By Lucio Mascarenhas, Sunday, May 17, 2020.
Michael Prabhu (George Michael, Mohan Mahesh Prabhu, Mohan Michael Prabhu) is a member of what calls itself the "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" ("Movement for the Renewal of Charisms"), abbreviated as "CCR." He operates the "Metamorphose Ministry" based out of the "CCR" and in which he claims he is standing for, and defending "Catholicism" from Protestantism, etc. His original website is Through, and with a Collaborator, Francis Sunil Lobo, he now also operates His each individual writing is tedious, tendentious and shows poor to non-existent technical and editorial skills. His new website tends to be easier to read, to an extent, due to the technical and editorial abilities brought to the table by his collaborator, Francis Sunil Lobo.
I, Lucio Mascarenhas, and he, Michael Prabhu, are Antithetical to each other, there is an immense and unbridgeable chasm between me and him. I stand for Catholicism as it always was, consistent, coherent, orthodox, therefore categorically and unconditionally and implacably exclusive of the Latrocinium of "Vatican2" as being something holistically un-Catholic, indeed, as something ("Vatican2”) being viciously anti-Catholic.
He claims to stand for "a (Vatican2) Hermeneutics of Continuity" "orthodox Catholicism," but his roots and standing is the Charismatic Renewal, which I have convincingly demonstrated, is the Protestant ideology of Pentecostalism that arose from Edward Irving, Samuel Coleridge, their Albury Hall Meetings, etc., which formed the "Catholic Apostolic Church" headquartered in Switzerland, then the Latter-Rain Movement, then the Pentecostal Movement, and then the Charismatic Renewal Movement, the last of which was NOT a spontaneous eruption in the "Catholic Church" as per the "Roncallian Mythology" which pretends that it was a Spontaneous eruption of the action of the "Holy Spirit" in response to the "prophetic call" of "Pope John XXIII-II" Joseph Roncalli but was in fact a Direct Import from Protestantism, from Pentecostalism, and that there are Anglican Charismatic Renewal, Baptist Charismatic Renewal, Methodist Charismatic Renewal, etc. and that the Nature of Catholicism is such that it cannot accept and adopt "movements" that originated outside the Catholic Church, for which reason they have invented the Blatant Lie that I call the "Roncallian Mythology."
It is the formal teaching of the Catholic Church that what has once been formally defined, cannot be negated. It can be qualified, but not negated. Formal teachings include the Dogma of Unity, in which the Catholic Church affirms that the secession and falling away of Schismatics, Heretics, and Apostates, of masses of people, did not impair or reduce the Unity that Jesus had prayed for; that the Catholic Church continued to maintain its absolute identity with the Church and Religion that Jesus founded and guaranteed and which He vivified with God the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete; that God's Church cannot adopt without changes any ideology or movement that originated outside itself; that no man, not even a Pope, or an Ecumenical Council, could negate teachings that were once promulgated. Yet this is precisely what "Vatican2” did, negating not only Catholicism but also every fundamental teaching of God in the Bible, principally, the First commandment, by directly and in open contradiction of the Word of God, affirming that the Deicides (who are called the Synagogue of Satan by Jesus in the Apocalypse of St John), Mahomettan Infidels, Heretics, Pagans, etc all truly and honestly sought and seek the one true God!
Between 1958, and 1967, the Apostates, Modernists, unleashed the so-called "Spirit of Vatican2" Latrocinium, Satan's Council, by which people were no longer ashamed to go to Heretics and Pagans and learn their Errors, and to bring these Errors back into the once but now only in Pretense, Catholic Church, but which is in fact Roman Protestantism, the Modernist and Panreligionist (One World Religion) sect!
Thus came into being a Satanism, a Blasphemy against God the Holy Ghost, the "Catholic Charismatic Renewal."
Michael Prabhu claims to be "against women priests" It is a fact that the "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" began with a Protestant Woman "priest" praying and conveying the "Spirit" by the direct laying of hands!
It is Nonsensical, Hypocritical and Ridiculous for a man whose own roots are in Protestantism to pretend to a mantle of "Defending Catholicism from inroads of Protestantism"!
If Michael Prabhu wishes to be Consistent, he is obliged to reject and denounce the Charismatic Renewal as alien to Catholicism, but the man refuses to be consistent and prefers to be a Pharisee, a Hypocrite.
Tell me if and how I am wrong!
Lucio Mascarenhas,
God the Holy Ghost or God the Holy Spirit is the third person or "Hypostasis" of the Triune Godhead, the Most Holy Trinity.
Jesus Christ promised to send the Holy Ghost / Holy Spirit, and that He (the Holy Ghost) would abide with His Church into the end of time.
"And I will ask the Father, and He shall give you another Paraclete, that He may abide with you for ever." (John xiv, 16,
Yet Pentecostalisms, and its' spawns the "Charismatic Renewals," including Trevor Lewis' Jeevan Jal, or Potta and Muringoor and it's daughters, the 2 "Tabor Ashrams" in Kalyan, are premised on the Demonic Lie of the "Constantinian Shift" and the resultant "loss of the Holy Ghost" for nigh 1500 years until the Irvingites "rediscovered" it.
Spin it how you want, this is a negation of Catholicism, and of Jesus, that can't be spun away.
Spin it how you want, there is no way around the truth that the "Spirit" of the Irvingites, of the "Latter Rain Movement," of the Branhamites, of Pentecostalism and the Charismatic Renewals is not God, but is Satan, and that the "Charismatic Renewal movement" is absolutely irreconcilable with orthodox Catholicism.
Some "alleged Popes" who are actually formal Apostates, teaching the Heresies of Modernism and of Panreligionism ("One World Religion") are alleged to "legitimise" the Catholic Renewal."
Even a valid, legitimate Pope does not possess Authority to go against "What the Catholic Church has always formally taught" in the past, as the Magisterial "Consensus of Theologians" always and consistently taught.
For example, the Vatican Council, 1869-1870, taught in Pastor Aeternus.
«The Holy Ghost was not promised to the successors of Peter that by His Revelation they might make known new doctrine, but that by His assistance they might inviolably keep and faithfully expound the Revelation, the Deposit of Faith, delivered through the Apostles.» (Pastor Aeterus)
Lucio Mascarenhas,
The Bible says women can't be priests.
Jesus taught that He would give His Paraclete, God the Holy Ghost, to His Church, the Catholic Church, and He (the Holy Ghost) would be with His Church for all times.
Protestants, who seceded from Catholicism, claim that the Catholic Church lost the Holy Spirit more than a thousand years ago, particularly from the time of Emperor Constantine, who they claim "paganized" Christianity to create Catholicism, and that Catholicism has existed without knowing the Holy Spirit and being indwelled by the Holy Spirit. They claimed to have "restored" the Holy Spirit to "Protestant Christianity" (sic!).
The Bible says that those who disobey and depart in contumacy are to be considered as heathen and pagans. So, where does that leave Protestants, their "worship" etc., from the Catholic viewpoint?
The Catholic Church has always taught that schismatics, heretics, apostates and pagans, including the Deicide Jews, do not worship the True God, but that they distort the True God and worship these falsehoods, these distortions, and that their worship is rejected by God and is offered to Satan, the First Rebel, and so Catholics are strictly, on the pain of automatic excommunication, forbidden from taking part in Protestant rituals, liturgies and acts of worship.
Or, in a nutshell, Protestants worship Satan.
The Charismatic Renewal began when "Catholic" professors of the Duquesne University USA went to a Protestant "woman priest," attended a Protestant service presided over by a "womanpriest" and were prayed over and "imparted" the "Holy Spirit" by this "womanpriest." This is how the Charismatic Renewal began. It was brought to India by a Parsi Mr Minoo Engineer who married a Luz Maria, a Puerto Rican "Catholic" in the USA and who "converted" to the "Charismatic Renewal." This then developed in Kerala into the Potha Ashram, and Potha's branch near Bombay & Kalyan, Mount Tabor at Kamba and Raita villages.
A tree is know by its roots.
A lie cannot give birth to a truth.
What began from Satan and his lies and his pomps, waging war against Jesus Christ and His Church, can't end up as a defence and a vindicator of Jesus Christ and of His Church. The Appearance is a lie.
God in the Bible commands that those who would be saved should strictly have no part in it. He forbids the mixing of the good and of the evil. He forbids yoking with the Devil and those of the Devil. He commands us to flee from this Abomination.
"Touch not the unclean thing." Flee from this filth!
Lucio Mascarenhas,
Today, the "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" has grown quite strong and gained in acceptance quite universally as being legitimate. In Bombay, these ideas are now more particularly spread by the Potta Ashram and its branch near Bombay, the Mount Tabor Ashram near the ancient city of Kalyan....
The Charismatic Renewal is a movement that began when some converts to Pentecostalism from mainstream Protestantism, decided against the usual practise of leaving their sects, and decided instead to continue within their present sects, effectively as subsects of their parent sects.
The first "Charismatics," as distinct from "regular Protestants," were the Lutheran, Anglican, Methodist, Baptist and Adventist Charismatics. In 1967, in the wake of the Great Apostasy of Vatican II, when Catholics ceased to be Catholics but began to follow Protestant trends, a group of teachers (Profs William Storey, Ralph Kiefer, Kevin Ranaghan, etc.) in a "Catholic" university, Duquesne (pronounced "Du-cain"), went to a Methodist Charismatic woman and Protestant "priestess" in a Protestant place of worship, and this woman "prayed" over them and "laid hands on them, conferring on them the Pentecostal/Charismatic 'Holy Spirit.'"
«In 1966, the discovery of Evangelical Pentecostal practice and teaching through the two Protestant books, 'The Cross and the Switchblade' and 'They Speak With Other Tongues' was examined closely by four Catholic laity in the Eastern United States. Ralph Keifer and William Storey of the faculty of Duquesne University in Pittsburgh and Steve Clark and Ralph Martin of the staff of an East Lansing, Michigan, parish began to meet to discuss not only the fascinating aspects of Pentecostal power as the two books related them, but their own personal Catholic faith as well. They came to the conclusion that there was something direly needed in the life of the Church as well, and that it had to be an experience with the Holy Spirit - which would "fill the void left by human effort" - that followed the direction of the radical new movement that was then beginning to take hold in mainline Protestant denominations, the charismatic movement. Certainly, the examples of the ministries of Protestant clergy like James Brown, David DuPlessis, and Dennis Bennett were in mind , as well as the compelling promise of a vitally defined and practiced faith. To them, this leap of faith might 'fill the vacuum left by human effort.' Their discussions became translated into a search for others who could help them articulate their longings for such an encounter.
«In January 1967, Keifer and Stoney attended an interfaith prayer meeting where they requested prayer to receive the Holy Spirit. While prayer with the laying on of hands was made on the behalf of Keifer, he began to speak in tongues after making 'an act of faith for the power of the Spirit.' His enthusiastic account of his faith's 'livening' eventually set off a chain of events that resulted in the birth of the 'Catholic Charismatic Renewal.' Prayer meetings were held in Pittsburgh, in South Bend, Indiana (at the home of Keifer's friends Kevin and Dorothy Ranaghan) and at the University of Notre Dame, where Clark and Martin (who had also received this 'baptism of the Holy Spirit') conducted with the Ranaghans a 'retreat.' This weekend retreat was unlike any other Catholic retreat, however: religious experiences were openly shared and open prayer was made for this 'baptism of the Holy Spirit' by the laying on of hands in prayer groups. Most of the individuals involved in these events left them profoundly changed by these 'infillings of the Spirit' - the change in their lives and their own testimonies began to spread word of the happenings.» ( (Anti-Christian website))
«In August of the year 1966, some lay Professors of the Duquesne University attended the Congress of the Cursillo Movement,... looking forward for a new experience and hoped to achieve the full power of Faith and wished to find it in this spiritual formation movement, which had just started after the Vatican Council II in Spain.... At the Cursillo Congress, they got acquainted with Steve Clarke and Ralph Martin, co-ordinators of student activities at St. John's Parish, East Lansing, Michigan. It all began for them with the reading of two books, "The Cross and the Switchblade" by David Wilkerson, an autobiographical story of a Protestant Pastor who was led by strong inner impulses to abandon the life of a salaried Parish Minister and embark on a dangerous mission to the delinquents and drug addicts of Brooklyn in neighbourhoods, into which the average American would not venture at night, or even by day for that matter. The 2lst chapter of the book was, "The Baptism in the Holy Spirit" which formed and penetrated the hearts of the readers. The Duquesne Professors found what they had been missing in other movements. At this time one of the organizers of the meeting was Ralph Keifer who came across a book on Pentecostalism by John Sherrils which was titled, "They speak in other tongues" which became the source book, for those who had gathered for the meeting.
«In the fall of the same year, this group met again for a period of deeper prayer and in it, "Come Holy Spirit" was recited and an important place was given to the Holy Spirit. Since these Catholic laymen wanted more clarification on the topic, some approached the Pentecostals, despite the somewhat repute of their doctrinal beliefs. W. Lewis an Episcopalian Priest, put this group in touch with a woman involved in Charismatic Movement. In January 1967, an invitation was given to them to attend a prayer meeting on January 13th, which was the day of the Baptism of Our Lord. At that meeting more anxious doubts arose at the way things were done. Ralph was confused by the prayer meeting. No doubt, he was positive about the high level sharing and lively theology, but his intellectual mind was scandalized at the literal interpretation of the Scriptures and the idea of direct communication with God. Out of these four who attended the meeting, only Ralph returned the following week, but had brought with him another Professor of Theology, Patrick Bourgeois and at the end of the meeting, the two men asked to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. One group prayed on Ralph, imposing their hands and the other group on Patrick. Ralph was asked to make an act of faith for the power of the Spirit to work. He prayed in tongues rather quickly. Ralph and the group began to have some deep and wonderful experiences of prayer. The result of all this was to seek an interdenominational and quite informal prayer group, who had undergone the experience called "The Baptism in the Holy Spirit" (the Acts of the Apostles and I Cor Chpts 12-14 were read literally by this group). The follow-up was on 18th and 19th February 1967 where about twenty-five students and University theology professors from Duquesne University got together for a retreat weekend at the Ark and the Dove retreat house outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to study the Acts of the Apostles and consider the claims of the Pentecostals as described in the two books, "The Cross and the Switchblade” and “They speak with other tongues.” They were praying for a new Pentecost throughout the weekend.
«In the weeks that followed, the students gradually learned about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They told their friends and colleagues about it and within a few months the Catholic Pentecostal Movement, as it was known then, had spread to half a dozen other campuses and within a few years, there were prayer groups and meetings all over America.» ( AND
Catholics are strictly forbidden from participating in Protestant worship, and from receiving "sacraments" or "quasi-sacramental rites" from them, described as the crime of "Communicatio is Sacris," but which crime is touted as a "virtue" under the very same precise name by the Satanic Robber Council "Vatican II."
The Bible also very strictly forbids women from being ministers and celebrants of public Christian liturgy, forbidden women from being priestesses.
What was this "Holy Spirit" received by the Duquesne teachers? Is it the Holy Ghost, one of the three Persons of the Triune Godhead?
The Charismatic Renewal affirms that this is indeed so. However, a careful consideration of Catholic theology and of the roots and of the ideas that inspired the birth of the Charismatic Renewal in its original form, continued into the Charismatic Renewals themselves, bears witness otherwise.
We have seen that the Charismatic Renewal began as a direct continuation and offshoot, or "evolution" if you will, of Pentecostalism. And what is Pentecostalism?
Pentecostalism began in the early 1900s in the USA as a further development of what was the Latter Rain Movement. The Latter Rain Movement was one of the two successor movements of Irvingism, the other being the comparative formalistic Irvingite sect of "Catholic Apostolic Church" based out of Protestant Switzerland.
Irvingism is the development of the ideas of Edward Irving, a Scotch Calvinist or Presbyterian who was himself influenced by the ideas of a Chilean Jew or Marano Juan Josaphat Ben-Ezra, who had pretended to become a Jesuit priest, Father Manuel Lacunza-Diaz. Ben-Ezra's heretical books were formally excommunicated and banned by the Catholic Church, put on the Index of Prohibited Books.
Ben-Ezra taught "that during the period before the 'day of the Lord' there would be a general apostasy of the Catholic Church which would make it part of the Antichrist. In this sense 'the church' was not individuals, but 'a moral body' composed of all the apostates and atheists. Naturally this view was especially controversial because it placed the official church on the wrong side in the final struggle between Good and Evil. It was this belief that finally brought about the Vatican's condemnation of his work."
Irving developed Ben-Ezra's teachings, combining with it the widespread Protestant canard of "Constantinianism" made against the Catholic Church, claiming that under the Emperor Constantine, the Church was seized and paganized by Constantine, and that the Church as a result, among other things, lost the presence of the Holy Ghost....
Irvingites presumptiously pretended that they, by their works and teachings, had "revived" the presence of the Holy Ghost in Christianity (or rather within Protestantism, to be more precise), and to re-introduce Christianity to the Holy Ghost and His Works.
On the contrary, it is a fundamental teaching that Jesus Christ founded His Church and safeguarded it as an institution in perpetuity, and guaranteed Her the indwelling of the Holy Ghost as a permanent feature, as Her very Soul, Her Animating Spirit, and that as such, the Catholic Church could never ever lose the presence of the Holy Ghost from her foundation to her end in the Parousia, the Return of Jesus Christ Himself.
Irving was assisted by a group of collaborators, the New Age of his day, including the Protestant English poet Samuel Coleridge.
This is the origins of the Charismatic Renewal.
It is therefore obvious to any Catholic with common sense that the "Holy Spirit" of the Charismatic Renewal/Pentecostalism/Irvingism cannot be the same as God the Holy Ghost, any more than the Irvingite sect and "apostles" of the "Catholic Apostolic Church" can be the same as the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church founded by Jesus Christ under the primacy of Simon Peter or any more than that the Jesus Christ of the Bible and of Christianity can be the same as the Jesus Christ of the Quran.
And therefore, the necessary conclusion is that this "Holy Spirit" is none other than Satan himself, the Father of Lies, Beelzebub.
The Holy Bible warns us, "Whosoever revolteth, and continueth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that continueth in the doctrine, the same hath both the Father and the Son. If any man come to you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house nor say to him, God speed you. For he that saith unto him, God speed you, communicateth with his wicked works" 2 John i, 9-11.
The Holy Bible also warns us, "...Though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so now I say again: If any one preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be accursed" Gal. i, 8-9.
Jesus warns in the Bible that the Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is the one sin that cannot and will not be forgiven, and defined it as "attributing to God the work of Satan, and to Satan that what is the work of God." And so, the Charismatic Renewal is founded on the fundamental premise that the Work of God (the true Catholic Church slandered by Ben-Ezra, Irving, Vatican II, etc.) is really the work of Satan, and that the work of Satan (Irvingism, Pentecostalism, Vatican II, the Charismatic Renewal) is really the work of God.
There cannot be a more vile blasphemy than this.
The Holy Bible also warns us: "Go out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing: and I will receive you; and I will be a Father to you; and you shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty" 2 Cor. vi, 17-18.
Let he who has ears hear; let he who has eyes read; let he who has sense understand. Flee from the abomination of damnation and return to Christ and His one true Church in His lawful vicar Pope Michael I (
As for the rest, eternal damnation....
Lucio Mascarenhas Melody Meneses, a "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" "pastor" (Protestant, Anti-Christian website) Trevor Lewis' website, makes very clear that the "Charismatic Renewal Movement" originated amongst Protestants Kevin Ranaghan and his wife Dorothy Garrity were early converts to the newborn "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" and in 1969, published a book describing their experiences, tellingly titled "Catholic Pentecostals"!
Michael Prabhu (George Michael, Mohan Mahesh Prabhu, Mohan Michael Prabhu) is a member of what calls itself the "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" ("Movement for the Renewal of Charisms"), abbreviated as "CCR." He operates the "Metamorphose Ministry" based out of the "CCR" and in which he claims he is standing for, and defending "Catholicism" from Protestantism, etc. His original website is Through, and with a Collaborator, Francis Sunil Lobo, he now also operates His each individual writing is tedious, tendentious and shows poor to non-existent technical and editorial skills. His new website tends to be easier to read, to an extent, due to the technical and editorial abilities brought to the table by his collaborator, Francis Sunil Lobo.
I, Lucio Mascarenhas, and he, Michael Prabhu, are Antithetical to each other, there is an immense and unbridgeable chasm between me and him. I stand for Catholicism as it always was, consistent, coherent, orthodox, therefore categorically and unconditionally and implacably exclusive of the Latrocinium of "Vatican2" as being something holistically un-Catholic, indeed, as something ("Vatican2”) being viciously anti-Catholic.
He claims to stand for "a (Vatican2) Hermeneutics of Continuity" "orthodox Catholicism," but his roots and standing is the Charismatic Renewal, which I have convincingly demonstrated, is the Protestant ideology of Pentecostalism that arose from Edward Irving, Samuel Coleridge, their Albury Hall Meetings, etc., which formed the "Catholic Apostolic Church" headquartered in Switzerland, then the Latter-Rain Movement, then the Pentecostal Movement, and then the Charismatic Renewal Movement, the last of which was NOT a spontaneous eruption in the "Catholic Church" as per the "Roncallian Mythology" which pretends that it was a Spontaneous eruption of the action of the "Holy Spirit" in response to the "prophetic call" of "Pope John XXIII-II" Joseph Roncalli but was in fact a Direct Import from Protestantism, from Pentecostalism, and that there are Anglican Charismatic Renewal, Baptist Charismatic Renewal, Methodist Charismatic Renewal, etc. and that the Nature of Catholicism is such that it cannot accept and adopt "movements" that originated outside the Catholic Church, for which reason they have invented the Blatant Lie that I call the "Roncallian Mythology."
It is the formal teaching of the Catholic Church that what has once been formally defined, cannot be negated. It can be qualified, but not negated. Formal teachings include the Dogma of Unity, in which the Catholic Church affirms that the secession and falling away of Schismatics, Heretics, and Apostates, of masses of people, did not impair or reduce the Unity that Jesus had prayed for; that the Catholic Church continued to maintain its absolute identity with the Church and Religion that Jesus founded and guaranteed and which He vivified with God the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete; that God's Church cannot adopt without changes any ideology or movement that originated outside itself; that no man, not even a Pope, or an Ecumenical Council, could negate teachings that were once promulgated. Yet this is precisely what "Vatican2” did, negating not only Catholicism but also every fundamental teaching of God in the Bible, principally, the First commandment, by directly and in open contradiction of the Word of God, affirming that the Deicides (who are called the Synagogue of Satan by Jesus in the Apocalypse of St John), Mahomettan Infidels, Heretics, Pagans, etc all truly and honestly sought and seek the one true God!
Between 1958, and 1967, the Apostates, Modernists, unleashed the so-called "Spirit of Vatican2" Latrocinium, Satan's Council, by which people were no longer ashamed to go to Heretics and Pagans and learn their Errors, and to bring these Errors back into the once but now only in Pretense, Catholic Church, but which is in fact Roman Protestantism, the Modernist and Panreligionist (One World Religion) sect!
Thus came into being a Satanism, a Blasphemy against God the Holy Ghost, the "Catholic Charismatic Renewal."
Michael Prabhu claims to be "against women priests" It is a fact that the "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" began with a Protestant Woman "priest" praying and conveying the "Spirit" by the direct laying of hands!
It is Nonsensical, Hypocritical and Ridiculous for a man whose own roots are in Protestantism to pretend to a mantle of "Defending Catholicism from inroads of Protestantism"!
If Michael Prabhu wishes to be Consistent, he is obliged to reject and denounce the Charismatic Renewal as alien to Catholicism, but the man refuses to be consistent and prefers to be a Pharisee, a Hypocrite.
Tell me if and how I am wrong!
Lucio Mascarenhas,
By Lucio Mascarenhas, March 12, 2020.God the Holy Ghost or God the Holy Spirit is the third person or "Hypostasis" of the Triune Godhead, the Most Holy Trinity.
Jesus Christ promised to send the Holy Ghost / Holy Spirit, and that He (the Holy Ghost) would abide with His Church into the end of time.
"And I will ask the Father, and He shall give you another Paraclete, that He may abide with you for ever." (John xiv, 16,
Yet Pentecostalisms, and its' spawns the "Charismatic Renewals," including Trevor Lewis' Jeevan Jal, or Potta and Muringoor and it's daughters, the 2 "Tabor Ashrams" in Kalyan, are premised on the Demonic Lie of the "Constantinian Shift" and the resultant "loss of the Holy Ghost" for nigh 1500 years until the Irvingites "rediscovered" it.
Spin it how you want, this is a negation of Catholicism, and of Jesus, that can't be spun away.
Spin it how you want, there is no way around the truth that the "Spirit" of the Irvingites, of the "Latter Rain Movement," of the Branhamites, of Pentecostalism and the Charismatic Renewals is not God, but is Satan, and that the "Charismatic Renewal movement" is absolutely irreconcilable with orthodox Catholicism.
Some "alleged Popes" who are actually formal Apostates, teaching the Heresies of Modernism and of Panreligionism ("One World Religion") are alleged to "legitimise" the Catholic Renewal."
Even a valid, legitimate Pope does not possess Authority to go against "What the Catholic Church has always formally taught" in the past, as the Magisterial "Consensus of Theologians" always and consistently taught.
For example, the Vatican Council, 1869-1870, taught in Pastor Aeternus.
«The Holy Ghost was not promised to the successors of Peter that by His Revelation they might make known new doctrine, but that by His assistance they might inviolably keep and faithfully expound the Revelation, the Deposit of Faith, delivered through the Apostles.» (Pastor Aeterus)
Lucio Mascarenhas,
By Lucio Mascarenhas. Monday, May 12, 2014.The Bible says women can't be priests.
Jesus taught that He would give His Paraclete, God the Holy Ghost, to His Church, the Catholic Church, and He (the Holy Ghost) would be with His Church for all times.
Protestants, who seceded from Catholicism, claim that the Catholic Church lost the Holy Spirit more than a thousand years ago, particularly from the time of Emperor Constantine, who they claim "paganized" Christianity to create Catholicism, and that Catholicism has existed without knowing the Holy Spirit and being indwelled by the Holy Spirit. They claimed to have "restored" the Holy Spirit to "Protestant Christianity" (sic!).
The Bible says that those who disobey and depart in contumacy are to be considered as heathen and pagans. So, where does that leave Protestants, their "worship" etc., from the Catholic viewpoint?
The Catholic Church has always taught that schismatics, heretics, apostates and pagans, including the Deicide Jews, do not worship the True God, but that they distort the True God and worship these falsehoods, these distortions, and that their worship is rejected by God and is offered to Satan, the First Rebel, and so Catholics are strictly, on the pain of automatic excommunication, forbidden from taking part in Protestant rituals, liturgies and acts of worship.
Or, in a nutshell, Protestants worship Satan.
The Charismatic Renewal began when "Catholic" professors of the Duquesne University USA went to a Protestant "woman priest," attended a Protestant service presided over by a "womanpriest" and were prayed over and "imparted" the "Holy Spirit" by this "womanpriest." This is how the Charismatic Renewal began. It was brought to India by a Parsi Mr Minoo Engineer who married a Luz Maria, a Puerto Rican "Catholic" in the USA and who "converted" to the "Charismatic Renewal." This then developed in Kerala into the Potha Ashram, and Potha's branch near Bombay & Kalyan, Mount Tabor at Kamba and Raita villages.
A tree is know by its roots.
A lie cannot give birth to a truth.
What began from Satan and his lies and his pomps, waging war against Jesus Christ and His Church, can't end up as a defence and a vindicator of Jesus Christ and of His Church. The Appearance is a lie.
God in the Bible commands that those who would be saved should strictly have no part in it. He forbids the mixing of the good and of the evil. He forbids yoking with the Devil and those of the Devil. He commands us to flee from this Abomination.
"Touch not the unclean thing." Flee from this filth!
Lucio Mascarenhas,
Charismatic Renewal: Worshipping Satan as the "Holy Spirit"
By Lucio Mascarenhas, Tuesday, Jun 28, 2011.Today, the "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" has grown quite strong and gained in acceptance quite universally as being legitimate. In Bombay, these ideas are now more particularly spread by the Potta Ashram and its branch near Bombay, the Mount Tabor Ashram near the ancient city of Kalyan....
The Charismatic Renewal is a movement that began when some converts to Pentecostalism from mainstream Protestantism, decided against the usual practise of leaving their sects, and decided instead to continue within their present sects, effectively as subsects of their parent sects.
The first "Charismatics," as distinct from "regular Protestants," were the Lutheran, Anglican, Methodist, Baptist and Adventist Charismatics. In 1967, in the wake of the Great Apostasy of Vatican II, when Catholics ceased to be Catholics but began to follow Protestant trends, a group of teachers (Profs William Storey, Ralph Kiefer, Kevin Ranaghan, etc.) in a "Catholic" university, Duquesne (pronounced "Du-cain"), went to a Methodist Charismatic woman and Protestant "priestess" in a Protestant place of worship, and this woman "prayed" over them and "laid hands on them, conferring on them the Pentecostal/Charismatic 'Holy Spirit.'"
«In 1966, the discovery of Evangelical Pentecostal practice and teaching through the two Protestant books, 'The Cross and the Switchblade' and 'They Speak With Other Tongues' was examined closely by four Catholic laity in the Eastern United States. Ralph Keifer and William Storey of the faculty of Duquesne University in Pittsburgh and Steve Clark and Ralph Martin of the staff of an East Lansing, Michigan, parish began to meet to discuss not only the fascinating aspects of Pentecostal power as the two books related them, but their own personal Catholic faith as well. They came to the conclusion that there was something direly needed in the life of the Church as well, and that it had to be an experience with the Holy Spirit - which would "fill the void left by human effort" - that followed the direction of the radical new movement that was then beginning to take hold in mainline Protestant denominations, the charismatic movement. Certainly, the examples of the ministries of Protestant clergy like James Brown, David DuPlessis, and Dennis Bennett were in mind , as well as the compelling promise of a vitally defined and practiced faith. To them, this leap of faith might 'fill the vacuum left by human effort.' Their discussions became translated into a search for others who could help them articulate their longings for such an encounter.
«In January 1967, Keifer and Stoney attended an interfaith prayer meeting where they requested prayer to receive the Holy Spirit. While prayer with the laying on of hands was made on the behalf of Keifer, he began to speak in tongues after making 'an act of faith for the power of the Spirit.' His enthusiastic account of his faith's 'livening' eventually set off a chain of events that resulted in the birth of the 'Catholic Charismatic Renewal.' Prayer meetings were held in Pittsburgh, in South Bend, Indiana (at the home of Keifer's friends Kevin and Dorothy Ranaghan) and at the University of Notre Dame, where Clark and Martin (who had also received this 'baptism of the Holy Spirit') conducted with the Ranaghans a 'retreat.' This weekend retreat was unlike any other Catholic retreat, however: religious experiences were openly shared and open prayer was made for this 'baptism of the Holy Spirit' by the laying on of hands in prayer groups. Most of the individuals involved in these events left them profoundly changed by these 'infillings of the Spirit' - the change in their lives and their own testimonies began to spread word of the happenings.» ( (Anti-Christian website))
«In August of the year 1966, some lay Professors of the Duquesne University attended the Congress of the Cursillo Movement,... looking forward for a new experience and hoped to achieve the full power of Faith and wished to find it in this spiritual formation movement, which had just started after the Vatican Council II in Spain.... At the Cursillo Congress, they got acquainted with Steve Clarke and Ralph Martin, co-ordinators of student activities at St. John's Parish, East Lansing, Michigan. It all began for them with the reading of two books, "The Cross and the Switchblade" by David Wilkerson, an autobiographical story of a Protestant Pastor who was led by strong inner impulses to abandon the life of a salaried Parish Minister and embark on a dangerous mission to the delinquents and drug addicts of Brooklyn in neighbourhoods, into which the average American would not venture at night, or even by day for that matter. The 2lst chapter of the book was, "The Baptism in the Holy Spirit" which formed and penetrated the hearts of the readers. The Duquesne Professors found what they had been missing in other movements. At this time one of the organizers of the meeting was Ralph Keifer who came across a book on Pentecostalism by John Sherrils which was titled, "They speak in other tongues" which became the source book, for those who had gathered for the meeting.
«In the fall of the same year, this group met again for a period of deeper prayer and in it, "Come Holy Spirit" was recited and an important place was given to the Holy Spirit. Since these Catholic laymen wanted more clarification on the topic, some approached the Pentecostals, despite the somewhat repute of their doctrinal beliefs. W. Lewis an Episcopalian Priest, put this group in touch with a woman involved in Charismatic Movement. In January 1967, an invitation was given to them to attend a prayer meeting on January 13th, which was the day of the Baptism of Our Lord. At that meeting more anxious doubts arose at the way things were done. Ralph was confused by the prayer meeting. No doubt, he was positive about the high level sharing and lively theology, but his intellectual mind was scandalized at the literal interpretation of the Scriptures and the idea of direct communication with God. Out of these four who attended the meeting, only Ralph returned the following week, but had brought with him another Professor of Theology, Patrick Bourgeois and at the end of the meeting, the two men asked to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. One group prayed on Ralph, imposing their hands and the other group on Patrick. Ralph was asked to make an act of faith for the power of the Spirit to work. He prayed in tongues rather quickly. Ralph and the group began to have some deep and wonderful experiences of prayer. The result of all this was to seek an interdenominational and quite informal prayer group, who had undergone the experience called "The Baptism in the Holy Spirit" (the Acts of the Apostles and I Cor Chpts 12-14 were read literally by this group). The follow-up was on 18th and 19th February 1967 where about twenty-five students and University theology professors from Duquesne University got together for a retreat weekend at the Ark and the Dove retreat house outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to study the Acts of the Apostles and consider the claims of the Pentecostals as described in the two books, "The Cross and the Switchblade” and “They speak with other tongues.” They were praying for a new Pentecost throughout the weekend.
«In the weeks that followed, the students gradually learned about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They told their friends and colleagues about it and within a few months the Catholic Pentecostal Movement, as it was known then, had spread to half a dozen other campuses and within a few years, there were prayer groups and meetings all over America.» ( AND
Catholics are strictly forbidden from participating in Protestant worship, and from receiving "sacraments" or "quasi-sacramental rites" from them, described as the crime of "Communicatio is Sacris," but which crime is touted as a "virtue" under the very same precise name by the Satanic Robber Council "Vatican II."
The Bible also very strictly forbids women from being ministers and celebrants of public Christian liturgy, forbidden women from being priestesses.
What was this "Holy Spirit" received by the Duquesne teachers? Is it the Holy Ghost, one of the three Persons of the Triune Godhead?
The Charismatic Renewal affirms that this is indeed so. However, a careful consideration of Catholic theology and of the roots and of the ideas that inspired the birth of the Charismatic Renewal in its original form, continued into the Charismatic Renewals themselves, bears witness otherwise.
We have seen that the Charismatic Renewal began as a direct continuation and offshoot, or "evolution" if you will, of Pentecostalism. And what is Pentecostalism?
Pentecostalism began in the early 1900s in the USA as a further development of what was the Latter Rain Movement. The Latter Rain Movement was one of the two successor movements of Irvingism, the other being the comparative formalistic Irvingite sect of "Catholic Apostolic Church" based out of Protestant Switzerland.
Irvingism is the development of the ideas of Edward Irving, a Scotch Calvinist or Presbyterian who was himself influenced by the ideas of a Chilean Jew or Marano Juan Josaphat Ben-Ezra, who had pretended to become a Jesuit priest, Father Manuel Lacunza-Diaz. Ben-Ezra's heretical books were formally excommunicated and banned by the Catholic Church, put on the Index of Prohibited Books.
Ben-Ezra taught "that during the period before the 'day of the Lord' there would be a general apostasy of the Catholic Church which would make it part of the Antichrist. In this sense 'the church' was not individuals, but 'a moral body' composed of all the apostates and atheists. Naturally this view was especially controversial because it placed the official church on the wrong side in the final struggle between Good and Evil. It was this belief that finally brought about the Vatican's condemnation of his work."
Irving developed Ben-Ezra's teachings, combining with it the widespread Protestant canard of "Constantinianism" made against the Catholic Church, claiming that under the Emperor Constantine, the Church was seized and paganized by Constantine, and that the Church as a result, among other things, lost the presence of the Holy Ghost....
Irvingites presumptiously pretended that they, by their works and teachings, had "revived" the presence of the Holy Ghost in Christianity (or rather within Protestantism, to be more precise), and to re-introduce Christianity to the Holy Ghost and His Works.
On the contrary, it is a fundamental teaching that Jesus Christ founded His Church and safeguarded it as an institution in perpetuity, and guaranteed Her the indwelling of the Holy Ghost as a permanent feature, as Her very Soul, Her Animating Spirit, and that as such, the Catholic Church could never ever lose the presence of the Holy Ghost from her foundation to her end in the Parousia, the Return of Jesus Christ Himself.
Irving was assisted by a group of collaborators, the New Age of his day, including the Protestant English poet Samuel Coleridge.
This is the origins of the Charismatic Renewal.
It is therefore obvious to any Catholic with common sense that the "Holy Spirit" of the Charismatic Renewal/Pentecostalism/Irvingism cannot be the same as God the Holy Ghost, any more than the Irvingite sect and "apostles" of the "Catholic Apostolic Church" can be the same as the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church founded by Jesus Christ under the primacy of Simon Peter or any more than that the Jesus Christ of the Bible and of Christianity can be the same as the Jesus Christ of the Quran.
And therefore, the necessary conclusion is that this "Holy Spirit" is none other than Satan himself, the Father of Lies, Beelzebub.
The Holy Bible warns us, "Whosoever revolteth, and continueth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that continueth in the doctrine, the same hath both the Father and the Son. If any man come to you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house nor say to him, God speed you. For he that saith unto him, God speed you, communicateth with his wicked works" 2 John i, 9-11.
The Holy Bible also warns us, "...Though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so now I say again: If any one preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be accursed" Gal. i, 8-9.
Jesus warns in the Bible that the Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is the one sin that cannot and will not be forgiven, and defined it as "attributing to God the work of Satan, and to Satan that what is the work of God." And so, the Charismatic Renewal is founded on the fundamental premise that the Work of God (the true Catholic Church slandered by Ben-Ezra, Irving, Vatican II, etc.) is really the work of Satan, and that the work of Satan (Irvingism, Pentecostalism, Vatican II, the Charismatic Renewal) is really the work of God.
There cannot be a more vile blasphemy than this.
The Holy Bible also warns us: "Go out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing: and I will receive you; and I will be a Father to you; and you shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty" 2 Cor. vi, 17-18.
Let he who has ears hear; let he who has eyes read; let he who has sense understand. Flee from the abomination of damnation and return to Christ and His one true Church in His lawful vicar Pope Michael I (
As for the rest, eternal damnation....
Lucio Mascarenhas
https://ephesians-511.net Melody Meneses, a "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" "pastor" (Protestant, Anti-Christian website) Trevor Lewis' website, makes very clear that the "Charismatic Renewal Movement" originated amongst Protestants Kevin Ranaghan and his wife Dorothy Garrity were early converts to the newborn "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" and in 1969, published a book describing their experiences, tellingly titled "Catholic Pentecostals"!
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