Saturday, July 17, 2021

PAS Scandal?

Are you Scandalized by the Bergoglian Circus of the "Pan-Amazonian Synod," and If So, For the Right Reasons?

I had posted, on FB and Whatsapp, the following, requesting a response, but have not had any.

I had asked, what, if anything, is wrong with the statement quoted below, in quote marks.

People are mixing, not apples and oranges, but apples and watermelons. People are swallowing the camel, and straining at the gnat.

Make no mistake, what happened in St Peter's Basilica and in the Church of Santa Maria in Transpontina in October 2019 during the so-called Pan-Amazonian Synod is vile, and meets the definition of "Abomination of Desolation," as described by the Holy Bible.

It is hypocritical to object to the shenanighans of Antipope George Borgoglu* masquerading as "Francis," and to not accept the truth that Vatican II constituted and constitutes an Open Apostasy, the Great Modernist Apostasy, so that the Vatican no longer presides over the Catholic Church, but presides over a secessionist and virulently, viciously, violently anti-Catholic religion, and that, since the death of Pope Pius XII, the "Popes" residing in the Vatican, from October 1958 onwards to this date, are not Popes, but are Apostates, and Heresiarchs, a word (heresiarch) that is no longer adequate to describe the current situation of a great apostasy.

But if one is able to accept Vatican II and its effective teachings that all religions are true and lead to salvation, if one is able to accept, without question, Montini's extollation of Chinmoy and his missions, of Wojtyla's extollation of Chinmoy and his missions, of Wojtyla's (and Ratzinger's) Assisi Circuses of Open Satanism, Blasphemies and Sacrileges on a scale unprecedented in human history, then there is absolutely nothing wrong or greatly significant with the Bergoglian Pan-Amazonian Circus!

If you can swallow the Camel of Vatican II and of Antipopes Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla and Ratzinger as legitimate Councils and Popes, then there is absolutely no reason to cavil at the Bergoglian Circus!

This is, and should be, so obvious, that it should not need to be stated or remarked upon!

However, humanity has gone so far down the gutter of the Great Modernist Apostasy, that there are idiots (actually lying malefactors) who pretend that Wojtyla and Ratzinger were "Conservative" and "Orthodox" and that the Borgoglu is "innovating"!


  1. How can you Convict the Borgoglu, but Acquit Vatican2, Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla and Ratzinger?

  2. How is it that God will judge "us" for an alleged insouciance in the face of the Bergoglian Circus and yet that God will, apparently, as per this post, pass over in silence over its foundational, and immensely far more evil Vatican2, Roncalli, Montini, Wojtyla, the Fountains and Sources of the Great Modernist Apostasy?
Are you so dense that you cannot understand the Meaning of Apostasy, or are not able to Recognize Apostasy when you see it?

Or is it, what is far more worse, that you are really inured to it?

How exactly do you take your daily cuppa of Pharisaicism, please? Lucio Mascarenhas: Is there anything wrong in this statement, and if so, what could be it?

We are gone so far down into the Great Modernist Apostasy that I am fully confident, 100%, that I will get Zero answers, but if I do get one, it will be dead wrong.

Except for an answer from H.H. Pope Michael....

Go for it!

«The following was originally posted at the FB group "Catholic Mysticism & Spirituality":

"They were bowing down and worshiping the 'symbol of a woman.'

"They were not adoring God nor were they honoring any angel of God, or a saint. There is really no way to excuse this.

"Here is the acid test of that: If a month ago, during the run up to the Pan-Amazonian Synod, I had PREDICTED that there would have been a sacred tree planting ceremony (a very pagan thing in itself) followed by a bunch of Amazonian 'Catholics' putting cult objects on a blanket in front of the 'Pope' and several 'Cardinals,' including one that LOOKS like a man with an erect phallus, and another that is unmistakably a naked pregnant woman who they symbolically identify with the rainforest itself, which they would then bow down and worship before the approving eyes of the 'Holy Father,' you would have called me a paranoid nut spinning racist hate fantasies, and you all would have confidently said that what I predicted would not come to pass because no pope could ever permit such a thing....

"You would have said that because in your heart you once knew what Catholicism is, and none of that is it.

"And now you who are willing to excuse this have been successfully dumbed down — spiritually, liturgically, theologically — you no longer have any standards.

"You will literally excuse anything now.

"It is just a cult of personality at this point.

"God is going to judge us for tolerating this."»
Lúcío Mascarenhas.
*I prefer to call him Borgoglu rather than his actual name Bergoglio, an Italian last name. Borgoglu is a combination of Borg as in Cyborg and -oglu as in Turkish names, names of historically the most vicious enemies of God and His Church.

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