Friday, November 25, 2022

Dia da Reconquista, 2022

Today, November 25, is the Feast of St Catherine of Alexandria, Santa Catarina, and also the Dia da Reconquista, November 25, 1510, the Day of the Reconquest of Goa from Idalcão or Adil Khan, the Ottoman Turk, later known as the Adil Shah of Bijapur. 

November 25, 1510 is Goa's "Liberation Day," as against the Day of the Indian Occupation and Rape of Goa, December 19, 1961. 
Catholic Portugal, which includes Goa, has four anthems. The oldest, the Hino Patriotico or Patriotic Hymn, also called "Vencer ou Morrer" or "Win or Die," was composed primarily as the War Anthem of the War of Liberation against the Napoleonic Occupation of Iberian Portugal.

Eis, oh Rei Excelso
os votos sagrados
que os Lusos honrados
vêm livres, vêm livres fazer
vêm livres fazer.

Por vós, pela Pátria
o Sangue daremos
por glória só temos
vencer ou morrer,
vencer ou morrer,
ou morrer,
ou morrer!

The 2nd Catholic Portuguese Anthem is the so-called "Hino do Minho," or "Hino da Maria da Fonte," composed during the 1846 Counter-revolution: 

Baqueou a tirania
Nobre povo, és vencedor,
Generoso, ousado e livre,
Dêmos glória ao teu valor.

Eia avante, Portugueses!
Eia avante, não temer!
Pela santa Liberdade,
Triunfar ou perecer!

Algemada era a Nação,
Mas é livre ainda uma vez;
Ora, e sempre, é caro à Pátria
O heroísmo Português.

Eia avante, Portugueses...

Lá raiou a Liberdade
Que a Nação há-de aditar!
Glória ao Minho que primeiro
O seu grito fez soar!

Eia avante, Portugueses...

Segue, ó Povo, o belo exemplo
De tamanha heroicidade:
Nunca mais deixes tiranos
Ameaçar a Liberdade.

Eia avante, Portugueses...

Fugi déspotas! Fugi,
Vis algozes da Nação!
Livre, a Pátria vos repulsa,
Terminou a escravidão!

Eia avante, Portugueses...

The 3rd, called the "Heróis do Mar" or "A Portuguesa," was composed as part of the Portuguese National Indignation at England's 1890 Perfidious Ultimatum, which stole Portuguese Middle Africa or the Portuguese TransCongo, now "Zambia," "Zimbabwe," and "Malawi": 

Heróis do mar, nobre povo,
Nação valente, imortal,
Levantai hoje de novo
O esplendor de Portugal!
Entre as brumas da memória,
Ó Pátria, sente-se a voz
Dos teus egrégios avós,
Que há-de guiar-te à vitória!

Às armas, às armas!
Sobre a terra, sobre o mar,
Às armas, às armas!
Pela Pátria lutar!
Contra os canhões, marchar, marchar!

Desfralda a invicta Bandeira,
À luz viva do teu céu!
Brade a Europa à terra inteira:
Portugal não pereceu
Beija o solo teu jucundo
O Oceano, a rugir d'amor,
E teu braço vencedor
Deu mundos novos ao Mundo!


Saudai o Sol que desponta
Sobre um ridente porvir;
Seja o eco de uma afronta
O sinal do ressurgir.
Raios dessa aurora forte
São como beijos de mãe,
Que nos guardam, nos sustêm,
Contra as injúrias da sorte.
The fourth, was composed as the anthem of the 1922 Counter-revolution, and is called, "God, Country, King and Faithfulness," or "Deus, Patria e Rei," in Portuguese, it is also called the Portuguese Monarchist Anthem: 

Se Deus quiser, há-de brilhar
De novo a Coroa sobre as Lusas armas
Que a nossa Pátria soube, sempre honrar
Que a nossa Pátria soube, sempre honrar

É tempo de vontade e sacrifício
Para a alma Portuguesa renascer
E em nossos corações o nobre ofício
Da história deste reino reescrever

Deus, Pátria, Rei, fidelidade
Àquele que entre nós é o primeiro
Deus, Pátria, Rei, fidelidade
Ao chefe natural e verdadeiro

Se Deus quiser, há-de brilhar
De novo a Coroa sobre as Lusas armas
Que a nossa Pátria soube, sempre honrar
Que a nossa Pátria soube, sempre honrar

Que a fé que nos uniu e que nos move
Que levámos através do mundo inteiro
Não nos falte no momento derradeiro
Que a todos Portugueses nos comove

Juntemos-nos de novo sob a Coroa
Do Chefe da nossa Casa Real
Ouvindo o povo alegre que apregoa
Ontem, hoje e sempre Portugal!

Se Deus quiser, há-de brilhar
De novo a Coroa sobre as Lusas armas
Que a nossa Pátria soube, sempre honrar
Que a nossa Pátria soube, sempre honrar

No passado mergulhar fundo as raízes
No sangue antigo e nobre dos avós
Da pátria que foi berço de países
Que chamam Portugal da mesma voz

Juntemos-nos de novo sob a Coroa
Do Chefe da nossa Casa Real
Ouvindo o povo alegre que apregoa
Ontem, hoje e sempre Portugal!

Se Deus quiser, há-de brilhar
De novo a Coroa sobre as Lusas armas
Que a nossa Pátria soube, sempre honrar
Que a nossa Pátria soube, sempre honrar.

Lúcío João Mascarenhas
(The Portuguese Exilarchs: King-Emperor Michael I was succeeded by his son Michael II, then he, by his 3rd son, Edward, or Duarte, until the Great Modernist Apostasy, late October 1958, caused the vacation of the throne). 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Exsurge Domine

Shiva's Third Eye
Great Modernist Apostasy
I stumbled upon this page purely by accident:
To say that I am flabbergasted, is putting it rather mildly. 

A "Catholic priest," no less, in "mass vestments," and sporting the Demon Shiva's "Third Eye"?

Exsurge Domine! Maranata! Lord, hurry up and send the Three Days of Darkness! 


Monday, November 21, 2022


A Video was shared with me, of "Fr" Karl Michael "Terrance Mary" Chartier, "OFM.," of the "Franciscan Priory" of Our Lady Coredemptrix, formerly the "Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center," 8212 W. Hendricks Rd., Bloomington, Indiana, Post code 47403, on whether attendance at Lefebvrist liturgies are permissible, etc. 

"Fr" Chartier, in his video, does not so much as fight against the Lefebvrists, as much as he affirms the "validity" of the Whore Church's pretension to be the Catholic Church, and of the pretended validity of, and pretended necessity of participating in, the rites of the Whore Church.

This is what was shared with me: "Please watch, very good points explained. If you accept Pope Francis Bergolio or Benedict XVI (also John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II) as Popes, then this is 100% applicable to you. You can't pick and choose as you desire."

I hadn't watched Mr Chartier's video to the end, finding it supremely repugnant, however, from the initial part that I have seen, I see that Mr Chartier follows Mr John Salza, and that both affirm that the Apostate "Vatican2" sect and it's heresiarchs, are the lawful Catholic Church, and Catholic Popes, and attacking Lefebvrism, Lefebvrists. 

I am not a Lefebvrist. I have NEVER been a Lefebvrist. In my copious writings on the Internet since 1993, I have repeatedly denounced Lefebvrism as a heresy. 

In my article on "Fr" Vaughn Treco, I have stated that Sedeprivationism also called Cassiciacanism or Guerardism, together with Lefebvrism, and also together with the crudely-styled "Recognize and Resist" ("R&R") "school" constitutes the heresy of Ambiscamnism ("Sitting on two stools"). 

Moreover, the person who shared with me the "Fr" "Terrance" Chartier video, has been affirming, to me, that he is an "orthodox Catholic," rejecting the "Vatican2" Apostasy. 

Given these facts, he sharing with me the Chartier video, which is premised on the purported "legitimacy" of the Apostate "Vatican2" sect pretendedly as THE Catholic Church, is astonishing, to say the least. 

It seems that my correspondent has failed to understand Mr Chartier in his video, and what he purports to be, missing it spectacularly. "If you accept Pope Francis Bergolio or Benedict XVI (also John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II) as Popes, then this is 100% applicable to you. You can't pick and choose as you desire." 

Allow me to affirm: The "Vatican2" sect formally, publicly and effectively rejects the First Commandment, to teach instead: "All gods are one, all religions are true, one can attain to Salvation through the 'faithful' practice of any religion," etc. 

This is Apostasy, pure and simple. 

This is the Panreligionist aspect of the Apostate ideology of Modernism, birthed by Liberal Protestants and by them forcefully intruded into the Catholic Church over the last 3-5 centuries, e.g. "Synod of Pistoia," "French Revolution," Josephinism, Pombalism, Pedrism, "Portuguese Revolution," "Spanish Revolution," "Mexican Revolution," "Italian Unificationism," etc., etc., and lastly in the form of the 1954 "Bugninian Reforms," and the Great Modernist Apostasy, 1958 and ongoing. 

Mr Chartier represents this Apostate sect, and is therefore a heretic. 

Lefebvrists and every other party that affirms that the Public and Manifest Apostates of the "Vatican2" sect are in some or any manner, "Catholic Popes," are also heretics. 

No two ways about it. Non-negotiable. 

From the Catholic viewpoint, just as it was a Mortal Sin, to attend the "Reformed" (actually Deformed) "liturgies" 500 years ago, for refusing to participate in which, St John Fisher, St Thomas More, St Edmund Campion, St Margaret Clitherow, and millions across Europe and the World were butchered, Martyred, by the Children of Damnation, so equally it is a Mortal Sin to attend any service, liturgies, "Una cum Antipapa vostro."

No two ways about it. Non-negotiable. 

My point against "Fr" Chartier is that he is not so much "anti-Lefebvrist," but instead that he seeks to show that the Whore Church, the Apostate Vatican2 sect is "legitimate."

Chartier is "warning" people not to attend Lefebvrist services, saying that attending these Lefebvrist services do not fulfill their "obligation" as members of their sect. 

He is "more loyal" than his "Pope," because his "Pope" has effectively unbanned or at least positively tolerated the SSPX and has granted it (the SSPX) de facto validation. Therefore, he (Chartier, Salza) lies. 

But, more importantly, Chartier's (and his guru Salza's) claim is that Lefebvrism is wrong because they "resist" the "Vatican2" sect.

That is, from the Catholic viewpoint, false. 

Lefebvrism is wrong, not as much because it "resists" the Whore Church, but because it "recognizes" the Whore Church. 

Or, and this is a grave error, Chartier, and Salza, teach that the Apostasy is okay, and more than okay, that it is "Good;" they whitewash the Apostasy, and pass it off as a "Moral Good." 

This is a grave insult to God and to Holy Mother Church. 

If using Chartier is meant to attack the Lefebvrists, it is immoral and anti-Catholic, for Chartier, and Salza, attack Lefebvrism not because of its heretical aspect but attacks it's Catholic aspect. 

Therefore, Chartier, and Salza, raise their hands, not so much against Lefebvrism, as they raise their hands to attack God, His Truths, His Catholic Church.

My precise point is that the Chartier video does not work to "disabuse" souls of the Errors of Lefebvrism. 

Instead, Chartarianism or Salzanism teaches souls lies, falsehoods, heresy and apostasy, teaches souls to "resist Lefebvrism," because Lefebvrism resists the Whorings of the Whore Church; Chartarianism or Salzanism teaches souls that adherence to the Whore Church and it's Heresiarchs is a Positive Value, a "Moral Good," indeed, "a great good," and one positively "Commanded" by God. 

This is an error that is impossible to tolerate or to propagate because it is a great Blasphemy against God.

Or, in other words, using Chartarianism or Salzanism as a supposed remedy against Lefebvrism, is worse than the Disease of Lefebvrism itself.

Lúcío João Mascarenhas

Friday, November 18, 2022

Almas Jacob Against Antipope Bergoglio

Mr Almas Jacob against Antipope Bergoglio 
Things are piling up, and to be honest, once again, I find myself overwhelmed, and incapable of keeping up with my duties to God, instructing, teaching, refuting, in sum, being Watchman, cf. Ezechiel, chapters 3 & 33. 

In this particular article, I will therefore try and cover the Almas Jacob video, cutting corners, due to limitations.

I was shared a video where the presentation is by a Mr Almas Jacob. The language is Urdu, not Hindi, and therefore, I struggle to keep up. 

Nov. 13 2022. "Welcome to the New World Religion: Pope Changing God's Law" by Almas Jacob.

Hindi is the Hinduized, Brahminized, Sanskritized rip-off of Urdu, from 1888. 

Urdu is a fusion of Persian, Mongol, Turkic and Arabic with languages of the Indus and Gangetic Basins of South Asia developed over the last 1400 years of the Ingress of the Disease of Mahometanism into South Asia. 

I was educated in Hindi, which I vaporously hate, and have difficulty understanding, and Urdu is even more difficult for me to follow: I am not able to comprehend Almas at all. 

Mr Almas Jacob, I found by my research, is a Pakistanian Protestant, but there is preciously little more information to be found on him on the web. He seems to be a small time Protestant Televangelist on the make, enough to be noticed, but not yet there. (I am not there, either, to set things in perspective). and
These seem to be his FB & Twitter profiles. 

In his video, Mr Almas Jacob goes on and on about someone he calls "Pope Francis." There isn't a Pope Francis, as any honest Protestant should know; there is a Liberal Protestant Modernist Apostate, the son of Italian emigres in Argentina, by name Jorge Bergoglio, who masquerades as "Pope Francis." 

However, an "honest Protestant," is an oxymoron. 

While I haven't been able to keep up with Mr Almas Jacob's "Shuddh Urdu," I suspect that his drift is not so much Bergoglio's Apostasy, which is an incontrovertible fact, but a Shtick to beat up a Strawman "Pope." 

Or, in other words, I believe that Mr Almas Jacob is attacking, not the Apostate Bergoglio, but is attacking, by false premises, Catholicism and the Papacy. 

A translation from "Shuddh Urdu," to English, will help me made a conclusive decision as to Mr Almas Jacob's drift. I have searched hard, but haven't found it.

Lúcío João Mascarenhas

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Gemitus In Tenebrae 2

Responses to Objections or Rebuttals of my article "Gemitus In Tenebrae."

The Christian must seek out, meet with, greet, unbelievers, absolutely, but only as fellow human beings. 

«2nd Epistle of St John, chapter i, verses 9-11: "Whosoever revolts, and continues not in the doctrine of Christ, does not have God, but he that continues in the doctrine, the same has both the Father and the Son. If any man come to you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house nor say to him, 'God speed you.' For he that says unto him, God speed you, takes part in his wicked works."»

«1917 Code of Canon Law: "Canon # 1325.1 Obligation to Profess the Faith - The faithful are bound to profess their faith openly whenever under the circumstances silence, evasion, or their manner of acting would otherwise implicitly amount to a denial of the faith, or would involve contempt of religion, an offense to God, or scandal to the neighbor."»

«Catechism Question: In how many ways may we either cause or share in the guilt of another's sin? Answer: We may either cause or share the guilt of another's sin in nine ways: 1. By counsel; 2. By command; 3. By consent; 4. By provocation; 5. By praise or flattery; 6. By concealment; 7. By being a partner in the sin; 8. By silence; 9. By defending the ill done.»

What is forbidden by Christianity is putting Christianity on the same level as any false religion, partaking in Pagan "festivities," which, even if not liturgical, is quasi-liturgical. At any rate, a Christian is forbidden from legitimizing, or even seeming to legitimize any system of error. 

One can, and must salute one's neighbor, but one can never salute error. 

I can say "Good morning," to anybody, but if I say, "Eid Mubarak," or "Happy Diwali," even if I don't say, "Jai Shri Ram," or "Salam Alaikum," I have sinned mortally, and committed an act of Apostasy. 

When I greet a Muslim on "Bakri Eid," where they falsify God, saying that Abraham took up Ismael, not Isaac, to sacrifice, I join the Muslim in calling God a Liar, in blaspheming Him. The worst part of Hell is reserved for those who call or make God a Liar, including the Accursed and Damned Mahomet the Profitless.

My objection is to "Cordial greeting" on the "occasion" of Ganesh Chaturthi, Diwali, Eid, etc. as the context of the document that I responded to demonstrates that context. 

"The lay faithful for their part have traditionally engaged in 'the social and cultural dimension' (of Pagan festivals), incurring no censure, by cordially greeting neighbours and, or, friends. 

"As a friend of mine says, it is a pity that 'good sense observed by the lay faithful since times immemorial is shockingly being violated now by some priests and nuns with all their theological preparation.'"

There are two statements cited, one is a direct quote, the other a "third party" quote. 

The context for both statements is the same. 

The two statements ramify each other. 

The implication is "Happy Ganesh Chaturthi," "Happy Diwali," as "mere greetings" at a merely social level, together with a "tactful" avoidance, or even a refusal, to "have an audience," ("Darshan,") or to even seem to participate in the direct act of worship. 

This is my understanding. 

I have seen a nearly infinite number of "Catholics" do it. 

I have not seen "Evangelical Protestants" do that generally speaking, though I have seen a minority of Protestants do that. 

I have seen at least two "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" families accept prasad, and justify themselves by saying that they say "Grace" before consuming it. 

If this my understanding above, of the article in question, is incorrect, then I am plainly in the wrong. 

From hard experience, I am pretty sure that I have put my finger to the nub of the problem. 

If my understanding is correct, however, then we have a very certain problem. 

The nub of the issue is explicated by St Paul the Apostle in his discourses on the consumption of "foods sacrificed to idols" in his two Epistles to the Corinthians. 

As Christians, we know that these two Epistles express the mind of God, are what the Church categorizes as the Word of God. 

St Paul lays out two aspects to why a Christian should not ear such foods. 

One aspect is of scandal to the weak Christian. That is a grave cause but it is not the cause with the highest value. 

If, in the eyes of God, He sees that I, even by unthinkingness, carelessness, caused a weak Christian to be corrupted and thus to sin, and to be damned to Hell, He will demand an accounting from me. And indeed, this can, keeping Ezechiel 3 & 33 in mind, even cause me to be myself damned to Hell. That is Grave Cause. 

The weightier cause is my duty to bear witness to the non-Christian that the Christian God is the only true God. With that is the equally stressed corollary that I must bear witness that the non-Christian worships false gods, worships devils, in fact. 

That is the nub of the issue. 

If I, by my actions, DO NOT offend the non-Christian into knowing, at the very least, that I consider his gods to be false gods, and that I am strictly forbidden from having anything to do with them, then I have effectively failed to acknowledge Jesus Christ before men, I have sinned against Charity and Mercy, and I will usually be "rewarded" by Jesus Christ Himself refusing to acknowledge me before His Father, as He warned. 

This is a Grave Sin. It is the Gravest Matter in this subject of discussion.

Jesus Christ said that He came, not so much as to bring peace, as much as to bring a sword. 

Jesus Christ offended, and accepted paying the price. 

Jesus Christ expects us too to offend. The purpose of offense is to provoke the "offendees" to take thought, that they may open themselves to the Grace of God, that they be saved.

A refusal to offend is a refusal to confess Jesus Christ. 

Christianity was never spread by diplomacy. Souls were never brought to Christ by tactfulness. 

There is a valuable, a very valuable place, for Diplomacy and for tact, but that is very certainly not in the "Breaking of the Bread," bearing witness to Jesus Christ.

A person who pretends to "prudentially" "greet" Pagans, e.g. Hindus, Muslims, on their "religious" occasions, by merely giving them "good wishes" on the occasion but refusing to participate in "taking audience" ("Darshan,") or refusing to participate in the actual rite of worship of the false gods, e.g. "Allah," Rama, Krishna, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Ganapati, "Sai Baba," etc. deceives himself, and his "followers," that he has been "clever," "prudent," has not displeased his neighbor nor displeased the Living God; he has in fact, gravely insulted God, sinned exceedingly and Mortally unto Eternal Damnation, both in doing and by teaching, against both God and against his neighbor (See Ezechiel chapters 3 & 33). He has also committed the sin of effectively saying, "God speed you," to one who came to him bearing a false gospel.

Lúcío João Mascarenhas

Pravin Fernandes: 2 Years Of Eternity In Hell

November 10, 2022 marked 2 years since the Unordained layman "Fr" Pravin Fernandes died, and has been damned to Hell. 

Here is my updated 2004 page on the Unordained layman "Fr" Pravin Fernandes (See the original at 

The Editor,
The Times of India, Bombay.

C.c.: Archdiocese of Mumbai; Pravin Fernandes, "Catholic" Communication Center, Mumbai.

Sir, - This is in response to Mr. Pravin Fernandes' letter as it appears in your issue of March 1, 2004.

At the outset, from my long experience as a consumer of the Anglophone press in Bombay, I do not believe that any of the "Secular" papers are really impartial, nor do I believe that they can or will do justice to the issues under discussion.

And I do not accept the sect which Mr. Fernandes represents as being the Catholic Church. I believe that the Catholic Church is represented by His Holiness Pope Michael, in Delia, Kansas, USA, and those who adhere to him, such as myself.

I merely wish to take issue with Mr. Fernandes' insulting and false statements.

Recently, a journalist, Eryn Brown, wrote an article in the Los Angeles Times on the Catholic Traditionalist Movement in light of Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" during the course of which she quotes Ted Tamberg, the PRO of Fernandes' sect in Los Angeles as describing Traditionalists as being "facile." It is amazing how much Fernades echoes Tamberg. It seems that his sect has a factory to turn out clones who are programmed to spout out psychobabble in order to intimidate those who dare to point out the facts... — the greatest fact being that the "Emperor" of Psuedo-Catholicism and its Psuedo-Pope, is NAKED!!!

The Catholic Church has always lived on earth among men and in society. As such it has always had to adapt to changing times, passions, cultures and the like. It therefore also had to adapt to these changing times, which it always did.

However, it possesses certain fundamental, core characteristics, which it cannot lose. Groups, large or small, that compromise on these fundamental characteristics thereby secede from the Church.

Despite all the changes in the Church over two thousand years, a Catholic of the time of the Apostles would have no difficulty in relating to the Church as it was under any of the subsequent popes, down to Pius IX, Leo XIII, St. Pius X, Benedict XV, Pius XI or Pius XII.

But the changes introduced by Roncalli, beginning in late October 1958, in his "Aggiornomento" program, and in "Vatican II," have produced a schismatic and heretical sect that cannot be identified as the Catholic Church by any criteria.

The only real "criteria" that this sect possesses is that of the "Pope." 

But their "Pope" is a make-believe pope, one who denies the essentiality of being Pope, refuses to act as one, acts inexorably as a heresiarch out to destroy the Catholic Faith and to pervert souls, and who meets all the Catholic definitions of being a man who escaped being able to attain to the Papacy. 

Such was Roncalli ("John XXIII-II"), Montini ("Paul VI"), Luciani ("John-Paul I"), Karol Wojtyla ("John-Paul II"), Joseph Ratzinger, such is Jorge Bergoglio.

Mr. Fernandes lies, and lies through his teeth, when he pretends that the "Charismatic Renewal" was not started to stem the outflow of souls to Fundamental Protestantism. 

It is a fact that Protestants, following their Schism, labored under the idea that the "Institutional" Church had lost the Holy Ghost ("Holy Spirit"), which they laboured to regain. This eventually produced several consecutive movements, including the Irvingites, the Latter-Rain, etc., before spreading to the USA, where, at the turn of the century, it finally exploded as the Pentecostal movement in California (Charles Fox Parham and the Azusa Street Revival).

The Pentecostal movement latter evolved to produce "in-house" branches in the mainstread Protestant sects, so that there is a Lutheran Charismatic Renewal, an Anglican Charismatic Renewal, a Baptist Charismatic Renewal, a Congregationalist Charismatic Renewal, etc.

Under Montini, a deliberate effort was made to induct this into the "Catholic Church" and this was actuated at the Duquesne University in the US, where some of his flock, four professors at Duquesne, followed by students Ralph Martin, Steve Clark and Kevin Ranaghan, from the Newman Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, went over to a Pentecostal ministeress and "received" their Spirit from her, which they then conveyed and which is the moving spirit of the "Catholic" Charismatic Renewal.

From the Catholic viewpoint, the Holy Spirit was never lost, the very idea of His being lost being blasphemous. 

Again, it is forbidden for Catholics to attend any foreign religious service, leave alone participate and "receive" any thing, even a rival "Holy Spirit" there. 

Such acts are sinful and indiscipline and result in the automatic excommunication of the persons responsible.

Such acts are nothing if not syncretism!

But there is more, and it is my particular pleasure to challenge Mr. Fernandes on this other point.

Hinduism consists principally of Advaitism or Monism - the teaching that the spirits (or souls) of men, beasts, plants, etc., are not distinct but identical with the Godhead. 

Hinduism therefore has no compunction in worshipping even mere men, since every man is also "God". 

This teaching is encapusculated in the catchphrase - "Tat tuam ast!"

The prime method of Hindu worship is the Aarti. 

In Catholic Theology, Aarti meets the definition of Latria - worship that is due only to God, and which it is forbidden, at the pain of grievous mortal sin and automatic excommunication, to be either performed by a Catholic on a mere man or to knowingly allow it to be performed on oneself.

Yet it is a fact that several times, when "John-Paul II" has been in India, and also when he participated in inter-religious rites world-wide, and even during the "beatification ceremonies" of Mother Teresa, the Aarti has been performed on him and on others.

When challenged on this point, his defenders have pretended that the Aarti is merely an Indian method of greeting and of showing respect and homage to one's guest. But that is a lie.

And this lie is proven by none other than by Mr. Fernandes himself, who, in an interview with stated that the Aarti being performed on the Reserved Sacrament is an act of worship: "Another symbolic gesture of worship to Jesus Christ present in the form of bread and wine is the Indian Aarti." [Source: Interviews Fr. Pravin Fernandes]

In order to underline the point, I provide these further quotations, below.

The Vivekananda Mission in England:

"Aarti (waving a lamp in front of the deity) ceremony may be carried out to invoke and welcome the deity.

"We may observe the 'aarti' ceremony (a lamp is gently waved in front of the deity in a clockwise direction). 

"The lamp is passed around and everyone cups their hands over the lamp to receive blessings.

"Tilak - (mark on the forehead) may be made to awaken spirituality. The mark is usually made with red powder (kumkum)." 

The Swaminarayan Sect:

"One should concentrate fully on the deities to whom he is offering the Aarti."

I ask Mr. Fernandes: How is it that it is Latria when done on the "Eucharistic Sacrament," and not Latria when performed on a mere man?

And I ask: What is this if not Syncretism?

Can the hypocrisy, Mr. Fernandes! Can the hypocrisy! It will not take you to heaven. I would ask you to meditate on these texts in the Bible, etc.:

The First Commandment: "I am the Lord your God.... You shall have no other gods other than Me."

Jesus said to him: "I Am the way, and the truth, and the life." John xiv, 6.

"Amen, amen, I say to you: He that enters not by the door into the sheepfold but climbs up another way, the same is a thief and a robber. But they did not understand what He spoke. Jesus therefore said to them again: Amen, amen, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All others, as many as have come, are thieves and robbers: and the sheep heard them not." John x,1, 6-8. 

"There is no other name under the heavens, given to man, whereby he can be saved, except that of Christ Jesus." Acts iv, 12.

Psalm 95: "The gods of the pagans are devils."

Corinthians x, 20 : "What the pagans sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God."

2 Cor. vi, 15 : "What fellowship between Christ and Belial? What agreement between the temple of God and idols?"

2 Cor. vi, 17 : "Go out from among them and be you separate, says the Lord, and do not touch the unclean thing."

1917 Code of Canon Law: "1325.1 Obligation to Profess the Faith - The faithful are bound to profess their faith openly whenever under the circumstances silence, evasion, or their manner of acting would otherwise implicitly amount to a denial of the faith, or would involve contempt of religion, an offense to God, or scandal to the neighbor."

Catechism Question: In how many ways may we either cause or share in the guilt of another's sin? Answer: We may either cause or share the guilt of another's sin in nine ways: 1. By counsel; 2. By command; 3. By consent; 4. By provocation; 5. By praise or flattery; 6. By concealment; 7. By being a partner in the sin; 8. By silence; 9. By defending the ill done.

And many more texts in the Bible and in the teaching documents of the Church issued over the last two thousand years.

None of these permit or legitimise the heresy of Ecumenism.

Lucio J. Mascarenhas, Bombay

N.B.: Would it be too much to expect you not to rewrite my address as "Mumbai" when I write Bombay? I do live in Bombay, not in "Mumbai," nor do I believe in the legitimacy of Marathi colonialism and imperialism in the Concan or that of the Shiv Sena's terrorism...

Letter by "Fr" Pravin Fernandes to the Editor, the Times of India, Bombay, published by the Times of India, March 1, 2004.

This letter should serve to address and clarify the arguments forwarded by both Mr. Nazareth and Mr. Menezes regarding Benny Hinn's prayer meet (February 25). 

Generally, their arguments are based on false assumptions and narrow perceptions and are reflective of those who do not accept the reforms of Vatican II. 

The decision of the Catholic Church to discourage its flock from attending is not retrograde but responsible. 

We have an accepted set of beliefs and practices and it is the bounden duty of those in authority to ensure that these are respected. 

The simple and unsuspecting could easily be carried away by views to the contrary, and this is a legitimate concern of the church. 

Moreover, ecumenical activity necessarily involves a thorough knowledge of one's own faith before one can embark on a dialogue with another. 

Such activity is best left to the specialists because the simple faithful cannot enter into it meaningfully. 

The church is not competitive but striving to deepen the faith of its people.

Mr. Nazareth seems to be unaware of the various pastoral services of the Catholic Church. How else would you explain the millions across the globe who have their spiritual needs met within this church?

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal was not started to stem the exodus of Catholics to Pentecostals. It is the free movement of the Holy Spirit that initiates such momentous transformations from time to time. Mr. Nazareth needs to be reminded that infighting and disagreements occur in all corporate bodies, Pentecostals included.

The Church is like a living organism that is constantly open to growth and reform. Did not Jesus say, "I will give you the Holy Spirit who will lead you into all the truth." There is the idea of progressive understanding of His will that necessitates change with changing times, while being faithful to the essential faith. 

The Catholic Church recognizes the truth found in other religions and is confident in sharing of its own. 

It would be fallacious and naive to accuse the Church of syncretism.

"Fr." Pravin Fernandes, Catholic Communication Centre, Archbishop's House, Bombay.

Happy Roasting, Mr Fernandes! Roast in perpetuity!

Sunday, November 06, 2022

Gemitus In Tenebris

Gemitus In Tenebris (Groaning In Darkness)
Bishop Absalon of Lund destroys the Idol of Svantevit

A "commentator" has challenged the Apostate Panreligionism of the Apostate rag "Renovação," of the Apostate "Archdiocese of Goa," and, in doing so, has stated, and has publicly taught: 

"The lay faithful for their part have traditionally engaged in 'the social and cultural dimension' (of Pagan festivals), incurring no censure, by cordially greeting neighbours and, or, friends. As a friend of mine says, it is a pity that 'good sense observed by the lay faithful since times immemorial is shockingly being violated now by some priests and nuns with all their theological preparation.' 'Nostra Aetete' encourages the study of other religions, stating that 'dialogue and collaboration with the followers of other religions' has to be 'carried out with prudence and love and in witness to the Christian faith and life.'"

God in the Bible taught the First Commandment: "I alone am the Lord your God. You shall know no other gods besides Me." 

IF YOU GREET AND CONGRATULATE A PAGAN "CELEBRATING" HIS PAGAN gods, are you not indulging in a "knowledge" of these false gods, precisely as God Himself forbids it?

In Psalm 95, verse 5, of the Catholic Bible, God teaches us: "The gods of the Pagans are Devils."

In 1 Corinthians 10, verse 20, He teaches us, "Pagans sacrifice to Devils, not to God."

In 1 Corinthians, chapters 10 & 6, God teaches: 

1 Corinthians x, 25-33: "Whatsoever is sold in the markets, eat; asking no question for conscience' sake. For, the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof. If any unbeliever invite you, and you are willing to go; eat of any thing that is set before you, asking no question for conscience' sake. But if any man say: This has been sacrificed to idols, do not eat of it for his sake that told it to you, and for conscience' sake. Conscience, I say, not thy own, but the other person's. For why is my liberty judged by another man's conscience? If I partake with thanksgiving, why am I evilly spoken of, for that for which I give thanks? Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatsoever else you do, do all to the glory of God. Be without offence to the Jews, and to the Gentiles, and to the Church of God: As I also in all things please all men, not seeking that which is profitable to myself, but to many, that may be saved." 

And, in 1 Corinthians vi, 12-20: "All things are lawful to me, but all things are not expedient. All things are lawful to me, but I will not be brought under the power of any. Meat for the belly, and the belly for the meats; but God shall destroy both it and them: but the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. Now God has both raised up the Lord, and will raise us up also by His power. Know you not that your bodies are the members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. Or know you not, that he who is joined to a harlot, is made one body? For they shall be, says He, two in one flesh. But he who is joined to the Lord, is one spirit. Fly from fornication. Every sin that a man does, is without the body; but he that committs fornication, sins against his own body. Or know you not, that your members are the temple of the Holy Ghost, who is in you, whom you have from God; and you are not your own? For you are bought with a great price. Glorify and bear God in your body."

WHAT APPLIES TO FOOD, applies equally to liturgies and to social and cultural practices.

A believing Christian does not fear the "gods" of the Pagans, he scorns them, even if only inwardly, knowing that an idol is nothing, it is merely a bauble. A Christian may freely take and eat food given by Protestants, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Jains, and adherents of other Pagan religions; however, because a weak Christian may be misled into believing that foods "sacrificed" to false "gods," thereby have "value," whether positive or negative, the Church, to protect the weak believer, forbids Christians from eating "idol foods." 

However, it is not only for the sake of "weak Christians," but positively also for the sake of the unbeliever, that we have a very strict duty to God not to allow, encourage, or in any manner abet their delusion that their false gods are anything, that we are very strictly enjoined by the Church, from taking part of these "sacrificed foods," on pain of excommunication "latae sententiae." 

Now, to share in food, is in itself, a purely neutral act, but to greet a Pagan, an unbeliever, such as are all heretics, Nestorians, Jacobites, Cacodox, Protestants, Hindus, Zorastrians, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs, etc. on the  occasion of their "festivities," is a far graver crime, a positive crime, against God and humanity than merely sharing in food. 

It is a crime that approximates to, and  partakes of, the crime of Apostasy.

Every Christian is strictly bound to bear witness to God to every neighbor.  In Ezechiel, chapters 3 & 33, God tells Ezechiel, and thus every Christian, that he is obliged to act as a Watchman for the salvation of every other human being. 

The original language of the Bible is very strong, direct, brutal. 

In the Bible, God commands, not only that one have nothing to do DIRECTLY with any of the false gods, the false religions, but also to not have anything to do with them even INDIRECTLY, NOT EVEN TO TAKE THEIR NAMES ON ONE'S LIPS!

"You shall not adore the gods of the nations about you, nor serve them. You shall not do their works, but shalt destroy them, and break their statues. And you shall serve the Lord your God, that I may bless your bread and your waters, and may take away sickness from the midst of thee. You shall not enter into league with them, nor with their gods. Let them not dwell in your land, lest perhaps they make you to sin against Me, if you serve their gods: which undoubtedly will be a scandal to you." (Exodus 23,

"These are the precepts and judgments, that you must do in the land, which the Lord the God of your fathers will give you, to possess it all the days that you shalt walk upon the earth: Destroy all the places in which the nations, that you shall possess, worshipped their gods upon high mountains, and hills, and under every shady tree; Overthrow their altars, and break down their statues, burn their groves with fire, and break their idols in pieces; destroy their names out of those places. You shall not worship the Lord your God as they do. When the Lord your God shall have destroyed before your face the nations that at present inhabit the land, which then you shall go in to possess, and when you shall possess these lands, and dwell in them, beware lest you imitate them, after they are destroyed at your coming in, and lest you seek after their ceremonies, saying: As these nations have worshipped their gods, so will I also worship. You shall not imitate them in your behavior to the Lord your God. For they have done to their gods all the abominations which the Lord abhors, offering their sons and daughters, and burning them with fire. But what I command you, only do that to the Lord: neither add any thing, nor diminish anything." (Deuteronomy 12, No scope for "cordially greeting" Pagans as they "celebrate" their Abominations, eh?!

In Ezechiel, chapter 4, 12-13, God commands the Prophet Ezechiel to bake his bread daily, in the sight of the people, cooking it on a fire made from human SHIT, and covered over with human SHIT, as a sign to the people that that is how He, God, will punish them for their Adulteries and Fornications with false gods! (

God in the Hebrew calls the idols of false gods "Gillulim," or "Pellets of Dung."

Taking "Gillulim" in context, we can rephrase: "The lay faithful for their part have traditionally engaged, without censure, in 'the social and cultural dimension' of cordially greeting Pagan neighbours and, or, friends in their (Pagans') celebration of SHIT. It is a pity that the 'good sense' observed by the laity in cordially greeting Pagan neighbours and, or, friends in their (Pagans') celebration of SHIT since times immemorial is shockingly being violated now by some priests and nuns, who, for all their theological education, indulge in an enthusiastic participation in Pagans' celebration of SHIT! 'Nostra Aetete' encourages, allegedly on the authority of God Himself, that Christians indulge in the study of other religions, which God in the Bible describes as all being SHIT, and to dialogue and collaborate with the worshippers of SHIT, carried out with prudence and love and in witness to the Christian faith and life!"

In the parable of Oola and Ooliba, God describes participation in any manner, in any Paganism, as Spiritual Fornication, Adulteries. (

In Deuteronomy 13, God commands that anyone who teaches what 'Nostra Aetate' teaches, be killed with extreme prejudice! (Deuteronomy xiii)

Sati, Caste atrocities, too are intrinsic, "hallowed," parts of Hinduism. If you can "greet," and "congratulate," a Hindu on the occasion of "Deepawali," or "Diwali," you can as much greet and congratulate a Hindu while he perpetrates Sati or Caste atrocities, etc. 

Some 20 years ago, there was a news article of how a miscreant raped a 13 years old mentally unbalanced girl in a train full of commuters, who did not act to stop him, to save the girl. 

As abominable a crime this was, it is but a small similitude of what each and every Paganism is, as God in the Bible repeatedly, and ad nauseam, stresses, stressing too, that the worship of false gods is Spiritual Fornication, Adulteries. 

Some 6 years ago, in the July 2016 "Outrage at Una," 7 members of a Dalit family were kidnapped, and publicly assaulted, by "Upper Caste Hindus": 

Some Hindus pretend that Casteism was created and imposed by the Muslim Invaders, or by the Europeans.  Others, like Mohandas Caramchand Gandhi, have defended Casteism as noble, liberating, but as being 'distorted' over the ages. 

However, 'Casteism' is integral to Hinduism: One cannot undergo the 'Upanayana Sanskar,' that makes one a 'Dvija,' a true Hindu, unless one can prove one's 'gotra,' and one's continuous descent from a Dvija Hindu. Casteism is also taught by the Hindu canonical scripture text, the 'Manusmriti,' and by the lives of Sambuca, Eklavya, Karna, etc. 

Hinduism has a long, and from the Hindu viewpoint, "hallowed," legitimation of human sacrifice eg Purushamedha yagna, Kamakhya, Aghoris, etc., of Sodomism eg Hijras, etc., and of other practices and teachings which are Abominations from the Christian viewpoint. 

Therefore, to "cordially greet" one's Pagan neighbors and, or, friends in their (Pagans') celebration of Pagan "festivities," such as the "Ganapati festival," "Diwali," and of other Pagan SHIT,  is the same, and I insist, absolutely the same, as to "cordially greet" one's Pagan neighbors while they rape, or perpetrate Sati, or perpetrate Caste atrocities, cannibalism, etc.


The Catholic Church has consistently till 1958, when the Great Modernist Apostasy began, censured heresies and errors. During the time from Pombal onwards, when the Catholic Church was banned and outlawed and closed in Goa, and was forced to take refuge in the forests of the Missão do Sul, particularly in Ankola, I remember that one of the priests or bishops, finding that an old Christian Concannim prayer sounded unorthodox, tending towards Hinduism, corrected it, forbade the old, doubtful words. 

Even more recently, the Bishop of Madras stood up to Nehru and the Indian National Congress Party in refusing to allow that the Apostate and Traitor, Tristão da Bragança e Cunha, dying in September 1958, be buried in hallowed grounds, in a Catholic cemetery, so that he was burned in a public ground, as is burned trash and rubbish! 

Goans pretend to adulate, cherish, imitate St Francis Xavier. Do they? Can a "Goan Christian," familiar with St Francis Xavier, his teachings and actions, including strictly forbidding converts from having anything to do with idols of Hindu "gods," and including him leading packs of children to throw down, insult and destroy such idols, and including him ordering the burning down of the hut of a village chief who installed Hindu idols in it, seriously claim that a "Christian" can greet Pagans celebrating their ABOMINATIONS and do so "WITHOUT CENSURE"?

Lúcío João Mascarenhas

Saturday, November 05, 2022

Brendan The Apostate

I have previously written against Brendan MacCarthaigh:

Before I cite the Apostasy of Brendan MacCarthaigh, I will first lay my ground position. 

I am not strictly speaking, a "cradle Catholic." Both my parents were baptized as Catholics. However, my mother, born and educated in Bombay ruled by the WASPs, was infected very strongly with Anticatholicism, with Liberal Protestantism. My father was born and educated in Goa, under the Portuguese. Even there, Portugal had accepted to being an appendage to Protestant England, so that the Schools in pre-1961 Goa followed the "Bombay Presidency Board of Education." Nevertheless, he was not as much impacted by heresy, although he certainly did not buck the Great Modernist Apostasy. Under the influence of my mother, we grew up in an atmosphere of hostility towards Catholicism. This is to be seen in my elder brother who is pro-Hindu, pro-Indian, and in my younger brother who is a rabid Hindu, a formal Apostate to Hinduism in everything but name (I haven't been in touch with him for over 20 years and do not know if he has formally apostatized). On Twitter (, he was a voice violently against Jesus Christ and Christianity, until he was banned, about two years after Twitter banned me in Feb. 2019 for attacking Modianism (, and as part of a belated crackdown on the Modianists. In high school, I flirted with joining the ABVP, a part of the Sangh Parivar, yet I retained enough of a Christian upbringing to be repelled, revulsed, and to retreat. When I finished my education, such as it was, and began to work, I encountered widespread hostility towards myself as a Christian, being told what I knew to be canards and lies, against Christianity, that provoked me first to disabuse these lies, and then I began to seriously study Christianity, being exposed first to Protestantism. Again, encountering what I knew to be lies against Catholicism, made me study Catholicism, and finally, under the influence of Frs. Rumble & Carty's Radio Replies, I embraced Catholicism. One of the first things that I found, is that people that I now know to be "former Catholics," as having been "Cradle Catholics," had traditions, customs, devotions, etc that I wasn't personally familiar with, which shocked and startled me, which I had to research and investigate to find that they were legitimate, based on sound reasonings, etc. Therefore, I was never a "Cradle Catholic." 

For the second thing, in being forced to investigate Christianity, to defend it, I conducted a free-ranging investigation of the religions I was surrounded by: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Zorastrianism, Mahometanism, Sikhism, Judaism, besides Christianity, and arrived at certain conclusions: While Hinduism originated in a confluence, under external impacts, of mutually exclusive religions, Buddhism, Jainism, and Zorastrianism began as reactions against Hinduism, it's Misanthropy, Xenophobia, Racism, Bigotry; Judaism is a falsification of the Mosaic Covenant centred upon a rejection of Jesus Christ as the Promised Messias; Mahometanism originated as a Jewish inspired Gnostic heresy designed to destroy Christianity; Sikhism originated from a bunch of movements that sought to syncretize Hinduism and Mahometanism. With Christianity, I found something entirely unique: All other religions originated in purely human passions, their gods, such as they were, were creatures of these religions. However, with Christianity, whether pre-Mosaic, Mosaic, or Messianic, it was an external Intelligence that kept pushing the pre-Messianic Jewish people, resisting their urges and passions, refusing to yield, but forcing and forming them, and Christianity, the Messianic Dispensation, is a continuation of that. 

In my article against Ananda Coomaraswamy and his son Rama Coomaraswamy (, I had stressed on this fact:

«In a challenge that never fails, I ask: Is there any similar religious history in the whole world, where the tribe or people wished to go one way, but their God another? 

«There is none aside from that of Israel.

«Why waste time in comparing insignificant similarities, such as the alleged "Golden Rule", when the far more fundamental core of Christianity — the insistent exclusivity of its God — has no similarity in all the world whatsoever?

«The world, both "Old" and "New" is full of very many historic and native religions, and most of them are very similar in structure, with only minor differences. Yet, the religion of Israel is sharply different and there is no other religion of its kind in the whole world — a religion where the will of its God and of the people are so totally opposed to each other!

«When one looks at the history of the Jews, one is struck with the fact that the Jews, as an integral whole, did not choose the True God, and choose to be faithful to Him. The faithful were always a minority. The majority merely wished to be free to live like and to make the same choices as the rest of mankind — which is to fashion unto themselves "gods" in their own images!

«It is God Himself who chose and imposed Himself on the Jews as the vehicle for the perpetuation of the Truth amongst all mankind.»

I have collated statements from two of Brendan MacCarthaigh's writings: 


"I warn you that I make no effort to be orthodox in my thinking and subscribe to no particular philosophy or theology except what I have accepted inside myself right now.

"I see enormous value in other religions and I am comfortable among people of whatever orientation, religious or social or sexual or colour; comfortable in this way that I can talk about it freely and seriously if it should arise in conversation. 

"I do not consider any religion to be itself totally wrong or right but to suit those who live it as honestly as they can as inherited from parents and locale and tradition and conviction and so on. 

"I cannot reconcile fights over religion with the heart of any respectable religion at its best. 

"Jesus is the bedrock of my inspiration mostly for his courage and for his fidelity to his extraordinary grasp of the primacy of love not law as the 'raison d'etre' of all life."

"It seems to me that the root of all that misery is our God.

"You don't need to be much of a historian to recognise that We created God.

"So long as we have a God, I do not see how we can possibly escape this horrific situation.

"And that has led me to submit that all the love that the cosmos experiences in every natural being is itself the repository of all that each one aspires to as the fulfilment of her/his life. We've given it the name love. We have diminished it by using the name God but that really is what God means in our context: Love.

"But I think that when we diminished its reference from Love to God we then captured the shrunken version of it and reduced it to the monster sketched earlier on these pages. There is no such person much less a trinity or an infinite this or that.

"And that is what we have done to our world. We need to get rid of God as currently advertised and bring back the fullness of love. Otherwise fear will go on winning."

I will now try and paraphrase all of the above: 

"I am not sure that Creationism is true. God is a creature of men. The root concept of God, is Love, but over human history, groups have captured power by transforming the notion of Love into the notion of a 'God' who punished, etc. There is no such thing as the Trinity, the 'Triune God, of Christianity. The concept of a 'God' is a monster that binds us into misery. We must break free from the concept of 'God,' by returning to the true original, yet obscured concept of Unconditional Love as the original idea upon which the superstructure of Godhood has been created. Jesus was great because he revolutionized understanding of religion, instituting the primacy of love, over law."

It is obvious that Dr Brendan MacCarthaigh, CFC, is no Christian, but that he is an Apostate Modernist neo-Pagan. 

Lúcío João Mascarenhas

Friday, November 04, 2022

Brendan MacCarthaigh

Brendan MacCarthaigh is an Irish member of the "Christian Brothers," who was sent to South Asia in 1960, at the age of 22, and has served as an educator. 

At the age of 84, the illegal Hindu Supremacist and Racist Narendra Modi Regime has refused to renew his visa, effectively expelling him back to Ireland. 

MacCarthaigh was scheduled to fly out to Ireland Sunday, October 30, 2022, the Catholic Feast of Christ the King. 

I have collated statements by MacCarthaigh: 

"Getting old is a profound experience. I find myself asking what is my purpose? I find that life has only one purpose - love. Hold on to love as your value system whatever your religion may be. Our life has only one meaning: Love. If love is not there, you are wrong. If you are a Hindu and hate Muslims, you are wrong. If you are a Muslim and hate Hindus, you are wrong. If you are anything and dislike anybody, you are wrong. It's all about love. Otherwise, you have no meaning and you are not helping the young generation to learn anything if they don't first learn love. 

"The hardest thing that humans ever have to do is forgive. We all get hurt by people, they say offensive things and hurt us. And we have to forgive them? Yeah. It's hard work. Terribly hard work. But it is the only answer.

"As teachers, we need to remember not to promote any particular religion. Youngsters should be encouraged to be good persons within the tenets of their own religion.

"Religion is only a social construct where we come together and some will pray in this way and some will pray in that way. It is only a way of doing things.

"I recognize the centrality of the Atman, God, Yahweh, Allah, Sri Ram – call the deity by whichever title you prefer, in all lives, and I promote that in various ways, firstly within my own heart. 

"A tiny factor I am proud of in this religious thing, where there is so much cultivated hate and rejection, is that I was awarded the Ram Rahim Ekta Manch certificate some years ago in recognition of my efforts to build bridges instead of ramparts between our various persuasions.

"Promotion of one religion (Hinduism by the Modi Regime) over other religions is smashing the country rather than helping it grow.... I feel bad that religious divides are happening and that the leadership of the country is doing nothing to heal that divide."

"Now politicians come in on this in a big way.... In the north of my little country, Ireland, Protestants were trained to hate Catholics, Catholics were trained to hate Protestants and they killed one another. To some extent, it is still going on.... In India today, we are all supposed to be Hindus and speak Hindi.... What are they doing? They are splitting the country into bits of hatred."

"I got no love… I was one of 11 children. We were quite poor. 

"My family would have been better off with two or three children. 

"As with most people, one's childhood becomes the primary source of one's inspiration to become the person they are going to be.

"After a loveless childhood from which I had fled to join anything, by chance it turned out to be the Christian Brothers (CB), at the age of 14, I went through the normal CB training period, which included meeting with great men along the way."

Collated from these webpages:


MacCarthaigh is not a Catholic, and apparently very early ceased to be one, having imbibed the Great Modernist Apostasy, and its core tenets of Tolerantism, Indifferentism, Eclecticism, etc.

The first. of the two "Great Commandments" are: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind."

The second, of the two Great Commandments, is "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

SINS against the First Great Commandment, are False religions, false gods, false cults. Such as the "Indian Paganism" or "Hinduism," and the "Arabian Paganism," or Mahometanism. 

One does not truly "love" who adheres to false religions, false gods, false cults; one does not truly "love" who adheres to  falsehoods. Such a "Love" is a false, feigned, love, and in truth, it is a great hatred of God and of one's neighbor. 

A Christian is strictly forbidden, by the True and Living God, from hating the non-Christian. St Augustine of Hippo summarized the Christian position well when he taught, "Hate the Sin, love the Sinner."

God commands that every soul He created, confess Him and His true religion, and abhor and flee from all evils, and among the greatest evils on Earth, that offends God, are the myriad false religions, the myriad false gods, the myriad false cults. 

Because God is Truth and because God is Love, He violently hates falsehoods, and false religions, because they are paths to sure and certain damnation to Hell. 

God commands, above all, that parents,  then teachers, rulers, and then priests, always teach the truth, teach against false religions, false gods. 

God strictly hates, and forbids Indifferentism, Tolerantism: These are heresies, and assuredly lead to Hell, to eternal damnation. 

God commanded man to go forth and to procreate and to fill the Earth. The Earth is not filled, not full. God commands large families, and forbids contraception. 

Brendan MacCarthaigh is not a Christian. He is a Liberal, Roman Protestant, pagan.A neo-pagan, but a Pagan, a Heathen, nonetheless. From his own account of his life, I believe that he never had been truly a believing Christian. 

Brendan MacCarthaigh is a man who is doomed to be damned to Hell, unless he embraces, before his death, the true Christianity, the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman faith, of the sempiternal orthodox Catholic Church, outside of which, there is no Salvation. 

Practically speaking, I do not see a prospect of Brendan MacCarthaigh ever becoming a Christian. 

Lúcío João Mascarenhas