Thursday, December 01, 2022

Loqui in Romanice

"Loqui in Romanice, non loqui in Barbarice."

"Amim Goencaranque amcem Goeam portunn zai." But beggars only get scraps. 

We cannot take back Goa by begging. We have to fight against evil, and there is no greater evil against Goa than the Rape of Goa, 1954-1961 and ongoing. 

We cannot fight until we recognize, and affirm, that Endia illegally occupies Goa. 

Goa is Portugal. Not the Bastard Portugal of Peter Bragança the Traitor, Salazar and of the Carvoes.

Also, we are no longer bound, if we had ever been bound, by the "Brigantine Concessions," and we now have a "tabula rasa," a clean table, and we are obliged, not merely entitled, we Goans being the last remaining Concannim, to reclaim the entire Concan, from Mount Abu, to the borders of Malabar, and which includes Bombay.

A true Goan rejects the Bastardized Antrusi or Marathi Konkani, reject the Devnagari and every other script, insisting on only the Latinate Roman script and orthography, reject the NewChurch's Bastardized, Protestantized, Hinduized "Konkani." We affirm the historic Luso-Concannim or "Cristão Concannim."

Our motto must be: "Loqui in Romanice, Non loqui in Barbarice," Latin for, "Speak in Romance, not in Barbarian."

What is "North Kerala" is actually the Far South Concan, that was colonized by the Keralites in the last 100 years.

"Modern English" is Protestant English, or more correctly, WASP English. This is a fraud, a fabrication, that rooted out the organically developed Catholic Latinate Anglo-Saxon and Norman English of the previous 1000 years, including script and orthography. 

Goans must insist on learning, speaking, writing Portuguese, and refuse Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam. 

Goans must reject the "Mills and Boon" Protestant, "Western Culture" and WASP and Hindu "naming conventions," and return to Catholic, Christian culture, and naming conventions, the culture assiduously cultivated by Holy Mother Church over the last 2000 years: Catholic, Lusophone names, replacing the impious Hindu and Protestant names.

"Volte para Roma!" "Roman redo" "Come back home to Rome!"

Lúcío João Mascarenhas

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