Dismantling Global Hindutva: The Storm In The Teacup
IMPRIMATUR: September 18, 2021.

- DismantlingHindutva.com
- Hinduism is not Hindutva but Hindutva is Hindu
- Are Hindu reformers anti-Hindu?
What the World does not seem to realize is that Hindu Nazism is as great a threat, if not a bigger one, than Mahomettanism.
It is foolishness, a repeat of "World War II" and the "Yalta Gambit" for the West to ally with the Hindu Right.
The "Yalta Gambit" damned millions to Gulags and Terror, and to starvation.
For the Christian, Resurgent Mahomettanism and Hinduism are equal threats, not to be chosen between, but the greatest threat is Westernism, which is Institutionalized Antichristianity, the Antichristendom, product of the Lutheran-Anglican Westphalianism, and its avatars of Westminister Parliamentarianism, Secularism, Constitutionalism, American Republicanism, Americanism, Democratism; Westernism has enabled, and enables, a resurgent Mahomettanism and Hinduism, and until this monster is killed, a stake driven through its heart, Christendom cannot be liberated and restored, the Demonic Vatican2 Robber Council and its Antichurch, the throne of Satan in Rome, cannot be overthrown, "resurgent" Mahomettanism and Hinduism, etc., cannot be put on the backfoot, put to flight, extirpated.
The "Dismantling Global Hindutva" (DGH) Seminar has raised up a storm in a teacup. Its protagonists make a distinction between Hinduism and Hindutva. Proponents of Hindutva terrorism affirm that Hindutva simply means Hinduness, and that the DGH Seminar is an expression of "Hindumisia," or "Hinduphobia," "hatred of Hindus and of Hinduism." The DGH folk counter that the word Hindutva, while it may have originally simply meant Hinduness, has come to take an entirely different meaning, that it distinguishes between Hinduism and Hindutva, and opposes the later.
The DGH organisers state, "To equate Hinduism and Hindutva is to fall into the narrow, bigoted, and reductionist fiction that instrumentalises Hinduism by erasing the diverse practices of the religion, the debates within the fold, as well as its conversations with other faiths. If the poet A.K. Ramanujan reminds us about the importance of acknowledging Three Hundred Ramayanas, then Hindutva seeks to obliterate that complexity into a monolithic fascism."
Hindutva is Hindu Supremacism and the pretension that Hindus, qua Hindus, constitute a "nation." It is an attempt to subsume Hinduism to the Lutheran-Anglican heresy of "Westphalianism" or of the lie of the "nation state," that a Polity is co-identical, and co-terminus, with a "Nation." In English, Hindutva is translated as "Hindu nationalism." Its proponents now pretend that it is "mere Indian nationalism," that being "Indian" equates to being Hindu and vice-versa, that the only true "Indian" is the Hindu, to the exclusion of non-Hindus. Liberal and Leftwing Hindus and their allies and accomplices wish to reinforce the lie that "authentic Hinduism" is tolerant and that Hindutva is a distortion and an aberration. The Indian National Congress has spent its life trying to marry Liberal Hinduism and Hindu Nationalism, to subsume Hindutva to Liberalism, and to the Westphalianist lies in the form of its franchises of Gandhianism and Nehruvianism. Congressism is now on its last gasps of breath. It has been slowly metastatizing for decades, and has run out of vitality. It has birthed the radical "Hindu Nationalist" "Sangh Parivar" as a spin-off, Sanghism, its child, and heir, one of the brands of Hindutva, and under Narendra Modi, Hindutva has opportunistically stolen the ratbag of Congressism's Jingoism, and run away, leaving the feeble, old, discredited Congressism gasping in the dust. Yet, ironically, just as Congressism in all its forms, eg. Gandhianism, Nehruvianism, etc are franchises of Westphalianism, the heresy of Lutheranism-Anglicanism, so is Hindutva. Hindutva is the Westphalian caricature of mediaeval and post-mediaeval Hinduism, conforming Hinduism to Westphalianism.
The organizers of the Dismantling Global Hindutva emphasis one often overlooked fact: That atavistic, orthodox Hinduism, has been enabled by the Anti-Christian West, in the persons of "Swami" Vivekananda, "Mahatma" Gandhi, etc., to become a Global Ideological Movement, and a threat to humanity no longer confined to South Asia, but now a worldwide threat. Its Engines are the Calibans, Educated Savages, Hindu Technocrats of the West. The Fuhrer of Sanghism has been propelled by Global Hindutva to pole position in South Asia, a feat he could not have achieved solely by himself. Indeed, it is a fact that Global Hindutva has beavered away for the last several decades to destroy the Nehruvian-Gandhian Kleptocracy and to supplant it with the more vicious Sanghist Kleptocracy, enervating Congressism and "India" and successfully corrupting and coopting the various social and constitutional institutions of India, such as the Judiciary, and more particularly the Judiciary, very, very, successfully, over the last several decades, to eliminate opposition to his elevation and to enable his rise, stealing from the old, well-known playbook of Congressism. The Fuhrer is not so much the puppet of Adani as he is the puppet of the moneypower of Global Sanghism, of Global Hindutva, which has become very well entrenched and predominant in the West, and which aspires for far more than merely the subversion of Nehruvian India; it aspires for a World Hindu Empire. It is this powerfully entrenched and ruling Global Hindutva, which has the Right and the Left of the West in its thrall, that has very powerfully begun to shout down and intimidate the Dismantling Global Hindutva organizers.
As a Christian, it is not my business to patronize the lie that Hinduism is tolerant while Hindutva is intolerant. On the contrary, as a Christian, I am obliged by God to confess that all religions except the one true Divine Revealed religion, the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church, under the lawful and Catholic Pope, successors of Peter, are false religions, owned and managed by Satan. A careful study of Hinduism reveals that it is just as duplicitious as Mahomettanism, with code words to convey dual meanings, one for internal consumption, and another for external consumption. A careful study of Hinduism reveals that it is just as vicious and misanthropic, and racist an ideology, at its best and at its worst, as is Mahomettanism. Its 'gods,' its heroes, are monsters and criminals, impotent beings, slaves of passion, slaves of needs and of wants, craven beings, but above all, criminals of the worst kind, the lowest of the lowest, just as was Mahomet the Profitless.
The world, under its masters of the Zogdom, obsessed with its hatred of Christianity, glosses over the fact that Hinduism has fashioned and perpetrated, and perpetrates and perpetuates even to this day, the world's oldest and most vicious form of Racism and Apartheid, Casteism, that "Mahatma" Gandhi and Gandhianism, for example, was a very thinly disguised effort to legitimize and whitewash Casteism, and to hardsell it as beneficial, pious, philanthropic. The world, obsessed with its hatred of Christianity and consumed with its desire to expunge humanity of the last dregs and vestiges of Christianity from the Apostate West, the former Christian peoples of Europe and the West, has, over the last several centuries of contact between Hinduism and the West, consciously and willingly made itself the partner and accomplice and abettor in crime, of Hinduism and of its vital and essential element of Casteism, the world's oldest and most vicious form of Racism and Apartheid. Casteism is a crime, a Crime against Humanity. Hindu apologists pretend that Casteism is a distortion, an alien construct and an alien imposition upon Hinduism, by the Muslims and the English. However, Casteism has always been a vital and essential part of Hinduism long before Buddhism, Jainism and Zoroastrianism came into being, long before Christianity came to South Asia, long before Mahomettanism began to blight the subcontinent. Casteism is an essential part of the Narratives of the Hindu Scriptures, in the mythologies of the Demons Parasurama, Rama, Krishna, etc. This is the story of Sambuka, of Eklavya, etc. There is, in fact, no Hinduism without Casteism. To be a Hindu requires one to be initiated in the Hindu "sacraments," particularly the Upanayana Samskara, which, as Rajput-Maratha brigand Shiva Bhosale learned the hard way, requires one to be a pedigreed Caste Hindu.
Hinduism cannot be divorced from Casteism. A Hinduism that has been purged of its vital and essential element of Casteism will curl up and die. Casteism gives Hinduism its obduracy and closemindedness, its hardheartedness, that immunizes its dupes against the Gospel.
Sanghism or "Hindu Nationalism" is the Hindu equivalent, the mirror image, the spitting image, of Jinnahism, of Pakistanism. Sanghism aims to convert "India" into a Hindu Pakistan, and aspires to be the Hindu Taliban, the Hindu AlQaida, the Hindu Daesh, so much so that it is sometimes mockingly called "AlCowda." Pakistanism is the pretension that Mahomettans, qua Mahomettans, are a "nation." It is the subsuming of, and the marrying of, the old Mahomettan Xenophobia, Racism and Apartheid called Millatism, to and with Westphalianism. Pakistanism is a "Fascism" just as Sanghism is a "Fascism," Cancers upon humanity, just as its parents, the Synagogue of Satan, Freemasonry and Protestantism, are cancers, and like them, Jinnahism / Pakistanism / Sanghism look to consume humanity, dehumanize its dupes and its victims.
"Westphalianism" was specifically crafted to destroy Catholicism, Christendom, and it is only Catholicism, its Reconquistas and Crusades, that can take on, and destroy, negate, the disease of "Westphalianism."
Much has been made of Ambedkar and of Ambedkarism. Ambedkar was wrong, and followed a false path, one that has doomed his followers to remain a perpetually persecuted and excluded minority. It was pride and arrogance and egotism that led Ambedkar to embrace the false, vain, and viciously misanthropic and demonic ideology of Buddhism. Those who fight Casteism, even those who nominally follow the Christian religion, are making the same fatal mistake. The only way to fight Casteism is by adhering to a strict and uncompromised orthodox Catholic Christianity.
Jesus Christ commanded His disciples to go to all peoples preaching His Gospel, first to the leaders of society, and then to the rest of the population. Many Christian missionaries eg St John Britto, Robert de Nobili, etc., made the fatal mistake in South Asia, of confusing the Caste System heirarchy for Social heirarchy, striving above all to convert the Brahmins, who are supposedly at the Apex of Hindu society. This mistakes the ideological parasitical system of Hinduism & Caste for a Social Order. It is far from that. The true social leaders were the Kshatriyas, the secular rulers. According to Jesus Christ, the time for attempting to convert Brahmins and Kshatriyas as a means of converting the population at large, has long passed, and it is also very long past the time for Christian missionaries to dust their footwear off the dust of the Brahmins, and to go to the rest of the populace. St Francis Xavier quickly and early saw through the Brahmin parasites and steered clear of them. In the last 150-200 years, Christian missionaries have attempted to evangelize the Excluded, who are largely the Dalits, but more particularly the tribals. This too has largely failed, as the tribes are too deeply contaminated by Hinduism and its ideology, and attempts to get rid of social irritants only makes for more Calibans, educated savages, adding to the stock of the enemies of the Gospel.
Humanity as a whole, and even South Asia, has absolutely no place, no space, for the parasitical system of Brahminism and Casteism, no place, no space for Brahmins as Brahmins. "The Earth, and its fullness, belongs to God."
The Convent School system, created by the Catholic Recusancy as the Parochial School system, has been successfully perverted by Protestant England over the last 300 years, into factories and mills that mass produce Calibans, Protestantized Hindu and Muslim Educated Savages who are, for that reason, the more vicious enemies of the Gospel. It is time to take stock, to return to the Paths of Old, to begin Evangelizing anew. The Gospel is not the slave of MacAulay, it does not exist to Anglicize and Protestantize the masses of South Asia.
The Dalits of South Asia have off and on, but not very seriously, demanded their own Autonomous Rite. For the last several years, the Catholic Pope, Bishop of Rome, His Holiness Pope Michael, has, through me, offered precisely this, a Dalit Autonomous Rite, with its own bishops, priests, and once on a sound footing, even its own Governing Synod and Ethnarch, and even a Patriarch, if needed, and once things have progressed to that stage, but, as I have said, Dalits are not really serious, and willingly remain in thrall to the Brahmins and other upper castes that have pretended to have converted to Christianity only in order to import Brahminism and Casteism into Christianity and to continue to persecute and dehumanize the Dalits. Thus the Dalits willingly cling to the last vestiges of Casteism, willingly remaining in thrall, in intellectual slavery, to Hinduism, to Brahminism and Casteism, and not at all serious of the offer made by His Holiness.
True and orthodox Christianity has absolutely no place for Brahminism and Casteism. In Jesus Christ, there is no more a distinction between Greek and Barbarian, between Jews and Gentiles, between Brahmin and Shudra, no place for Racism, Colorism, Xenophobia. When a Christian is baptized, he is asked if he renounces the pride and pomps of Satan, and only when he assents, is he baptized. Casteism in Christianity is treason against God and against one's baptismal promises to God. A Casteist is one who confesses that he communicates in the 'gods' of the Hindus, of Hinduism, because, that is what Casteism is: A communion with, and participation in, in the lives, and crimes, of the Hindu 'gods,' who, the God of the Bible repeatedly identifies as Demons, Devils. There is thus absolutely no space and absolutely no place for Casteism and for Casteists in Christianity, no space and no place for Casteism in any form in Christianity. A Christian who adheres to Caste is a Self-Certified Satanist, and unless he repents and does penance, and seeks absolution, such a person will be very certainly damned for eternity to Hell. A baptized Christian who goes to Hell will usually suffer more than Hindus who go to Hell, but even among baptized Christians, those baptized Christians who practice Casteism, will be tormented even more severely in Hell than the merely baptized Christians.
Repent, be baptized, do penance and mortifications for and in the Lord, renouncing Satan and his Pomps, including the nonsense of Casteism in all its vestiges!
Lúcío Mascarenhas.
Ministério Metamorfose: O Caminho dos Santos de Lúcío Mascarenhas. https://www.vaticaninexile.com.
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