Saturday, October 01, 2022

Can, And Will, Satan Lead You To God?

By Lúcío Mascarenhas. Monday, May 12, 2014.

The Bible says women can't be priests.

Jesus taught that He would give His Paraclete, God the Holy Ghost, to His Church, the Catholic Church, and He (the Holy Ghost) would be with His Church for all times.

Protestants, who seceded from Catholicism, claim that the Catholic Church lost the Holy Spirit more than a thousand years ago, particularly from the time of Emperor Constantine, who they claim "paganized" Christianity to create Catholicism, and that Catholicism has existed without knowing the Holy Spirit and being indwelled by the Holy Spirit. They claimed to have "restored" the Holy Spirit to "Protestant Christianity" (sic!).

The Bible says that those who disobey and depart in contumacy are to be considered as heathen and pagans. So, where does that leave Protestants, their "worship" etc., from the Catholic viewpoint?

The Catholic Church has always taught that schismatics, heretics, apostates and pagans, including the Deicide Jews, do not worship the True God, but that they distort the True God and worship these falsehoods, these distortions, and that their worship is rejected by God and is offered to Satan, the First Rebel, and so Catholics are strictly, on the pain of automatic excommunication, forbidden from taking part in Protestant rituals, liturgies and acts of worship.

Or, in a nutshell, Protestants worship Satan.

The Charismatic Renewal began when "Catholic" professors of the Duquesne University USA went to a Protestant "woman priest," attended a Protestant service presided over by a "womanpriest" and were prayed over and "imparted" the "Holy Spirit" by this "womanpriest." This is how the Charismatic Renewal began. It was brought to India by a Parsi Mr Minoo Engineer who married a Luz Maria, a Puerto Rican "Catholic" in the USA and who "converted" to the "Charismatic Renewal." This then developed in Kerala into the Potha Ashram, and Potha's branch near Bombay & Kalyan, Mount Tabor at Kamba and Raita villages.

A tree is know by its roots.

A lie cannot give birth to a truth.

What began from Satan and his lies and his pomps, waging war against Jesus Christ and His Church, can't end up as a defence and a vindicator of Jesus Christ and of His Church. The Appearance is a lie.

God in the Bible commands that those who would be saved should strictly have no part in it. He forbids the mixing of the good and of the evil. He forbids yoking with the Devil and those of the Devil. He commands us to flee from this Abomination.

"Touch not the unclean thing." Flee from this filth!

Lúcío Mascarenhas

Keywords: Charismatic Renewal Spiritual Renewal Crackmatic Crackmaticism Florence Dodge Holy Dodgers Dodgy Dodgies Snakehandlers Snakehandling

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