Heretics are breathlessly asking, "Was Jesus a Jew"? They are pushing this to confuse souls, to peddle heresy. In this case, the heresy of Judaization as taught by the late, and damned, Anthony Saldarini.
"Was Jesus a Jew?" Yes, and No. Yes, Jesus is God Incarnate, and it is He Who created the Mosaic Covenant, the Christotropic pre-Messianic Jewish Religion, which He then brought into fulfilment. Jesus Christ is the founder of Christianity, He was and Is the first Christian. Jesus Christ the Man, had been murdered, but He, by His power as God, had risen, true God and true Man, from the Dead, and has returned to Heaven, and lives, and rules. He was, and Is, Normative for Christians and for Christianity. True Christianity is a continuation of, an affirmation and a fulfilment, of that old Judaism. That old Judaism, being fulfilled and transformed, has ceased to have a purpose, has ceased to exist, because it's purpose was to prepare for the coming of the Messias. That old Judaism also ceased to exist because those who rejected Jesus Christ, became thereby Renegades against the God Who created, fashioned the Mosaic Covenant, became Perverted, Perverts, and Chose Satan from thence on, to be their 'god.' Indeed, they created a direct moral inversion of the God of the Bible: Whatever the Bible affirmed as Good, they affirmed as Bad, Evil, whatever the Bible affirmed as Bad, Evil, they affirmed as 'good.' This was, and is, Satanism, plain and simple. And it defines the little and comparatively insignificant Cult of the Pharisees. Indeed, it is true that this did not begin from the time of Jesus Christ but was always present, sometimes openly, sometimes hidden, among the Jews from the beginning. Who were #FerdinandBaur (Bauer) and #AlbertRitschl? What is their importance? They were, and are, obscure Protestant ideologues. Their speculations and errors, their heresies, do not define, never substantially defined Christianity. Bauer and Ritschl, and their Christological errors were and remain insignificant. Mahomet the false prophet may be historically significant, but his Christological errors and heresies remain insignificant, having no value, other than polemical, for true, believing Christians. Who was Anthony Saldarini? What significance does his Errors and Heresies have for Christianity? None. Saldarini was a Judaizer. Regardless, these men, Mahomet, Bauer, Ritschl, Saldarini, etc. were and are obscure morons and idiots, their bullshit consumed by obscure little sects of Perverts, with little to no impact on Christianity. What is the impact of the Frankist Jew Adolf Hitler and of his ideologues on Christianity? Again, minimal. Martin Luther, John Calvin, Erasmus, Arminius, Hegel, Nietzsche, Jansenius, these men and their villainous heresies have had more substantial impacts, largely on Protestants, than Mahomet, Bauer, Ritschl, Hitler, Saldarini, etc. Yet, even so, they are heretics, the fringe, they have never defined mainstream Christianity. Wicked men have created strawmen and quarrels and wars between these strawmen, to distract and to entrap souls into errors, into serving their 'god,' Satan, so that they and their dupes may not attain to Heaven but be joined in all eternity to Satan in hell.