Wednesday, December 08, 2021
Why I support #StopTheSteal
Why I support #StopTheSteal: In 2014, there was intensive propaganda in #SouthAsia for #NarendraModi, a campaign of lies that his opponents did not even try to counter, there was a seeming paralysis, lethargy, which really did not surprise me, because, I had understood, the "#Manmohanist" disciples of #MiltonFriedman were transitioning, #handingover, power, to a man that they had spent a decade or more deliberately firewalling from the repercussions of his #StateTerrorism, even by subverting the Supreme Court of India, to protect and enable Modi, actions that witnessed that this was part of a #ZoG gambit. Manmohan Singh Kohli was an accomplished academician, while Modi is only a lowbrow, not very intelligent, #StreetTough. The 2014 Propaganda Machine was financed, set up and run by the #Hindu "#IndianAmericans" #antiWestern, #antiChristian, #parasitic #HinduSupremacist #IndianSupremacist #Elites subverting the USA for 5 or more decades. Despite all this, most people in #SouthAsia did not believe that there was a real "#ModiWave," and believed that there was a massive, well organized #StolenElection. This was repeated 5 years later in 2019. In between, to make things believable, the fraudsters allowed some, few, electoral victories for other parties. Even the massive thousands of kilometers walks by 200+ millions as a result of the numbskull's draconian March 2020 lockdown did not show up as having any effect at all on the elections shortly after, which could happen only if there is an oblivious system of fraud in place. In the meantime, we saw in 2016, that the Clintons-Pelosi-Obama Machine manipulated the crowded Republican Party field to force a "Clown Candidate" in the expectation that that would create a cakewalk for Hillary Clinton, (they were openly slobbering at the prospect of a Commie #Gynocracy), but, to the consternation of the Commies, Trump swept into power. We then saw desperate attempts to undermine Trump. Personally, I dislike Trump as a fool, a clown, as a man blissfully ignorant of the most basic notions of Christianity, and very probably a serial predator of women, but nowhere as intensely as I personally hate, with a visceral hatred, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Obama, et al, for two reasons: 1. Their forcing through the UN the Abortionist Agenda worldwide; 2. Their forcing through, once again through the UN, State Sponsored #Misandry, resulting in India's #498A #FakeLaw that broke up millions of families, orphaned millions of children, fraudulently and illegally incarcerated millions of innocent men and members of their families, even their mothers, sisters, aunts, sisters-in-law, daughters, etc. This raft of #Antilaws were directly sponsored and imposed by HRC et al. I strongly suspected that the US 2020 election was stolen, the evidence has now become compelling. There is a very thinly veiled conspiracy to ride in the aborted Commie Gynocracy, the #Pornocracy, in the form of #KamalaHarris riding piggyback on an imbecilic #JoeBiden, and then staging a coup, putting away Biden as mentally incompetent to prevent a "2nd Trumpist Insurgency." Yet, it seems that #TheGreatResist has broken the chains, the #smokeandmirrors game, and that the People of the USA may be on the verge of a breakthrough that will destroy #SovietAmerica for decades at least, and undo the stolen 2020 election. Although this does not directly concern or impact me, I believe that this can have a domino effect where the dispirited resistance in South Asia will once again take heart and galvanize for an exposure of, and negation of, Modi's 2014, 2019 and other stolen elections. That's why I root for #StopTheSteal.
Friday, November 05, 2021
In Which Aarti Cometh Back To Biteth The Vatican2 Sect In The Bum
In Which Aarti Cometh Back To Biteth The Vatican2 Sect In The Bum
by Lucio Mascarenhas, Jan 25, 2018.
Originally posted at:
"From all appearance of evil refrain yourselves." 1 Thess. 5:22
"Preach the Gospel: be insistent in season and out of season: reprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience and doctrine" - 2 Timothy iv, 2 (Douai-Rheims Version).
On December 30, 2017, a delegation of ABVP members, the student wing of the Sangh Parivar, met and demanded from Fr Shaju Devassy, principal of the Syro-Malabar Rite Church's Diocese of Sagar's St Mary Post-Graduate College, Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh, that the school carry out there and then the "Bharatmata Aarti" — "Ritual of Worship of South Asia as the Hindu goddess India."
Faced with refusal, they became furious and threatened that they would complete the ritual on Jan 5, 2018, even by force if needed.
After being foiled by police on Jan 5, 2018, the ABVP mob threatened a 2nd attempt for Jan 16, 2018.
On Monday Jan 15, 2018, Christian Schools moved MP High Court requesting protection. Police preemptively arrested Sangh activists & foiled the Jan 16, 2018 attempt.
'Cardinal' Baselios Cleemis, President of India's bishops' conference CBCI, said: "It is an act of humiliation against the sacred constitution of India... to force a Catholic priest to bow down before a deity, and to compel him to worship another religious faith."
The Constitution of India is now "SACRED"? If it is "Sacred," should we now worship it? What is "Sacred" must be worshipped.
The Sangh Parivar says nearly the same thing: The Sangh says that India, "Bharatmata" in Paganspeak, British India personified as a "Motherland Deity" and subject to Pagan Idolatry is "Sacred" and must be publicly worshipped, including by Christians and that failure or refusal is a foolproof evidence of treason.
What Sanghis are saying and what Cleemis is saying, are not very different.
If the "Constitution" is "Sacred" so is the "Motherland," and so let us all rejoice and cast ourselves into the Cesspit of Paganism, of Idolatry, with the Benedictions of a "Cardinal" no less!
Let us however, be charitable, and assume that, like Tom Macwan, Cleemis misspoke, or was misquoted.
Let us examine the glorious tradition of Cleemis' sect's glorious opposition to the Corruption of Paganism, of Idolatry.
In 1969, the Vatican approved the CBCI's requested "12 points of Inculturation & Indian Anaphora for the Mass"; these include:
"10. The preparatory rite of the Mass may include: (b.) the welcome of the celebrant in an Indian way, e.g., with a single arati, etc.
"12. In the Offertory rite, and at the conclusion of the Anaphora, the Indian form of worship may be integrated, that is, double or triple 'arati' of flowers, and or incense, and or light."
In the 1980s, Cleemis' sect's Great Heresiarch, the actor & demagogue Wojtyla began the "Assisi Circuses" of "Communicatio in Sacris" designed to blaspheme and insult God, St Francis of Assisi, etc. These featured sundry Pagans, Infidels, Heretics & Schismatics joining together in a Love Feast worshipping Lucifer that left the Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and the Sisters Ohola & Oholiba with an overpowering Inferiority Complex.
The same "Sainted" Wojtyla also trotted around the world selling the Gospel of Emperor St Julian the Apostate, including in South Asia, carefully choreographing his every move so that no one could be in any doubt that the only use Wojtyla had for the Gospel of Jesus Christ was as Toilet Paper.
Part of this carefully scripted choreography was the adoption of the Hindu Pagan rite of Idolatry, the Aarti, 2 times, in Madras / Chennai & in Delhi, where, on both occasions he was worshipped as a "god" by women by the performance of the Aarti, a form of LATRIA, and anointed with the "sacred ashes" or powders the Tilak etc (the external act of the post-Aarti anointing with the powder or ash is similar to the anointing with ashes of the Palm Sunday Palm leaf crosses on St Blaise's Day).
In the wake of these Idolatries, opposition & denunciation for these Pagan blasphemies swiftly spread principally from the All India Laity Congress of Victor Kulanday and was picked up by the Lefebvrists and other Neo-Cons; apologists and whitewashers of Wojtyla publicly clashed with the former while denying that Aarti was worship or LATRIA and affirmed that it was a secular Indian "Welcoming Ceremony" just like the Polynesian Aloha.
See my take & participation in this Aarti Controversy:
Please do take the time to read the above page thoroughly.
In the wake of Vatican2, the 3 "Catholic" Rites (Latin, Syro-Malabar, Syro-Malankara) in India & Goa etc sought to rapidly Paganize; this was spearheaded by the CBCI, the 'Catholic' Bishops Conference of India, via its facility in Bangalore, the "National Biblical, Catechetical, and Liturgical Centre" (NBCLC) under Fr Duraiswami Simon Amalorpavadass and his brother 'Cardinal' Lorduswamy
Kulanday's All India Laity Congress conducted a forceful public campaign against the CBCI, NBCLC, Amalorpavadass, Lorduswamy, Mother Teresa, Bede Griffith, Thomas Merton and other Paganizers that forced the Paganizers onto the backfoot.
In the context of this forceful opposition, 'Cardinal' Telesphore Toppo of Ranchi stated:
"We must firmly tell everyone that the march of inculturation (Paganisation) following Vatican2 is irreversible; any attempt to do so will only hurt the sentiments of our people."
He was speaking of, among other things, the adoption of the rite of Aarti as part of what the Paganizers call the "Indian Anaphora" (mass) and which I prefer to call the Hindu Anaphora.
The above page, by Michael Prabhu, a "Catholic Pentecostal Protestant" (ie "Charismatic Renewal") reproduces photos of Aarti performed on priests, bishops, 'Cardinals' & several times on 'Pope' Wojtyla ("John-Paul2"), etc.
It is now pertinent to ask a few questions.
Why is Aarti "an act of humiliation (that) forces a 'Catholic priest' to bow down before a deity, and to compel him to worship another religious faith" if it was acceptable for Aarti to be done for the "Sainted" "Pope St John-Paul2" (Wojtyla), several times also including in Calcutta & Rome during the "Beatification rites" of another signal Paganizer Mother Teresa?
Why is Aarti "holy and sacred" when used to commit Idolatry of Wojtyla and of "Catholic priests" as part of the "Hindu Anaphora" approved by the NBCLC & CBCI and which has been opposed by the All India Laity Congress, yet denounced as "Idolatry" & "a humiliation" when the Sangh mandates it for "Catholic schools & colleges"?
Indeed, is it not logical progression from Vatican2, Amalorpavadass,Wojtyla, Mother Teresa for the Vatican2 sect's 3 franchises Latin Rite, Syro-Malabar Rite and Syro-Malankara Rite, to proactively hold Bharatmata Aarti not only in all their schools & colleges but even in their churches, chapels, convents etc?
How can CBCI say via Telesphore Toppo that "adoption of the rite of Aarti as part of the Hindu Anaphora" is irreversible but then say via Baselios Cleemis that Bharatmata Aarti in 'Catholic' schools, colleges, churches, etc is "a humiliation"?
How can Aarti as part of the "Indian Catholic" "#HinduAnaphora" or the "#IndianAnaphora" be holy, pious and sacred, an expression of sanctity, yet suddenly become "an humiliation... worshipping another deity, another religious faith"?
Why Double Standards, Duplicity, Hypocrisy?
It is high time for the laity and clergy of the Vatican2 sect and its 3 rites in South Asia to answer these Contradictions.
I invite all to study Pope Paul IV's Law "Cum ex Apostolatus Officio" ( and to return to true Catholicism under His Holiness Pope Michael1.
Lucio Mascarenhas, Jan 25, 2018.
Thursday, November 04, 2021
Islam, Religion of Blasphemy
#Islam, the Religion of #Blasphemy, #Allah is #Satan masquerading as God, the #Quran is from Satan.
The True God is #FatherofHumanity:
"That you may consider in your heart, that as a man trains up his son, so the Lord your God has trained you up." Deuteronomy viii, 5,
"I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son: and if he commit any iniquity, I will correct him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men." 2 Kings vii, 14,
"Blessed is the man You discipline, O Lord, and teach from Your law." Psalm 93:12,
"I know, O Lord, that Your judgments are righteous, and that in faithfulness You have afflicted me." Psalm 118:75,
"My son, reject not the correction of the Lord: and do not faint when thou art chastised by Him: For whom the Lord loves, He chastises: and as a father in the son He pleaseth Himself." Proverbs iii, 11-12.
"And I will receive you; and I will be a Father to you; and you shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." 2 Corinthians vi, 18.
"And you have forgotten the consolation, which speaks to you, as unto children, saying: 'My son, neglect not the discipline of the Lord; neither be wearied while you are rebuked by Him. For whom the Lord loves, He chastises; and He scourges every son whom He receives. Persevere under discipline. God deals with you as with His sons; for what son is there, whom the father doth not correct? But if you be without chastisement, whereof all are made partakers, then you are bastards, and not sons.'" Hebrews xii, 5-8,
"Such as I love, I rebuke and chastise. Be zealous therefore, and do penance." Apocalypse iii, 19,
It is only Satan himself, who will dare to both pretend to be God, and yet to openly, & blatantly, contradict, God!
The Fatherhood of God over humanity is the Common Nature of the Triune Godhead. It is not that merely the Hypostasis called God the Father, who is "The Father"; God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Ghost too hold with Him this Divine Nature in Common. Yet, it is true that God the Father is the predominant principle of the Divine Operation of Fatherhood.
"The Jews & the Christians say, 'We are the children of God and His most beloved!' Say, Why then does He punish you for your sins? No! You are only humans like others of His Own making. He forgives whoever He wills and punishes whoever He wills. To Allah alone belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and everything in between. And to Him is the final return." Surah al Maidah, ayat 18, Khattab version
"The Jews & the Christians say, 'We are the children of God and His beloved.' Say, 'Then why does He punish you for your sins?' Rather, you are human beings from among those He has created. He forgives whom He wills, and He punishes whom He wills. And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, and to Him is the final destination." Surah al Maidah, ayat 18, Saheeh version .
The True God is #FatherofHumanity:
"That you may consider in your heart, that as a man trains up his son, so the Lord your God has trained you up." Deuteronomy viii, 5,
"I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son: and if he commit any iniquity, I will correct him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men." 2 Kings vii, 14,
"Blessed is the man You discipline, O Lord, and teach from Your law." Psalm 93:12,
"I know, O Lord, that Your judgments are righteous, and that in faithfulness You have afflicted me." Psalm 118:75,
"My son, reject not the correction of the Lord: and do not faint when thou art chastised by Him: For whom the Lord loves, He chastises: and as a father in the son He pleaseth Himself." Proverbs iii, 11-12.
"And I will receive you; and I will be a Father to you; and you shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." 2 Corinthians vi, 18.
"And you have forgotten the consolation, which speaks to you, as unto children, saying: 'My son, neglect not the discipline of the Lord; neither be wearied while you are rebuked by Him. For whom the Lord loves, He chastises; and He scourges every son whom He receives. Persevere under discipline. God deals with you as with His sons; for what son is there, whom the father doth not correct? But if you be without chastisement, whereof all are made partakers, then you are bastards, and not sons.'" Hebrews xii, 5-8,
"Such as I love, I rebuke and chastise. Be zealous therefore, and do penance." Apocalypse iii, 19,
It is only Satan himself, who will dare to both pretend to be God, and yet to openly, & blatantly, contradict, God!
The Fatherhood of God over humanity is the Common Nature of the Triune Godhead. It is not that merely the Hypostasis called God the Father, who is "The Father"; God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Ghost too hold with Him this Divine Nature in Common. Yet, it is true that God the Father is the predominant principle of the Divine Operation of Fatherhood.
"The Jews & the Christians say, 'We are the children of God and His most beloved!' Say, Why then does He punish you for your sins? No! You are only humans like others of His Own making. He forgives whoever He wills and punishes whoever He wills. To Allah alone belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and everything in between. And to Him is the final return." Surah al Maidah, ayat 18, Khattab version
"The Jews & the Christians say, 'We are the children of God and His beloved.' Say, 'Then why does He punish you for your sins?' Rather, you are human beings from among those He has created. He forgives whom He wills, and He punishes whom He wills. And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, and to Him is the final destination." Surah al Maidah, ayat 18, Saheeh version .
Thursday, October 14, 2021
1. Always remember how the Church of Demons has always "Celebrated" Our Lady at Leiria-Fatima in Portugal
2. "Pope" "Ashamed" at Clergy Abuse
3. "Divine Retreat Center" at Chalakudy, Kerala To Reopen October 31, 2021
There is open War upon the Catholic Church since 1958, the Masks are off, Governments, States (first of all UK & USA, under their Matriarch the Scarlet Whore of Babylon, "Queen Elizabeth 2," "Popess of England," the Twin Whores of Sodom and Gomorra, EU, NATO, UN, etc), and the Media, and the entire ZOG Kleptocracy eg Wikipedia, Facebook, etc., etc., Dogmatically and Infallibly Certify that Apostates who in fact reject the 1st Commandment are "Catholic Popes": John XXIII-2, Paul 666, JohnPaul 1 & 2, Ratfinger, the Cyborg Borgoglu. In turn, obeying their owners and masters who have intruded these Satanist frauds into the Vatican, these "Popes" have rejected Catholic Law and Doctrine on strict punishment of priests and religious who indulge in sexual activities, they openly authorize and encourage and extol and celebrate the heresy that all humans must indulge in sexual activities as part of being human, being holistic, being "holy," and then they blame priest predators, not on the parody Fake Catholic Church that these Bastards have fabricated and sustain, but upon the Catholic Church and on the Doctrine of Celibacy! These are Criminals and Terrorists who must be Exterminated with Extreme Prejudice: God Commands it (Deus vult)!
These Fake "Popes," Non-Popes, Heresiarchs of Roman Protestantism, created it, this Clerical Paedophilia, they sustain it, they are sorrowful that they have not been able to have much more victims sacrificed to their god Satan.
Everyone who calls a Satanist Fraud a "Catholic Pope" thereby Certifies himself / herself / themselves as Active, Persistent, Stubborn Satanists who will not turn back from their Crimes but are determined to Deceive others into following them into Eternal Damnation, into Hell.
The "Charismatic Renewal" is a Satanist Fraud, it is Satanism, it follows Protestant Lies of a "Constantinian Shift" under Emperor Constantine and of a "Consequent Loss of the Holy Ghost," until these Heretics, Heathens and Pagans, "Rediscovered the Holy Spirit." Jesus Christ taught and guaranteed His Holy Ghost to be with His Catholic Church for all times, unto the End. The "Holy Spirit" of Pentecostalism, and of its Spinoff "Charismatic Renewals," is None Other than Satan himself. Potta, Muringoor, Chalakudy, "Tabor Ashram at Kalyan," etc., etc., Celebrate Satan and Satanism, celebrate Spitting in the Face of Jesus Christ. Everyone who participates Will Assuredly be Eternally Damned to Hell.
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
The Damnation of Carlo Acutis
TODAY, October 12, is the "Feast" Day of the Damnation of Carlo Acutis, the Day he attained to Hell, to Eternal Damnation.
Beware! Remember! God is not a "Santa Claus." God is not a Teddy Bear. God is not a "Go-Easy fellow." God is Love, but He is also Just. He is also Jealous, Zealous. God is Terrible. God is Not Mocked. One does not play the fool with God, and escape unscathed.
God is Omnipresent, and constantly bears witness to the truth, so that no living human being is ever abandoned by God. Yet men go whoring after error, after falsehoods. They will assuredly pay the price.
Carlo Acutis lived and died a member of Roman Protestantism, the most Apostate sect as yet in history, a sect that mocks and insults God, that is a Satanist sect, in a degree not yet seen in history, a sect that effectively teaches that "All gods are one, all gods are true, all religions, if faithfully practiced, lead to heaven."
Every and every single member of this sect, even "nominal" members, everyone who retains membership and who does not publicly denounce this Demonic Sect, will assuredly be Damned to Hell. Make no mistake about it.
All "canonizations" by this Pythoniastic Sect are Null and Void.
Carlo Acutis is in Hell. Carlo Acutis chose to live a lie, chose to hate and mock God, chose to go to Hell.
Carlo Acutis is in Hell. Right alongside Antipopes Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Karol Wojtyla "John-Paul2," Murder Teresa, Jose Maria Escriva, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, Julian the Apostate, Nestorius, Muhammad, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Henry VIII Tudor, Thomas Cromwell, Elizabeth Boleyn, Thomas Cranmer, John Knox, Oliver Cromwell, Charles Taze Russell, William McKinley, etc. Make no mistake about it, God is not mocked.
Lucio Mascarenhas
Friday, September 17, 2021
Dismantling Global Hindutva
Dismantling Global Hindutva: The Storm In The Teacup
IMPRIMATUR: September 18, 2021.

- Hinduism is not Hindutva but Hindutva is Hindu
- Are Hindu reformers anti-Hindu?
What the World does not seem to realize is that Hindu Nazism is as great a threat, if not a bigger one, than Mahomettanism.
It is foolishness, a repeat of "World War II" and the "Yalta Gambit" for the West to ally with the Hindu Right.
The "Yalta Gambit" damned millions to Gulags and Terror, and to starvation.
For the Christian, Resurgent Mahomettanism and Hinduism are equal threats, not to be chosen between, but the greatest threat is Westernism, which is Institutionalized Antichristianity, the Antichristendom, product of the Lutheran-Anglican Westphalianism, and its avatars of Westminister Parliamentarianism, Secularism, Constitutionalism, American Republicanism, Americanism, Democratism; Westernism has enabled, and enables, a resurgent Mahomettanism and Hinduism, and until this monster is killed, a stake driven through its heart, Christendom cannot be liberated and restored, the Demonic Vatican2 Robber Council and its Antichurch, the throne of Satan in Rome, cannot be overthrown, "resurgent" Mahomettanism and Hinduism, etc., cannot be put on the backfoot, put to flight, extirpated.
The "Dismantling Global Hindutva" (DGH) Seminar has raised up a storm in a teacup. Its protagonists make a distinction between Hinduism and Hindutva. Proponents of Hindutva terrorism affirm that Hindutva simply means Hinduness, and that the DGH Seminar is an expression of "Hindumisia," or "Hinduphobia," "hatred of Hindus and of Hinduism." The DGH folk counter that the word Hindutva, while it may have originally simply meant Hinduness, has come to take an entirely different meaning, that it distinguishes between Hinduism and Hindutva, and opposes the later.
The DGH organisers state, "To equate Hinduism and Hindutva is to fall into the narrow, bigoted, and reductionist fiction that instrumentalises Hinduism by erasing the diverse practices of the religion, the debates within the fold, as well as its conversations with other faiths. If the poet A.K. Ramanujan reminds us about the importance of acknowledging Three Hundred Ramayanas, then Hindutva seeks to obliterate that complexity into a monolithic fascism."
Hindutva is Hindu Supremacism and the pretension that Hindus, qua Hindus, constitute a "nation." It is an attempt to subsume Hinduism to the Lutheran-Anglican heresy of "Westphalianism" or of the lie of the "nation state," that a Polity is co-identical, and co-terminus, with a "Nation." In English, Hindutva is translated as "Hindu nationalism." Its proponents now pretend that it is "mere Indian nationalism," that being "Indian" equates to being Hindu and vice-versa, that the only true "Indian" is the Hindu, to the exclusion of non-Hindus. Liberal and Leftwing Hindus and their allies and accomplices wish to reinforce the lie that "authentic Hinduism" is tolerant and that Hindutva is a distortion and an aberration. The Indian National Congress has spent its life trying to marry Liberal Hinduism and Hindu Nationalism, to subsume Hindutva to Liberalism, and to the Westphalianist lies in the form of its franchises of Gandhianism and Nehruvianism. Congressism is now on its last gasps of breath. It has been slowly metastatizing for decades, and has run out of vitality. It has birthed the radical "Hindu Nationalist" "Sangh Parivar" as a spin-off, Sanghism, its child, and heir, one of the brands of Hindutva, and under Narendra Modi, Hindutva has opportunistically stolen the ratbag of Congressism's Jingoism, and run away, leaving the feeble, old, discredited Congressism gasping in the dust. Yet, ironically, just as Congressism in all its forms, eg. Gandhianism, Nehruvianism, etc are franchises of Westphalianism, the heresy of Lutheranism-Anglicanism, so is Hindutva. Hindutva is the Westphalian caricature of mediaeval and post-mediaeval Hinduism, conforming Hinduism to Westphalianism.
The organizers of the Dismantling Global Hindutva emphasis one often overlooked fact: That atavistic, orthodox Hinduism, has been enabled by the Anti-Christian West, in the persons of "Swami" Vivekananda, "Mahatma" Gandhi, etc., to become a Global Ideological Movement, and a threat to humanity no longer confined to South Asia, but now a worldwide threat. Its Engines are the Calibans, Educated Savages, Hindu Technocrats of the West. The Fuhrer of Sanghism has been propelled by Global Hindutva to pole position in South Asia, a feat he could not have achieved solely by himself. Indeed, it is a fact that Global Hindutva has beavered away for the last several decades to destroy the Nehruvian-Gandhian Kleptocracy and to supplant it with the more vicious Sanghist Kleptocracy, enervating Congressism and "India" and successfully corrupting and coopting the various social and constitutional institutions of India, such as the Judiciary, and more particularly the Judiciary, very, very, successfully, over the last several decades, to eliminate opposition to his elevation and to enable his rise, stealing from the old, well-known playbook of Congressism. The Fuhrer is not so much the puppet of Adani as he is the puppet of the moneypower of Global Sanghism, of Global Hindutva, which has become very well entrenched and predominant in the West, and which aspires for far more than merely the subversion of Nehruvian India; it aspires for a World Hindu Empire. It is this powerfully entrenched and ruling Global Hindutva, which has the Right and the Left of the West in its thrall, that has very powerfully begun to shout down and intimidate the Dismantling Global Hindutva organizers.
As a Christian, it is not my business to patronize the lie that Hinduism is tolerant while Hindutva is intolerant. On the contrary, as a Christian, I am obliged by God to confess that all religions except the one true Divine Revealed religion, the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church, under the lawful and Catholic Pope, successors of Peter, are false religions, owned and managed by Satan. A careful study of Hinduism reveals that it is just as duplicitious as Mahomettanism, with code words to convey dual meanings, one for internal consumption, and another for external consumption. A careful study of Hinduism reveals that it is just as vicious and misanthropic, and racist an ideology, at its best and at its worst, as is Mahomettanism. Its 'gods,' its heroes, are monsters and criminals, impotent beings, slaves of passion, slaves of needs and of wants, craven beings, but above all, criminals of the worst kind, the lowest of the lowest, just as was Mahomet the Profitless.
The world, under its masters of the Zogdom, obsessed with its hatred of Christianity, glosses over the fact that Hinduism has fashioned and perpetrated, and perpetrates and perpetuates even to this day, the world's oldest and most vicious form of Racism and Apartheid, Casteism, that "Mahatma" Gandhi and Gandhianism, for example, was a very thinly disguised effort to legitimize and whitewash Casteism, and to hardsell it as beneficial, pious, philanthropic. The world, obsessed with its hatred of Christianity and consumed with its desire to expunge humanity of the last dregs and vestiges of Christianity from the Apostate West, the former Christian peoples of Europe and the West, has, over the last several centuries of contact between Hinduism and the West, consciously and willingly made itself the partner and accomplice and abettor in crime, of Hinduism and of its vital and essential element of Casteism, the world's oldest and most vicious form of Racism and Apartheid. Casteism is a crime, a Crime against Humanity. Hindu apologists pretend that Casteism is a distortion, an alien construct and an alien imposition upon Hinduism, by the Muslims and the English. However, Casteism has always been a vital and essential part of Hinduism long before Buddhism, Jainism and Zoroastrianism came into being, long before Christianity came to South Asia, long before Mahomettanism began to blight the subcontinent. Casteism is an essential part of the Narratives of the Hindu Scriptures, in the mythologies of the Demons Parasurama, Rama, Krishna, etc. This is the story of Sambuka, of Eklavya, etc. There is, in fact, no Hinduism without Casteism. To be a Hindu requires one to be initiated in the Hindu "sacraments," particularly the Upanayana Samskara, which, as Rajput-Maratha brigand Shiva Bhosale learned the hard way, requires one to be a pedigreed Caste Hindu.
Hinduism cannot be divorced from Casteism. A Hinduism that has been purged of its vital and essential element of Casteism will curl up and die. Casteism gives Hinduism its obduracy and closemindedness, its hardheartedness, that immunizes its dupes against the Gospel.
Sanghism or "Hindu Nationalism" is the Hindu equivalent, the mirror image, the spitting image, of Jinnahism, of Pakistanism. Sanghism aims to convert "India" into a Hindu Pakistan, and aspires to be the Hindu Taliban, the Hindu AlQaida, the Hindu Daesh, so much so that it is sometimes mockingly called "AlCowda." Pakistanism is the pretension that Mahomettans, qua Mahomettans, are a "nation." It is the subsuming of, and the marrying of, the old Mahomettan Xenophobia, Racism and Apartheid called Millatism, to and with Westphalianism. Pakistanism is a "Fascism" just as Sanghism is a "Fascism," Cancers upon humanity, just as its parents, the Synagogue of Satan, Freemasonry and Protestantism, are cancers, and like them, Jinnahism / Pakistanism / Sanghism look to consume humanity, dehumanize its dupes and its victims.
"Westphalianism" was specifically crafted to destroy Catholicism, Christendom, and it is only Catholicism, its Reconquistas and Crusades, that can take on, and destroy, negate, the disease of "Westphalianism."
Much has been made of Ambedkar and of Ambedkarism. Ambedkar was wrong, and followed a false path, one that has doomed his followers to remain a perpetually persecuted and excluded minority. It was pride and arrogance and egotism that led Ambedkar to embrace the false, vain, and viciously misanthropic and demonic ideology of Buddhism. Those who fight Casteism, even those who nominally follow the Christian religion, are making the same fatal mistake. The only way to fight Casteism is by adhering to a strict and uncompromised orthodox Catholic Christianity.
Jesus Christ commanded His disciples to go to all peoples preaching His Gospel, first to the leaders of society, and then to the rest of the population. Many Christian missionaries eg St John Britto, Robert de Nobili, etc., made the fatal mistake in South Asia, of confusing the Caste System heirarchy for Social heirarchy, striving above all to convert the Brahmins, who are supposedly at the Apex of Hindu society. This mistakes the ideological parasitical system of Hinduism & Caste for a Social Order. It is far from that. The true social leaders were the Kshatriyas, the secular rulers. According to Jesus Christ, the time for attempting to convert Brahmins and Kshatriyas as a means of converting the population at large, has long passed, and it is also very long past the time for Christian missionaries to dust their footwear off the dust of the Brahmins, and to go to the rest of the populace. St Francis Xavier quickly and early saw through the Brahmin parasites and steered clear of them. In the last 150-200 years, Christian missionaries have attempted to evangelize the Excluded, who are largely the Dalits, but more particularly the tribals. This too has largely failed, as the tribes are too deeply contaminated by Hinduism and its ideology, and attempts to get rid of social irritants only makes for more Calibans, educated savages, adding to the stock of the enemies of the Gospel.
Humanity as a whole, and even South Asia, has absolutely no place, no space, for the parasitical system of Brahminism and Casteism, no place, no space for Brahmins as Brahmins. "The Earth, and its fullness, belongs to God."
The Convent School system, created by the Catholic Recusancy as the Parochial School system, has been successfully perverted by Protestant England over the last 300 years, into factories and mills that mass produce Calibans, Protestantized Hindu and Muslim Educated Savages who are, for that reason, the more vicious enemies of the Gospel. It is time to take stock, to return to the Paths of Old, to begin Evangelizing anew. The Gospel is not the slave of MacAulay, it does not exist to Anglicize and Protestantize the masses of South Asia.
The Dalits of South Asia have off and on, but not very seriously, demanded their own Autonomous Rite. For the last several years, the Catholic Pope, Bishop of Rome, His Holiness Pope Michael, has, through me, offered precisely this, a Dalit Autonomous Rite, with its own bishops, priests, and once on a sound footing, even its own Governing Synod and Ethnarch, and even a Patriarch, if needed, and once things have progressed to that stage, but, as I have said, Dalits are not really serious, and willingly remain in thrall to the Brahmins and other upper castes that have pretended to have converted to Christianity only in order to import Brahminism and Casteism into Christianity and to continue to persecute and dehumanize the Dalits. Thus the Dalits willingly cling to the last vestiges of Casteism, willingly remaining in thrall, in intellectual slavery, to Hinduism, to Brahminism and Casteism, and not at all serious of the offer made by His Holiness.
True and orthodox Christianity has absolutely no place for Brahminism and Casteism. In Jesus Christ, there is no more a distinction between Greek and Barbarian, between Jews and Gentiles, between Brahmin and Shudra, no place for Racism, Colorism, Xenophobia. When a Christian is baptized, he is asked if he renounces the pride and pomps of Satan, and only when he assents, is he baptized. Casteism in Christianity is treason against God and against one's baptismal promises to God. A Casteist is one who confesses that he communicates in the 'gods' of the Hindus, of Hinduism, because, that is what Casteism is: A communion with, and participation in, in the lives, and crimes, of the Hindu 'gods,' who, the God of the Bible repeatedly identifies as Demons, Devils. There is thus absolutely no space and absolutely no place for Casteism and for Casteists in Christianity, no space and no place for Casteism in any form in Christianity. A Christian who adheres to Caste is a Self-Certified Satanist, and unless he repents and does penance, and seeks absolution, such a person will be very certainly damned for eternity to Hell. A baptized Christian who goes to Hell will usually suffer more than Hindus who go to Hell, but even among baptized Christians, those baptized Christians who practice Casteism, will be tormented even more severely in Hell than the merely baptized Christians.
Repent, be baptized, do penance and mortifications for and in the Lord, renouncing Satan and his Pomps, including the nonsense of Casteism in all its vestiges!
Lúcío Mascarenhas.
Ministério Metamorfose: O Caminho dos Santos de Lúcío Mascarenhas.
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Exultet in Pachapapa
For those "Christians" who celebrate Murder Teresa...
I pray...
Murder Teresa is a Saint, rejoicing in Heaven.
Right next to Karol Wojtyla, Muhammad, Martin Luther, Henry VIII, Joseph Smith, Thomas Crammer, Emperor Julian, Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda, Mary Baker Eddy, etc.
Jesus Christ is a Liar.
And he is burning in Hell.
But Murder Teresa is a Saint and rejoiceth in Heaven.
And I pray that you soon join her in Eternity.
But as for me and my household, I will walk only with Jesus Christ, He Who is Yahweh-Elohim, Yahwehshaphat, Yahwehshua, HaMoschiah.
May I never be separated from Him.
Those "Christians" who celebrate Krishna
I pray
That they may join him for eternity
That their Joy be made complete in him
And his in them.
Let it be so, Adonai.
Lucio Mascarenhas #Josuexxiv15 #Joshua.24.15 #CantateDomino #UnamSanctam #CumExApostolatusOfficio

I pray...
Murder Teresa is a Saint, rejoicing in Heaven.
Right next to Karol Wojtyla, Muhammad, Martin Luther, Henry VIII, Joseph Smith, Thomas Crammer, Emperor Julian, Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda, Mary Baker Eddy, etc.
Jesus Christ is a Liar.
And he is burning in Hell.
But Murder Teresa is a Saint and rejoiceth in Heaven.
And I pray that you soon join her in Eternity.
But as for me and my household, I will walk only with Jesus Christ, He Who is Yahweh-Elohim, Yahwehshaphat, Yahwehshua, HaMoschiah.
May I never be separated from Him.
Those "Christians" who celebrate Krishna
I pray
That they may join him for eternity
That their Joy be made complete in him
And his in them.
Let it be so, Adonai.
Lucio Mascarenhas #Josuexxiv15 #Joshua.24.15 #CantateDomino #UnamSanctam #CumExApostolatusOfficio
Saturday, August 14, 2021
"Boycott Radhika Apte"
What is the "#BoycottRadhikaApte" hashtag "movement" all about?
By Lucio Mascarenhas, August 14, 2021.It's trending "#BoycottRadhikaApte," because "she is insulting, destroying Hindu Culture, Vedic Sanatan Dharma Sanskrit traditions, culture," blah, blah, via the movies Parched, Clean Shaven?
Like, "how dare she corrupt Hinduism by playing out the promiscuous, obscene, immoral, craven lives and acts" of the Hindu "gods"?
I am really, really scared that, next, these Gobarheads will be demanding that Hinduism, Hindu Scriptures be banned! ROTFLMAO!
How about "Boycott Hypocrisy"? Flamboyant, in-your-face hypocrisy?
I don't watch movies. I don't care for Hollywood or for it's very inoriginal copycat Bollywood. My wife bought a TV against my express command. I have watched some movies perforce when visiting home. I haven't watched Parched, or any Radhika Apte or Swara Bhaskar movies, as far as I can recall. I have read reports. In my childhood, I had seen Hundreds of Bollywood movies featuring Amitabh Bachhan, Dharmendra Deol, etc. It was an ocean of pornography, immodesty, misogyny, thank you much kindly for asking. Bollywood creates and sustains an industry of kidnapping, trafficking, rapes and prostitution of girls and women; there can be no Kamathipura without Bollywood.
I ask: Why target Radhika, and ignore Reliance Industries, Ajay Devgan, etc. involved in making Parched, etc?
How about "Let's Boycott Reliance Jio?"
When are you going to agitate for Khajuraho and hundreds of ancient Hindu temples to be dynamited?
Most protestors against Swara Bhaskar & now Radhika Apte are "Sanskarists": Bhakts, Sanghis, and Gobarheads.
So, when will you agitate for the arrest, prosecution of Narendra Modi for the Mansi Soni Snoopgate?
Kangana Ranaut appearing Stark naked in movies doesn't get your goat, hypocrites, because she is one of you, a Gobarhead, Sanghi?
Incessant, indefatigable hypocrisy, eh?
Does India have a Moral Compass? Does India even know what a "Moral Compass" is, or cares?
An ocean of outrage over Swara Bhaskar and Radhika Apte, and not a whimper over Modichor's flagrant International Terrorism, High Sea Piracy, Kidnapping, Trafficking, Crimes Against Humanity in Re Princess Latifa, etc.?Or the kidnapping, rape, murder and destruction of evidence of Kauser Bi on orders of Narendra Modi, Amit Shah?
"Who Killed Judge Loya?" Where's your outrage?
Hypocrisy: A Study In Contrasts
Raj Kundra has just been caught red-handed peddling pornography. Did you have a deafening outroar of "Boycott Raj Kundra"? But I hear only Pin-drop Silence?!Where's your outrage, hypocrites?
So, please excuse me, you "Sanskarists," you bunch of Meally Mouthed Hypocrites, just what is all this deafening clamour about "Boycott Radhika Apte"?
Is Radhika Apte, Swara Bhaskar actually about nothing more than bareback, naked, triumphalist Misogyny?
Please return your Hypocrisy back to where you extricated it from, where the sun don't shine!
And have some Modicum Chai!
Lucio Mascarenhas
Modicum Chai
You have heard of "Paani-Cum Chai" or "Paani-Kum Chai", but what is ModiCum Chai?"Modicum Chai" is Tea made without the "Holy Droppings" of Mahatma Fekuji, the pageant Chaiwala, or of kine, not prepared using Sewer Gas / Nullah Gas / Mitrogen.
Mansi Soni Snoopgate
I found this hilarious: "Mansi Soni was not spied upon because he did something with her and was afraid that she would reveal it but because he wasn't able to do anything with her and was afraid she would reveal it"! It's apparently an innuendo tweet by a tweeter going by the name "Jimmy Vesuna," probably a spoof account.Metamorphosis Ministry of Lúcío Mascarenhas.
Saturday, July 24, 2021
The Aarti Controversy
The Aarti Controversy
Exposing The Brazen Lies of the False "Roman Catholic Church"
Which Is In Fact "The Roman Modernist Liberal Protestant 'Church'" OR "Antichurch"!
©Lúcio Mascarenhas
[Copyright Terms & Conditions].
H.H. Pope Michael I | Intro: Pope Michael I | My Pages | My Blog | My Guestbook. |
PUBLISHED on the Internet: Oct. 4, 2005. Consolidated from older published documents; text partially revised, corrected and improved.
RE-PUBLISHED: July 24, 2021. PAGE URL: |
WARNING 'A' RatingThis pages contains text and images that are obscene, immoral, nauseating, shocking and unfit for viewing. They are placed here for educational purposes to aid and instruct the believer against heretics, apostates, spiritual vampires and the apologists of these spiritual vampires.The viewer is to exercise his / her discretion in viewing them to pray to the Holy Ghost for guidance and protection against temptation and error while proceeding. Minors are strongly advised not to read or view further, or to read only under guidance of a suitable elder. Lúcio Mascarenhas |
Fair Use NoticeThis web site may contain copyrighted material the use of which may not always have been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of political, human, religious, and social issues. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.For more information go to If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Lúcio Mascarenhas |
- Pedigree Of The Liberal Protestant Heresy of Modernism & How It Entered The Catholic Church
- Hinduism or Indian Paganism, Demon Shiva & Phallus-Cult: Pornography = Spirituality!
- On The Demon Ganapati The Elephantine Effrontery of the Indian Pagans!
- Acarya Sankara the 1st.: Founder of Pantheistic Neo-Hinduism
What Is "Aarti"?
"Aarti", also written as "arti" and "arati" (which latter is the closest to the original) is a Hindu religious rite or ceremony, which is an act of worship of the recipient or object as deity or as a deity.The word "Arati" means a primæval, gut-felt cry out to the deity by the supplicant.
The theological underpinnings of the ritual of "Aarti" is the Hindu belief that all souls and living beings, and even the spirits or souls attributed to inanimate things such as stones, rocks, mountains, rivers, etc., are deities, as part of the pantheistic concept of Brahman.
Brahman is conceptualized as an impersonal Supreme Deity above the three SuperGods, the Gods ("Devas"), and other classes of spiritual beings.
Every spirit, including of the three SuperGods and the Devas, the souls of men, animals, plants and things, are fragments or emanations of this Supreme Deity or Supreme Godhead, "Brahman" (also called the "Brahma-Atma", "Cosmos-Soul" or "Param-Atma", the "Supreme- Soul"), which have been separated and are in a state of unknowing ("Maya").
As such, each of these spirits is a part of this Supreme Godhead, and therefore participates in the common Godhead and are therefore deities in themselves.
Therefore, as deity, each of these spirits or souls can be worshipped with divine worship: what the Catholics call "Latria".
Catholicism affirms that souls and spirits are not a part of the Godhead, and therefore not divine, and that they may not be offered the quality of worship that is reserved to God alone, that is, "Latria".
Therefore, it follows that Catholics may not knowingly either perform the "Aarti" ceremony, or permit it to be performed upon oneself, and those that persist in doing so, are considered to have committed a grave sin against God, and to have apostatized.
As part of the New Religion, based on Evolutionary Paganism, and seeking to bring about the union of all religions into a single One-World Religion, the Anti-Catholic Church, under the Antipope Wojtyla, the Lying Pole, has deliberately adopted the pagan rite of "Aarti" into its liturgies, in order to co- opt the Hindu pagans, and for the larger purpose of inculcating a spirit of eclecticism.
The first time Wojtyla received divine worship as a god was during his first visit to India, in the city of Madras (see the picture below). The picture of this event shows him being anointed with the "Sindoor", a red powder, on the forehead, which is the last part of the "Aarti" ceremony.
Apologists of the Antipope have sought to throw mud into the eyes of those members of his sect who still retain some vestige of Catholic feeling and who are therefore scandalized by these doings.
These apologists of the wolves and vampires of the Antichurch have pretended that the "Aarti" ceremony is one merely welcoming and honoring a visitor or guest, and is not intrinsically pagan, or an act of worship due to deity alone.
In this page, I demonstrate that this is false, and a deliberate and conscious lie. Lúcio.
Introduction To "The Church of Brazenfaced Lying":
The Virtue Sedulously Cultivated By The Antichurch
The Antichurch does not deny that "Aarti" was performed repeatedly and on several occasions upon, or by, its Heresiarch and Antipope
Wojtyla, the Pretender "John-Paul II". It rather relies on a brazen-faced lie that the rite of "Aarti" is an Indian social custom, not specifically Hindu, and that
it merely signifies welcoming and honor to a guest when he or she first arrives. It is true that "Aarti", in addition to its first and principal meaning of worship of the object as deity, is also an act of welcoming and honor to a guest when he or she first comes into a Hindu home, or of an idol when it is brought for the first time to a pagan home, temple or other site. However, it is a lie, based on that old trickery of suppressio verii, suggestio falsi to pretend that it only signifies welcome and honor.
That the Antichurch so lies, I will prove by quoting it verbatim.
The Society of St. Pius X, colloquially called "Lefebvrists" for its founder Marcel Lefebvre, former Archbishop of Dakar, Africa, is an organisation that seeks to sit on two stools Christianity AND Roman Liberal Protestant Modernism and ends up falling down, pleasing neither. However, it is also an organization that serves a useful role by documenting and publicizing the demoniacism and pythoniacism of the Modernists, especially the Satanists Montini ("Paul VI") and Wojtyla ("John-Paul II").
Thus, for example, it was the Lefebvrists who first gave wide publicity to the Satanist crimes of Wojtyla, his deliberate reception of divine worship by means of the Hindu "Aarti", in Madras (or "Chennai"), South India, during his 1986 visit:
![]() Liberal Protestant Modernist Apostate being worshipped as god! |
"Still at Madras on February 5, 1986, a sugarcane, fashioned into the form of a cross, signifying a Hindu offering to a carnal god, was brought into the
presence of Wojtyla.
"A little later, during the offertory procession, a coconut was carried to the altar, a typical Hindu offering, which they offer to their idols. "Finally, a man placed sacred ashes on his forehead. "It was not a matter of Tilak but of Sacred Ashes or "Vi-Bhuti". "Three days earlier, on Feb. 2, he had received on his forehead the Tilac or Tikka, the red powdery paste of the Hindus, the sign of the adorers of Shiva." Interview of Msgr. Marcel Lefebvre given to La Croix, Feb. 6 & L'Express, Feb. 7-13, 1986. |
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre of Dakar |
A certain person, F. John Loughnan, who makes it his vocation to protect and further the cult of the Modernist vampire-antipopes, and whose pertinacious lies regarding the true nature of the "Aarti" provoked me to initiate my exposure of the true meaning of the "Aarti", has not suprisingly, for these are the natural virtues of his sect in one of his recent pages, deliberately and maliciously misrepresented me as a "Lefebvrist" despite the fact that I have been publicly denouncing the Lefebvrists for years, and despite himself admitting that I am not a Lefebvrist but am a loyal Catholic, subject to the Pope, His Holiness Pope Michael. That is one thing that moved me to revise and update this page once again.
In response to this, I have consolidated my pages on Lefebvrism into a single page: The Lefebvrist Controversy.
While I have always rejected Lefebvrism, I can vouch that Archbishop Lefebvre's statements as to the nature of the Aarti, coconut offering, vibhuti and tilak or tikka, are correct and exact (See Table of References immediately below)
References To Understand Definitions Of Idolatry, Etc.Wikipedia is an online Encyclopedia that is open to anyone. It is therefore anarchic and also prone to syncretisation on any particular subject, and therefore not very reliable as a source of information. It is also prone to reflect Protestant prejudices and misrepresentations of Christianity (i.e. Catholicism), hand- in-hand with Liberalism, Agnosticism, Scepticism and Atheism, all of which have their modern origins in Protestantism. I include Wikipedia references here because many Hindus have begun to participate in it and to provide information on their religion there, which information is comparatively more correct than that provided by people from outside the East Indies, so that the Wikipedia entries are comparatively reliable, though we must guard against Hindu blandishments also.
When a person is marked with a Tilak, he has obtained that mark by either of two actions he has been worshipped by the rite of "Aarti" as a god, at the end of which ceremony, his forehead is marked; alternatively, when a congregation worships an idol, the celebrant performs the "Aarti" upon the idol, at the end of which, members of the congregation bow or slightly stoop before the celebrant who marks them with the color-powder from the "thali" as a mark that they had participated in the worship of that idol, and where receiving the mark is considered a kind of communion with it. For a comparision of the attitude of a true Catholic, according to the First Commandment, towards the pagans, see: |
Hindus will commonly admit that the forehead markings called Tilak, Tilaka or Tikka when applied on men usually, or Bindi or Kumkum when applied on a woman, made with Chandan (Sandalwood paste), Sindoor, Vibhuti (Sacred ashes), etc., are meant to signify the third eye of Shiva and Saivik (i.e., according to the cult of Shiva) awakening.
The votaries of the antipope do not deny that the Aarti was performed on him, or that these marks (of Vibhuti and Tilak) were put on him, but they pretend that they have harmless, neutral meanings as mere social customs, and different than what Archbishop Lefebvre was given to understand.
I had found several sites which have incorporated, without any significant alterations, a purported "refutation" (of Archbishop Lefebvre's exposure of Wojtyla's apostasy) presented in a Question & Answer format by the sites run by the threesome of the most vicious anti-Catholics and self-appointed apologists for the spiritual vampires of the Roman Liberal Protestant Modernist sect (better styled the Antichurch): Loughnan, Grossklas & Akin.
(It was my encounter with this threesome and their cute vampirism that inspired this my page on the "Aarti" Controversy!) Another purveyor of these brazen lies is the equally anti-Catholic site "This Rock".
Q.: Someone in the schismatic group "The Society of St. Pius X" told me that when the pope
was in India he had his forehead anointed by a Hindu "priestess of Shiva" and that there is a photo to prove it. Is this true? A: There is a photo of the Pope having his forehead anointed by an Indian woman, but she was a Catholic, not a Hindu priestess! She was giving the Pope a traditional Indian form of greeting known as "Aarti," which has no more religious significance than a handshake does in Western culture or giving someone a wreath of flowers as a welcome in Hawaii. A letter dated November 22, 1994, from the Pontifical Council for Social Communications explains the custom and its role in Indian society: "Indian Catholics . . . use 'Aarti' when a child returns home after receiving First Holy Communion and when a newly married couple are received by their respective families.The letter, by Archbishop John P. Foley, went on to note: "Use of the 'Aarti' ceremonial by Indian Catholics is no more the worship of a heathen deity than is the decoration of a Christmas tree by American Christians a return to the pagan rituals of Northern Europe."Your friend in the Society of St. Pius X should check his facts before spreading such malicious gossip about the Holy Father (cf. Acts 23:1-5). |
Please note that the False Catholic Church (i.e., the Antichurch) is not denying that the rite is "Aarti", it is merely suggesting a false meaning or significance of the "Aarti" (The day will surely come when this Liberal Protestant sect, the False Catholic Church will frantically seek to deny that Wojtyla underwent the Aarti, but by then it will be impossible!)
As a matter of fact, it is an outright lie that any social groupings of Catholics originating before October 1958 practised these rites, "Aarti", etc., for the Catholic Church was very strict in excluding such rites which are incompatible with Christianity, as can be seen, for example, by the Church's decision in the "Indian Rites Controversy", reprimanding St. Robert Cardinal Bellarmine's nephew, Fr. Roberto de Nobili, S.J., the "Chinese Rites Controversy" at about the same time, and the actions of the Carmelite missionary, Fr. Francis Xavier of St. Anne, O.C.D., (nee Rafael Pavone) who ministered in the Sunkery Mission in the 1800s to the Christian refugees from the Usurper Tipu of Mysore's persecution, deportations, and forced apostasy to the vileness of Islam, and who (Fr. Francis) famously suppressed the pagan customs they lately adopted from their pagan harborers.
It is only after the apostasy to the Liberal Protestant heresy of Modernism under the auspices of Roncalli, the antipope John XXIII-II, emanating from Rome, that many, though still not yet all, of Christians in India and Goa have come to be perverted and to adopt, at the urging of this sect, these pagan, sacrilegious and blasphemous rites!
Here is another report of a repeat of the same rite of blasphemy and idolatry involving the Antipope Wojtyla, from the "Frontline" magazine of India:
Karol Wojtyla in IndiaV. Venkatesan, New Delhi, "Frontline" magazine (Hindu Publications Group), Madras, Volume 16 Issue 24, Nov. 13 150; 26, 1999. Text re-edited by Lúcio.The four-day visit of Karol Wojtyla ("John Paul II"), purported head of the Roman Catholic Church and of the Vatican City State, to New Delhi in the first week of November evoked keen interest among people of many religions. Wojtyla flew in on the evening of November 5 amidst tight security. He was given a simple official reception at the airport. The 79-year-old Karol Wojtyla stayed in the Vatican's Embassy in New Delhi's diplomatic enclave. The four-hour "Holy Mass" held at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi, on November 7 to mark the conclusion of the Special Assembly of the Asian Synod of Bishops, was considerably Indianized. The special altar, shaped like hands raised in prayer, was flanked by a portrait of Mother Teresa, drawn by a young artist, Adarsh Alphons, to the left and the Gospel to the right. A huge Indian brass lamp stood in the foreground, while bright diyas (earthern lamps) painted on the rising stage decorated the terraced sanctuary. A group of tribal men and women from Ranchi danced to folk tunes as they ushered in the procession of priests and bishops. Bishops of the Oriental rites lent a special colour to the solemn ranks of the clergy. Other Indian characteristics included the singing of a Tamil devotional song and an Aarti ceremony. |
Piero Marini was the Antipope Wojtyla's M.C. ("Master of Ceremonies") who oversees the selection of rites and observances of rules for his liturgical programs. Marini released on October 23, 1999, the liturgical program for the forthcoming visit to New Delhi in the coming November 1999 by the Antipope:
"At the Doxology when John-Paul II takes the chalice and paten with the host, the Aarati, which is a sign of veneration, will be performed by a group
of young ladies. "The Aarati will consist of the following:
As you proceed down this page, you will understand the Hindu technical terms that Piero Marini gives for the components of this program for a full and formal "Aarti" of the Apostate Wojtyla. What is however obvious is that this statement giving the technical breakup of a full and formal enactment of the "Aarti" ceremony by Marini who is merely an insignificant cog in the wheel at the Vatican hijacked by the Roman Liberal Protestant Modernists demonstrates that this Sect has carefully studied and researched the origin and meaning of this Hindu Rite of "Aarti".
What that true meaning is, will be demonstrated by this page as one goes on, and in contradiction to the Brazen, Concious Lies put out by this Sect in order to throw mud into the eyes of those who are not ready to accept the legitimacy of such blasphemies and sacrileges!
Proof That "Aarti" Is Divine Worship And Not Merely An Indian Form Of Greeting
Hindu Definitions of "Aarti"Interview given by "Fr." Pravin Fernandes, spokesman of the Antichurch in Bombay to the rabidly Pagan triumphalist website"Another symbolic gesture of worship to Jesus Christ present in the form of bread and wine is the Indian Aarti."From the Theme Tourism in India & websites: TRADITIONAL WELCOME The warmth of Indian hospitality & the custom of welcoming guests is as old as the time itself. On arrival, as you step into the hotel, ladies in traditional local costumes greet you with flowers & perform the "aarti" ceremony. After having your forehead anointed with traditional red "tikka" relax with non-alcoholic welcome drink. Available at all the Taj Group of Hotels and also at most of the other hotels.From the website of The Vivekananda Mission in England: "Aarti (waving a lamp in front of the deity) ceremony may be carried out to invoke and welcome the deity.From the website of The Swaminarayan Sect: "One should concentrate fully on the deities to whom he is offering the Aarti."From the My Bindi Website: "Begin with Aarti to evoke the Gods and offer your prayers." |
Condensed Form of Hindu Definitions"One should concentrate fully on the deities to whom he is offering the Aarti". [The Swaminarayan Sect]"Aarti waving a lamp in front of the deity ceremony may be carried out to invoke and welcome the deity. "We may observe the aarti ceremony a lamp is gently waved in front of the deity in a clockwise direction. "Tilak mark on the forehead may be made to awaken spirituality. The mark is usually made with red powder (kumkum)." [The Vivekananda Mission in England] |
To put this in perspective, let us conceptionalize what the Hindus do, viewing as spectators the performance of the rite of the "Aarti" upon an idol, say, of the demoness Durga:
Devil-Worship!"One should concentrate fully on the deities to whom he is offering the Aarti". [The Swaminarayan Sect]"Aarti waving a lamp in front of the deity ceremony may be carried out to invoke and welcome the deity. "We may observe the aarti ceremony a lamp is gently waved in front of the deity in a clockwise direction. "Tilak mark on the forehead may be made to awaken spirituality. The mark is usually made with red powder (kumkum)." [The Vivekananda Mission in England] |
Let us go over this once again...
We have John-Paul II perform the Aarti, and permit it be performed on himself.
Let us, therefore, assume that it is the reader who is called upon to perform the Aarti upon John-Paul II...
Therefore, let us put in John-Paul's name, as the "deity" being offered the latria of Aarti...
![]() Seeing Is Believing! |
Yes! "Pope" AND God!"One should concentrate fully on the god John-Paul II to whom he is offering the Aarti"."Aarti waving a lamp in front of the god John-Paul II the ceremony may be carried out to invoke and welcome the god John-Paul II. "We may observe the aarti ceremony a lamp is gently waved in front of the god John-Paul II in a clockwise direction. "Tilak mark on the forehead may be made to awaken spirituality. The mark is usually made with red powder (kumkum)." |
What the Holy Bible Teaches On The "Aarti"
All Bible quotes from the Douai-Rheims (DRV) or Msgr. Ronald Knox's versions (KV) of the Holy Bible, as approved by the Holy Catholic Church, unless otherwise specified.Herod put on his royal finery and sat down on a raised dais to harangue them (the people of Tyre & Sidon); whereupon the people cried out in applause, It is no man, it is a god that speaks. And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, for not referring the glory to God; and he was eaten up by worms, and so he died. Acts xii:21fl. (KV).
10 And when the multitudes had seen what Paul had done, they lifted up their voice in the Lycaonian tongue, saying: The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men. 11And they called Barnabas, Jupiter: but Paul, Mercury: because he was chief speaker. 13 Which, when the apostles Barnabas and Paul had heard, rending their clothes, they leaped out among the people, crying, 14And saying: Ye men, why do ye these things? We also are mortals, men like unto you, preaching to you to be converted from these vain things to the living God, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all things that are in them 17And speaking these things, they scarce restrained the people from sacrificing to them. Acts xiv:10fl (DRV).
1 Be sure of this, that in the world's last age there are perilous times coming. 2 Men will be in love with self, in love with money, boastful, proud, abusive; without reverence for their parents, without gratitude, 3 without scruple, without love, without peace; slanderers, incontinent, strangers to pity and to kindness; 4 treacherous, reckless, full of vain conceit, thinking rather of their pleasures than of God. 5 They will preserve all the outward form of religion, although they have long been strangers to its meaning. From these, too, turn away. 6 They count among their number the men that will make their way into house after house, captivating weak women whose consciences are burdened with sin; women swayed by shifting passions, 7 who are for ever inquiring, yet never attain to recognition of the truth. 8 Moses found rivals in Jannes and Mambres; just so the men I speak of set themselves up in rivalry against the truth, men whose minds are corrupt, whose faith is counterfeit; 9 yet they will come to little, they will soon be detected, like those others, in their rash folly. 13 The rogues and mountebanks gon on from bad to worse, at once impostors and dupes. 2 Timothy iii:1-13 (KV).
3 The time will surely come, when men will grow tired of sound doctrine, always itching to hear something fresh; and so they will provide themselves with a continuous succession of new teachers, as the whim takes them, 4 turning a deaf ear to the truth, bestowing their attention on fables instead. 2 Timothy iv:3-4 (KV).
And The Origins of Paganisms & Idolatries
18 The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and injustice of those men that detain the truth of God in injustice: 19 Because that which is known of God is manifest in them. For God hath manifested it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made. His eternal power also and divinity: so that they are inexcusable. 21 Because that, when they knew God, they have not glorified him as God or given thanks: but became vain in their thoughts. And their foolish heart was darkened. 22 For, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. 23 And they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into the likeness of the image of a corruptible man and of birds, and of fourfooted beasts and of creeping things. 24 Wherefore, God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness: to dishonour their own bodies among themselves. 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause, God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. 27 And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts, one towards another: men with men, working that which is filthy and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error. 28 And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient. 29 Being filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness: full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity: whisperers, 30 Detractors, hateful to God, contumelious, proud, haughty, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Foolish, dissolute: without affection, without fidelity, without mercy. 32 Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death: and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them. Romans i:18-32 (DRV).
And How The Christian Must Behave Towards Paganisms & Idolatries
14 Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness? 15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever? 16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God: as God saith: I will dwell in them and walk among them. And I will be their God: and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore: Go out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing: 18 And I will receive you. And will be a Father to you: and you shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. 2 Corinthians vi:14-18 (DRV).
How The Apostates Have Integrated This Idolatry Into Their Liturgies
The integration of the "Aarti" ceremony into the Rites of the Anti-Catholic Church, presently led by the Black Forest Vampire and Warlock Josef Ratzinger or Maledictus V is now widespread, as part of this deliberate policy.
Vampire Ratzinger aka Maledictus V |
Beware Of Ratzinger The Vampire From Germany's Black Forest! |
A.P. Photo.: Vampire Ratzinger aka Maledictus V, courtesy Gary Giuffre |
See's Extensive Dossier on the Flea-bitten Ratbag & Black Forest Warlock-Vampire Josef Ratzinger: What You Need To Know About Antipope Ratzinger |
The "Aarti" has, in fact, been made an integral even essential part of the fabricated rite for the apostate ex-Catholics of the Indian Union, the so-called "Indian Anaphora"!
Here is an example of the adoption of the "Aarti" having become commonplace in the Antichurch:
Aarti, Diyas in Bombay ChurchAsian Age, Bombay Edition, Nov. 1, 2000. Datelined Oct. 31, Bombay. Re-EditedOn October 26, the Jesuit-run Holy Family Church, Chakala, East Andheri, Bombay, celebrated "Diwali" (or "Deepavali"), the Hindu Festival of Light.The Church was decorated with diyas (earthern lamps) while lanterns and marigold flowers adorned the place where the service was celebrated. The celebrating priest was welcomed with an "Aarti" performed by the nuns of the Vedruna order, and was anointed with the tilak. The celebrant emphasised the connection between Jesus, the light of the world and the Indian Festival of Light. |
The only reason that a newspaper in India should carry such an item is because of its novelty value "Catholics" are not known to perform the "Aarti" (or 'observe' the Hindu festival of Deepavali)!
A "Fr." Emmanuel Dominic, speaking in the U.S. to the apostate publication, the "National Catholic Reporter", also betrays this adoption of idolatry, thus:
This scruffy-looking man, in casual civvies, who looks more like some Govt. of India Babu, purports to be a "priest", "Fr." Emmanuel Dominic! |
Looking to the Global South for orthodoxy"Fr." Emmanuel Dominic, National Catholic Reporter, February 4, 2004."The Western church could also look to the Third [World] Church for the way it has adapted liturgies for different cultures."Indians have been particularly adept at cultural adaptation, adopting Aarti (honoring God or the priest with flowers, an oil lamp and incense sticks arranged on a steel plate) and singing bhajans (continuous recitation of the name of Jesus or the Trinity). "Such cultural adaptations make the liturgy rich and meaningful for participants, lessons from which the West could learn." |
Further Reading
- GraphicEvidence of The Piety & Modesty of John-Paul II
- Why the Sikhs reject the Rite of Aarti As Idolatrous...
- John-Paul II's Porn–"Mass" in Papua-New Guinea!
- Learn the True Cause of the Explosion in Sexual Crimes by the clergy of the New Church...
- The Menace Of The Neo-Cons | Real Catholicism Part I | Real Catholicism Part II
- Yet More Evidence: Anti-Jesuit Clooney Indulges In Spiritual Fornication | Antipriest Pat Umberger May He Be Accursed! Provides The Key To Hell
I found the following piece of corroborative evidence (not that I need it, but third parties require independent proofs), from the Wikipedia article Bhaubeej:
"Sisters ceremonize their love by putting an auspicious tilak or a vermilion mark on the forehead of their brother(s)....[Please note that the nature of Wikipedia is such, that this page may be altered to remove this text by anyone; in which case, however, members of the public may write me for this version of this article, along with a copy of the history page of this article.]
"Sisters do an aarti of [their brother(s)]....
"An aarti is a ritual... offered to one or more deities." [Emphasis added]
Years ago, in my naivety, I attempted to inform and correct some persons who, on the internet, claimed that the Hindu ceremony of the "Aarti" is merely an act of homage or greeting, and not one of worship, when from personal experience (I live among Hindus, and in the Indian Union), I know it to be an act of worship. I soon learnt the nature of this class of men, which is one of an utter contempt for the truth and a blind determination to falsify facts in order to prevent souls from waking up to the truth.
These men were William Grossklas, F. John Loughnan and James Akin. The principal issue which I had taken up with them was the reception, by their Heresiarch Wojtylathe Mahatma Abominationishwara, of the Hindu act of worship (latria) called "Aarti" (
I have already written a number of articles on the issue of "Aarti" proving my position and demonstrating beyond any doubt that the claims made by Loughnan's sect, and which he, Grossklas and Akin parrot, are a tissue of lies. Recently, I have overhauled and integrated the bulk of these pages into one:
From my experience with these three miscreants, and their malice and mischief, I have realized that this is a class of men"Neo- Cons"who masquerade and impersonate as Catholic "apologists," but in actual fact, they are agents of Roman Modernism, an apostate sect, and are motivated by a passionate hatred for Christ and His Church, and by a hysteric fear that souls may escape from the Maws of their foul sect, from the Program of Damnationthe New Pentecost, the New Springtime, the New Age, the New Order, the Age of Aquariusinaugurated by their Heresiarch Roncalli and presently administered by their Heresiarch Wojtylathe "Lying Pole!"
I also realized that the only appropriate manner of combating such "Neo-Cons", or more appropriately "Neo-Pharisees", and against this their program of sabotaging the deliverance of souls from the Maws of their foul sect, from the Program of Damnation that is the "New Religion", is to go all-out on a harsh, pitiless, merciless counter-offensive, utterly destroying them and all their coy pretensions and exposing their foulness to the penetrating light of day.
This is the policy I have followed against them, against such agents of Satan as Brian Harrison, etc., and which I will now use in this article against Loughnan himself.
On Loughnan's page defending the Antipope "John-Paul II" against the charges of "receiving the mark of the Hindu 'god' Siva", Loughnan quotes
"And Genghis Khan defeated Attila the Hun in battle..."then goes on to say:
"A remarkable statement by one of the party (of Lefebvrists Loughnan had just attended, and which had provoked him to write that article); remarkable in view of the fact that over 700 years separated the lives of Genghis Khan (c. 1162-1227) and Attila the Hun (c. 406- 453). But even more remarkable statements were yet to come!"Recently, I found an article by Loughnan which reminds me of this taunt that he threw at the Traditionalists (he lumps together Lefebvrists and Sedevacantists, etc.), and now I believe is the time to hoist this malefactor on his own petard....
- See box below.
Page Source:
Message #0 Posted by "Sean O L" Dear Fr Ambrose, Of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, it is alleged that it "is a schismatic offshoot from the Russian Orthodox Church. Since they had no legally ordained bishops to ordain more priests, the original priests or bishops were 'ordained' by laying the hands of a dead bishop on their heads." It wouldn’t surprise me if what was behind the Pivarunas/Yurchyk liason is a desire (at least on the part of one of the parties) to strengthen claims to Apostolic Succession. Message #1 Posted by "Fr Ambrose" Dear Sean, The Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kiev Patriarchate (UOC-KP)... is particularly worrying since it is headed by a self-declared Patriarch, Philaret Denisenko, who is married (!) to a woman Mrs Evgenia Denisenko and has two daughters with her. Message #5 Posted by "Sean O L" Rico, During the 20th century, any loosening of Russian control over Ukraine was accompanied by the formation of an autocephalous (independent) Ukrainian Orthodox church. After the former metropolitan of Kiev, Filaret Denisenko, decided in 1991 with the support of the first president of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk to lead Ukrainian Orthodoxy out of canonical subordination to Moscow he was excommunicated from the Russian Orthodox church and subjected to anathema. The government of Ukraine continues to support Filaret and even has made his church the official confession of the Ukrainian army. But the majority of russophone believers in the south, east, and central provinces of Ukraine continue to remain loyal to UPTsMP, which is not surprising. In Filaret's church worship is conducted in Ukrainian. Believers are convinced that the support of Filaret by the Ukrainian authorities is an explicit measure for wiping out the use of Russian. Message 1120 From: Antonis Papadopoulos Date: Fri Dec 1, 2000 4:16 pm Subject: Ukrainian Controversy News PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW HAS CONCLUDED A TREATY WITH THE UKRAINIAN SCHISMATICS ITAR-TASS / Orthodoxia 2000 - Kiev, November 13, 2000 The agreement on establishing a joint commission, which will deal with the problems of creating United Local Church in Ukraine, was signed in Constantinople by the representatives of schismatic Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church and so-called Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate. The correspondent of ITAR-TASS was informed of this on November 13th by the press office of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate. The canonical Churchthe Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchatedidn't take part in the negotiatiions with the schismatics. The document was signed on November 8th after the meeting of the delegations of the two Churches at the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. It provides for "cessation of mutual accusations", ending the process of changing jurisdictions by parishes, communities and clergymen, temporary refusal of canon-law actions (ordination of priests and removing them from the ranks of clergymen etc). According to the agreement, all the steps of the Commission will be coordinated with Constantinople. It is supposed that after its work the Commission will present its conclusions to the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Constantinople in its turn, must define the "canon-law questions and status of archbishops and clerics" of both churches, i.e. accordance of existing statuses of clergymen to canon laws and the hierarchy of the future Church. As announced on Ukrainian television by the head of UPTs-KP, Patriarch Filaret Denisenko of Kiev and all-Ukraine, Patriarch Bartholomew expressed support for the creation in Ukraine of an autocephalous Orthodox church since this "reflects historic traditions and current reality." According to Filaret, at the end of the unification process in Ukraine "there will be an independent Ukrainian church and there will be a church subordinate to Moscow." Message #6 Posted by "Fr Ambrose" Dear Sean, "...A leader in this campaign, the Polish Jesuit Josaphat Kuntsevich (now canonised, Saint Joseph Kuntsevich of Polotsk), admitted that he freely drowned the Orthodox, chopped off their heads and profaned their churches; he ordered their dead bodies to be thrown to dogs." Pope Saint Pius X stated: "Russia is the greatest enemy of the Church." Saint Benjamin, Metropolitan of Kiev, the first of the Russian bishops to be martyred by the Bolsheviks in 1918, stated: "You offer us unification…and all the while, behind our backs, your Latin priests are sowing ruin amongst our flocks" Message #7 Posted by "Sean O L" Dear Fr. Ambrose, Let me say that I am ashamed for the actions of many bad personsboth clerical and laityin the Latin Church during the many past centuries. I am proud that Pope John Paul II has publicly apologized for the sins of her sons during those times. I am hopeful that there will be greater unification of all Christians of good will. Message #8 Posted by "Fr Ambrose" Dear Sean, As to his (Yurchyk's) Apostolic Succession? By Orthodox theology it is meaningless and Yuri is simply a layman in schism. "Patriarch" Filaret Denisenko of the UOC-KP, once a bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, has been synodically deposed and excommunicated. In Orthodox understanding (we have a different view of Apostolic Succession) this makes all his subsequent sacramental actions without grace. He simply is NOT a bishop and he has no episcopal nor even priestly powers. To put it simply, when he says: "This is My body..." the Holy Spirit ignores him. The bread remains bread. And when he says: "I ordain you a priest/bishop.." the Holy Spirit also ignores him. The Spirit cannot be "manipulated" to create schism and division in the Church. Message #9 Posted by "Sean O L" "Mickey Mouse receives Donald Duck"Dear Fr. Ambrose,
The reader is requested to read the above exchangethis love-feast between "Sean O L" and "Dear Fr. Ambrose"carefully before proceeding, since what I have written hereafter, although harsh, is in context of this "loving inter-exchange"!
I hope also, that the reader will have noted this strange, abnormal spectacle: this "love-feast" between two vicious anti-Catholics, their coy courtship of each other, with dainty, mincing steps....
Sure Damnation: The Neo-Pharisees' Program & Agenda
There is a class of rabid heretics, the Neo-Conservatives, or Neo-Cons, out there, who make it their mission to falsify and to mislead, in order to create a protective envelope whereby the crimes of the Roman Modernist heresiarchs (the Antipopes John XXIII-II, Paul 6, John-Paul I & John-Paul II) are either not made known, or misrepresented as legitimate actions, and thereby prevent souls from fleeing from that vile thing called the Antichurch, so that, returning to Catholicism, they may secure their salvation.On mature consideration, it becomes obvious that it is wrong to represent the term "Neo-Con" as being an abbreviation of "Neo-Conservative"; in fact, it is more appropriately an abbreviation of "Neo-Confidence-tricksters": These men are the Con-men of spirituality!
Falsifiers! Perverters of souls! Murderers of souls! Men who seek to shepherd souls into hell! Who live in daily terror that some soul may have escaped them, escaped eternal damnation! Who in fear and trembling, go down on their knees and beg their master, Satan, for more opportunities, and vow to re-double their efforts at bringing souls to damnation!
Such men are "Matt1916", Karl Keating, Robert Fox, Brian Harrison, David Armstrong, etc. Simulators of Catholicism, simulating Catholics! And then there are the "Three Musketeers" of Infernum, self-appointed apologists of Satan: John Loughnan, William Grossklas and James Akin. Loughnan is the subject of this article.
(Fr. Morrison of gives a slightly larger list:
Bill Basile, Terence Boyle, Thomas Bottenkotter, Scott Hahn, E. Michael Jones, Steven Hand, Peter Kreeft, Paul Likoudis, Peter Stravinskas, Peter Vere, Gary Wills, etc.Thankfully, I do not have so extensive an experience of these precious characters!)
Loughnan, or to give his full name, F. John Loughnan, is an Australian of Irish descent, who also goes under the name "Sean Ó Lachtnáin". In the above exchange, he uses the short form "Sean O L".
Sean Ó Lachtnáin / F. John Loughnan,The Bible describes the work of such vicious heretics and malefactors thus:
"The Real Absence Association", 10 Glendale Drive, Chirnside Park, Victoria 3116, Australia.
Mirror site:
William P. Grossklas
609 Spring Road, Elmhurst, Illinois 60126. Tel: 630-530-2973 / Fax 630-530-2976
James Akin
"Nazareth Resouce Library" (Ought to be "Aveneth", for his Temple is Beth-Aven!)
"Son of man, prophesy thou against the prophets of Israel that prophesy: and thou shalt say to them that prophesy out of their own heart: Hear ye the word of the Lord: Thus saith the Lord God: Woe to the foolish prophets that follow their own spirit, and see nothing... Thus saith the Lord God: Woe to them that sew cushions under every elbow: and make pillows for the heads of persons of every age to catch souls: and when they caught the souls of my people, they gave life to their souls."(Douay Commentary: Sew cushions, etc.... Viz., by making people easy in their sins, and promising them impunity.-Ibid. They gave life to their souls... That is, they flattered them with promises of life, peace, and security.)
"Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Behold I declare against your cushions, wherewith you catch flying souls: and I will tear them off from your arms: and I will let go the soul that you catch, the souls that should fly. And I will tear your pillows, and will deliver my people out of your hand, neither shall they be any more in your hands to be a prey: and you shall know that I am the Lord. Because with lies you have made the heart of the just to mourn, whom I have not made sorrowful: and have strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his evil way, and live. Therefore you shall not see vain things, nor divine divinations any more, and I will deliver my people out of your hand: and you shall know that I am the Lord." (Ezechiel 13:2, 3,18; 13:20)
2 Timothy 3:1-13 (Knox Version) 1 Be sure of this, that in the world's last age there are perilous times coming.And again:
2 Men will be in love with self, in love with money, boastful, proud, abusive; without reverence for their parents, without gratitude, 3 without scruple, without love, without peace; slanderers, incontinent, strangers to pity and to kindness; 4 treacherous, reckless, full of vain conceit, thinking rather of their pleasures than of God.
5 They will preserve all the outward form of religion, although they have long been strangers to its meaning. From these, too, turn away.
6 They count among their number the men that will make their way into house after house, captivating weak women whose consciences are burdened with sin; women swayed by shifting passions, 7 who are for ever inquiring, yet never attain to recognition of the truth.
8 Moses found rivals in Jannes and Mambres; just so the men I speak of set themselves up in rivalry against the truth, men whose minds are corrupt, whose faith is counterfeit; 9 yet they will come to little, they will soon be detected, like those others, in their rash folly.
13 The rogues and mountebanks go on from bad to worse, at once impostors and dupes.
2 Timothy 4:3-4 (KV) 3 The time will surely come, when men will grow tired of sound doctrine, always itching to hear something fresh; and so they will provide themselves with a continuous succession of new teachers, as the whim takes them, 4 turning a deaf ear to the truth, bestowing their attention on fables instead.Amen!
This is the Internet Confraternity of the Itching EarsLeague of Modernist Mountebanks, over which Sean Ó Lachtnáin presides, with the able and valuable assistance of Grossy William and with the effeminate James Akin as Common Catamite!
Loughnan pretends to be a Christian, but is, on the contrary, obsessed with self-love, pride and conceit, and, by above all, an overpowering, vaporing hatred of our Lord Jesus Christ and of His Church, which he makes it his life's mission to persecute...
He loves to pretend to be a Catholic, but, since he hates our Lord, he actually hates Catholicism too.
This hatred is a furious, vicious, rabid hatred.
This hatred demonstrates itself in many ways, more particularly his disregard for the Doctrine of Christ and by exalting heretics and their heresies. But more than anything else, this hatred is demonstrated by a morbid fear that souls may awaken to the horror of being members of the most abominable and apostate sect that has yet been seen in human history, the apostate, Roman Modernist sect founded by Roncalli, the antipope John XXIII-II, by means of his "Aggiornomento", his Robber-Council "Vatican II", and carried forward by his confederates and "successors" as heresiarchs: John Baptist Montini, Albino Luciani and Karol Wojtyla.
Recently, while researching for my page on the clerics of the Resistance, I found an article by Loughnan's close accomplice, William Grossklas, wherein he pretends, against the error of some persons who propagate the forbidden errors of Melanie Calvet, who had once been a seer of La Salette, that the expose of these errors was made by him and his Neo-Con. accomplices (
Taking that page, I have replied, utterly demolishing Grossklass' gross lies and pretensions (
But I also discovered another, even more curious page.
Yuri Yurchyk, Russian & Ukrainian Photianism
In updating my page on the "Resistance Clerics", based on my old page for the defunct UDI, I began to search the subject of Yuri Yurchyk once again. In doing so, I found this curious page wherein Loughnan slanders and calumniates Pivarunas and Yurchyk, teaming up in an ostentatious and shameless "love-feast" with a self-certified heretic and schismatic, a Photianist of the "Russian Orthodox" persuasion, in demonstrating beyond any doubt his hatred for Christ, His Church and for the truth in any form!It is the "Catholic (sic!) Community Forum" ( where "Sean O L" / John Loughnan attacks Bishops Yuri Yurchyk and Mark Pivarunas, of the CMRI, who abjured and reconciled the former to the Catholic faith (
Yuri Yurchyk, for those who are unaware, was a member of the Russian Orthodox Church from Ukraine. The Ukrainians always chafed under the hegemony, spiritual and political, of the Russians. Originally, the senior-most bishop of all-Russia, a term which includes Russia, Ukraine and Byelo-Russia (White Russia) was the Patriarch of Kiev, the capital of King St. Vladimir, who "baptized" all-Russia. However, the Princes of Muscovy who came to dominate all- Russia following the collapse of the Mongolian Empire, unilaterally transferred the Patriarchate to Moscow. The "Ecumenical Patriarch" of Constantinopolis, the Grand Heresiarch of the Byzantine or Photianist schismatics, was forced to acquiesce in this patently un-canonical action, being left with no choice. The "Canonicity" of this transfer of the Patriarchate of Kiev to Moscow thus rests on the pretensions and encroachments of a civil ruler on the rights of a church, which render it far more than merely questionable. Moreover, "canonicity" in this question is a relative term, since schismatics are, in themselves, not canonical at all!
(The Catholic Church has never recognized the Photianist Heresiarchs' claim to be the "Patriarch of Constantinopolis." Being the Ordinary of a church depends on one being provided jurisdiction by the Pope, and obviously, the Photianists, having departed from Christ and His Church, could not pretend to receive jurisdiction from the Pope, whom they contemn and oppose to the face. Rather, in opposition to these Photianist, Cacodoxist Anti-Patriarchs, the True Church has consistently opposed True Patriarchs, the Catholic Patriarchs of Constantinopolis.)
Later on, (I believe under "Czar Peter the Great"), the office of the Patriarch of Moscow was suppressed and was replaced by a "Synod", packed with men who were the creatures of the Czars of all-Russia. Thus, the "Russian Orthodox Church" has been reduced to a mere organ or bureau of the Russian State, an organ of imperial preferment!
When, under the onslaught of the Communist usurpers, the Czarist Empire collapsed, Ukraine was able to resume its independent existence. Simultaneously, the Ukrainian Photianists re-established their independent church of Ukraine, independent of Russian imperialism.
When, however, Communist Russia emerged triumphantly from the contest with the White Russians, it once again encroached upon the Ukraine, and together with this re-imposed slavery, came the restoration of Russian religious hegemony, as an extension and tool of Russian imperialism. The Autocephalous Photianists fled into exile and continued their existence in the US and in the rest of the Free World.
When the Soviet Union, which supplanted Czarist Russia, collapsed, Ukraine regained her long lost independence. With this, once again arose the movement to restore the fortunes of the Ukrainian Church, to achieve autocephaly as had other, much smaller churches of the Photianist Communion, such as the Greeks, Bulgarians, Serbs, Rumanians, etc.
This resulted in the effort by the Autocephalous Ukrainian Photianists to return and resume operations in their homeland. A disciplinary dispute, however, between Filaret, who represented the Ukrainians who had so far cooperated with Russian imperialism, and the exiles, precipitated the secession of Filaret, who thereafter established his faction as the restored Kievan Patriarchate, or the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Patriarchate of Kiev.
The other group, that of the returned former exiles organized as the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, the restoration (1990) in the Ukraine of the National Orthodox Church, returning from Exile, and which had been originally re-established during Ukraine's liberation (1917-1942) from Russia.
To complicate matters, and to confuse people, the Russians nominally spun-off their operations in Ukraine as the "Ukrainian Orthodox Church"a transparent stratagem to pre-empt Ukrainian Autocephaly! Yet, Ukrainian nationalists have not bought this trickthis Ghost-Church, this shadow without substanceand insist on an authentically Ukrainian Photianism. In order to distinguish the Russians from the Ukrainians, who both use the same name, the former are commonly called the "Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Patriarchate of Moscow". Actually, if the Government of Ukraine wanted it, it could rightly have insisted that the Russians not use this fraudulent name, but call themselves by their own namethe Russian Orthodox Church!
Yuri Yurchyk was apparently a bishop in Filaret's faction, being designated the bishop of Donetsk & Luhansk. Yurchyk apparently developed a pro-Catholic attitude, being influenced by the Fatimist movement initiated by the apparitions of our Lady at Fatima, Portugal. Therefore, he approached Bishop Mark Pivarunas and was by him abjured and received back into the Catholic Church.
(It should not be so very surprising that a Ukrainian "Orthodox" bishop has returned to Catholicism. Since the conquest of Western Ukraine by Poland, that area had returned to Catholicism, a move formalized by the Union of Brest-Litovsk, thus inaugurating the Ruthenian Uniate Church. When Russia came to dominate, it forced many of these Uniate Catholics to apostatize to Photianism, but there remains a strong pro-Catholic attitude among these).
Loughnan: "Pope St. Pius X A Bad Man"
The entire exchange between Loughnan and his darling friend, the heretic and schismatic "Dear Fr. Ambrose" evokes a sodomitical relationship between two queers in love with each other, and engaging in a public "love-feast", sodomising each other!This heretic and schismatic "Fr. Ambrose" goes on to slander two Catholic saints, including a Pope, St. Pius X, and what is the response of Loughnan, self- certified Defender of the Faith? A sharp rebuke?
Perish the though!
Dear O'Lactating falls all over himself in order to placate his darling butch "Fr. Ambrose"!
Loughnan nonchalantly pitches Pope St. Pius X overboard in order to remove the irritation that his presence offers his darling butch "Fr. Ambrose"!
Indeed, in order to appease his darling butch, O'Lactating even shamelessly slanders Pope St. Pius X, one of the greatest saints of modern times, as a "bad man", stating, in direct response to the attack by his "Dear Fr. Ambrose" on Pope St. Pius X, that...
Let me say that I am ashamed for the actions of many bad personsboth clerical and laityin the Latin Church during the many past centuries.
"And Genghis Khan defeated Attila the Hun in battle..."
Years ago, I had first encountered Loughnan's pages. In one of the initiatory pages, he spoke of the "credulous" attitude of Traditionalists he encountered, giving for an example, the alleged story told him, "And Genghis Khan defeated Attila the Hun in battle..."Loughnan gives, in the exchange reproduced above, a quixotic account of the origin of Orders; he is not explicit, however, as to which sect he is referring the Russian Orthodox Church or Filaret's. I reproduce this "account" here:
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church... "is a schismatic offshoot from the Russian Orthodox Church. Since they had no legally ordained bishops to ordain more priests, the original priests or bishops were 'ordained' by laying the hands of a dead bishop on their heads."This is the one of the most fantastic pieces of nonsense that I have ever heard! This is the actual equivalent of Loughnan himself purveying stories of "And Genghis Khan defeated Attila the Hun in battle..."!
Loughnan's darling friend "Fr. Ambrose" does not contradict this cock-and-bull story put forward by Loughnan; a fact that reflects on his own integrity and honesty!
Let me point out to the reader the implications of this "love-feast" between these sodomites: If it is true that Filaret's faction does not possess true Orders, they having pretended to have received them from a dead man, then the "Ecumenical" Patriarch of Constantinopolis would not have dealt with this group at all. On the contrary, that Patriarch Bartholomew negotiated with Filaret's group shows what value he (Bartholomew) places both on Filaret's supposed "excommunication" and also on the allegation against the Orders possessed by the bishops of Filaret's faction.
Again, I am thoroughly puzzled by the pretension that the Filaretites did not have a valid bishop to consecrate them. What of Filaret himself, who was, prior to autocephaly, a Metropolitan Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church?
(As far as the Russian Orthodox Church itself is concerned, the Catholic Church has, by its actions down the ages, demonstrated that it has no doubts whatsoever as to the validity of the orders possessed by its members. Thus for example, the Union of Brest-Litovsk, etc.)
More "Quack! Quack!"
Sean O'Lactating blithely makes an allegation that can have no basis in fact:It wouldn’t surprise me if what was behind the Pivarunas/Yurchyk liason is a desire (at least on the part of one of the parties) to strengthen claims to Apostolic Succession.The fact is that while Sean O'Lactating may have hypnotized himself over the "invalidity" of the Orders / Episcopal Character possessed by both Pivarunas and Yurchyk, neither of these latter gentlemen share his momentous doubt. And it is obvious that if either of them did, they would have not wasted eight months, as they did, in order to ascertain that they truly have a meeting of minds. Again, that Yurchyk himself may be troubled by the nonsensical claims of Russian imperialists denying his own valid orders is beyond creditability.
Another thing is the evident contradictory attitude of Loughnan, according to whom, both Pivarunas and Yurchyk, all things considered, do not possess valid orders at all. How then can they give valid orders, one to the other? And if they did, how should this trouble Loughnan, "knowing" as he does, that neither possesses valid orders and therefore neither can validly consecrate?
Loughnan in Blunderland
Loughnan pretends to be a loyal member of his sect, which everyone knows is a poisonous, vicious sect, one that, above all other sects, hates and persecutes Christ Jesus.But precisely, this (Loughnan's) sect is engaged in "dialogues" with several sects all over the world with the design of forging a One World Religion.
Therefore, on what basis and against what precise provocation from Filaret does Loughnan slander and calumniate Filaret and his sect? How does this jell with the efforts at "Ecumenism" that his (Loughnan's) sect desires?
I cannot see how these two positions can jell.
What will happen tomorrow when his sect begins to "dialogue" with Filaret's sect? Does Loughnan truly believe that this will not happen? Why does Loughnan so believe?
Either Loughnan is right and his sect ought not to engage in "ecumenism", or Loughnan is wrong and unfaithful, and has exceeded his authority and transgressed against the policies and doctrines of his sect. Only one of these can be true!
Filaret's Marriage and "Schism"
"Fr. Ambrose" pretends to be worried over Filaret being a married man. Apparently, that Filaret, a Metropolitan Bishop in the Russian Orthodox Church, was a married man, was not objectionable to the Russian Orthodox Church until after Ukraine regained its independence, and Filaret began to cooperate with Ukrainian nationalists in repudiating Russian hegemony over the "Orthodox Church" in Ukraine!When Russophiles make allegations against Filaret, such as for example, that he is an "excommunicate", it must be remembered that Filaret incurred his "excommunication" solely and only because he represents the aspirations of the majority of the Ukrainian population, and of the Ukrainian State.
Filaret represents not merely himself, but also Presidents Kravchuk and Kuchma!
If, therefore, Filaret is "excommunicated", so are Kravchuk and Kuchma!
But the Russians do not have the guts to say that to their faceconsider the political implications of provoking and alienating independent Ukraine! The Russians are compelled to be careful... But, by comparison, Filaret is their fall guy, their scapegoat, upon whom they are free to vent their frustrations at seeing the people they robbed and enslaved breaking free from Russia's chains!
(To put things in perspective: this problem with Russian imperialism and hegemony, leftover in the religious sphere from Russia's former political domination, is not restricted merely to the Ukraine, but extends to other countries, such as, for example, Estonia, whose "Orthodox Church" has also repudiated Moscow and declared Autocephaly, and which act has been acknowledged by the "Orthodox Patriarch" of Constantinopolis, to the displeasure of Russia!)
Let us get the true picture correct and precisely: Russia had never any claim or right over the Ukraine. It was an imperialist and colonialist power in the Ukraine, and it subjected the Ukrainians not only politically, but also religiously. There is, therefore, no basis to a pretension that Russia possess "canonical rights" over Ukraine. It possesses nothing of the sort. On the contrary, there is a good case for Kiev to claim "canonical rights" over Russia!
In comparison to the imperialist and colonialist attitude of the Russians, Filaret comes out far cleaner: On national TV, he informed the people that the unity moves involving his faction, the older autocephalous faction and the Patriarch of Constantinopolis is designed to create a unified Ukrainian Autocephalous Church, but that those under Moscow would continue to remain under Moscow.... I call that announcement rather extra-ordinarily generous, given the unprovoked aggressions of the Russophiles.
As announced on Ukrainian television by the head of UPTs-KP, Patriarch Filaret Denisenko of Kiev and all-Ukraine, Patriarch Bartholomew expressed support for the creation in Ukraine of an autocephalous Orthodox church since this "reflects historic traditions and current reality." According to Filaret, at the end of the unification process in Ukraine "there will be an independent Ukrainian church and there will be a church subordinate to Moscow."But looking at this question from another angle, I cannot understand how Loughnan can object to Filaret being married and siring daughters, since his sect has no scruples in "dialoguing" with sects such as those of the Protestants and Anglicans, which have married bishops!
Take another fact: It is evident that the Photianist Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinopolis was obliged to entertain Filaret precisely because Filaret does not represent merely himself, but because of the pressure put by the Government and President of Ukraine on him (Bartholomew) to entertain Filaret as representative of Ukrainian aspirations!
That is, the Russians can get nowhere by merely seeking to flagellate and excoriate Filaret; they will need to flagellate and excoriate the Government and President of Ukraine also!
Do the Russians have the guts to do that?
Loughnan: Quack-Theologian... And Luciferian Heretic!
Before proceeding any further, the reader is requested to take a quick look at this page ( collating the Catholic Church's Magisterial teachings that an indelible character is imprinted by the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders, and that sinful clerics, and also heretics and schismatics, too, who possess valid orders, and who use the valid matter, form and possess valid intention, legitimately (though not morally) confect the sacraments....The most quixotic part comes last.
Loughnan triumphantly flaunts his "major thesis", thus:
Both Pivarunas and Yurchyk, being laymen, simulate the Sacraments when they attempt to perform the Sacred Liturgy, and to distribute the other Sacraments; thus they compound their blasphemies with further sacrileges and crimes.The Catholic Church has, consistently over the ages, taught, both in form of the Encyclicals, Bulls, Motu Proprios, etc. of the Popes, and the Decrees of Ecumenical Councils, etc., infallibly and with disciplinary sanctions against those who dare to contumaciously contradict Holy Mother Church, that validity does not depend on the moral characters of the parties involved, that those who are public sinners or excommunicates, schismatics, heretics or apostates, but possessing valid orders, can confect the Sacraments validly, if they use the valid form and matter and have the proper intention, and that they can validly ordain and consecrate men to the priesthood and Episcopacy, if they use the valid form and matter and have the proper intention, and that ordination and consecration, once validly performed, cannot be repeated without sacrilege. In practice, in a question of doubt, the Church permits the sub-conditional re-conferment of the sacraments....
"Fr. Ambrose" sets out the attitude that the Photianist schismatics take of the Operation of Orders and therefore of the Sacerdotal and Episcopal Character in men validly (keeping aside the question of liceity) ordained and consecrated.
Here, it must be noted that, unlike O'Lactating, who falls all over himself to sell Catholicism short, "Fr. Ambrose" does not pretend that there is no difference in perception between Photianism and Catholicity:
In Orthodox understanding (we have a different view of Apostolic Succession) this makes all his (Filaret's) subsequent sacramental actions without grace. He simply is NOT a bishop and he has no episcopal nor even priestly powers. To put it simply, when he says: "This is My body..." the Holy Spirit ignores him. The bread remains bread. And when he says: "I ordain you a priest/bishop.." the Holy Spirit also ignores him. The Spirit cannot be "manipulated" to create schism and division in the Church.This attitude is that excommunicated priests and bishops cannot confect the sacraments validly; therefore such bishops cannot consecrate or ordain!
Photianists are not merely schismatics, they are also heretics. But in this point, their heresy is borrowed from the heresy of the Sardinian bishop, Lucifer of Cagliari, who denied that sinful bishops could confect the sacraments validly. Against the Luciferian heresy, the Catholic Church reiterated that even sinful clerics can confect the sacraments validly. It is true that this same heresy was also repeated by many other sects, such as the Donatists, Novatianists, Valdesians, etc.
But the Catholic Theological understanding is sharply different (see above), and this is a Doctrine on which Catholics cannot dissentbeing the infallible decree of several Ecumenical Councils, tied in with pronouncements of "Anathema" upon those who deny this Catholic doctrine. And moreover, let it be noted, the Antichurch to which Loughnan belongs, has not repudiated this Catholic understanding of the operation of Orders, and thus of the Sacramental Character once imprinted.
Thus, for example, the Council of Trent:
#9: If anyone says that in three sacraments, namely, baptism, confirmation, and holy orders, a character is not imprinted on the soulthat is, a kind of indelible spiritual sign whereby these sacraments cannot be repeated: Anathema sit!The words "Anathema sit!" means "Let him be accursed!".
#12: If anyone says that a minister in the state of mortal sin, though he observes all the essentials that belong to effecting and conferring the sacraments, does not effect or confer the sacrament: Anathema sit!
Yet, the brilliant Loughnan, pretends that, as a member of his "Ecumenistic" sect, he is empowered to dispense himself from his sect's continuation in upholding the Catholic understanding, and adopt instead the Photianist heresy on this subject.
Therefore, he is empowered to pretend that because Yurchyk was consecrated by Filaret, therefore he (Yurchyk) possesses no real or valid Orders. Likewise, our sodomitical friend pontificates that Bishop Mark Anthony Pivarunas, because he is a "Schismatic" (which is because he refuses to co-participate in a schism!), also does not possess valid orders!
Wow! This is unbelievable! This beggars belief!
But this is not all: We must consider also that, in the Catholic understanding, and as most famously reiterated by Pope Leo XIII in his Apostolicae Curae, people who possess valid orders but who use defective or faulty rites do not ordain or consecrate validly. Now, numerous Traditionalists and even some Neo-Cons have demonstrated beyond doubt that the New Rites invented on the orders of, and under the auspices of, John Baptist Montini, the Modernist heresiarch and Antipope "Paul 6", fall under this category, so that men "ordained" under these new Montinian rites are not made priests, and that men "consecrated" under these new rites are not made bishops.
We have, for example, the case of Raymond Leo Burke, the "Archbishop" of St. Louis, and formerly "Bishop" of LaCrosse, the persecutor of Ryan St. Anne: Burke was "ordained" and also "consecrated" under these new rites, established in 1969, and who therefore is as much a layman as the Anglican "Archbishop of Canterbury"!
(The Website of the former "Archdiocese of St. Louis", provides the following information on Burke's ordination and consecration:
- Ordained a priest on June 29, 1975, at St. Peter Basilica, Vatican City State, by Pope Paul VI.
- Ordained a bishop at St. Peter Basilica by Pope John Paul II on January 6, 1995.
And, what is more, unlike the homosexual Sean O'Lactating and his darling butch "Fr. Ambrose", we are not making any of this out of thin air, but stand on the authority of the Church reiterated time and again, and typified by Pope Leo XIII in his Apostolicae Curae!
And in sharp contradistinction with Catholic Theology, our darling sodomite pretends that Pivarunas and Yurchyk, despite possessing valid orders, nevertheless cannot confect the sacraments, while mere laymen, such as "Archbishop" Burke can!
This is a truly "Topsy-turvy world"!
This is truly the Gospel of John Loughnan alias Sean O'Lactating, wherein "Genghis Khan defeated Attila the Hun in battle..."!
This is truly the Gospel of John Loughnan alias Sean O'Lactating, wherein Loughnan and his darling "Dear Fr. Ambrose" are busy playing Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, both giving and receiving in turns!
Yipee! Three hurrahs for queenie Loughnan!
Lúcio Mascarenhas
Post Script: Larry Flynt For Pope!
Loughnan also wrote:I am proud that Pope John Paul II has publicly apologized for the sins of her sons during those times.Loughnan's darling heresiarch and arch-Satanist, Wojtyla, it is true, is extremely, frantically, running around, apologizing to one and all for the Offense that Christ, His Claims and His Cross, represents, even as he just as frantically runs about offending Christ, sinning against the First Commandment.... It is a toss-up which of these is the greater evil... the greater abomination!
This monster (Wojtyla), the Mahatma Abominationishwara, is also the Patron of Sexual deviancies, of the sexual abuse perpetrated by his "clerics", and which he himself religiously practices:
If being a fornicator constitutes his "Supreme qualification" to be Pope, then, in truth, Larry Flynt is far better qualified!
Prayer-Cards for "Pope St John-Paul II", Voltivan Pornographies
The Catholic Church has very strict norms on modesty, in public life. But that holds even more stringently for clerics. Of course, the New Church has thrown all of that into the garbage can...Today, that sect, the New Church is beset with an epidemic of clerical pedophilia, sexual liasions, adulteries. But we must look, not at the foot- soldiers, nor to the brigade commanders, but to the very Marshal-General of this puculent sect, to trace the source of this disease.
This page graphically sets out the evidence of the root of the disease.
These pictures and their captions are from the Tradition In Action, Inc. site.
Inside The Vatican: Pope Paul VI Hall
John-Paul II watches and endorses by his presence the immorality of scantily dressed young artists performing at the Vatican in the Paul VI Room. Picture Source L'Osservatore Romano, Servizio Fotografico, 1981
John-Paul II enjoys the performance at the Vatican of a young acrobat who balances herself on the hands of her partners. Picture Source Agenzia Gionalistica Italia S.pA., Rome
Indecent acrobatics at the Vatican: A very bold and indecent position is taken under the complaisant eye of John-Paul II. Picture Source Arturo Mari, Rome
Indecent acrobatics at the Vatican: A young woman gives an acrobatic performance for John-Paul II, who watches with other ecclesiastics. Her posture is clearly indecent, and one wonders when John-Paul II applies to himself the precept of custody of the eyes. Picture Source Arturo Mari, Rome
Acrobatics at the Vatican: A teenager in leotards, in an indecent position, performs before an applauding John-Paul II. Picture Source Arturo Mari, Rome
Vatican, January 1985: Wearing skintight leotards, an acrobat from The American Circus of Italy walks away under admiring glances after receiving John-Paul II's blessing at the Vatican. Picture Source ABC [Madrid], January 25, 1985
Sports Jubilee At Rome's Olympic Stadium
Rome's Olympic Stadium - April 1984: A group of 1200 young women perform synchronized dancing in front of John- Paul II during the Vatican-sponsored Sports Jubilee. An estimated 100,000 people were in the stadium to greet John-Paul II. The skintight leotards are very immodest, and the ensemble appears more like women in a chorus line than faithful youth before a Pontiff.
1,200 young women wearing leotards performed sychronized dancing for John-Paul II in Rome on April 12, 1984. Picture Source L'Osservatore Romano - Servizio Fotografico - Arturo Mari
Around The World
Abandoning previous norms that established guidelines for dress when meeting with the Pope, John-Paul II seems pleased to greet baton majorettes in mini-skirts. Picture Source L'Osservatore Romano - Servizio Fotografico - Arturo Mari
Young women dressed in bikini tops and see-through palm skirts hula dance in the presence of John-Paul II. Picture Source O Foto Felici, Rome
Watching a dancer during "Mass" at World Youth Day - 2000
Olympic Stadium, Canada, 1984: Bare-legged young women perform dances for John-Paul II. Spectators said that the dresses became semi- transparent under the effect of the lights. Picture Source The Gazette, Special edition, 1984
At the opening of the Eucharistic Congress in Fortaleza, Brazil, John-Paul II authorized the performance of popular dances in front of the stadium altar. Below, young women in immodest leotards holding strands of wheat symbolizing the Eucharist wait to perform for John-Paul II. Dancing for John-Paul II has been a new way to give citizenship to immodest dress and gestures. Picture Source Manchete, July 26, 1980
Papua New Guinea, May 8, 1984: A hefty nude native woman brings the Offertory gifts for John-Paul II's "Mass". A new concept of Morals is being applied. Picture Source O Foto Felici, Rome
Papua New Guinea, May 8, 1984: Picture 2 - The bare-breasted native woman leaves John-Paul II's presence after presenting the Offertory gifts. Picture Source O Foto Felici, Rome
Papua New Guinea, May 8, 1984: Picture 3 - The nude native woman returns to her place after presenting the Offertory gifts to John-Paul II. Picture Source O Foto Felici, Rome
May 1984 - John-Paul II shakes the hand of a bare-breasted native woman in the Pacific Islands. Picture Source O Foto Felici, Rome
Visiting the Pacific Island of Papua New Guinea, John-Paul II greets half-naked natives. May, 1984. Picture Source O Foto Felici, Rome
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