Thursday, July 23, 2015

HolyCow: The Politics of Bovine Idolatry and BeefBans in India

#RBalashankar #RespectMajoritySentiment #Untouchability #Sati #HolyCow #ErrorHasNoRights
The Montesquieuan Kleptocracy called the Judiciary repeatedly and loudly pretends that the Beef Bans by the Hindu Nazi regimes of Maharashtra & Haryana are "not about religion," even as they equally loudly denounce the idea of equal rights for Christians or Muslims (

e.g. #ClarencePais #ChristianMarriageIndia #SCOIHypocrisy

The Hindu Nazis themselves, while pretending in court that the bans have nothing to do with religion, in public do admit the obvious fact: That it is mandated only and solely by dictates of the Hindu religion's idolatry of the cow!

Thus for example, we have R. Balashankar, apologist & member of the Sangh Parivar, as above.

Rajnath Singh of the Central Government publicly stated his opposition to the smuggling of cattle to Bangladesh not so much because it was illegal commerce, but on religious grounds! modis-govt-push-to-save-its-cows-starves-bangladesh-of-beef/93988/

Narendra Modi himself has waded into the debate justifying the bans although, as of now, it is at provincial level, not federal level: for-farmers/articleshow/46801178.cms

RB's argument are specious. Christians don't owe any "respect" for "majority sentiments" or for "Hindu sentiments" on cow-slaughter.

Eating beef is morally neutral in a universal context: Christianity doesn't enjoin consumption of beef as an obligation, nor does it enjoin a universal prohibition on consuming beef. Christians are free to consume beef under particular circumstances.

In South Asia, South-East Asia, and in contexts where pagans worship cows or hold them sacred, Christianity enjoins upon Christians an obligation to stand up against, to oppose, to reject and to fight against the suggestion that the cow is sacred or divine because it is evil, and because this false idea leads souls to certain eternal damnation.

It is not a sin to eat the cow, but it is certainly a sin to worship the cow.

Hinduism is an ideology that has elevated dumb beasts to godhood, and robbed humans of their humanity by labelling them subhuman, even of a status lower than beasts!

This is an evil that is never tolerable, never to be countenanced.

Christians had, under the pre-Constantinian Roman Emperors (and under Julian the Apostate), for example, undergone exactly the same challenge. Christians in South Asia cannot choose a different path, a different response if they are to remain Christian.

And why should anybody owe Hindus or the Hindu Majority "respect" for their sentiments on the idolatry of cows?

If we ought to, why not too for Sati, and for Untouchability, and for all the other evils of Hinduism that have been suppressed as shocking human conscience? Why not legalize Thugee, and human sacrifices, and the sexual immorality of Tantricism and of the Kanchalia ceremony, for instance?

Are we to have human sacrifices restored at the Kamakhya Temple in Assam? (

There is no moral difference between compromising on eating beef and on compromising on Sati, Untouchability, Thugee, Tantricism, Kanchalia Dharma, and the like.

And so, no, it is purely nonsensical that Christians owe any kind of respect for idolatry and demonism. On the other hand, Christians have a strict obligation to bear witness to the Only True & Living God, the God of Israel, the Triune Yahweh-Elohim, incarnated as Jesus Christ, courageously bearing witness that the cow is NOT a 'god' but only a beast, and that the idolatry of the cow is a grievous sin that inevitably leads to eternal damnation, by couragesously eating beef, the flesh of the cow.

This is so even if the Government and the Judiciary tells us otherwise. "But Peter and John answering, said to them: If it be just in the sight of God, to hear you rather than God, judge ye." (Acts iv, 19) "But Peter and the apostles answering, said: We ought to obey God, rather than men" (Acts v, 29).

Error has no rights!

Lucio Mascarenhas

Eunice de Sousa, 'Tristao da Cunha e Braganca as Role Model for kids'

#EuniceD'Souza #TBC #GoanNationalist
Eunice de Sousa is / was an English teacher, one of her primary qualifications to be the newspaper columnist she presently is, although that's the lie with the truth being that her job is to spread Masonic Misinformation.

The English language is pretty clear and straitforward on the meaning of terms. The terms "Indian Nationalist," "Hindu Nationalist" "Muslim Nationalist" etc are clear enough. A Goan who believes that Goa is a natural and legal part of the Indian State and justifies its invasion and occupation is an "Indian nationalist" by courtesy, but is more precisely a "traitor" and a "quisling."

Tristao da Cunha e Bragança was many things: He was an "Indian nationalist" (imprecisely and if one is dishonest over the meaning of words), a traitor and a quisling.

He was also more: An apostate who was considered to have excommunicated himself, and who was forbidden Catholic funeral rites and burial by Catholic Church authorities even in the face of intimidation by Nehru's Kleptocracy (a thing possible before the "Catholic Church" went Protestant at Vatican II), and so he was cremated by the Government of India at a public ground in Madras.

Now, many decades after Vatican II, the Indian Occupation & illegal Quisling regime of Indian Goa has had a cenotaph built for this scum in the "Catholic" section of the "Sewri Christian Cemetery" at Sewri, Bombay (ironically part of a large estate stolen by Protestant England from the Jesuits some 200-300 years ago).

A role model for kids?

Only a Spiritual Vampire would say so!

But is there any shred of doubt that that is precisely what this Spiritual Prostitute, to use the terminology of St. John Bosco, is and would say?

Lucio Mascarenhas