Thursday, October 14, 2021



1. Always remember how the Church of Demons has always "Celebrated" Our Lady at Leiria-Fatima in Portugal

2. "Pope" "Ashamed" at Clergy Abuse

3. "Divine Retreat Center" at Chalakudy, Kerala To Reopen October 31, 2021



There is open War upon the Catholic Church since 1958, the Masks are off, Governments, States (first of all UK & USA, under their Matriarch the Scarlet Whore of Babylon, "Queen Elizabeth 2," "Popess of England," the Twin Whores of Sodom and Gomorra, EU, NATO, UN, etc), and the Media, and the entire ZOG Kleptocracy eg Wikipedia, Facebook, etc., etc., Dogmatically and Infallibly Certify that Apostates who in fact reject the 1st Commandment are "Catholic Popes": John XXIII-2, Paul 666, JohnPaul 1 & 2, Ratfinger, the Cyborg Borgoglu. In turn, obeying their owners and masters who have intruded these Satanist frauds into the Vatican, these "Popes" have rejected Catholic Law and Doctrine on strict punishment of priests and religious who indulge in sexual activities, they openly authorize and encourage and extol and celebrate the heresy that all humans must indulge in sexual activities as part of being human, being holistic, being "holy," and then they blame priest predators, not on the parody Fake Catholic Church that these Bastards have fabricated and sustain, but upon the Catholic Church and on the Doctrine of Celibacy! These are Criminals and Terrorists who must be Exterminated with Extreme Prejudice: God Commands it (Deus vult)! 

These Fake "Popes," Non-Popes, Heresiarchs of Roman Protestantism, created it, this Clerical Paedophilia, they sustain it, they are sorrowful that they have not been able to have much more victims sacrificed to their god Satan. 

Everyone who calls a Satanist Fraud a "Catholic Pope" thereby Certifies himself / herself / themselves as Active, Persistent, Stubborn Satanists who will not turn back from their Crimes but are determined to Deceive others into following them into Eternal Damnation, into Hell.

The "Charismatic Renewal" is a Satanist Fraud, it is Satanism, it follows Protestant Lies of a "Constantinian Shift" under Emperor Constantine and of a "Consequent Loss of the Holy Ghost," until these Heretics, Heathens and Pagans, "Rediscovered the Holy Spirit." Jesus Christ taught and guaranteed His Holy Ghost to be with His Catholic Church for all times, unto the End. The "Holy Spirit" of Pentecostalism, and of its Spinoff "Charismatic Renewals," is None Other than Satan himself. Potta, Muringoor, Chalakudy, "Tabor Ashram at Kalyan," etc., etc., Celebrate Satan and Satanism, celebrate Spitting in the Face of Jesus Christ. Everyone who participates Will Assuredly be Eternally Damned to Hell. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Damnation of Carlo Acutis

TODAY, October 12, is the "Feast" Day of the Damnation of Carlo Acutis, the Day he attained to Hell, to Eternal Damnation. 

Beware! Remember! God is not a "Santa Claus." God is not a Teddy Bear. God is not a "Go-Easy fellow." God is Love, but He is also Just. He is also Jealous, Zealous. God is Terrible. God is Not Mocked. One does not play the fool with God, and escape unscathed. 

God is Omnipresent, and constantly bears witness to the truth, so that no living human being is ever abandoned by God. Yet men go whoring after error, after falsehoods. They will assuredly pay the price. 

Carlo Acutis lived and died a member of Roman Protestantism, the most Apostate sect as yet in history, a sect that mocks and insults God, that is a Satanist sect, in a degree not yet seen in history, a sect that effectively teaches that "All gods are one, all gods are true, all religions, if faithfully practiced, lead to heaven." 

Every and every single member of this sect, even "nominal" members, everyone who retains membership and who does not publicly denounce this Demonic Sect, will assuredly be Damned to Hell. Make no mistake about it. 

All "canonizations" by this Pythoniastic Sect are Null and Void. 

Carlo Acutis is in Hell. Carlo Acutis chose to live a lie, chose to hate and mock God, chose to go to Hell. 

Carlo Acutis is in Hell. Right alongside Antipopes Roncalli, Montini, Luciani,  Karol Wojtyla "John-Paul2," Murder Teresa, Jose Maria Escriva, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, Julian the Apostate, Nestorius, Muhammad, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Henry VIII Tudor, Thomas Cromwell, Elizabeth Boleyn, Thomas Cranmer, John Knox, Oliver Cromwell, Charles Taze Russell, William McKinley, etc. Make no mistake about it, God is not mocked.

Lucio Mascarenhas