Friday, November 18, 2022

Almas Jacob Against Antipope Bergoglio

Mr Almas Jacob against Antipope Bergoglio 
Things are piling up, and to be honest, once again, I find myself overwhelmed, and incapable of keeping up with my duties to God, instructing, teaching, refuting, in sum, being Watchman, cf. Ezechiel, chapters 3 & 33. 

In this particular article, I will therefore try and cover the Almas Jacob video, cutting corners, due to limitations.

I was shared a video where the presentation is by a Mr Almas Jacob. The language is Urdu, not Hindi, and therefore, I struggle to keep up. 

Nov. 13 2022. "Welcome to the New World Religion: Pope Changing God's Law" by Almas Jacob.

Hindi is the Hinduized, Brahminized, Sanskritized rip-off of Urdu, from 1888. 

Urdu is a fusion of Persian, Mongol, Turkic and Arabic with languages of the Indus and Gangetic Basins of South Asia developed over the last 1400 years of the Ingress of the Disease of Mahometanism into South Asia. 

I was educated in Hindi, which I vaporously hate, and have difficulty understanding, and Urdu is even more difficult for me to follow: I am not able to comprehend Almas at all. 

Mr Almas Jacob, I found by my research, is a Pakistanian Protestant, but there is preciously little more information to be found on him on the web. He seems to be a small time Protestant Televangelist on the make, enough to be noticed, but not yet there. (I am not there, either, to set things in perspective). and
These seem to be his FB & Twitter profiles. 

In his video, Mr Almas Jacob goes on and on about someone he calls "Pope Francis." There isn't a Pope Francis, as any honest Protestant should know; there is a Liberal Protestant Modernist Apostate, the son of Italian emigres in Argentina, by name Jorge Bergoglio, who masquerades as "Pope Francis." 

However, an "honest Protestant," is an oxymoron. 

While I haven't been able to keep up with Mr Almas Jacob's "Shuddh Urdu," I suspect that his drift is not so much Bergoglio's Apostasy, which is an incontrovertible fact, but a Shtick to beat up a Strawman "Pope." 

Or, in other words, I believe that Mr Almas Jacob is attacking, not the Apostate Bergoglio, but is attacking, by false premises, Catholicism and the Papacy. 

A translation from "Shuddh Urdu," to English, will help me made a conclusive decision as to Mr Almas Jacob's drift. I have searched hard, but haven't found it.

Lúcío João Mascarenhas

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