Basalism: Another Way To The One World Religion of Vatican2, John-Paul2, Francis, etc.
From Catholicism to Panreligionism, the One World Religion, via the BEC BCC SCC SHC engine
By Lucio Mascarenhas, May 16 - May 20, 2020.UNDER the pretence that the Parish as a unit of Church Government is too large and remote, and therefore logistically infelicitous for the purposes of crafting lively communities, a movement was given shape to, in Brazil and Spanish Latin America, called the "Base Communities" or "Base Ecclesial Communities" (BEC). A careful study of the "movement" shows that it was not a spontaneous movement from amongst Catholic peoples but that it was created by priests and Bishops who were and are Apostates from Catholicism, who are Modernists, Communists, and Marxists. The meaning of "Base" that was used, meant and means "Proletariat" or the Marxist pretension of a "Class" that is the Poorest of the Poor. Only the Branding was new. "Base Churches," then, meant "Proletarian Churches," or "Churches of the Proletariat," thus a criminal, treasonous, subversive, seditious, overtly Communist political movement masquerading as a Catholic Devotional Movement! Communism and Marxism and Class Warfare were rebranded as a Catholic theological Movement, "Liberation Theology"! The "Base Church Movement" was an attempt by Marxists to inject the Marxist-Communist plan variously called Communitarianism, Communardism, Collectivism, Kibbutzism or Sovietism, of Communal Communities, into the Catholic Church, even before the Modernist Coup and Usurpation of October 1958.
This movement must be seen in context. Particularly after the "French Revolutions," various movements arose among Catholics, inspired by the proto-Communist movements, by Socialism, Communardism, and generally spearheaded by apostate priests and bishops. The Sillon Movement in France was a precursor which the Catholic Popes squashed. The legacy of the Apostates, Maranos, and Freemason traitors and agents of the ZOG "Solve et coagula" programme administered by their remote and ultimate Owners, the Deicides through their principal puppets the WASPs from General HQ London, such as Simon Bolivar, Bernardo O'Higgins, Augustin Iturbide, Pedro Bragança, Manuel Belgrano, Joseph Saint Martin, Emilio Aguinaldo, etc., proved a fertile ground for Marxist and Communist inspired movements. Bishop Carlos Duarte Costa in Brazil was an infamous Communist, and when he was taken to task by the Catholic Popes, he split and formed his own schismatic, heretic, and pro-Communist, sect. During the Japanese occupation of the Philippines, Catholic Priests took up arms in the name of Communism, and continued fighting as the Communist Huk terrorists for decades, during the presidencies of Ramon Magsaysay and Ferdinand Marcos, slowly dissipating as the Soviets and Mao Tse Dong split, and as the Soviet Union declined and then died. Catholic Priests and Bishops played critical and even active military roles in Communist terrorism in Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, "Bolivia" (Alto Peru), Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, etc. from the 1920s and ongoing even to this day. Basalism was born in and out of this same Communist wave infecting Latin America at the same times.
The Latin American Communist manifestations of "Liberation Theology" and of Basalism, are the equivalent of the "Naxalwadi" or Naxalite Movement in India!
The Apostate Heresy of Modernism, which originated in Protestant academic circles over the last 500 years, and which, over the last 300 years made strenuous efforts to infiltrate and take-over the Catholic Church, in which it succeeded in October 1958, teaches PanReligionism, or a "Unification of all religions into a One World Religion," and under its impetus, "Basalism" too turned from its foiled Communist-Marxist World Revolution objectives to the open and blatant Promotion of Apostasy and of PanReligionism, of the One World Religion.
In response to the Communist and constitutionally Anti-Catholic "Base Church Movement", I affirm that am not a Collaborator with these Satanists who formally teach that all religions are true, all gods are one, one can attain salvation through any religion or "god" etc.
The Apostate Church made many efforts to further "Basalism" from being a phenomenon confined to Latin America and the Philippines, to spread it worldwide, under the names of "Basic Christian Communities" and "Small Christian Communities," and it has become now rife worldwide, under those names. However, the Apostate Modernist sect never loses its focus on its final objectives, which is to first spread the Disease of "Basalism" worldwide, and then to use it as a tool and a means to spread PanReligionism, or the One World Religion Movement, for which the Apostate Heresiarchs Karol Wojtyla ("John-Paul2") and Jorge Bergoglio ("Francis") more than others have made "heroic efforts" to, so as to engender, bring about, inaugurate, the Kingdom of the Antichrist.
In South Asia "Bishop" Bosco Penha" was tasked with introducing Basalism, by the Modernist Apostate Antipopes in the Vatican. In 1980, he organised a Synod of Priests to push this agenda, but it began to progress only in 1984. Penha has done a phenomenal job. The mantle in Bombay has now been taken over by the "Conservative" bishop Barthol Barretto. The Objectives never change: Driving forward the the De-Christianisation of former Catholics, moving forward to the One World Religion, the Kingdom of the Antichrist.
The next significant breakthrough was achieved by "Fr" Edwin M. John, of the Diocese of Kottar, including the city of Nagercoil. Edwin coined a new Tamil word, "Ampiam," meaning "Community of Love," from the Tamil Word Anpu, Love. The Base Churches are therefore called Anpiams or Anpiyams. Today, at over 69 years of age, Edwin is posted by his Diocese as Director of the "Neighbourhood Community Networks," (NCN), the name he gives as the English form of his Ampiams. He developed his NCNs or Anpiams as PanReligionist bodies, mixing into Christianity the errors of the Hindu Pagans and of the Mahomettan Infidel Pagans! His sect has adopted this as the "Nagercoil Model" and implemented it in Northern Areas of West Bengal province, India, which includes South Sikkim, and also in Sikkim proper / North Sikkim, successfully bastardising the already destroyed Christian faith of former Catholics in the region.
Some extracts from the Word of God on "Inter-Religious Dialogue," "Inculturation," "Ecumenism," and Panreligionism:
- Exodus 23: 24 "Thou shalt not adore their gods, nor serve them. Thou shalt not do their works, but shalt destroy them, and break their statues."
- Leviticus 18: 4 "You shall not do according to the custom of the land of Egypt, in which you dwelt: neither shall you act according to the manner of the country of Chanaan, into which I will bring you, nor shall you walk in their ordinances."
- Leviticus 20: 23 "Walk not after the laws of the nations."
- Deuteronomy 7: 25-26: "Neither shalt thou take to thee any thing thereof, lest thou offend, because it is an abomination to the Lord thy God. Neither shalt thou bring any thing of the idol into thy house, lest thou become an anathema, like it. Thou shalt detest it as dung, and shalt utterly abhor it as uncleanness and filth, because it is an anathema."
- Deuteronomy 12, 29-32: "When the Lord thy God shall have destroyed before thy face the nations, which then shalt go in to possess, and when thou shalt possess them, and dwell in their land: Beware lest thou imitate them, after they are destroyed at thy coming in, and lest thou seek after their ceremonies, saying: As these nations have worshipped their gods, so will I also worship. Thou shalt not do in like manner to the Lord thy God. For they have done to their gods all the abominations which the Lord abhorreth, offering their sons and daughters, and burning them with fire. What I command thee, that only do thou to the Lord: neither add any thing, nor diminish."
- Jeremias 10: 2 "Thus saith the Lord: Learn not according to the ways of the Gentiles."
- Hebrews 13: 9 "Be not led away with various and strange doctrines. For it is best that the heart be established with grace, not with meats; which have not profited those that walk in them."
«January 1994, Article title: "From Basic Christian Communities to Small Christian Communities to Small Human Communities...." (Excerpt)
«In the wake of the Ayodhya incident and the sectarian conflicts following it, it is clear that Christians in India have the special task today of bringing peace and harmony into a country torn by religious strife. We, Catholics, must remind all concerned that the true role of religion is to bring the unconditional love of God into human affairs. More and more voices are heard asking that we move from "Small Christian Communities" to "Small Human Communities." The parish located in Jeri-Meri, Bombay, has shown that this is possible. Such "Small Human Communities" could act as models and catalysts of national integration. The journey winds on. We shall walk together, hand-in-hand....» (Source: Bishop Bosco Penha, Director of the "Small Christian Communities," Archdiocese of Bombay, in the official organ, the Examiner, 29th. January 1994. Reproduced at
(There is only one true Religion, Catholicism. All other religions are false, man-made, Demonically-inspired caricatures of God's Truth. "All religions" very certainly DO NOT teach the exact same thing. False religions do not teach the love of the true God, and the means He mandates for the salvation of souls. Christianity does NOT possess from God a mandate to make the whole world a better place. Christianity has a mandate from God to preach the truth that this Earth is a transistional place, not our permanent home, that we are here to cooperate with God's Grace for our Salvation, that there is no Salvation outside of Jesus Christ and outside of His Guaranteed Catholic Church.)
Excerpts from "A Commitment to Neighbourhood: Base Ecclesial Communities in Global Perspective," by "Fr" Gerry Proctor. Source:
«Bishop Thomas Dabre of Vasai, India, during a presentation to an international audience at Cochabamba, Bolivia at the close of the last millennium made reference to the unique situation of Asia and its consequences for the mission of the Church:
«"Small Christian and Ecclesial Communities are possible in homogenous settings, when all profess the one Catholic faith. Both Catholic and non-Catholic Christians are about 2% of the total population of India. The evangelising mission of the Church and the actual multi-religious and multi-cultural setting of India demand that the small Christian communities should be open to become basic human communities including people of different faiths."
«This discussion was taking place especially in the Indian context where a number of theologians had reflected that in order to be genuinely authentic within the challenge of India's multi-faith reality the SCCs must reject the older model of BECs coming out of the Catholic majority countries of Latin America and forge their own style of basic community that responded to the situation of most Indian people:
«"The Christian communities in India should not be closed and exclusive communities. They must remain open communities where all people in each place, irrespective of religion, caste, creed and ideology, should be brought together and basic human communities to be formed."
«"The Church's objective in India must be the formation of basic human communities where common life-styles and common strategies for the liberation of the Indian masses and inter-religious approaches to the basic human problems and questions must be developed."
«Pathil sees the SCCs of India as 'only a first step towards the renewal of Christian life that should lead to the creation of basic human communities.'
«This stance is replicated throughout India as can be seen in the official Handbook of SCCs for the Archdiocese of Bombay:
«"The people of other faiths living in the neighbourhood should also be invited for most of the programmes – the earlier the better.... Many activities can be undertaken jointly. Living in close proximity many common interests and concerns are shared. Every SCC should move towards becoming a Small Human Community. This has to be the end product of our efforts keeping in mind the context of India as a plurality of religions."
«Perhaps the foremost promoter of Basic Human Communities (BHCs) in India is Fr M. John Edwin from Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu. He is a practitioner and an exponent of the BHCs and has clarified how he saw them both emerging from and working alongside the SCCs. There are many similarities between them. Both are small-group oriented and territory-based. Just as the SCC is the Church itself in a given neighbourhood so the BHC is the nation itself in miniature in the neighbourhood. Both are committed to non-dominating styles of leadership and both are developing a participatory world. The guiding principle of them both is Subsidiarity, that whatever can be done at a lower level is done at that level and not at any level above it and the higher level only takes up those tasks that can not be handled at the lower levels. In a paper distributed to the IVth AsIPA General Assembly in 2006, he made it clear that BHCs are 'kingdom communities,' that the responsibility for 'building Basic Human Communities forms part of the core mission of the Church, that it is not an option but a contextual necessity arising out of the very cause that gives the justification for the very existence of the Church.' They are not in competition but are a structural tool for the realising of the kingdom. They are forums where the voice of the smallest and the least can be heard and shared, where actions that initiate a fairer and more just world can be instigated. They encourage a practise of dialogue at the grassroots of society and are forums where religious treasures can be shared and improvements to the neighbourhood planned and executed.
«This same perspective was found also in other writers such as K.C. Abraham who wrote, 'What we need today is a new generation of Hindus, Muslims and Christians who will recapture universal perspective and give shape to it in Basic Human Communities.'
«Astrid Lobo-Gajiwala offers an important reality check when she analysed the extent to which most SCCs had remained aloof from peoples of other faiths. She asserted that as SCCs started out as a ministry to and among Catholics they excluded other faith peoples from the beginning. The models and materials that had influenced India mostly have come from Latin America, Africa and the Philippines and these have as their context a Catholic-only focus and as far as both parishioners and parish clergy are aware, there is very little connectivity promoted through them with other faiths.»
A pagan "Godman" effusively praises and extols Edwin's "Nagercoil Model" of the Anpiams or "Neighbourhood Community Networks":
The Paganisation of the already De-Christianised "Christians" via the MJ Edwin "Anpiam Model" or the "Nagercoil Model" in West Bengal and Sikkim - a worldwide program of progressing the Great Modernist Apostasy begun 1958 and formally adopted by "Vatican2" Latrocinium 1962-1965
Some Excerpts:
«Keeping in mind the mandate of the Church, “prudently and lovingly, through dialogue and collaboration with the followers of other religions, and in witness of Christian faith and life, acknowledge, preserve, and promote the spiritual and moral goods found among these [people], as well as the values in their society and culture"»
«"All the faithful and every Christian community are called upon to practice dialogue" (SEB – Synodal Episcoporum Bulletin April 25, 1998).»
«The aim of NHCs is to promote neighbourhood communities with people of all religions and castes and thus to promote inter-religious harmony.»
Christianity has NO mandate to Dialogue, or Inter-Religious Harmony. Quite the opposite! Dialogue was invented by the Modernist Apostates as a means to achieve the Coalescence of all religions into a One World Religion, which is a Negation of Catholicism.
«Jesus took the initiative to start a Jewish-Samaritan dialogue, even though the Samaritan woman (John 4) was at first reluctant to converse with him because of her anti-Jewish prejudices.»
Jesus DID NOT Dialogue but He instead Preached, He flatly told the Samaritan wiman, "Salvation is from the Jews." That was the Very Opposite of Dialogue and of "being Ecumenical"!
«"Strategies used to tackle: Use of scriptures of various religions at the meetings." "Identifying marks of KPG/NHC: Based on the teachings of the sacred scriptures."» These are proofs of the MORTAL SIN of Panreligionism!
Lucio Mascarenhas,
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