This is not about the 100 years old quarrel between two factions of the Antiochian Jacobite sect that went up to the Indian Supreme Court.
This is about a quarrel between the ultra-Modernist and the pseudo-Traditionalist factions of the Syro-Malabar Rite "Catholic" Church.
In both cases, the Hindu Supremacist Narendra Modi regime is using these divisions to play monkey tricks to make inroads into Kerala Christianity, to co-opt "Christians" as subaltern Sanghists.
The Modernist Protestant and pseudo-Traditionalist "" run by a "Fr" Morrison in the USA, stated that this fight is a resistance and an uprising by "faithful laity" protesting against the imposition of "Vatican2" reform "mass" with the priest forced to conduct the Mass in the Satanic rite of Demolatry (worship of the people), facing the people ("Versus populum"), instead of the Christian rite of Mass facing the Altar ("Ad altare").
As a matter of fact, Morrison, as usual, has got it wrong. It is the other way around: It is the ultra-Modernists who have risen up, who are protesting, and fighting, against the imposition of a "Compromise" Uniform rite of Mass that largely mimics the Christian rite of "Ad altare." (Ironic, because they no longer have altars, as 'Vatican2 reforms' physically desecrated and destroyed the former Catholic altars in these churches!)
The fact of the matter is, in the wake of the "Vatican2" Apostasy, and it's Desecrations, the Syro-Malabar Rite's "mass" or "Qurbana" broke up into three broad practices: The New, Satanist "Vatican2 reformed" rite of Demolatry or "Versus populum;" an attempt to retain the Christian form of "Ad altare;" and a mixed rite compromising between the two.
For the last several decades there have been efforts to unify the rites, to uniformize them, as they had been uniform before the "Vatican2" Apostasy.
In 2021, a Synod assembled for this purpose, and effected a compromise, called the Synodal Uniform Rite, which, in the face of the majority of the Syro-Malabar Rite's insistence on "Ad altare," largely hewed to "Ad altare".
The ultra-Modernists have risen up in protest against this compromise and to insist on the "Vatican2" Demonic Rite of Demolatry or "Versus populum."
The "Almaya Munnettam" or "Laity Front" is an organization of ultra-Modernist laity, established as a front by ultra-Modernist "priests" of the Syro-Malabar Rite.
The "Almaya Munnettam" seconds these unordained ultra-Modernist "priests" in their fight for the Satanic "Versus populum" form "New Mass" against the pseudo-Traditionalist faction's enforcement of the simulation of the "Ad altare ," or "ad orientem," rite of "Mass" or "Qurbana."
The ultra-Modernists put it, very crudely, as, "Due to the 'Ad Orientem' rite, Mass attendees can neither see nor communicate with the priest, who we see as God, and it is not right that God does not look at us"! (
The celebrant is not God, nor does he represent God. He represents Jesus Christ as the Theandros, and as the Head and Representative of Humanity, praying to God.
Also, the Mass is the priest and congregation praying to God, it is not an assembly for a conversation between the priest and the congregation, nor an occasion to admire the priest's carnal form, to look upon the priest or for the priest to look upon the carnal forms of members of the congregation!
Catholicism is, like Hinduism, a sacrifical religion, oriented "Ad Dei." There are parts of the liturgy that are addressed to God, and performed by the priest facing the altar, the liturgical locus for God, while other parts are addressed to the congregation, so performed facing the congregation.
The Catholic Mass (which does not include the "Vatican2" mass), is instituted by Jesus Christ, and is a continuation of the Mosaic rite.
Protestantisms are Anthropolatrist religions, at heart, for which reason, they scorn and have abolished the "Ad Dei" parts, so that their liturgies are, usually, solely "Versus Populum."
The "Vatican2" Apostasy is a direct continuation of, and the "Vatican2 mass" slavishly follows, the Deformers, the Protestants, their man-made rites.