In Which Aarti Cometh Back To Biteth The Vatican2 Sect In The Bum
by Lucio Mascarenhas, Jan 25, 2018.
Originally posted at:
"From all appearance of evil refrain yourselves." 1 Thess. 5:22
"Preach the Gospel: be insistent in season and out of season: reprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience and doctrine" - 2 Timothy iv, 2 (Douai-Rheims Version).
On December 30, 2017, a delegation of ABVP members, the student wing of the Sangh Parivar, met and demanded from Fr Shaju Devassy, principal of the Syro-Malabar Rite Church's Diocese of Sagar's St Mary Post-Graduate College, Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh, that the school carry out there and then the "Bharatmata Aarti" — "Ritual of Worship of South Asia as the Hindu goddess India."
Faced with refusal, they became furious and threatened that they would complete the ritual on Jan 5, 2018, even by force if needed.
After being foiled by police on Jan 5, 2018, the ABVP mob threatened a 2nd attempt for Jan 16, 2018.
On Monday Jan 15, 2018, Christian Schools moved MP High Court requesting protection. Police preemptively arrested Sangh activists & foiled the Jan 16, 2018 attempt.
'Cardinal' Baselios Cleemis, President of India's bishops' conference CBCI, said: "It is an act of humiliation against the sacred constitution of India... to force a Catholic priest to bow down before a deity, and to compel him to worship another religious faith."
The Constitution of India is now "SACRED"? If it is "Sacred," should we now worship it? What is "Sacred" must be worshipped.
The Sangh Parivar says nearly the same thing: The Sangh says that India, "Bharatmata" in Paganspeak, British India personified as a "Motherland Deity" and subject to Pagan Idolatry is "Sacred" and must be publicly worshipped, including by Christians and that failure or refusal is a foolproof evidence of treason.
What Sanghis are saying and what Cleemis is saying, are not very different.
If the "Constitution" is "Sacred" so is the "Motherland," and so let us all rejoice and cast ourselves into the Cesspit of Paganism, of Idolatry, with the Benedictions of a "Cardinal" no less!
Let us however, be charitable, and assume that, like Tom Macwan, Cleemis misspoke, or was misquoted.
Let us examine the glorious tradition of Cleemis' sect's glorious opposition to the Corruption of Paganism, of Idolatry.
In 1969, the Vatican approved the CBCI's requested "12 points of Inculturation & Indian Anaphora for the Mass"; these include:
"10. The preparatory rite of the Mass may include: (b.) the welcome of the celebrant in an Indian way, e.g., with a single arati, etc.
"12. In the Offertory rite, and at the conclusion of the Anaphora, the Indian form of worship may be integrated, that is, double or triple 'arati' of flowers, and or incense, and or light."
In the 1980s, Cleemis' sect's Great Heresiarch, the actor & demagogue Wojtyla began the "Assisi Circuses" of "Communicatio in Sacris" designed to blaspheme and insult God, St Francis of Assisi, etc. These featured sundry Pagans, Infidels, Heretics & Schismatics joining together in a Love Feast worshipping Lucifer that left the Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and the Sisters Ohola & Oholiba with an overpowering Inferiority Complex.
The same "Sainted" Wojtyla also trotted around the world selling the Gospel of Emperor St Julian the Apostate, including in South Asia, carefully choreographing his every move so that no one could be in any doubt that the only use Wojtyla had for the Gospel of Jesus Christ was as Toilet Paper.
Part of this carefully scripted choreography was the adoption of the Hindu Pagan rite of Idolatry, the Aarti, 2 times, in Madras / Chennai & in Delhi, where, on both occasions he was worshipped as a "god" by women by the performance of the Aarti, a form of LATRIA, and anointed with the "sacred ashes" or powders the Tilak etc (the external act of the post-Aarti anointing with the powder or ash is similar to the anointing with ashes of the Palm Sunday Palm leaf crosses on St Blaise's Day).
In the wake of these Idolatries, opposition & denunciation for these Pagan blasphemies swiftly spread principally from the All India Laity Congress of Victor Kulanday and was picked up by the Lefebvrists and other Neo-Cons; apologists and whitewashers of Wojtyla publicly clashed with the former while denying that Aarti was worship or LATRIA and affirmed that it was a secular Indian "Welcoming Ceremony" just like the Polynesian Aloha.
See my take & participation in this Aarti Controversy:
Please do take the time to read the above page thoroughly.
In the wake of Vatican2, the 3 "Catholic" Rites (Latin, Syro-Malabar, Syro-Malankara) in India & Goa etc sought to rapidly Paganize; this was spearheaded by the CBCI, the 'Catholic' Bishops Conference of India, via its facility in Bangalore, the "National Biblical, Catechetical, and Liturgical Centre" (NBCLC) under Fr Duraiswami Simon Amalorpavadass and his brother 'Cardinal' Lorduswamy
Kulanday's All India Laity Congress conducted a forceful public campaign against the CBCI, NBCLC, Amalorpavadass, Lorduswamy, Mother Teresa, Bede Griffith, Thomas Merton and other Paganizers that forced the Paganizers onto the backfoot.
In the context of this forceful opposition, 'Cardinal' Telesphore Toppo of Ranchi stated:
"We must firmly tell everyone that the march of inculturation (Paganisation) following Vatican2 is irreversible; any attempt to do so will only hurt the sentiments of our people."
He was speaking of, among other things, the adoption of the rite of Aarti as part of what the Paganizers call the "Indian Anaphora" (mass) and which I prefer to call the Hindu Anaphora.
The above page, by Michael Prabhu, a "Catholic Pentecostal Protestant" (ie "Charismatic Renewal") reproduces photos of Aarti performed on priests, bishops, 'Cardinals' & several times on 'Pope' Wojtyla ("John-Paul2"), etc.
It is now pertinent to ask a few questions.
Why is Aarti "an act of humiliation (that) forces a 'Catholic priest' to bow down before a deity, and to compel him to worship another religious faith" if it was acceptable for Aarti to be done for the "Sainted" "Pope St John-Paul2" (Wojtyla), several times also including in Calcutta & Rome during the "Beatification rites" of another signal Paganizer Mother Teresa?
Why is Aarti "holy and sacred" when used to commit Idolatry of Wojtyla and of "Catholic priests" as part of the "Hindu Anaphora" approved by the NBCLC & CBCI and which has been opposed by the All India Laity Congress, yet denounced as "Idolatry" & "a humiliation" when the Sangh mandates it for "Catholic schools & colleges"?
Indeed, is it not logical progression from Vatican2, Amalorpavadass,Wojtyla, Mother Teresa for the Vatican2 sect's 3 franchises Latin Rite, Syro-Malabar Rite and Syro-Malankara Rite, to proactively hold Bharatmata Aarti not only in all their schools & colleges but even in their churches, chapels, convents etc?
How can CBCI say via Telesphore Toppo that "adoption of the rite of Aarti as part of the Hindu Anaphora" is irreversible but then say via Baselios Cleemis that Bharatmata Aarti in 'Catholic' schools, colleges, churches, etc is "a humiliation"?
How can Aarti as part of the "Indian Catholic" "#HinduAnaphora" or the "#IndianAnaphora" be holy, pious and sacred, an expression of sanctity, yet suddenly become "an humiliation... worshipping another deity, another religious faith"?
Why Double Standards, Duplicity, Hypocrisy?
It is high time for the laity and clergy of the Vatican2 sect and its 3 rites in South Asia to answer these Contradictions.
I invite all to study Pope Paul IV's Law "Cum ex Apostolatus Officio" ( and to return to true Catholicism under His Holiness Pope Michael1.
Lucio Mascarenhas, Jan 25, 2018.