An Entreaty
Lúcío Mascarenhas,
Desejo-lhe uma boa festa do Papa São Silvestre, 31 de dezembro. Em grande parte da Europa outrora católica, hoje se chama São Silvestre ou simplesmente Silvestre ou a noite de São Silvestre. Diz a lenda que ele reprimiu, sob a orientação do apóstolo São Paulo, um dragão nocivo, e reavivou dois espiões pagãos que o seguiram até a cova venenosa, a pedido do imperador Constantino Clorino.
Retorne ao catolicismo ortodoxo, sob o papa católico Sua Santidade, o Papa Miguel o Primeiro.
Today is 31st December, the feast of Pope St Silvester. Happy feast.
Return to orthodox Catholicism, under the Catholic Pope His Holiness Pope Michael the First.
Reverting to the orthodox Catholic Church:
St Alban Butler on the Feast of Pope St Silvester:
I have explained how that that is a complete and total Rejection of Jesus Christ and of His Gospel, but the man is determined in his Malice.
I have warned him that he is on his way to hell.
He has now been very ill since three days before Christmas, and has now been diagnosed with Malaria Falciparum Vivax and with Jaundice.
This is my latest warning:
We were brought a Gospel by Saints Francis Xavier, Rodolfo of Acquaviva, Affonso de Albuquerque and others, but while YOU hold onto the Name of "Catholic," YOU are now turned away from that Gospel, unto a PanReligionist and "Ecumenical" "New Gospel," a "New Mass," a "New Priesthood," a "New Papacy," a "New Church," and a "New Jesus Christ," a "New Mother Mary," and even a "New Holy Spirit," of the Protestant Pentecostalism, the Charismatic Renewal!
And only Lip Service towards St Francis Xavier and to the "Old Gospel," and to the "Old Jesus Christ," if that at all!
And YOU are a people that are Hard Hearted towards the Catholic God, the Catholic Pope, the Catholic Church, and are Jaundiced against, them, and have opened up your hearts instead to the Parasites of Hell and are overcome by the Disease of Errors and of Apostasy, but you will not turn back and hearken unto God, Who calls you back, that you be saved!
How long will you be Jaundiced and the Prey of Parasites and deaf to God?
How long will you Mock the Living God and serve Satan and his New Gospel, his New Papacy, his New Church?
How long will you delude yourself that you walk the Broad and Easy and Pleasant Way, to Heaven, and instead are in your wilful self delusions marching into the Maws of Hell?
When will you treat yourselves of the Great Diseases of the Great Modernist Apostasy, and be Cured, and be Purged, of the Pathogens of Heresy and of the Great Modernist Apostasy, of the Diseases that lead to the Eternal Death?
When will you stop Spurning God, Spurning Jesus Christ and His Sovereign Medicine unto Eternal Life?
Lúcío Mascarenhas,
Another, neighbour, a "New Catholic" (A "New Catholic" is in fact, a "New Protestant," one who adheres to Roman Protestantism) teaches, "Jesus prayed to God the Father, who is Allah, and Brahma."
He is Adamant that "All gods are One," and that Jesus is some kind of Demigod.
He will assuredly go to Hell.
A few days ago, another "New Catholic" surprised and shocked me by saying that God is love, in the End He will forgive everyone and take them into Heaven!
Jesus clearly taught that Damnation is the "Eternal Death."
This is the Heresy of Apocatastasis taught by Origen under the influence of the Greek philosophy of Platonism, and which heresy has been Anathematized or Accursed, by name, together with the name of Origen, by several Ecumenical Councils.
It ("Apocatastasis,") is also a Heresy taught by the Modernists, and by Antipope Karol Wojtyla ("John Paul 2"), the Lying Pole.
I have not found One "New Catholic," that has not taught or held at least one Heresy that has been Condemned and Anathematized, by the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church has always taught that Catholicism is Holistic, and that "those who recede from Catholicism in even one point, cease to be Catholic."
Lúcío Mascarenhas,
Tomorrow is the Feast of the Circumcision and of the Holy Name of Jesus. The Roman Protestant Sect has abolished this feast and instead transferred the feast of the Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary from October to January 1.
Mary is the Greatest of Saints, and the Catholic Church refuses to apologize for magnifying her as God did, for only my Mother Mary, a Perfect and Holy Woman, could be found worthy by the Living God to Incarnate Himself into Humanity.
Yet, great as Mother Mary is, she is still only a Creature. She is very certainly NOT God, and so none of her feasts can supercede a feast of the Lord God, Adonai Elohim, Himself.
It is a Mortal Sin and a great Blasphemy against God to accept this Substitution of the Feast of the Circumcision and of the Holy Name of Jesus Christ by an inferior feast, a feast of a creature! The Curses of God, Jesus Christ, and of Mother Mary, are upon any that join in this monstrous crime!
A Catholic Pope could not have the power and authority to do this, but the Authors of this Unspeakable Crime are Modernist Protestant Apostates!
God warns, "Touch not the Unclean Thing but be you separate, and come out of Her, the Whore of Babylon, the Church of Darkness, the Modernist Sect, Roman Protestantism, and return to the Paths of Old, the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, in which your souls will find rest, and I shall be a Father unto you."
Lúcío Mascarenhas,
Lúcío Mascarenhas,
Desejo-lhe uma boa festa do Papa São Silvestre, 31 de dezembro. Em grande parte da Europa outrora católica, hoje se chama São Silvestre ou simplesmente Silvestre ou a noite de São Silvestre. Diz a lenda que ele reprimiu, sob a orientação do apóstolo São Paulo, um dragão nocivo, e reavivou dois espiões pagãos que o seguiram até a cova venenosa, a pedido do imperador Constantino Clorino.
Retorne ao catolicismo ortodoxo, sob o papa católico Sua Santidade, o Papa Miguel o Primeiro.
Today is 31st December, the feast of Pope St Silvester. Happy feast.
Return to orthodox Catholicism, under the Catholic Pope His Holiness Pope Michael the First.
Reverting to the orthodox Catholic Church:
St Alban Butler on the Feast of Pope St Silvester:
In Which I Entreat You To Come Back To Your Senses
A friend and neighbor has strayed away from Catholicism, as have all the "Newchurchers," following after Nostradamus, and repeatedly saying, with the greatest relish, "Albert Einstein said, that the Religion of the Future will be a Cosmic Religion."I have explained how that that is a complete and total Rejection of Jesus Christ and of His Gospel, but the man is determined in his Malice.
I have warned him that he is on his way to hell.
He has now been very ill since three days before Christmas, and has now been diagnosed with Malaria Falciparum Vivax and with Jaundice.
This is my latest warning:
We were brought a Gospel by Saints Francis Xavier, Rodolfo of Acquaviva, Affonso de Albuquerque and others, but while YOU hold onto the Name of "Catholic," YOU are now turned away from that Gospel, unto a PanReligionist and "Ecumenical" "New Gospel," a "New Mass," a "New Priesthood," a "New Papacy," a "New Church," and a "New Jesus Christ," a "New Mother Mary," and even a "New Holy Spirit," of the Protestant Pentecostalism, the Charismatic Renewal!
And only Lip Service towards St Francis Xavier and to the "Old Gospel," and to the "Old Jesus Christ," if that at all!
And YOU are a people that are Hard Hearted towards the Catholic God, the Catholic Pope, the Catholic Church, and are Jaundiced against, them, and have opened up your hearts instead to the Parasites of Hell and are overcome by the Disease of Errors and of Apostasy, but you will not turn back and hearken unto God, Who calls you back, that you be saved!
How long will you be Jaundiced and the Prey of Parasites and deaf to God?
How long will you Mock the Living God and serve Satan and his New Gospel, his New Papacy, his New Church?
How long will you delude yourself that you walk the Broad and Easy and Pleasant Way, to Heaven, and instead are in your wilful self delusions marching into the Maws of Hell?
When will you treat yourselves of the Great Diseases of the Great Modernist Apostasy, and be Cured, and be Purged, of the Pathogens of Heresy and of the Great Modernist Apostasy, of the Diseases that lead to the Eternal Death?
When will you stop Spurning God, Spurning Jesus Christ and His Sovereign Medicine unto Eternal Life?
Lúcío Mascarenhas,
Another, neighbour, a "New Catholic" (A "New Catholic" is in fact, a "New Protestant," one who adheres to Roman Protestantism) teaches, "Jesus prayed to God the Father, who is Allah, and Brahma."
He is Adamant that "All gods are One," and that Jesus is some kind of Demigod.
He will assuredly go to Hell.
A few days ago, another "New Catholic" surprised and shocked me by saying that God is love, in the End He will forgive everyone and take them into Heaven!
Jesus clearly taught that Damnation is the "Eternal Death."
This is the Heresy of Apocatastasis taught by Origen under the influence of the Greek philosophy of Platonism, and which heresy has been Anathematized or Accursed, by name, together with the name of Origen, by several Ecumenical Councils.
It ("Apocatastasis,") is also a Heresy taught by the Modernists, and by Antipope Karol Wojtyla ("John Paul 2"), the Lying Pole.
I have not found One "New Catholic," that has not taught or held at least one Heresy that has been Condemned and Anathematized, by the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church has always taught that Catholicism is Holistic, and that "those who recede from Catholicism in even one point, cease to be Catholic."
Lúcío Mascarenhas,
Tomorrow is the Feast of the Circumcision and of the Holy Name of Jesus. The Roman Protestant Sect has abolished this feast and instead transferred the feast of the Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary from October to January 1.
Mary is the Greatest of Saints, and the Catholic Church refuses to apologize for magnifying her as God did, for only my Mother Mary, a Perfect and Holy Woman, could be found worthy by the Living God to Incarnate Himself into Humanity.
Yet, great as Mother Mary is, she is still only a Creature. She is very certainly NOT God, and so none of her feasts can supercede a feast of the Lord God, Adonai Elohim, Himself.
It is a Mortal Sin and a great Blasphemy against God to accept this Substitution of the Feast of the Circumcision and of the Holy Name of Jesus Christ by an inferior feast, a feast of a creature! The Curses of God, Jesus Christ, and of Mother Mary, are upon any that join in this monstrous crime!
A Catholic Pope could not have the power and authority to do this, but the Authors of this Unspeakable Crime are Modernist Protestant Apostates!
God warns, "Touch not the Unclean Thing but be you separate, and come out of Her, the Whore of Babylon, the Church of Darkness, the Modernist Sect, Roman Protestantism, and return to the Paths of Old, the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, in which your souls will find rest, and I shall be a Father unto you."
Lúcío Mascarenhas,