Saturday, October 08, 2022

Synod on Synodality

Critiquing the "Synod on Synodality" And Its Critiques

«The Synod on Synodality is one of the most insidious action ever of a Pope in the history of humanity, since its beginning, which will definitely lead to the ultimate death of the Church as founded by Christ. The Synod in a true Marxist-Humanistic spirit rejects the true authority given by Christ to the Church, and is the ultimate act of destruction of the Church.

«The author shows how Pope Francis, in a way, rejects the elite governing body as instituted by Jesus Christ and reduces untrained humans (apparent empowerment in true Marxist style) as his pawns, in order to surreptitiously arrive at his own predetermined goal through the Synod on Synodality, an end that is detrimental to his pawns' salvation.

«The author briefly and logically brings out the reason for such a catastrophic situation in the Church and the way to deal with it. Ultimately, the book doesn't disappoint but consoles one in the right hope that leads to peace.»

«Spanish bishop warns that the Synod on Synodality can't re-invent the mission of the Church. News article by Nicolas de Cardenas, Cordoba, Spain, Jul 29, 2022.

«The bishop of Cordoba, Spain, Demetrio Fernandez, warned about the challenges facing the Synod on Synodality, an initiative that he acknowledges "has stirred up the waters of the Church" but that cannot "re-invent" the mission of the Catholic Church.

«In his weekly pastoral letter, which concludes by quoting from St Paul the Apostle's Epistle to the Hebrews — "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do not be misled by all kinds of strange teaching" — the bishop explained some of the challenges of the synodal process.

«He noted that "the Church, by its very nature, is synodal, it is communion, it's an assembly."

«However, he clarified, "It is the Holy Spirit who speaks in us. And here's where the ambiguity can come in, because there is no lack of people who confuse the Holy Spirit with their own strange ideas."

«Fernandez warned that, although there are places where "erratic proposals" have been rejected in the first phase of the synod, in others, some of them "proposed by a small minority, have been immediately included in the concluding documents, lacking the most elementary discernment."

«Therefore, he called for the exercise of discernment to "test the spirits to see if they come from God or from the evil one."

«This discernment must be carried out under the criteria of the Word of God, the bishop stressed. "If all this movement distracts us in a multiplication of words, of meetings and of groups, of encounters at all levels, spending time and energy, and we do not convert to Jesus Christ, that does not come from God."

«He emphasized the importance of "looking at what the Church has done everywhere and always throughout the centuries. The Church and the mission that Christ has entrusted to her are not amenable to be re-invented by us now."

«He said that, found within Tradition, is the Magisterium of the Church, of the pope, and of the bishops in communion with the pope. Departing from that Tradition "is erratic, it is condemning oneself to sterility." 

«"The Holy Spirit cannot now come to tell us something contrary to what he has said on previous occasions," he said.

«Fernandez pointed out that "it makes no sense now to contradict" the doctrine referring to the priestly ordination of men only, priestly celibacy, the blessing of same-sex unions, abortion, or respect for human life until natural death.

«Fernandez emphasized that the synodal process cannot be equated to the way in which secular governments draft, debate, and pass their laws. "The synods and assemblies are not to contradict what the Spirit says to his Church as if the Church were a civil parliament, which changes the laws at the demand of voters," he said.

«For this reason, he said, warnings about the danger of schism in the case of the Church in Germany must also be applied to the "Synod on Synodality."

«"What is happening at the Synod of the Church in Germany, and where the Holy See has warned that it 'doesn't have the power to oblige the bishops and the faithful to adopt new forms of government and new approaches to doctrine and morals' ought to be applied to the whole Church," Fernandez said. 

«One of the controversies that have been part of the process of the "Synod on Synodality" took place in Spain, where the archdioceses of Barcelona and Zaragoza included among their proposals the abolition of priestly celibacy and of ordaining women to the priesthood.

«In the final synthesis of the diocesan phase of the Synod on Synodality, which was closed June 11 by the Spanish Bishops' Conference, it states that "although these are issues raised only in some dioceses and, in them, by a small number of groups or individuals, we see fit to incorporate into this synthesis, due to their relevance in the essential ecclesial dialogue and with our fellow citizens, the request they make regarding the need to discern in greater depth the issue concerning optional celibacy in the case of priests, the ordination of married men and the ordination of women."

«The synthesis published by the Spanish Bishops' Conference will go to Rome to be included in the previous work of the "Synod on Synodality."

«The proposed and scheduled next "16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops," officially dubbed by Francis as the "Synod on Synodality," will have as its theme "Towards a Synodal Church: communion, participation, and mission," and will be held in October 2023 at the Vatican.

«When inaugurating the preparatory work of the "Synod on Synodality" on Oct. 10, 2021, "Pope" Francis said that "the Synod on Synodality is a path of spiritual discernment, of ecclesial discernment, which takes place in adoration, in prayer, in contact with the Word of God."

«The preparation for the "Synod on Synodality" has three stages: at the diocesan level, the continental level, and at the level of the Universal Church.

«This last stage will take place when the General Secretariat of the Synod on Synodality sends to the participants of the Synodal Assembly the text of the second "Instrumentum Laboris," or working document of the Synod.

«This second working instrument will be the one that the Synod Fathers will discuss in the Synodal Assembly in October 2023.

«At the conclusion of their debates, the Synod Fathers will present a final document to "Pope" Francis.

«Finally, Francis could publish a Post-Synodal "Apostolic Exhortation," which does not necessarily have to agree with the final document of the "Synod Fathers."» 

See also:
1. 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops or the "Synod on Synodality"

2. International Coalition of Bishops' 'Fraternal Letter of Concern' to German Episcopacy Over 'Synodal Path' Warns That It Leads To Schism

3. The "Synodal Path" of Germany, also of the Netherlands, Austria and Switzerland: For reference look up Gallicanism, Febronianism, Josephinism, Council of Pistoia, Germanus Adam, bishop of Allepo, etc.

4. How far has the "Vatican2 Church" gone down into the Miasmic Swamp of Protestant Errors? Here's some Precocious Codswallop, Precocious Bullshit, That Tells! You can't "recover" the Antichurch. It begs, it actually wauls out, to be Euthanized! 


The "Synod on Synodality" is transparently shown by "Pope Francis," under the auspices of the Jews, and together with the Alliance of the Global Left, as led by the Fraudulent and Illegal Regime of Joe Biden, the Democratic Party of the USA, Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Obamas, Nancy Pelosi, Greta Thurnberg, the "Catholic Bishops Conference of the USA," etc., etc., (and equally seen by their opponents as a transparent stratagem) as transparently orchestrated, choreographed by "Pope" Francis, as integral parts of his and of his Global Alliance of the Left's urgent measures to refashion the "Vatican2" Apostate Sect by radically, rapidly, re-instituting the "Spirit of the Vatican2 Reformation" that has been seen by them as stymied, throttled, by Francis' "fearful" predecessors Karol Wojtyla and Joseph Ratzinger, to quicken once again the process to unify and to actually achieve the unification of the religions of the world into a One World Religion, to unify politically and socially the earth into a One World Government and State patterned on the Soviet Union, on Communism, under the smokescreen of the Hysteric Mythology of Environmentalism, of "Saving the earth" from "Climate change," and of "Liberation," a code word for destroying "once and for all" the lingering, vestigial "old rigidities" that is the heart of the Bible and of Catholicism, of destroying "once and for all" the "old rigidities" that is the heart of Catholicism's rejection of Religious Pluralities, Fornications, Adulteries, Pederasties, Sodomies, etc. etc. 

This is the agenda under which the Apostate Fraudster Joseph Ratzinger was blackmailed into stepping aside and making way for the more radical, maverick and berseck George Bergoglio as "Pope Francis," and as typified by his suppression of the "Indult," by his "Amazonian Synod," and by his enshrinement of the bloodthirsty, baby-eating pagan "goddess" Pachamama in the former St Peter's Basilica on the Vatican Hill, by his "Abu Dhabi Declaration," and other similar acts, all being of one and the same pattern, leading inexorably to his nakedly contrived, orchestrated, choreographed "Synod on Synodality," or, rather, more exactly, "Synod for the Congregationalization" of his "Vatican2" Apostate Sect, perhaps through a "Vatican3." 

Why "Congregationalization"? In order to firmly and irretrievably entrench the radical "progressive" minority fringe that is driving the "Spirit of Vatican2," fast-forwarded, turbocharged, to achieve in short order and in quick time, the unification of the religions of the world into a One World Religion, and the unification of the earth into a One World State, a One World Government premised on "Climate Change," "blessed" and "authorised" by a man who is ostensibly the  "Pope," the "Vicar of Christ," no less! 


WHY IS THE "Synod on Synodality" the "Death knell" for the "Vatican2" Sect as the purported, pretended "Church of Jesus Christ," if the actions and words of the "pre-election" PUBLIC AND MANIFEST APOSTATES Angelo Joseph Roncalli, John Baptist Montini, Albino Luciani, Karol Wojtyla, Joseph Ratzinger, and of the Apostate Robber Council, or Latrocinium, of "Vatican2" that preceded "Pope Francis," and paved the way on which "Pope Francis" but walks "faithfully" in Faithlessness, which actions and words instituted a formal and radical rejection of the First Commandment, a rejection of Christianity, of Catholicism?

HOW CAN THIS BE? This is topsy-turvy!

Demetrius, "Bishop" of Cordoba, teaches: 

1. "Look at what the Church has done everywhere and always throughout the centuries." (cf. St Vincent of Lerins, Commonitorium, "Moreover, in the Catholic Church itself, all possible care must be taken, that we hold that faith which has been believed everywhere, always, by all.")! 

2. "The Church, and the mission that Christ has entrusted to her, are not amenable to be re-invented by us now."

3. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." (Heb. xiii, 8). 

4. "Test the spirits to see if they come from God or from the evil one."

5. "The Holy Spirit cannot now come to teach us something contrary to what he has taught us on previous occasions."

6. "What is happening at the Synod of the Church in Germany, and where the Holy See has warned that it 'doesn't have the power to oblige the bishops and the faithful to adopt new forms of government and new approaches to doctrine and morals' ought to be applied to the whole Church."

COUNTER-POINTS to Demetrius:

1. Does the "ecclesial community" (sect or denomination) to which Demetrius belongs, the "Vatican2" Apostate Sect, meet the definition of St Vincent of Lerins in his "Commonitorium," of "what the Catholic Church has done and taught everywhere and always throughout the ages"? "Vatican2's" effective repudiation of the First Commandment, and instead it's substitution with "Religious tolerance," or religious plurality? Its affirmation that the Mahomettan Infidels, "Jewish" Infidels and Deicides, Hindu and other pagans "seek and worship" the true God, in direct opposition to the Holy Bible (eg. Psalm 95 & 1Corinthians 10)?

2. How is it that the Great and Universal Apostasy of "Vatican2," which is Modernism, Roman Protestantism, did not "re-invent" the "Church" and her mission, but that the Bergoglian "Synod on Synodality" threatens to do?

3. How does "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow," work for the Great and Universal Modernist Apostasy of "Vatican2" but threatens to "rupture" with the Bergoglian "Synod on Synodality"?

4. Why souls "must" accept and submit to the "Spirit of Vatican2" which is blatantly Satan, or be "excommunicated" by the Prostitute Church, but suddenly must "discern" the spirits when it comes to the Bergoglian "Synod on Synodality"?

5. "The Holy Spirit cannot now come to teach us something contrary to what he has taught us on previous occasions," except for the Great and Universal Modernist Apostasy taught by the "Holy Spirit" of "Vatican2"?

6. Why is that "what is happening at the 'Synod of the Church in Germany,' where bishops and the faithful do not have the right to adopt new forms of Church government and new approaches to doctrine and morals'" is taboo for Germany and for Bergoglianity, but not for the Great and Universal Modernist Apostasy?

Lúcío Joaõ Mascarenhas
October 8, 2022. 

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