Sunday, October 02, 2022

The Dodgies or "Holy Dodgers"

MANY MANY YEARS AGO, WHEN I WAS RAW AND unformed, I had been persuaded to attend services of the "Catholic Charismatic Renewal." I attended services at Trevor Lewis' "Jeevan Jal" ("Water of Life," or "Living Waters," I'm no expert in the "Hindi" language) at the Cawasji Hall in Dhobi Talao, now the Brand Factory, at the Our Lady of Egypt Church in "Kalina" in the north-central suburbs of Bombay, and lastly, "Pastor Alan's" group's sessions in Byculla, where my experiences led me to firstly reject the "Charismatic Renewal," and then to exit the "Vatican2" Church, once I realised that it is fundamentally incompatible with Catholicism. 

SINCE THEN, I HAVE focused on the Modernist Apostasy, the primary ideology of the "Vatican2" sect, only occassionally speaking or writing against its assistant, Crackmaticism. 

RECENTLY, I HAVE BEEN PROVOKED once more to grapple with the teachings and actions of an extraordinary man, called "Michael Prabhu," and in looking into, once again, the "Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement," or Crackmaticism, from which he arose, I have found some interesting information that, somehow, had eluded me for the last several decades. 

TODAY, FOR THE  First time, I found the name, and also a photo, of the Protestant "priestess" from whom the first "Catholic Charismatic Renewal" members obtained what is laconically called the "Eight Sacrament," the "Baptism in the Holy Spirit." 

FOR TWO THOUSAND YEARS Catholicism has had 7 Sacraments, including the "Baptism in the Holy Ghost," also called the Sacrament of Confirmation. 

THE VATICAN2 SECT has added two more, an Eight and a Ninth Sacrament. They may, indeed, have added more! I don't know! 

WHEN I SAY "priestess," I mean it in the general sense. Protestants pretend that they are "Bible Christians," and that Catholics are "ignorant" of the Bible. Yet in my personal experience, I know that Protestants treat the Bible with supreme contempt. Nothing is more symptomatic of this supreme contempt for the Bible than their heresies of "Sola Scriptura," "Sola Fidei," woman leaders of their Covens, as "pastors" (no heretic is a pastor, but is only a wolf doting on his precious mutton), or as "priestesses," in Protestant sects that retain the name of "priest" for some of their officers, and as "bishopesses," etc., and also, the doubtlessly extremely edify spectacle of women both leading "prayers," and doing so in extremely tight fitting, figure hugging, jeans! 

THE HOLY BIBLE FORBIDS women from leading prayers, or being "priestesses." In Deuteronomy xxii, 5, God says, "Men shall not wear women's clothings and women shall not wear men's clothings, for those who do so are an Abomination unto God." This is a prescription against Transvestitism, an aspect of Sodomism. Transvestitism is also a violation of the Biblical injunctions for Modesty, Transvestitism is Immodesty. 
Some of the articles I found, state that Ralph Keifer and William Storey attended an Episcopalian ("Anglicanism" in the USA) home prayer meeting where they were "Baptized in the Holy Spirit." It is indeed false. Keifer and Storey went out to seek an esoteric spiritual experience, just as others went out to the Hindus, or Buddhists, or Muslims, etc. They went to an Episcopalian Charismatic Renewal "priest." That Episcopalian "priest" guided them to attend the home prayer meetings of a Presbyterian Charismatic Renewal woman named Florence Dodge, holding Charismatic Renewal prayer meetings in her home, and that is where they were "initiated" by way of their "Eight Sacrament," by this woman "imposing her hands" on their heads and imparting "the Holy Spirit," initiating them in the "Baptism in the Holy Spirit"! 

Yikes! Yow! Ouch!

How would you like your cup of "Communicatio in sacris," please? With or without milk? With or without sugar? One lump, or two, or more, of sugar, please? 

Hope you liked your cup of "Communicatio in sacris," please? 

You have signed a Faustian Bargain. Your souls now belong to Satan! Enjoy!

NOT ONLY DID Ralph Keifer and William Storey attend a Protestant liturgy, "Communicatio in sacris," not only were they willingly led by a woman heretic "priestess" (what else could she be if her pretensions did not constitute her a pretended "priestess"?), but, subsequently that same month, holding a retreat for a masonic-style "Fraternity" at the Duquesne University at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at the "Dove and Ark Retreat Center" in Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, they called in, the heretic and "priestess" Florence Dodge, to "pray over," and to impose hands upon the "retreatants"! 

Yikes! Yow! Ouch!

"Communicatio in sacris," anyone? 

They very certainly took to heart, and how! the "evocation" of the "Vatican2" Latrocinium to "Communicatio in sacris"! Yikes! Yow! Ouch!


THE "Charismatic Renewal" pretends, as do all Protestants, to affirm an uncompromising Biblical rejection of all pagan religions and their gods. However, my personal experience of people who are regular attendees of the retreats at the "Mount Tabor Ashram" near the ancient Concan city of Calian or "Kalyan," is that they are Panreligionist Extremists. I am personally acquainted with many of these persons. 

1. A neighbor, active in church here in Dhobi Talao. This man insistently teaches that Allah is "God the Father," that Jesus Christ prayed to Allah as the pretended "God the Father." This is a level of blasphemy and of Satanism that makes me physically sick, filled with Revulsion, and which makes me tremble violently and moves me to extreme violence so that I scrupulously avoid this person. 

2. My sister-in-law, active in the Sacred Heart parish. She regularly attends these "retreats," and when my wife and children visited her, she took my children to the neighboring Hindu temple, worshipped "Satyanarayana," and demanded that my children bow down and worship that Devil!

3. My ex-neighbors, active in the Mother of God parish. They regularly attend these retreats. Ever years, during the Ganapati or Ganesha festival, they visit their "Catholic" relatives who bring home and enshrine an idol of this demon Ganapati, worship it, and then go out with fellow pagans to cast away the idols of this Demon into the nearest waterbody! They took my wife and children at least once. 

4. My wife. Regularly attends these retreats in opposition to me, even taking our children. Then consults Hindu, Muslim and Protestant Shamans, brings home "talismans," to "ward off evil spirits," etc.!

Lúcío Joaõ Mascarenhas, October 2, 2022. 


Keywords: Charismatic Renewal Spiritual Renewal Crackmatic Crackmaticism Florence Dodge Holy Dodgers Dodgy Dodgies Snakehandlers Snakehandling

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