spirit Of Vatican2." Read Treco's sermon here:


Treco says: «John XIII said at the opening of the Council... and Paul VI reminded everyone at the Council as he brought it to a close... that it was their express will to unleash a new Spirit into the Church by way of the Council.... A spirit which they each affirmed in their own way would be unlike the Spirit of Catholicism which had preceded it!

«I have come to the realization that the effort (to reconcile the Spirit of Catholicism with the "Spirit of Vatican2") can no longer be made with integrity!»

However, this point that Fr Treco mentioned, while being true, begs further elaboration, which Fr Treco delicately refuses to do, PULLING HIS PUNCHES. It is not difficult to see why.

Fr Treco has effectively joined the Ambiscamnists, a "Traditionalist" sect where the implications of elaborating on "...a different spirit" would not be welcome; and which would militate against the stand Fr Treco has chosen to stand on: "I will recognize, and Resist!" (#RNR). Fr Treco says he recognizes the "Vatican2 Popes," and rejects Sedevacantism.

But Catholicism itself is not coy about this question, but boldly takes that to its logical conclusion: Jesus sent His Holy Ghost, the Third Person of the Triune Godhead, as Soul and Guide, of His Church, for all time. And, there can be no other Spirit welcome in His Church, but any other Spirit is from Satan, any other Spirit is Satan."

Also, against Treco I affirm with the Vatican Council, 1869-1870, that "Peter never betrayed Jesus after his Institution as Pope, and it cannot be Peter that brings in a strange, foreign Spirit into the Church." Indeed, Treco, in his sermon, openly contradicts the authoritative and doctrinal "Pastor Aeternus" of the Vatican Council, 1869-1870!

"Pastor Aeternus" has formally and infallibly taught:

  1. "Has always kept the true Religion unsullied." (213.4)

  2. "That the faith can suffer no Diminution here." (216.3)

  3. "In its faith, the whole, true and perfect security of the Christian religion resides." (213.5)

  4. "Because of its greater sovereignty, it was always necessary for every church to be in agreement with the Roman Church." (204.5)

The inescapable conclusion from Treco's sermon, is that there is a strict and unavoidable obligation to flee from the "Vatican2" sect, its Antipopes, it's Foreign, Demonic Spirit.

"Thus saith the Lord: 'Stand ye on the ways, and see and ask for the old paths which is the good way, and walk ye in it: and you shall find refreshment for your souls.' And they said: 'We will not walk.' And I appointed watchmen over you, saying: 'Hearken ye to the sound of the trumpet.' And they said: 'We will not hearken.'" (Jeremias vi, 16-17).

"Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God; as God saith: I will dwell in them, and walk among them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore, 'Go out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing: And I will receive you; and I will be a Father to you; and you shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.'" (2 Corinthians vi, 14fl). Amen. Return to Catholicism, to the Catholic Pope, to His Holiness Pope Michael1. — Lucio Mascarenhas.

LUCIO MASCARENHAS confesses the lawful Catholic Vicar of Christ, Pope Michael I, elected 1990, and as found at

Fr Vaughn Treco, Excerpts from Sermon, Nov 25, 2018,

«For Pope John XIII said at the opening of the Council... and Pope Paul VI reminded everyone as the Council he brought to a close... that it was their express will to unleash a new Spirit into the Church by way of the Council.... A spirit which they each affirmed in their own way would be unlike the Spirit of Catholicism which had preceded it! «2. Although it is exceedingly painful to say, I have come to the realization that... It is impossible to avoid the conclusion that this "spirit" of the Council, with its opening to the so-called "modern world" in ambiguous texts unlike any that any previous Council had ever adopted, has caused a rupture within the Church.... Recognizing the problem with the Council's apparent departure from Catholic tradition, Pope Benedict XVI made a valiant effort to propose what he called a Hermeneutic of Continuity or Reform (Note: "A reform of the reform," intended to approximate back to Pre-Conciliar Catholicism). THAT IS, a way of interpreting the teachings of the Second Vatican Council so that they can be embraced together with the infallible teachings of the councils and Popes which came before.... At this point, the thoughtful Catholic should ask himself: Why should it be necessary to try to reconcile the teaching of one Council with all other councils that came before it? This had never happened before in the history of the Church! I have come to the realization that this effort can no longer be made with integrity!» He opened the door of the Catholic Church to other religions and also to the world. "We were all made in God's image, and thus, we are all Godly alike." (Sources: 1. Canonisation of Blessed John Paul II and Blessed John XXIII, The National Catholic Church of the United Kingdom and Ireland, 4 July 2013, archived from the original on 7 April 2014 2. Gormley, Beatrice (26 September 2017). Pope Francis : the people's pope. New York: Aladdin. ISBN 148148141X. OCLC 973067191) In November 2003, Michael Novak describes what has been called the "spirit" of the Second Vatican Council as something that: "Sometimes soared far beyond the actual, hard-won documents and decisions of Vatican II.... It was as though the world (or at least the history of the Church) were now to be divided into only two periods, pre-Vatican II and post-Vatican II. Everything 'pre' was then pretty much dismissed, so far as its authority mattered. For the most extreme, to be a Catholic now meant to believe more or less anything one wished to believe, or at least in the sense in which one personally interpreted it. One could be a Catholic 'in spirit'. One could take Catholic to mean the 'culture' in which one was born, rather than to mean a creed making objective and rigorous demands. One could imagine Rome as a distant and irrelevant anachronism, embarrassment, even adversary. Rome as 'them.'" (Michael Nowak, 24 November 2003, "Introduction to The Open Church (Millennium Edition)". American Enterprise Institute.)