Saturday, October 01, 2022

Charismatic Renewal is Protestant, Not Christian

Charismaticism or the Charismatic Renewal: Have a Cracker?
The "Charismatic Renewal" is Protestant, Not Christian

Lúcío Mascarenhas
Originally posted at:, December 31, 2021.

The "Charismatic Renewal" is a movement that was started by Heretics who denied that the Holy Ghost or " Holy Spirit" remained, as Jesus Christ promised, for all times with His Church, but taught instead that the Catholic Church "deviated" from the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the alleged "Constantinian Shift" and thus the Holy Ghost or " Holy Spirit" was "lost" until they, by their "Prayers and Actions," "procured" the "Return of the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit," which movement developed in historical stages called Irvingism, Latter Rain, Pentecostalism and finally as the "Charismatic Renewal," a movement which is present in many Sects at the same time so that there is a "Catholic" Charismatic Renewal, an Anglican Charismatic Renewal, a Methodist Charismatic Renewal, a Baptist Charismatic Renewal, a Lutheran Charismatic Renewal, etc. 

This teaching flatly contradicts what Jesus Christ taught, that the Holy Ghost He was sending, would be with His Church until the End Times. 

Given this truth, it is obvious that the Charismatic Renewal does not Represent God the Holy Ghost or the "Holy Spirit" but represents another Spirit, who, given orthodox Catholic theology, cannot be anyone other than Satan himself

I mention this because I was told of a "priest" of the "Logos Centre," Bangalore, who is part of the "Catholic Charismatic Renewal," as "celebrating Holy Mass" with "Healing," etc. and

This Logos Centre, and the entire Charismatic Renewal, is Satan's Work. It is Blasphemy Against God the Holy Ghost to say that that what is clearly and obviously the Work of Satan, the Deceiver, who masquerades as an Angel of Light, and indeed who masquerades as God Himself, is the Work of God!

Such is, as you know, an "Unforgivable Sin"!

It is true that, given these Truths, the Excatholic Church of Roman Protestantism pretends that the "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" is not an import from Heretics but that it began as a result of "Catholics" praying for a "New Pentecost" as "requested" by "Pope St John XXIII," the Satanist Antipope & Heresiarch Roncalli. That this is very obviously a lie is very easily proven. 

The "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" includes the "Potta chain of Ashrams," including its Bombay franchise "Tabor Ashram" near Kalyan / Calian. They worship Satan.

«In search of a spiritual experience, the graduate student Ralph Keifer and history professor William Storey, both of the Catholic Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, attended a meeting of the Cursillo movement in August 1966. They were introduced to two books, The Cross and the Switchblade and They Speak with Other Tongues, which emphasized the Holy Spirit and the Spirit's charisms. In February 1967, Storey and Keifer attended an Episcopalian (Protestant) prayer meeting and were baptized in the Holy Spirit. The following week, Keifer laid hands on other Duquesne professors, and they also had an experience with the Spirit. Then, in February, during a gathering of Duquesne University students at The Ark and The Dove Retreat Center north of Pittsburgh, more people asked Keifer to pray over them. This led to the event at the chapel where they too received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues, as well as many other students who were present in the chapel. Keifer sent the news of this event to the University of Notre Dame, where a similar event later occurred, and the Renewal began to spread.»

So the "Holy Spirit" was imported from Heretics and Schismatics!

What Wikipedia omits is that Keifer et al were "prayed over" by a Protestant  "woman priest" and that this is where the "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" began!

But the Bible says that women are not allowed to lead Church services, to be priests! 

Only Heretics have "women priests"! 

What does that tell you?

The Word of God: "Does a fountain send forth, out of the same hole, sweet and bitter water?" James iii, 11.

Read this carefully. It shows beyond any doubt that the "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" is an import from Protestantism:

Lúcío Joaõ Mascarenhas

Keywords: Charismatic Renewal Spiritual Renewal Crackmatic Crackmaticism Florence Dodge Holy Dodgers Dodgy Dodgies Snakehandlers Snakehandling

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