Revisiting the topic of "How many Holy Ghosts / Holy Spirits are there?" Here's my original write-up on the subject:
Read this: "The Catholic Church has the Sacrament of Confirmation as completing the Baptism of the Holy Ghost." See:
Then read this: "Central Goals of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal: To help Catholics experience a 'Baptism in the Holy Spirit.'" See:
The Pentecostal/ Charismatic Renewal's "baptism in the Holy Spirit" forms a 2nd such baptism, for the Roman Protestant sect.
The conclusion is inescapable: The Roman Protestant "Catlick Church" has two separate, distinct, "Baptisms in the Holy Ghost" / "Holy Spirit," thus, two different, distinct, Holy Ghost / Holy Spirits!
Who is this "2nd Holy Spirit" if it is not Satan Himself?
This, however, does not concern only "Catholics." It concerns all those who call themselves "Christians."
Both Catholics & Protestants are agreed that humans cannot, by themselves, by their own power, reach God.
And yet Pentecostalism & it's offshoots, the Charismatic Renewals, are premised on the Satanic Heresy that the Holy Ghost was lost at the time of Emperor Constantine (Cessationism), & that the "Pentecostals" (Edward Irving et al) by themselves, were able to "recover" the "Holy Spirit"!
How that comports with Galatians i, & with 2 John i, is another interesting topic!
Lucio Mascarenhas
November 9, 2024
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