Monday, November 21, 2022


A Video was shared with me, of "Fr" Karl Michael "Terrance Mary" Chartier, "OFM.," of the "Franciscan Priory" of Our Lady Coredemptrix, formerly the "Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center," 8212 W. Hendricks Rd., Bloomington, Indiana, Post code 47403, on whether attendance at Lefebvrist liturgies are permissible, etc. 

"Fr" Chartier, in his video, does not so much as fight against the Lefebvrists, as much as he affirms the "validity" of the Whore Church's pretension to be the Catholic Church, and of the pretended validity of, and pretended necessity of participating in, the rites of the Whore Church.

This is what was shared with me: "Please watch, very good points explained. If you accept Pope Francis Bergolio or Benedict XVI (also John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II) as Popes, then this is 100% applicable to you. You can't pick and choose as you desire."

I hadn't watched Mr Chartier's video to the end, finding it supremely repugnant, however, from the initial part that I have seen, I see that Mr Chartier follows Mr John Salza, and that both affirm that the Apostate "Vatican2" sect and it's heresiarchs, are the lawful Catholic Church, and Catholic Popes, and attacking Lefebvrism, Lefebvrists. 

I am not a Lefebvrist. I have NEVER been a Lefebvrist. In my copious writings on the Internet since 1993, I have repeatedly denounced Lefebvrism as a heresy. 

In my article on "Fr" Vaughn Treco, I have stated that Sedeprivationism also called Cassiciacanism or Guerardism, together with Lefebvrism, and also together with the crudely-styled "Recognize and Resist" ("R&R") "school" constitutes the heresy of Ambiscamnism ("Sitting on two stools"). 

Moreover, the person who shared with me the "Fr" "Terrance" Chartier video, has been affirming, to me, that he is an "orthodox Catholic," rejecting the "Vatican2" Apostasy. 

Given these facts, he sharing with me the Chartier video, which is premised on the purported "legitimacy" of the Apostate "Vatican2" sect pretendedly as THE Catholic Church, is astonishing, to say the least. 

It seems that my correspondent has failed to understand Mr Chartier in his video, and what he purports to be, missing it spectacularly. "If you accept Pope Francis Bergolio or Benedict XVI (also John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II) as Popes, then this is 100% applicable to you. You can't pick and choose as you desire." 

Allow me to affirm: The "Vatican2" sect formally, publicly and effectively rejects the First Commandment, to teach instead: "All gods are one, all religions are true, one can attain to Salvation through the 'faithful' practice of any religion," etc. 

This is Apostasy, pure and simple. 

This is the Panreligionist aspect of the Apostate ideology of Modernism, birthed by Liberal Protestants and by them forcefully intruded into the Catholic Church over the last 3-5 centuries, e.g. "Synod of Pistoia," "French Revolution," Josephinism, Pombalism, Pedrism, "Portuguese Revolution," "Spanish Revolution," "Mexican Revolution," "Italian Unificationism," etc., etc., and lastly in the form of the 1954 "Bugninian Reforms," and the Great Modernist Apostasy, 1958 and ongoing. 

Mr Chartier represents this Apostate sect, and is therefore a heretic. 

Lefebvrists and every other party that affirms that the Public and Manifest Apostates of the "Vatican2" sect are in some or any manner, "Catholic Popes," are also heretics. 

No two ways about it. Non-negotiable. 

From the Catholic viewpoint, just as it was a Mortal Sin, to attend the "Reformed" (actually Deformed) "liturgies" 500 years ago, for refusing to participate in which, St John Fisher, St Thomas More, St Edmund Campion, St Margaret Clitherow, and millions across Europe and the World were butchered, Martyred, by the Children of Damnation, so equally it is a Mortal Sin to attend any service, liturgies, "Una cum Antipapa vostro."

No two ways about it. Non-negotiable. 

My point against "Fr" Chartier is that he is not so much "anti-Lefebvrist," but instead that he seeks to show that the Whore Church, the Apostate Vatican2 sect is "legitimate."

Chartier is "warning" people not to attend Lefebvrist services, saying that attending these Lefebvrist services do not fulfill their "obligation" as members of their sect. 

He is "more loyal" than his "Pope," because his "Pope" has effectively unbanned or at least positively tolerated the SSPX and has granted it (the SSPX) de facto validation. Therefore, he (Chartier, Salza) lies. 

But, more importantly, Chartier's (and his guru Salza's) claim is that Lefebvrism is wrong because they "resist" the "Vatican2" sect.

That is, from the Catholic viewpoint, false. 

Lefebvrism is wrong, not as much because it "resists" the Whore Church, but because it "recognizes" the Whore Church. 

Or, and this is a grave error, Chartier, and Salza, teach that the Apostasy is okay, and more than okay, that it is "Good;" they whitewash the Apostasy, and pass it off as a "Moral Good." 

This is a grave insult to God and to Holy Mother Church. 

If using Chartier is meant to attack the Lefebvrists, it is immoral and anti-Catholic, for Chartier, and Salza, attack Lefebvrism not because of its heretical aspect but attacks it's Catholic aspect. 

Therefore, Chartier, and Salza, raise their hands, not so much against Lefebvrism, as they raise their hands to attack God, His Truths, His Catholic Church.

My precise point is that the Chartier video does not work to "disabuse" souls of the Errors of Lefebvrism. 

Instead, Chartarianism or Salzanism teaches souls lies, falsehoods, heresy and apostasy, teaches souls to "resist Lefebvrism," because Lefebvrism resists the Whorings of the Whore Church; Chartarianism or Salzanism teaches souls that adherence to the Whore Church and it's Heresiarchs is a Positive Value, a "Moral Good," indeed, "a great good," and one positively "Commanded" by God. 

This is an error that is impossible to tolerate or to propagate because it is a great Blasphemy against God.

Or, in other words, using Chartarianism or Salzanism as a supposed remedy against Lefebvrism, is worse than the Disease of Lefebvrism itself.

Lúcío João Mascarenhas

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