Conversation With Matic Ruter who uses the handle "@silent.sft" on Threads. My handle is "@estefania.ponday," the name I've assigned my eldest stepdaughter (
Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the God of Israel at His Temple in Jerusalem.
Lúcío Joaõ Mascarenhas, Nov. 21, 2024.
@fila_26: Not all popes but this current pope. Something is off with him. My faith is not in the church or the pope but in Jesus Christ. Don't get me wrong, I love and I'm grateful to my church for leading me to Christ but this current pope, nahh.... If you watch bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel's sermon, & also read your Bible, you'll know there's so much wrong with the current pope.
@silent.sft: If you can explain to me what's wrong with him, I'll be happy to listen. If you can show me one Magisterial document the Pope wrote that goes against the teachings of Christ, I'll take everything back. You can't. I don't think you understand how popes work, they too are sinners & can be bad people, they're only protected by the Holy Spirit speaking on faith & morals only when it's EX CATHEDRA. So my point still stands, if you think this pope isn't protected by the Holy Spirit, you cannot be a Catholic.
@Lucio Mascarenhas: Anyone who accepts "Vatican2" even if only passively, or who is, even if only nominally, a member of the sect that broke away from Catholicism via the Pandemonium of "Vatican2," or who accepts it's Antipopes & Apostatarchs, of this sect that teaches,
"All gods're one, all religions're true, one can attain to heaven through the sincere practice of any belief system," (
which is a negation of the 1st Commandment), as "Catholic Popes," is not, nor can be, a Catholic.
Any one who says that Fatberg Pachapapa Bergoglio is "Catholic Pope," &/ is protected by the Holy Ghost, is a Satanist. #AsCatholicAsJulianTheApostate
@silent.sft: What is this sadevacantist stuff lol
@Lucio Mascarenhas: What is "Sadevacantism"? I have not understood. If you're suggesting that the sempiternal orthodox Catholic Church at is "Sedevacantism," you don't know what you're talking.
@silent.sft: The pope never taught "all religions are true" ex cathedra. Even if the pope would mean it in that way, that only proves Catholicism further, it means that even tho the pope would want to destroy the church, he cannot when teaching infallibly. So one magisterial document that goes against the teaching, is what I'm asking for. Point out where in the document you have problems, if you do.
@Lucio Mascarenhas: You wrote: "The pope never taught 'all religions are true' ex cathedra."
That's not the flex you're imagining it is.
The Antipopes & Apostatarchs may have not attempted an "Ex Cathedra" definition of Satanism, but they Authoritative, "Magisterially" teach Satanism, the #OneWorldReligion. That's sufficient for the requirement to prove Apostasy: PUBLIC & MANIFEST HERESY.
Apostasy has 2 meanings, general, & specific, & here, both apply.
Pope Paul IV's "Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio," & Pope Leo XIII's "Satis Cognitum," judge & exclude these #OneWorldReligion Satanist Antipopes & Apostatarchs, & their following, as Outside the Catholic Church.
@Lucio Mascarenhas: "Vatican2" officially taught Apostasy, the excommunicated heresy of Modernism, with approval of Antipopes Roncalli & Montini. All subsequent Heresiarchs formally teach & bind those Apostate heresies, & excommunicate anyone who contradicts "Vatican2."
"Vatican2" teaches the heresy that the Catholic Church IS NOT IDENTICAL to the Church founded by Jesus Christ, but that it "subsists" in that Church founded by Jesus Christ.
@Lucio Mascarenhas: Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896: "The practice of the Catholic Church has always been the same, as is shown by the unanimous teaching of the Fathers, who were wont to hold as outside Catholic communion, & alien to the Church, whoever would recede in the least degree from any point of doctrine proposed by her authoritative Magisterium."
Unitatis redintegratio # 3: "Moreover some, and even most, of the significant elements & endowments which together go to build up and give life to the Church itself, can exist outside the visible boundaries of the Catholic Church: the written word of God; the life of grace; faith, hope & charity, with the other interior gifts of the Holy Spirit, & visible elements too."
The life of grace; Faith, Hope & Love, & other interior gifts of God the Holy Ghost are not bestowed outside the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Roman Church.
Unitatis redintegratio (# 4): "Divisions among Christians prevent the Church from realizing in practice the fullness of Catholicity proper to her, in those of her children who, though attached to her by baptism, are yet separated from full communion with her. Furthermore, the Church herself finds it more difficult to express in actual life her full Catholicity in all its bearings."
In above "Unitatis Redintegratio # 4," "Vatican2" formally denies the Marks of Unity & Catholicity & also teaches that baptized heretics retain unity with the Catholic Church despite their formal, public & manifest heresy!
Lumen Gentium: "The plan of salvation also embraces those who acknowledge the Creator, &, among these, the Muslims are first; they profess to hold the faith of Abraham, &, along with us, they worship the One Merciful God Who will judge mankind on the last day."
This is Apostate Heresy.
Nostra aetate # 3: "The Church also looks upon Muslims with respect, who worship the one God, living & subsistent, merciful & mighty, creator of heaven & earth, who has spoken to humanity & to whose decrees, even hidden ones, they seek to submit themselves wholeheartedly, just as Abraham, to whom Islam readily relates itself, submitted to God.... Hence they have regard for the moral life & worship God in prayer, almsgiving & fasting."
This is Satanism, plain & simple, Satan speaking.
@Lucio Mascarenhas: Madness of the "Vatican2" Roman Protestant Modernist Apostate Sect that lies that Mahomettan & other pagans seek the true God! Pictured: Satan IV Wojtyla & Satan VI Bergoglio.
@Lucio Mascarenhas: I worship a
Jealous God, a God not willing to share His creation & creatures with lies,
with false, imaginary "gods," a God Who vehemently hates
Spiritual Prostitution.
And you who lie & call yourselves "Catholics," stealing the name of God's One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Roman Church for the Prostitute Church of Roman Protestantism, of the Pandemonium of "Vatican2," from Antipope & Apostatarch, to the lowest member, you think that you can mock God, & get away?
@Lucio Mascarenhas: When a putative "Pope" declares the canonization of a person as a "saint" in heaven, is that an 'Ex Cathedra" statement? Is that Authoritative teaching, or is it not? #DamnedSaints.
@Lucio Mascarenhas: The Fake Catholic Church Sniffing Hindu Paganism's Posterior For "The Scent Of God," Urges Hindu Pagans To Intensify their Proselytization of Japan, etc.! FirstCommandment #Psalm95v5 "Pagan gods are Devils." #1Corinthians10v20: "Pagans worship (sacrifice to) Devils, not God."
@Lucio Mascarenhas: "Our messages are the same. When we both leave this world, you & I, we will meet together." - "Pope Paul VI," Mar 22, 1972.
#CouncilOfFlorence Decree #CantateDomino
Yup! A "Catholic Saint," all right! Cross my heart! #DamnedSaints.
@Lucio Mascarenhas: "Special blessings to you & your members. We shall continue together. God bless you and your divine & contemplative activities." - "Pope John-Paul 2." #CouncilOfFlorence Decree #CantateDomino
Yup! A "Catholic "Saint," alright! Cross my heart! #DamnedSaints.
@Lucio Mascarenhas: "So pleased with all your good works for God, world peace & for people. How beautiful! Thank God! Thank you for all that you're to God, for the beautiful work you've done for the glory of God & the good of souls! I keep you in my prayer & I count on your continual prayers & sacrifices that we may do God's work for His greater glory! Your works of love are works of prayer, & your works of prayer are works of God!" - "Catholic Canonized Saint" Spiritual Murderess Teresa of Calcutta, (Agnes Bojhaxiu), to Hindu Pagan missionary Chinmoy.
Yup! A "Catholic Saint," all right! Cross my heart! #DamnedSaints. #PandemoniumExultet.
@silent.sft The Church has long recognized elements of truth in non-Christian religions. For example, St. Thomas Aquinas acknowledged that Muslims worship the one God, though their understanding of Him is deficient.
Pope Gregory VII wrote to a Muslim ruler affirming the shared worship of the one Creator.
The passage does not equate Islam with the fullness of divine revelation in Christ but acknowledges shared truths (e.g., monotheism, moral values). It also seeks to build dialogue, as the Church has always sought to evangelize through respectful engagement, not condemnation alone.
@Lucio Mascarenhas: Facts don't change according as to how you force them.
I am not aware of St. Thomas Aquinas on this subject. Provide citation.
I'm aware of Pope Gregory's letter to "Al Anzar."
The private opinions of Saints, even of Popes, do not constitute Magisterial teachings.
St. Vincent of Lerins is suspected to have been a semi-Pelagian, if I recall right. Those errors were excommunicated after his death.
St Thomas Aquinas, if I recall correctly, denied the Immaculate Conception of our Lady that was subsequently defined by the Church in 1854 A.D.. That does not negate that doctrine, nor St Thomas' status as a Saint.
Pope Gregory's letter was not a secret from the time it was written. The lying spin placed on it by the Latrocinium of "Vatican2" was never known by the Church for the hundreds of years that that letter was known. It was written by a pope in his private capacity, just as Pope John XXII taught heresy in Avignon in his capacity of a private theologian, not as Pope, denying that the souls of those who died in the grace & friendship of God, immediately attained to the Beatific Presence. Gregory's letter was a diplomatic missive, it's language must not be distorted, as Satanists do, to claim it to magisterially teach theology.
Against your distortion of Nostra Aetate # 3, I will now make minor grammatical tweaks to that text in order to highlight what it says, & to remove all ambiguity:
Nostra aetate # 3: "The Church also looks upon Muslims with respect, & holds that Muslims worship the one God, living & subsistent, merciful & mighty, creator of heaven & earth, who has spoken to humanity & to whose decrees, even hidden ones, they seek to submit themselves wholeheartedly, just as Abraham, to whom Islam readily relates itself, submitted to God. Hence they have regard for the moral life, & worship God with prayer, almsgiving & fasting."
Catholicism does not share monotheism with Mahomettanism, or "moral values," to say so is a blasphemous lie!
The Church is not authorised to engage. That claim is Bullshit. It's not authorised to debate, or negotiate, either!
@silent.sft This passage (Unitatis Redintegratio #4) acknowledges that baptism creates a real, though imperfect, communion with the Catholic Church. This principle is rooted in traditional theology: Baptism imprints an indelible character, incorporating the baptized into Christ’s Body, albeit imperfectly if separated from full communion.
St. Augustine taught that schismatics and heretics retain a relationship with the Church through baptism, though they are wounded branches.
Vatican II does not deny the Church's marks of unity but highlights that divisions hinder the full realization of that unity, calling for prayer and action to restore it.
@Lucio Mascarenhas: I am not aware of any such citation from St Augustine. The opinion of a Saint, while it may be of value, is not Magisterial. The Catholic Church has always taught that once a baptized person attains the age of reason, their continued adherence to heresy makes them formal heretics, & any bond to Jesus Christ due to the baptism is broken, ended. Indelibility of baptismal character has nothing to do with this question: A baptized person damned to Hell retains the indelible character; that does not join them to Jesus Christ & His Church, it is a thing that will hurt the damned the more.
Vatican2 denied Unity & Catholicity. Against those public facts, you have only a bland assertion to the contrary.
If "Unity is not fully realised, due to divisions," as you say, YOU deny the Unity of the Catholic Church!
@silent.sft: This teaching (Lumen Gentium) is consistent with prior Catholic thought. While Muslims lack the fullness of divine revelation, they acknowledge the God of Abraham. This acknowledgment is not a statement of equality between Christianity and Islam but an affirmation of shared heritage in monotheism.
This does not mean Islam is salvific or equal to Christianity, but it lays a foundation for dialogue and evangelization, consistent with Christ's command to preach to all nations.
@Lucio Mascarenhas: The Catholic Church has never been given, by God, a mandate to dialog, engage, debate, or negotiate. Any such pretension is heresy, & apostasy from God.
Mahomettanism does not TRULY KNOW, OR ACKNOWLEDGE the God of Abraham, & there is no shared "monotheism" with those who follow Satan, & who make God a liar!
But Mahomettans worship a false "god," that is a caricature of God, that God Himself affirms that they lie, & make Him a liar, & for which reason they're under His Condemnation!
John iii, 18: "He that believeth in Him (Jesus as God) is not judged, but he that doth not believe, is already judged, because he believeth not in the name of the only begotten Son of God."
John iii, 36: "He that believeth in the Son, hath life everlasting; but he that believeth not the Son, shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him."
1 John ii, 22: "Who is a liar, but he who denieth that Jesus is the Christ? This is Antichrist, who denieth (God) the Father, and (God) the Son!"
1 John v, 10: "He that believeth in the Son of God, hath the testimony of God in himself. He that believeth not the Son, maketh Him a liar: because he believeth not in the testimony which God hath testified of His Son."
@silent.sft Even if the Pope would teach "All religions are the same," the way you claim he did, that only proves Catholicism further, the fact that the pope is the biggest heretic yet still protected by the Holy Spirit when it comes to magisterial documents proves not yours but my point.
You have made evident that you either do not know Catholicism, or are pretending to be ignorant, on a subject that's been debated since the mid-1960s!
There are two kinds of heretics: Occult heretics, & public & manifest heretics.
An occult heretic is a person about whose heresies the public-at-large does not know.
A public & manifest heretic is one who is publicly known to teach heresy, and with mendacity.
An occult heretic does not formally cease to be a member of the Church.
A public & manifest heretic has publicly exited the Catholic Church, even if unwillingly, tacitly.
Any Catholic who denies even one point of Catholic doctrines, publicly, mendaciously, has ceased to be Catholic.
A public & manifest heretic automatically resigns from all positions & positions of authority in the Church, at the very same time that they exit the Church.
A public & manifest heretic is not able to be placed in any position in the Catholic Church, &, if they were, outwardly, their placement is null & void, of no value.
It has already been proven, beyond the leastest shadow of doubt, that each of the 6 Antipopes & Apostatarchs of the Roman Protestant sect: Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, Ratzinger, & Bergoglio, were non-Catholics, having left the Catholic Church before their null & void "elections" as "Popes."
@Silent.sft Pope Leo XIII's teaching in Satis Cognitum affirms the necessity of adhering to Catholic doctrine. Vatican II does not contradict this principle but builds upon it in a modern context:
Vatican II's documents were issued by the Magisterium in communion with the Pope, carrying the same authority as prior councils.
The call for ecumenism and recognition of truths in other traditions does not compromise Catholic doctrine but reflects a deeper understanding of how to engage with the world without diminishing the Church's claim to truth.
@Lucio Mascarenhas: The Catholic Church does not authoritatively teach only when Popes teach infallibly, "ex cathedra," as you (Matic Ruter) imagine.
It also teaches authoritatively by its accredited Ecumenical Councils, who's teachings are teachings of God the Holy Ghost, & are irreformable.
And also by its canonizations, by which the Pope & Church certify that particular souls are in Heaven. No one who lived, & died, in enmity with God, is, or can be, a Saint in heaven.
Now "Vatican2" openly rejected, or otherwise altered Catholic Doctrines to create new, false teachings.
Case in point is the Council of Florence Decree "Cantate Domino:" "It firmly believes, professes & preaches, that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics & schismatics, cannot share in eternal life, & will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil & his angels, unless they are joined to the Catholic Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of the ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church's sacraments contribute to salvation & do fasts, almsgiving & other works of piety & practices of the Christian militia produce eternal rewards; & that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms, & even if he has shed his blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom & the unity of the Catholic Church."
Nor has "Vatican2" only violated God's Word as explicated by the Council of Florence, but it, "Vatican2," is full of thousands of blasphemies, & lies & pretensions, to have changed God's Laws.
All this is already exhaustively documented, so that there is absolutely no reason for me to shop coals to Newcastle!
I have remarked how Canonizations are Authoritative expressions of the Magisterium. Antipope & Apostatarch Satan IV Karol Wojtyla pretended to "canonized" Protestants as a mixed group of "Martyrs of Uganda," while a similar Canonization was done, as far as I know, for a mixed groupincluding Copts, Jacobite / Monophysite heretics.
The "canonizations" of Antipopes & Apostatarchs Roncalli, Montini & Wojtyla, & of Jose Escriva & Agnes Bojhaxiu, 5 particularly egregious Satanists, prove that your sect is not only not the Catholic Church, bilut is, above all others of the many Churches of Satan, the greatest, vilest,Church of Satan!
I also notice that you ignored this: "'Vatican2' teaches the heresy that the Catholic Church IS NOT IDENTICAL to the Church founded by Jesus Christ, but that it 'subsists' in that Church founded by Jesus Christ."
This, "subsists in" is heresy, & proves that "Vatican2" constituted a new, separate, schismatic & heretical sect distinct from the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Roman Church which is absolutely & exclusively identical with the Church that our Lord & God Jesus Christ established & guaranteed for all time!
1. The First, & Greatest of the Laws of God, of the 10 Commandments, is: "I Alone Am The Lord Your God. You Shall Know No Other 'gods' Besides Me!"
2. Deuteronomy chapter 13, in full;
3. Psalm 95, v 5, Catholic Bibles, Protestant Bibles have different wordings: "The gods of the Pagans are Devils."
4. 1 Corinthians x, 20"Pagans worship (sacrifice to) Devils, not to God."
Lúcío Joaõ Mascarenhas, Nov. 21, 2024. Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the God of Israel at His Temple in Jerusalem.