Sunday, December 01, 2024

Nanuasanism at the Vatican

(Picture 2: Blasphemous symbol of the Nanuasanist Pandemonium at the Vatican, November 29-30, 2024).


People were 'outraged' over Subhash Velingkar's remarks on St. Francis Xavier. 

The 1st Commandment is: "I Am The Lord Your God, You Shall Not Have Any Other 'gods' Besides Me." (

Psalm 95 v 5, favorite of St. Francis Xavier, is: "The 'gods' of the Pagans are Devils." (

1 Corinthians x, 20 is:  "Pagans worship (sacrifice to) Devils, not God." (

Antipope & Apostatarch Satan VI (Shaitanji) Jorge Bergoglio, who, a few years ago, publicly, unrepentedly, worshipped the bloodthirsty demoness Pachamama in the Vatican, has now allowed the Nanuasanist Hindu Movement to hold their "Panreligionist Conference" in the Vatican, Nov. 29-30, 2024 (The Apostate heresy of Panreligionism is also called Omnism). 
On the occasion, Shaitanji blabbered: "Lack of respect for religious values leads to intolerance." (
And, "Failure to follow the noble teachings of religions is one of the causes responsible for the troubled situation in which our world finds itself today. Our contemporaries will rediscover the value of the lofty teachings of religious traditions only if we all strive to live by them & to cultivate fraternal & friendly relationships with everyone, with the sole aim of strengthening unity amid diversity, ensuring harmonious coexistence amid differences, & being peacemakers despite the difficulties & challenges we are bound to face." (
Shaitanji is reported to have said, as per "Failure to follow the noble teachings of religions is one of the causes responsible for the troubled situation in which our world finds itself today." also captioned Shaitanji as saying, "The troubled state of the world today can partly be attributed to the failure to uphold the teachings of religions."
That all of this is the most blatant bullshit, is shown by the history of the Nanuasanist Movement itself: A "Hindu Dalit Reform movement" protesting, resisting, actively defying Caste Discrimination resulting from "Hinduism's 'noble' Casteism," AKA Manuwad, AKA Varnashram, "religious values," which have inflicted, & continues to inflict, the world’s most severest, & longest lasting, still enduring, form of Apartheid, 3,000 years old, or, as it likes to boast, "millions of years old," by Hinduism, a racist, supremacist, "religion" that today LIES that it is indigenous to India, & a continuation of the Indus Valley Civilization, but which it's own "scriptures" witnesses that it is an import from Uttara Kuru in Central Asia, "outside the pale of India as defined by Hinduism," by its "scriptures," and that the intrusive "Aryans," supposedly the same people who originated the Indus Valley Civilization, were strangers to the art of building bricks & stone cities, so that they pressganged an Aboriginal Indian architect named Maya to build their first city, Hastinapuram!

Hindu apologists pretend that Casteism is not an integral, & essential, feature of Hinduism. 

No one can be truly a Sanatanist, a true Hindu, without belonging by birth, or adoption, to one of the "hallowed" "gotras" ("herds of cows"), proving that, without gotra, the backbone of Casteism, there is no true Hinduism!

Nanuasanism, the movement founded by "Nanu Asan" Narayanan, is a heterodox Hindu New Religious Movement, & a Revisionist movement, of the Ezhava & Nair "lower caste" (actually , median castes) communities of Kerala, South India, & denies the value of caste. 

They're "heterodox" because they're Revisionist, rejecting Casteism, & the Sanatanist Hindu hierarchy of Brahmins exclusively being priests, installing idols, inaugurating temples, & conducting worship. 

The relationship between Sanatanist Hindus & Nanuasanism, is indeterminate. Nevertheless, Nanuasanism considers itself "staunchly Hindu." Sanatanism & Nanuasanism are both Hindu Racist, Supremacist, so there's a synergy. Additionally, there are two strands of Hinduism in an uneasy alliance as the 100 years old "Hindu Nazi" "Sangh Parivar" movement, currently ruling India since 2014, the "orthodox" or "Traditionalists," and the Revisionists, or "Raitas," led by Narendra Modi; the "Sangh" was founded by Revisionists. Nanuasanism fits right in with the Revisionists.

The action of Shaitanji in inviting, allowing & hosting, yet again, ad nauseam, the votaries of a false religion in the stolen & desecrated Catholic Basilica of St. Peter the Apostle on the Vatican Hill outside Rome, where St. Peter was crucified, & is buried, is a grave insult, by Shaitanji VI & his Neo-Pagan, PostChristian "Deconstructionist" Roman Protestant Modernist Apostate sect, against the sempiternal orthodox Catholic Church, against St. Peter, against our Lord & God Jesus Christ. 

Shaitanji VI Bergoglio pretends to be the "Catholic Pope." Our Lord God Jesus Christ entrusted His Revelation, the Deposit of the Faith, to the guardianship of His Vicars, the Popes, but Jesus never entrusted the Pope with authority to "validate" the teachings, scriptures, doctrines, dogmas, etc., of any other religion other than Catholicism! Any pretension to do so, by the 6 Antipopes & Apostatarchs (Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, Ratzinger, & Bergoglio) were & are acts of fraud!

Some "Smart Alec" idiot will bray, "This proves nothing! Jorge Bergoglio did not Infallibly, 'ex cathedra,' teach the heresy of Panreligionism or 'Omnism.'" Except that that "argument" is imbecilic, in the face of Fatberg's blatant Public & Manifest Apostasy!

I therefore await to see your outrage at this immense blasphemy, sacrilege, & insult, to Catholicism, St. Peter, our Lord God Jesus Christ!



Return to Catholicism:

Lúcío João Mascarenhas, Dec. 1, 2024, Feast of St. Eligius of Noyon.


Further reading: "There is no relationship between Sanatana Dharma and caste" - Swami Satchidananda, Head, Sivagiri Madhom or Mutt, center of Nanuasanism.

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