Sunday, October 02, 2022

Satanic origin of "Catholic Charismatic Renewal"

Wikipedia is a Satanist entity, who's mission is to spread lies and falsehoods, to corrupt people and to ensure their eternal damnation. Yet, at times, for its purposes, it bears witness to the truth, the better to mislead. One needs to read and refer to Wikipedia very carefully. 

The following information has been culled largely from the Wikipedia articles "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" & the "Duquesne Weekend," proving the Satanic origin and nature of the "Charismatic Renewal movement": 
(Pictured: Protestant "priestess" Florence Dodge, from whom the entire "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" traces its origin).

«The "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" is a movement within the "Catholic Church" that is part of the wider "Charismatic movement" across historic "Christian churches." 

«It began in 1967 when "Catholics" from the Duquesne University attended a Protestant worship service and claimed to have been "baptized in the Holy Spirit." 

«It is heavily influenced by American Protestantism, especially Pentecostalism, with an emphasis on having a "personal relationship with Jesus," deep emotional experiences, and expressing the "gifts of the Holy Spirit." 

«According to "theologians" Peter Hocken, Tony Richie and Christopher Stephenson, the "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" is intrinsically ecumenical and has given rise to covenant communities with members from major Christian denominations who lead a "shared life based on baptism in the Holy Spirit." 

«In search of a spiritual experience, the graduate student Ralph Keifer and history professor William Storey, both of the "Catholic" Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, attended a meeting of the Cursillo movement in August 1966, where they were introduced to two books, "The Cross and the Switchblade," and "They Speak with Other Tongues," which emphasized the "Holy Spirit" and the "charisms" of the "Holy Spirit." 

«In February 1967, Storey and Keifer met an Episcopalian (Anglican) "priest" who guided them to a Presbyterian Pentecostal "priestess," Florence Dodge, who led prayer meetings in her home, and there, they were "baptized" by her in the "Holy Spirit." 

«The following week, Keifer laid hands on other Duquesne professors, and they also had an experience with the Spirit. 

«Then, in February, during a gathering of Duquesne University students at "The Ark and The Dove Retreat Center" north of Pittsburgh, Keifer and Storey once again brought in the Protestant "priestess" Florence Dodge to "pray" over, and "impose hands on the heads of the retreatants," which, later the same day led to the event at the chapel where they too received the "Holy Spirit" and spoke in tongues, as well as many other students who were present in the chapel. 

«Keifer sent the news of this event to the University of Notre Dame, where a similar event later occurred, and the "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" began to spread. 

«The "Duquesne Weekend" was a retreat for Duquesne University students which initiated the charismatic renewal in the Catholic Church, and whi. The retreat was held on February 17–19, 1967, at The Ark and the Dove Retreat Center in Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, United States.

«In 1966, graduate student Ralph W. Keifer and history professor William G. Storey of Duquesne University began using the Pentecost sequence "Veni Sancte Spiritus" to pray for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit. During this period they attended a Cursillo, and were given two books which describe the experience of "baptism in the Holy Spirit": "The Cross and the Switchblade" and "They Speak With Other Tongues."

«In February 1967, Keifer and Storey were themselves "baptized in the Holy Spirit" by the Protestant Presbyterian "priestess" Florence Dodge, at a Presbyterian Pentecostal or Charismatic prayer group meeting in her home. 

«At the time, Keifer and Storey had already been organizing a student retreat, and, on account of their experience, they decided to center the retreat on the "Holy Spirit." 

«One of the retreatants, Patti Gallagher Mansfield, described the Saturday night of the retreat as follows: "Saturday night, a birthday party was planned for a few of our members, but there was a listlessness in the group. I wandered into the upstairs chapel... not to pray but to tell any students there to come down to the party. Yet, when I entered and knelt in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, I literally trembled with a sense of awe before His majesty. I knew in an overwhelming way that He is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords.... I ran down to tell our chaplain what had happened and he said that David Mangan had been in the chapel before me and had encountered God's presence in the same way. Two girls told me my face was glowing and wanted to know what had happened.... Within the next hour God sovereignly drew many of the students into the chapel. Some were laughing, others crying. Some prayed in tongues, others (like me) felt a burning sensation coursing through their hands. One of the professors walked in and exclaimed, 'What is the Bishop going to say when he hears that all these kids have been baptized in the Holy Spirit!' Yes, there was a birthday party that night, God had planned it in the Upper Room Chapel." Many of the students, including Mangan, reported "speaking in tongues" that night in the chapel.

«Keifer sent the news of the retreat to "Catholics" at the University of Notre Dame, where a similar event soon after occurred, and the "baptism in the Holy Spirit" began to spread.»

Catholics were, and are, strictly forbidden from attending or taking part in any non-Catholic liturgies, as the crime of "Communicatio in sacris." 

However, the Modernist Apostasy teaches that "Catholics" may not only attend, but strongly recommends that they attend. The Satanist Heresiarch Karol Wojtyla has even made it mandatory for all seminarians, religious and clergy, to attend a "retreat" at least once a year, at any non-Catholic and even pagan religions' places of worship etc. 

The Demonic actions of Ralph Keifer and William Storey are explained by their acceptance of, and adherence to, the Modernist Apostasy, which enabled their participation in non-Christian liturgies and initiation into the Demoniacal Pseudo-Pentecostalism!

Lúcío Joaõ Mascarenhas, Oct. 2, 2022
Dhobi Talao, Bombay - 400002.

Keywords: Charismatic Renewal Spiritual Renewal Crackmatic Crackmaticism Florence Dodge Holy Dodgers Dodgy Dodgies Snakehandlers Snakehandling

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