Sunday, October 30, 2022

Anticlericalism And Basalism

Something interesting has been brought to my attention:
Photo: Snickering Hyena of Anticatholicism
"In his last pastoral letter, of 2021–2022,  Felipe Neri Ferrao wrote, 'The commandment of love is at the heart of every religion. Every religion is at the service of humanity.' 

"In his more recent pastoral letter, Ferrao calls for 'making a paradigm shift' from the liberation-theology-based 'small Christian communities' to 'small human communities.' See

The Simian Lupalism

"Pastoral"? What's "Pastoral" About Wolves Slobbering Over Their Lamb Chops? Call It A "Lupal," "Of The Wolf," Instead!

"This Pastoral Year our Archdiocese focuses on strengthening families, revitalizing Small Christian Communities and pastoral visits. Presenting the Holy Family of Nazareth as a model, the Archbishop invites the members of the families to fulfil the mission by safeguarding three types of relationships, namely, husband-wife, parents-child and child-parents. 

"Concerning our mission in SCCs, he exhorts us to do away with the misconceptions regarding SCCs, to take the early church community as the model to revitalize the SCCs and to make a paradigm shift to Small Human Communities. 

"In the section dedicated to pastoral visits, 3 categories are emphasized: pastor's visit to his flock, leader's visit to the collaborators and neighbors, and formator's visit to the formees and their families.

"Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao while appreciating the hard work put in by the Pastoral Secretariat and its collaborators, especially Fr. Simiao Fernandes who helped in preparing the pastoral letter, called upon all the catholics to play their role in building a  truly synodal church. He envisaged the importance of strengthening our families, revitalising our Small Christian Communities and forming Small Human Communities where people of different beliefs or religions come together to build a humane and inclusive society."

Spoonerism: "Simião," speaks of monkeys, simians, instead of the correct "Simão," "Simon" in Portuguese. 

Basalism As Handmaid of Anticlericalism

I found all of the above interesting, to say the least.

In 1994, I had noted an article by "Bishop" Bosco Penha in the Bombay diocesan rag, "The Examiner":

And in May 2020, I had written against Basalism:

All these years, I had overlooked a statement embedded in a mass of gibberish by "Bishop" Bosco Penha: "Clericalism will not lead to vitality in parishes." (See: 

Jesus Christ designed His Church to be centred on the Clergy as the "Teaching Church." 

Jesus Christ designed His Church to be guided and ruled by the Holy Ghost acting through the visible medium of His ordained Clerics: bishops and priests, as the means of the vitality of Holy Mother Church. 

Anticlericalism is therefore a profound rejection of Jesus Christ, of Christianity, of Catholicism. 

Anticlericalism is not a new phenomenon. 

Since the Catholic Church rose to prominence, there have been stirrings of Anticlericalism. 

However, Anticlericalism developed into an organized machinery only when the Deformation broke the power of the Catholic Church to suppress public Satanism: Deformed societies acted as nurseries and deep refuges for Anticlericalists from Christian nations. 

From these Deformed societies, Anticlericalism, as agent and catspaw of the Deformation, struck out in a centuries long guerilla war against Christendom, culminating in the Portuguese Treason against the Iberian Union, the Subversion of Poland and its subsequent Partitions, Josephinism in Portugal (also called Pombalism), Josephinism in the Third Roman Empire (the 2nd was the Carolingian, the 3rd was the Ottonian-Habsburgian), the "French Revolution" and Napoleonism (Napoleone Buonaparte hailed from a family of Italian brigands, bandits or condottiers, settled in Corsica shortly before the French Occupation of Corsica), the "Bolivarian" Treasons and Balkanizations of Spanish and Portuguese America, the Portuguese Miguelist and Spanish Carlist Wars, the "Wars of Italian Unification," etc. 

Between the fall of Napoleone Buonaparte and "World War II," France and many other lands ("Mexico," Latin America, "Brazil," Portugal, Spain, etc) were wracked by repeated Anticlericalist coups, and by brutal persecutions of Christianity, by traitors, agents of the Pretend-Jews and of the WASPs (who are Pharisees). All of these were very openly, unashamedly, notoriously, infamously, in the name of Anticlericalism!

And now that same Anticlericalism has been adopted by "Pope Francis," masquerading as "Catholic Pope," and his Anticlericalism also called "Synodality," adopted by this Antifrancis as the Official Ideology and Agenda of what purports to be the "Catholic Church" itself!

And so, we behold the spectacle of  Anticlericalism as the "Charism" of the Antichurch, and as the "Charism" of the Antichrist Jorge "The Borg" Bergoglio masquerading as "Pope Francis," the Antifrancis, Prankish II. 

To be an Anticlericalist is to be a Public and Manifest Satanist, and in our day, the one man who vaunts himself as "the greatest Anticlericalist," is the Sixth Beast, the Antichrist Jorge "The Borg" Bergoglio masquerading as "Pope Francis," the Antifrancis, Prankish II! 

Anticlericalism in anti-Catholics is often merely something mildly amusing.

Anticlericalism in "Clerics" is mind-boggling. 

"Bishop" Bosco Penha plugging Anticlericalism in 1994 proves that Anticlericalism very certainly didn't begin with the Borg, the Antifrancis! 

What is evident is that "Vatican2" was the "Council of Anticlericalism."

Anticlericalism was one of the Babel of voices, heresies, speaking out of the Smoke of Satan that is "Vatican2," ("My Name is Legion!")

However, it (Anticlericalism) wasn't loud and in-your-face. That is, until now. 

It also becomes evident that the Borg of Anticlericalism, Jorge Bergoglio, has been raised up by his owners, his puppeteers, precisely to catch up the football of Anticlericalism and to carry it to its goal. 

"Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all wonder-workers? Have all the grace of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret?" — 1 Corinthians xii, 29-30.

Indeed. The distinction between the Ecclesia Docen, the Teaching Church, and the Ecclesia Dicens, the Learning Church, is set up and established by Jesus Christ as an essential element of His Church. 

Jesus Christ did not make all His followers Shepherds. 

Jesus Christ did not make all His followers sheep. 

But some He made sheep, and some He made Shepherds of His sheep. 

"And Jesus said to Simon Peter: 'Simon son of John, do you love Me more than these?' He replied to Him: 'Yea, Lord, You know that I love You.' He said to him: 'Feed my lambs.' He said to him again: 'Simon, son of John, do you love Me?' He replied to Him: 'Yea, Lord, You know that I love You.' He said to him: 'Feed my lambs.' He said to him the third time: 'Simon, son of John, do you love Me?' Peter was filled with sorrow, because He had said to him the third time: 'Do you love Me?' And he said to Him: 'Lord, You know all things: You know that I love You.' He said to him: 'Feed my sheep.'"

But "Vatican2" tells us that we have misunderstood. 

"Vatican2" tells us that in fact Jesus said, "All of you, feed yourselves, because I have appointed each of you to be his own shepherd!" 

And, the "Gospel" of the Antifrancis: "Flee from Jesus Christ! Flee from His Kingship! Flee from His Priests! Abhor His Priests!" This, in a nutshell, is the "Gospel" of the Borg. This is the "Gospel" of Anticlericalism. 

It is this "Gospel" of Anticlericalism that has been insidiously worked up upon since October 1958, by the Antipopes Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, and Ratzinger. 

It is this "Gospel" of Anticlericalism that the Antipope Prankish II Borgoglu has been tasked to push and to fulfil. 

It is this "Gospel" of Anticlericalism that "Bishop" Bosco Penha was tasked to push and to hawk and to vend, and it is this same "Gospel" of Anticlericalism that the unordained and unconsecrated layman Felipe Neri Ferrao has been made "Bishop," "Archbishop," "Patriarch," "Cardinal," in order to push and to hawk and to vend, alongside of the One World Religion, of the public cult of the Demon Ganapati, by the Fake "priests" of the Antichurch, the "Priests" of the "Priesthood" of the "Gospel" of Anticlericalism!

How so very "Ecumenical" is Anticlericalism! These Anticlericalist clowns are swooning over Hinduism and its "Guru-Shishya Parampara," but  viciously hate the "Guru-Shishya Parampara" that Jesus Christ set up as the heart of Catholicism! 

WE ARE TOLD, breathlessly, by votaries of the "Council of the Smoke of Satan" or the Latrocinium of "Vatican2," that it, ("Vatican2") has "blurred" the distinction between the Ecclesia Docen and the Ecclesia Dicens.  

Is that true? 

Does anyone have the authority to alter the essential Constitution of the Church?

Can anyone alter the essential Constitution of the Church?

Galatians i, 8-9: "Even though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you different from that which we have preached to you, let him be Accursed! 

"As we said before, so now I say it again: If any one preaches to you a gospel, different from that which you have received, let him be Accursed!"

Is a Pope, even a supposed "Pope," greater than "an angel from heaven," one who sees always the Face of God, who sees always God face-to-face, as it were?

Today we see men who have pretended to become "priests," "bishops," "popes," with the open and declared intension of exterminating the Catholic Priesthood established by Jesus Christ Himself, of men who have pretended to become "priests," "bishops," "popes," not to be Priests of that "Wicked Old Unecumenical Fool" Jesus Christ, but to be "priests," "bishops," "popes" of the "Gospel" of Anticlericalism!

Look at these men, pretend priests, bishops, popes, yet PUBLIC AND MANIFEST worshippers of Ganapati and of Panduranga and of Shiva and of Buddha and of Allah and of Guru and of Pachamama and of all the Devils of Hell! 

Are these Jesus' shepherds?

Nay! These are Hyenas, mangy hyenas, rabid hyenas, snickering as they feast on their prey, the gullible idiots!

These are men who love Homosexuality and who abjectly, piously, devoutly, worship Homosexuality as "Sacred," as "Divine," and who religiously sodomize, and seek to be sodomized, as a "Sacred Ritual," which is, for them, the Greatest Sacrament!

These are men who love Homosexuality so much that they despise "that Wicked Old Unecumenical Fool Jesus Christ," and worship instead the Androgynous Demons Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, Ganapati, etc., and so much so that they fellate the "lingam"!

Today, this Feast of Christ the King, October 30, 2022, I call on all souls to obey God, by rejecting all false religions, all false gods, and by returning to the sempiternal orthodox Catholic Church, the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church, presently in Sede Vacante since the death of His Holiness Pope Michael I. 

"Do not unite with unbelievers. For what unity has justice with injustice? Or what unity has light with darkness? And what unity has Christ with Belial? Or what unity has the Catholic believer with the unbeliever? And what unity has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God; as God says: 'I will dwell in them, and walk among them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.' Therefore, 'Go out from among them, and be you separate,' says the Lord, 'and touch not the unclean thing! So that I will receive you; and be a Father to you; and that you shall be my sons and daughters,' says the Lord Almighty.'"

"My people, go out from the Antichurch, Roman Protestantism, the Great Whore, Foster Daughter of Martin Luther; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and the Lord has remembered her sins."

"Do penance for your murders, your sorceries, your fornications, your thefts, that the Lord may have mercy upon you."

WHEN FERRAO CAME BACK from Antirome, he went to the Occupation, and very reverently licked and kissed and worshipped it's posterior. 

But Goa is under the Kingship of Jesus Christ, and the viceroyalty of St Francis Xavier, and a part of Portugal, as part of the Kingdom of God. And, it is a Great Blasphemy to be a traitor and a Quisling. 

"Dare any of you Catholics, having a matter against another Catholic, go for it to be judged before the unjust, the unbelievers, and not before the saints? Do you not know that the saints shall judge this world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Do you not know that we shall judge angels? If we are to judge angels, how much more should we judge things of this world? If therefore you need to have judgements of things pertaining to this world, set them to judge, who are the lowest in the church. I speak to your shame. Is it so that there is not among you any one wise man, that is able to judge between his brethren? But Catholic brother goes to law against Catholic brother, and that before unbelievers!"

BUT INDEED, if we are not to be judged by Unbelievers, are we to be ruled by Unbelievers? 

Therefore, God has led the Catholic peoples to set up their own governments and to not submit to be ruled by Unbelievers. Wherefore we have "Deus vult!"

And yet, some evildoers, slaves of Sin and of the Devils, have gone out and have waged war against Jesus Christ and His Church and these evildoers, including the Accursed and Damned Valeriano Disgracias de Dramapor, have instigated and have collaborated with the invasion of Goa, the Rape of Mother Goa, and has made her a Strumpet of the Devils. And it is the Will of God that this Criminality be fought and be overturned, and that Goa, and all the Concan, and all Portugal, and all the ends of the Earth be liberated from the Social Reign of Satan and be reinstaurated into the Social Reign of Christ the King, be subjected to the government of the Saints. Wherefore we have "Deus vult!"

THE CHURCH OF SATAN TEACHES that "All religions teach love and the service of humanity."

That is part of the Core Apostasy of the Antichurch: "All gods are one. All religions are true." Etc., etc.

These men are not individually misguided. 
On the contrary, they are a sect. An apostate sect.

"We know that we are of God, and the whole world is seated in wickedness, in darkness." 

Jesus taught: "I am come as a light into the world, so that, whosoever believes in Me, may not remain in darkness."

Jesus taught: "I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me, does not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of life."

This feast of Christ the King, I call on every soul to return to the sempiternal orthodox Catholic Church, putting away the Whore Church! Return to Jesus Christ Who is the Only True Light! Walk in His Light, putting away all Works of Darkness!

"Be penitent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be wiped out." How to return to the sempiternal orthodox Catholic Church.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

The Great Modernist Apostasy

WE ARE IN the middle of a Great Apostasy, make no mistake about it. This is the GMA — the Great Modernist Apostasy, in which we have the spectacle of Gross Satanists, and vicious anti-Catholics, masquerading as Catholic "Popes," but rather as Antipopes: Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, Ratzinger, Bergoglio, as yet, up to today. 

There is nothing in the history of Christianity, from its foundation at the Pentecost in the Upper Room, till today, that compares with this, in depth and gravity. Not the Arian Apostasy. Not the onslaughts of Mahomettanism. Not the Deformation. There has not yet been anything as depraved as this, and there have been very many and great depravities that have occurred in the last 2000 years; nevertheless, there has never been anything more depraved, more vile, more evil, as yet, than this, the Great Modernist Apostasy. 

Individual and hidden or not widely known incidences of greater Satanism may have happened in the history of Christianity but no public acts of Satanism until now, have ever had the scale, or the depth of depravity, as the Great Modernist Apostasy. 

The only incidences with greater depravity have been two in human history, both predating the birth of Christianity: The general depravity of humanity leading to the Great Deluge in the time of the Patriarch Noe, and the depravity of the Five Cities of the Jordanian Plain, Sodom etc., in the time of the Patriarch Abraham. 

ARE WE IN the Great Apostasy of the Last Times that is foretold by the Holy Bible, when the Beast and the Antichrist will come, the start of the End Times?

There are strong reasons that I believe that that is not so. 

Before the End Times, a number of prophets including St Catherine Ann Emmerich, have, over more than a millenium, repeatedly foretold of an Antipapacy and an Apostasy, of a Great Falling Away, and then a Great Restoration, a titanic striving and struggle, covering most of Europe and the world, similar to the titanic striving and struggle by General Francisco Franco in Spain, and which will be under the joint leadership of the "Great Monarch" and the "Angelic Pope." See the books by Monsignor Richard Gerald Culleton and by Yves du Pont accumulating these prophecies. Also linked to these, are the prophecies of St Tomassuchio of Foligno, of the people of Rome driving out an Antipope, of St Dominic Savio, of the conversion of England, and of Our Lady at Fatima, of the conversion of Russia, that have not yet been fulfilled. Add to that, Biblical prophecies of the restoration of the Christian Nations of Egypt and of Assyria, both occupied by the Mahomettan Infidels for over 1000 years, and of the restoration of the nations of Moab, Ammon and Edom, have not yet been fulfilled either. 

Pray with St Catherine Ann Emmerich, that the Lord God have mercy upon us, so that the Antichurch, the Church of Darkness, be quickly driven out of Rome!

Lúcío Mascarenhas 

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Nice Game Mocking God!

Nice "game"!

YOU ARE LIKE CHILDREN playing in the marketplace, who say to each other, "We have played the pipe for you and you have not danced, we have played a mourning song, and you have not wept tears." (Mt. xi, 16-17, & Lk. vii, 32,

WHY ARE YOU SWALLOWING THE CAMEL but straining at the gnat?

How do you swallow "Vatican2" and the Public and Manifest Apostates and non-Catholics, Public and Manifest Satanists, Apostates, non-Catholics, indeed vicious anti-Catholics, the Antichrists Roncalli, Montini, Wojtyla, and their Abominations of Desolations eg "Taize," "Assisi, 1986, 1993, 2002, 2011," "Balamand Declaration 1993," "Hindu prayers at Fatima, May 5, 2004," etc., etc., remain united with the Public and Manifest Satanists, Apostates, non-Catholics, indeed vicious anti-Catholics, the Antichrists Ratfinger and the Borgoglu, swallowing the Borg's Pachamama Abomination of Desolation and his "Abu Dhabi Declaration" Abomination of Desolation, yet cavil at Goan laymen "priests" worshipping the Demon Ganapati?


May 5, 2004, the Church of Satan, illegally occupying the Vatican and the Chapel of the Apparition at Fatima, where our Lady had appeared to the three sheherd - shepherdesses, the Chapel of the Cave of the Apparition of our Lady at Fatima-Leiria, invited the Pagan Hindus of Lisbon to worship their Devils in this Chapel of the  Apparition of our Lady at Fatima-Leiria. 
Here are the photographs from the live video broadcast by "Portuguese" SIC TV. 

WHY DO YOU swallow the camel of "Vatican2" and the Public and Manifest Apostates and non-Catholics, Public and Manifest Satanists, Apostates, non-Catholics, indeed vicious anti-Catholics, the Antichrists Roncalli, Montini, Wojtyla, and their Abominations of Desolations eg "Taize," "Assisi, 1986, 1993, 2002, 2011," "Balamand Declaration 1993," "Hindu prayers at Fatima, May 5, 2004," etc., etc., the Pachamama Abomination of Desolation and the "Abu Dhabi Declaration" Abomination of Desolation, yet cavil at Goan laymen "priests" worshipping the Demon Ganapati?

"Be not deceived, God is not mocked." Galatians vi, 7. "Do not fear them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him that can destroy both soul and body in hell." Mt.x, 28. "And I say to you, my friends: Be not afraid of them who can kill the body, and after that have no more power to harm you. But I will show you whom you shall fear: fear Him, who after He has killed you, has power to cast you into hell. Yea, I say to you, fear Him!" Lk. xii, 4-5.

IS GOD YOUR TOY? Why do you deceive yourselves that you can mock the Lord God, and get away with it?

All this protest is fakery. If it were not fakery, you would obey God: 

«Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what participation has justice with injustice? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? And what unity has Christ with Belial? Or what part has the faithful with the unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God; as God says: "I will dwell in them, and walk among them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people." For which reason, He says, "Go out from among them, and be you separated from them," says the Lord, "and touch not the unclean thing." And, "I will receive you; and I will be a Father to you; and you shall be my sons and daughters," says the Lord Almighty.»

WHAT PART HAVE Catholics with the Whore Church, the Prostitute Church, the Church of Satan, Roman Protestantism, the Sect of the Apostasy of "Vatican2"? 

BUT "GO OUT FROM her, my people; that you do not be partners in her sins, and that you do not receive a share in her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and the Lord has remembered her sins." Apocalypse xviii, 4-5

AND "Give out to her as she also has given out to you; and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup wherein she has mixed unto you, do you mix double unto her. As much as she has glorified herself, and lived in delicacies, so much torment and sorrow give out to her; because she says in her heart: I sit a queen, and am no widow; and I shall not see sorrow." Apocalypse xviii, 6-7

EVERYONE OF YOU that has not fled the Prostitute Church, is a participant in her Fornications and Adultries, in her impieties, and is equally heir with her, in all her rewards, at the hands of God, for her Fornications and Adultries, her impieties, and is a liar as she is, when you pretend to be "Catholics," when you pretend to be "Cristão," "Christians."

WHY DO YOU MOCK the Living God by "praying" for the Public and Manifest Apostate Felipe Neri Ferrao, also a Great Satanist and a Traitor, which are Mortal Sins, ("I do not ask anyone to pray for one who is in a sin that is unto death," 1 John v, 16-17), the unordained unconsecrated layman masquerading as Bishop of Goa, deliberately and openly lying to God's face that he is a Catholic, a bishop, a Patriarch, a Cardinal, instead of obeying God, and rejecting and chastising these Satanist fraudsters (cf. Deut. xiii)?

HOW LONG WILL you try the patience of the Living God? 

HOW LONG WILL YOU TARRY between choosing between the Living God and His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church on the one hand and the Devils, the Baals, and their Paganisms such as Hinduism, Mahomettanism, Protestantism, "Vatican2," etc.?

(All Heretics, all "Protestants," Henricans or the falsely so-called "Church of England" or the falsely so-called "Anglicans," the falsely so-called "Non-Denominationals," the falsely so-called "Believers" who are Unbelievers, Infidels, the falsely so-called "Born Again," who are Dead-Again, the falsely so-called "Bible Christians," the falsely so-called "New Life" who are the New-Death, the falsely so-called "Witnesses of Jehovah," Mormons, the falsely so-called "Greek Orthodox," etc. are all Pagans and Heathens, Devil-worshippers as much as their puppet-masters, the Pretend-Jews, the Synagogue of Satan, see Mt. xviii, 15-17 "But if your brother shall offend you, go, and rebuke him between you and him alone. If he shall hear you, you shall regain your brother. And if he will not hear you, take with you one or two more: that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may stand. And if he will not hear them: tell the Church. And if he will not hear the Church, let him be to you as the heathen and publican.")

"Choose this day that which pleases you, whom you would rather serve, whether the pagan gods which your fathers served, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord."

"How long do you halt between two sides? if the Lord be God, follow Him, but if Baal, then follow him."

STOP THIS NONSENSE, THIS FAKERY. You cannot mock the Living God. Come out of the Prostitute Church of Roman Protestantism and return to the Living God and to His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church, outside of which there is absolutely no salvation. 

"Be penitent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be wiped out.How to return to the sempiternal orthodox Catholic Church.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Sinner Popes vs Heretic Antipopes

One person, lets us say Mr A, wrote out a "Prayer" for God to help Felipe Ferrao, the falsely so-called "Bishop" and "Patriarch" of Goa, to, apparently "enlighten" him, so that he no longer tolerate "priests" of "his" diocese of Goa publicly worshipping Devils, as they recently did. (See here my counter-prayer). 

Another person, let's say Mr B,  commented on that "prayer," quoting from St Catherine of Siena: 

«To the Florentines, who were rebelling against Pope Gregory XI: "Even if the Pope were Satan incarnate, we ought not to raise up our heads against him, but calmly lie down to rest on his bosom. He who rebels against the Pope, is condemned to death, for that which we do to him, we do to Christ: we honor Christ if we honor the Pope; we dishonor Christ if we dishonor the Pope. I know very well that many defend themselves by boasting, 'They are so corrupt, and work all manner of evil!' But God has commanded that, even if the priests, the pastors, and Christ-on-earth were incarnate devils, we must be obedient and subject to them, not for their sakes, but for the sake of God, and out of obedience to Him." — Saint Catherine of Siena in "St. Catherine of Siena," SCS, p. 201-202, p. 222.

«Another version: "He who rebels against our Father the Pope, who is Christ on earth, is condemned to death, for that which we do to him, we do to Christ in heaven – we honor Christ if we honor the Pope, we dishonour Christ if we dishonour the Pope.... I tell you that God wills, and has so commanded, that even if the priests and the pastors of the Church and the Pope, Christ on earth, were devils incarnate, He requires that we be obedient and subject to them, not for their sake, but for the sake of God, out of obedience to Him, for He wills that we should act thus."

«Another quote: "Know that the son is never in the right against the father, even if the father is ever so evil and unjust, for so great is the good which he has received from the father, that is, life itself, that he can never repay him for it. And we have received the life of grace from the Church, which is so great a benefit, that we can never, by any kind of homage or gratitude, pay the debt we owe." (From Anne Baldwin's "Catherine of Siena: A Biography")»

I wrote in reply: That is regarding bad, immoral popes, yet lawful, Catholic Popes, nonetheless. Being Pope does not grant impeccability. But what about Antipopes, and even more specifically, what about public and manifest Heretics and even more so, Apostates? There had been a series of Donatist and Novatian 'Popes' resident in Rome, until the Catholic Popes were able to persuade Emperor Constantine to forbid them from residing in Rome. And for about a week to a fortnight, the Vatican Basilica had been seized and occupied by Mahomettan Infidels in about 846 AD, converted it into a mosque, appointed an 'Imam.' Was that Imam, in 'lawful possession' of the Vatican, the 'true Catholic Pope'?

In an apparent reply, Mr B removed his "comment" from Mr A's post. Searching, I found that his comment was, and remains, a post on his profile. There has been no reply by him to my question. 

The following was condemned by Pope Alexander VII: "Although it is evidently established by you that Peter is a heretic, you are not bound to denounce him . . ." Condemned. (Denzinger 1105). 

The Canon Law Commentary of Wernz-Vidal explains: "Finally, one cannot consider as schismatics those who refuse to obey the Roman Pontiff because they would hold his person suspect or because of widespread rumors, doubtfully elected." Wernz-Vidal, Iuris Canonicum, Rome, Gregorian Univ., 1937, Vol. II, p. 398.

"Finally, one cannot consider as schismatics those who refuse to obey the Roman Pontiff because they would hold his person suspect or, because of widespread rumors, doubtfully elected (as happened after the election of Urban VI), or who would resist him as a civil authority and not as pastor of the Church."
Wernz-Vidal, Ius Canonicum, Rome, Gregorian, 1937, 7:398.

Prayer for Goa and the Concan

Almighty Lord God, Eternal Shepherd, You indwell and guide Your Church and us, Your Children in the Adoption in our Lord Jesus Christ. You chose to make Yourself known firstly as the God of Israel, but in Christ Jesus, You have also reclaimed Your entire creation from the Domain of Satan, the First Rebel, and thus You have reclaimed Your title and office of God of Goa, God of the Concan. Behold how we, your servants, Your sons by adoption in Jesus Christ our Lord, the Concannim nation that You have created, including the Goans, how Your Goa, Your Concan,  are illegally occupied by the Unrepentant, Insolent and Haughty Paynim of South Asia, to the Detriment of the Glorification of Your Holy Name, aided and abetted by Apostates and Traitors, by Collaborators, such as the Accursed and Damned Juliao Meneses, Tristao da Bragança Cunha, Laura Rodrigues e Sousa, Jose Matanhy de Saldanha, and many others, including Valeriano, the Disgrace of Dramapor, and which work of treason, apostasy, lies, falsehoods are carried forward by the Apostate Felipe Neri Ferrao, an unordained, unconsecrated layman masquerading as Bishop and Patriarch of Goa. In 1 John v, 16-17, You have forbidden us from praying for those who are in Mortal Sin: "He that knows his brother to sin a sin which is not to death, let him pray, and life shall be given to him, who sins not to death; there is a sin unto death: for that I do not ask that any man pray; all iniquity is sin, but there is a sin unto death." There is no greater Sin than Apostasy, and Treason too is a great Mortal Sin. Nevertheless, in Your Charity, you allow us to to pray for those who are  yet living on earth, conditional to Your Will, so that, they for whom Your Only Begotten Son sacrificed Himself on His Cross, be saved, therefore I pray, uniting myself with You Who is Him, and His Church, and His Saints, transcending space and time, that they, these Apostates and Traitors, and they, these illegal occupiers, be rebuked, cast down from their lies, pretences and frauds, and be brought to repentance and to salvation, therefore we pray that You condescend to rebuke and cast down and to bring to repentance and to salvation the impious public and manifest Apostates Felipe Neri Ferrao, Francis Xavier Barretto, Elvis Fernandes, Remo Fernandes, Tallulah da Silva, Michael and Delila Lobo, and all their very numerous number, give them Your Grace and Faith, that they may repent of their Apostasy and Treason and return to the sempiternal orthodox Catholic faith from which they have departed. We pray for Your beloved Goa, and for the Goans: Please have mercy upon us, Your people of Goa, Your Nation of the Concan, free us, Your beloved Goa and Your beloved nation of the Concan, of the Martyrs of Cuncolim, of Saint Francis Xavier, of Affonso de Albuquerque, of Martim Affonso de Sousa, Aleixo de Meneses, etc. from the occupation by the Canaanites, the Enacim, the Amalecites, the Philistines, liberate and restore Your beloved Goa and Your beloved Concan, of which Goa is but a very small part, the seed of the blood of Jesus Christ. I make this prayer in the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who lives and reigns, in the Unity of the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God forever and ever, Amen. 

Friday, October 14, 2022

The Great Curse of Gavin Dunbar

The Great Curse of Gavin Dunbar, Archbishop of Glasgow, issued in the Scots language, 1525 A.D. Scots is a sister language to English. Here are the Scots and English versions:

«Gude folks, heir at my Archibischop of Glasgwis letters under his round sele, direct to me or any uther chapellane, makand mensioun, with greit regrait, how hevy he beris the pietous, lamentabill, and dolorous complaint that pass our all realme and commis to his eris, be oppin voce and fame, how our souverane lordis trew liegis, men, wiffis and barnys, bocht and redeimit be the precious blude of our Salviour Jhesu Crist, and levand in his lawis, are saikleslie part murdrist, part slayne, brynt, heryit, spulziet and reft, oppinly on day licht and under silens of the nicht, and thair takis and landis laid waist, and thair self banyst therfra, als wele kirklandis as utheris, be commoun tratouris, ravaris, theiffis, dulleand in the south part of this realme, sic as Tevidale, Esdale, Liddisdale, Ewisdale, Nedisdale, and Annandereaill; quhilis hes bene diverse ways persewit and punist be the temperale swerd and our Soverane Lordis auctorite, and dredis nocht the samyn.

«And thairfoir my said Lord Archbischop of Glasgw hes thocht expedient to strike thame with the terribill swerd of halykirk, quhilk thai may nocht lang endur and resist; and has chargeit me, or any uther chapellane, to denounce, declair and proclame thaim oppinly and generalie cursit, at this market-croce, and all utheris public places.

«Hairfor throw the auctorite of Almichty God, the Fader of hevin, his Son, our Saviour, Jhesu Crist, and of the Halygaist; throw the auctorite of the Blissit Virgin Sanct Mary, Sanct Michael, Sanct Gabriell, and all the angellis; Sanct John the Baptist, and all the haly patriarkis and prophets; Sanct Peter, Sanct Paull, Sanct Andro, and all haly appostillis; Sanct Stephin, Sanct Laurence, and all haly mertheris (martyrs); Sanct Gile, Sanct Martyn, and all haly confessouris; Sanct Anne, Sanct Katherin, and all haly virginis and matronis; and of all the sanctis and haly company of hevin; be the auctorite of our Haly Fader the Paip and his cardinalis, aned of my said Lord Archibischop of Glasgw, be the avise and assistance of my lordis, archibischop, bischopis, abbotis, priouris, and utheris prelatis and minesteris of halykirk.

«I denounce, proclamis, and declaris all and sindry the committaris of the said saikles murthris, slauchteris, brinying, heirchippes, reiffis, thiftis and spulezeis, oppinly apon day licht and under silence of nicht, alswele within temporale landis as kirklandis; togither with thair partakeris, assitaris, supplearis, wittandlie resettaris of thair personis, the gudes reft and stollen be thaim, art or part thereof, and their counsalouris and defendouris, of thair evil dedis generalie CURSIT, waryit , aggregeite, and reaggregeite, with the GREIT CURSING.

«I curse their heid and all the haris of thair heid; I curse thair face, thair ene, thair mouth, thair neise, thair tongue, thair teeth, thair crag, thair shoulderis, thair breist, thair hert, thair stomok, thair bak, thair wame, thair armes, thair leggis, thair handis, thair feit, and everilk part of thair body, frae the top of their heid to the soill of thair feet, befoir and behind, within and without.

«I curse thaim gangand, and I curse them rydland; I curse thaim standand, and I curse thaim sittand; I curse thaim etand, I curse thaim drinkand; I curse thaim walkand, I curse thaim sleepand; I curse thaim risand, I curse thaim lyand; I curse thaim at hame, I curse thaim fra hame; I curse thaim within the house, I curse thaim without the house; I curse thair wiffis, thair barnis, and thair servandis participand with thaim in their deides. I way thair cornys, thair catales, thair woll, thair scheip, thair horse, thair swyne, thair geise, thair hennes, and all thair quyk gude. I wary their hallis, thair chalmeris, thair kechingis, thair stanillis, thair barnys, thair biris, thair bernyardis, thair cailyardis thair plewis, thair harrowis, and the gudis and housis that is necessair for their sustentatioun and weilfair.

«ll the malesouns and waresouns that ever gat warldlie creatur sen the begynnyng of the world to this hour mot licht on thaim. The maledictioun of God, that lichtit apon Lucifer and all his fallowis, that strak thaim frae the hie hevin to the deip hell, mot licht apon thaimr. The fire and the swerd that stoppit Adam far the yettis of Paradise, mot stop thaim frae the gloire of Hevin, quhill thai forbere and mak amendis. The malesound that lichtit on cursit Cayein, quhen his slew his bruther just Abell saiklessly, mot licth on thaim for the saikles slauchter that thai commit dailie. The maledictioun that lichtit apon all the warlde, man and beist, and all that ever tuk life, quhen all was drownit be the flude of Noye, except Noye and his ark, mot licht apon thame and drouned thame, man and beist, and mak this realm cummirless of thame for thair wicked synnyes. The thunnour and fireflauchtis (lightning) that set doun as rane apon the cities of Zodoma and Gomora, with all the landis about, and brynt thame for thair vile sunnys, mot rane apon thame, and birne thaim for oppin synnis. Tha malesoun and confusion that lichtit on the Gigantis for thair oppressioun and pride, biggand the tour of Bablloun, mot confound thaim and all thair werkis, for thair opppin reiffs and oppressioun. All the plagis that fell apon Pharao and his pepill of Egipt, thair landis, cornse, and cataill, mot fall apon thaim, thair takkis, rowmys and stedingis, cornys and beistis. The watter of Tweid and utheris watteris quhair thair ride mot droun thaim, as the Reid Say drownit King Pharoao and his pepil of Egipt, sersewing Godis pepill of Israell. The erd mot oppin, riffe and cleiff, and swelly thaim quyk to hell, as it swellyt cursit Dathan and Abiron, that genestude Moeses and the command of God. The wyld fyre that byrnt Thore and his fallowis to the nowmer of twa hundredth and fyty, and utheris 14000 and 7000 at anys, usurpand aganis Moyses and Aaron, servandis of God, not suddanely birne and consume thaim dailie genestand and the commandis of God and halykirk. The malediction that lichtit suddanely upon fair Absalon, rydant contrair his fader, King David, servand of God, throw the wod, quhen the branchis of ane tre fred him of his horse and hangit him be the hair, mot lie apon thaain trew Scottis men, and hang thaim siclike tha all the warld may se. The Maledictioun that lichtit apon Olifernus, lieutenant to Nabogodonooser, makand weair and heirchippis apon trew cristin men, the maledictioun that lichtit apon Judas, Pylot, Herod and the Jowis that chucifyit Our Lord, and all the plagis and trublis that lichtit on the citte of Jherusalme thairfor, and upon Simon Magus for his symony, bludy Nero, cusit Ditius, Makcensisu, Olibruis, Julianus Apostita and the laiff (rest) of the cruell tirrannis that slew and murthirit Crit's haly servandis, mot licth apon thame for thair cruel tiranny and murthirdome of cristin pepill.

«And all the vengeance that evir was takin sen the warlde began for oppin synnys, and all the plagis and pestilence that ever fell on man or beist, mot fall on thaim for thair oppin reiff, saiklesse slauchter and schedding of innocent blude. I disserver and pairtis thaim fra the kirk of God, and deliveris thaim quyk to the devill of hell, as the Apostill Sanct Paull deliverit Corinthion. I interdite the places thay cum in fra divine service, minitracioun of the sacramentis of halykirk, except the sacrament of baptissing allenerlie (only); and forbiddis all kirkmen to schriffe or absolbe thim of theire synnys, quhill they be firs abolyeit of this cursing.

«I forbid all cristin man or woman till have ony company with thaime, etand, drynkand, spekand, prayand, lyand, gangand, standand, or in any uther deid doand, under the paine of deidly syn. I discharge all bandis, actis, contractis, athis and obligatiounis made to them by ony persounis, outher of lawte, kyndenes or manrent, salang as thai susteined this cursing, sub that na man be bundin to thaim, and that this be bundin till all men. I tak fra thame and cryis douned all the gude dedis that ever thai did or sall do, quhill thai rise froae this cursing. I declare thaim partles of all matynys, messis, evinsangis, dirigeis or utheris prayeris, on buke or beid; of all pilgrimagis and almouse deids done or to be done in halykirk or be cristin pepill, enduring this cursing.

«And, finally, I condemn thaim perpetualie to the deip pit of hell, the remain with Lucifer and all his fallowis, and thair bodeis to the gallows of the Burrow Mure, first to be hangit, syne revin and ruggit  with doggis, swyne, and utheris wyld beists, abhominable to all the warld. And their candillis gangis frae your sicht, ast mot their saulis gang fra the visage of God, and thair gude faim fra the warld, quhill thai forbeir thair oppin synnys foirsaidis and ryse frae this terribill cursing, and mak satisfaction and pennance.»


«Good folks, hear my Archbishop of Glasgow's letter under his round seal, directed to me or any other chaplain, makes mention and says how, with great regret, how heavy he bears the piteous, lamentable and sorrowful complaint which has passed throughout Scotland and come to his ears, you of open voice and good repute, how our Sovereign Lord's true subjects, men, women and children all bought and redeemed by the precious blood of our Savior Jesus Christ, and living by His laws, pointlessly murdered, slain, burnt, hurt, despoiled and robbed, openly by daylight and under silence of the night, and their belongings and lands laid waste, and their selves driven there from, on church lands as well as temporal lands, by common traitors, reavers, and thieves dwelling in the south part of this realm, such as Teviotdale, Eskdale, Liddsdale, Ewisdale, Nithsdale, and Annanderdale; who have been in diverse ways pursued and punished by the temporal sword and our Sovereign Lord's authority, and dread not the same.

«And therefore my said Lord Archbishop of Glasgow has thought it expedient to strike home with the terrible sword of the Holy Church, so that you may not need any longer endure and resist; and has charged me, or any other chaplain, to denounce, declare and proclaim them openly and generally cursed, at this market cross and all other public places. Therefore, through power and authority of Almighty God, the Father of Heaven, his Son, our Savior Jesus Christ and of the Holy Ghost; through the power and authority of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saints Michael,  Gabriel and all the angels; Saint John the Baptist, and all the holy patriarchs and prophets; Saints Peter, Paul, Andrew and all the holy apostles; Saint Lawrence and all the holy martyrs; Saints Giles, Martin and all holy confessors; Saints Anne, Catharine and all the holy virgins and matrons; and all the saints and holy company of heaven; by the power and authority of our Holy Father, the Pope, and his Cardinals, and of my said Lord Archbishop of Glasgow, and the advice and assistance of my Lords, Archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors and other prelates and ministries of the Holy Church.

«I denounce, proclaim and declare to all and sundry, that the committing of the said pointless murders and slaughtering of innocents, burnings, cattle rustling, plundering, thefts and despoiling;  both openly in the daylight and under silence of night, on temporal lands and on Church lands; together with their partakers, assistants, suppliers, knowing receivers of their persons, the goods burnt and stolen by them, or any part thereof, and the counsellors and defenders of their evil deeds are generally cursed, loathed, detested, denounced and collectively cursed with this great cursing.

«I curse their heads and all the hairs of their heads, I curse their faces, their eyes, their mouths, their noses, their tongues, their teeth, their chins, their shoulders, their breasts, their hearts, their stomachs, their backs, their sexual organs, their arms, their legs, their hands, their feet and every like part of their body, from the top of their heads to the soles of their feet, before and behind, within and without.

«I curse them going and curse them riding; I curse them standing and I curse them seated; I curse them eating, I curse them drinking; I curse them walking, I curse them sleeping; I curse them risen, I curse them lying down; I curse them at home, I curse them out of the home; I curse their wives and I curse their children, and their servants and all who participate with them in their deeds.

«I come against their friends, their cattle, their wool, their sheep, their swine, their geese, their hens, all their livestock.  I come against their halls, their bedrooms, their kitchens, their standings, their barns, their cowsheds, their barnyards, their cabbage patches, their ploughs, their harrows and the goods and houses which are necessary for their sustenance and their welfare.

«All the malisons and curses which ever got a worldly creature since the beginning of the world to this hour, must land upon them. The wrath of God which landed upon Lucifer and all his fellow demons, that struck them from the high heavens to deep hell, may it alight upon them. The fire and the sword which stopped Adam from the gates of Paradise may they stop them from the glory of Heaven, until they forebear and make amends.

«The malisons that alighted upon and cursed Cain when he slew his brother Abel with guilt, may alight on those who are guilty of slaughter which they commit daily. 

«The maledictions which alighted upon all the world, upon man and beast and upon all that ever took life, when all was drowned in the flood of Noe, except for Noe and his ark, must alight upon them and drown them, both man and beast, making this realm cumberless (unencumbered) by them and their wicked sins.

«The thunder and fire balls which rained down on the cities of Sodom and Gomorha and all the lands around them, and burnt them, for their vile lifestyles, must rain upon them and burn them for their open sin. 

«The malisons and confusion which alighted upon the giants for their oppression and pride, building the tower of Babylon must confound them and all their works, for their open plunder and oppression. 

«All the plagues which fell upon Pharao and his people of Egypt, their lands, crops and animals must fall upon them, their farmlands, homes, steadings and milk-sheds.

«The waters of the River Tweed and other river waters through which they ride through must drown them, as the Red Sea drowned Pharao's people from Egypt while rescuing God's people of Israel. The earth must tear and split open and swallow them alive into hell as it swallowed  cursed Dathan and Abiram who gainsaid Moses and the command of God. 

«The wildfire which burnt Core and his followers to the number of 250, and another 14,000 and 7,000 at once, usurpers against Moses and Aaron, the servants of God, not suddenly and without warning, burn and consume them, but daily, for gainsaying the commands of God and the Holy Church.

«The malisons and confusion, that befell suddenly upon fair Absalom, when riding through the wood to confront his father, King David, servant of God, the branches of one tree lifted him from his horse and hanged the heir, just as it lies upon true Scottish men to hang them in the same manner, for all the world to see. 

«The malediction, the curse which landed upon Holofernes, Nebuchadnezzar's lieutenant, for warring and persecuting true Christian men; the malediction which alighted upon Judas, Pilate, Herod and the Jews who crucified Our Lord, and all the plagues and tribulations which alighted on Jerusalem thereafter, and upon Simon Magus for his simony, bloody Nero, the cursed (Emperors) Decius, Maxentius, Olybrius, Julian the Apostate, and the rest of the cruel tyrants who slew and murdered Christ's holy servants, must alight upon them for their cruel tyranny and martyrdom of Christian people.

«And all the vengeance that ever has been taken since the beginning of the world for open sins and all the plagues and pestilence that ever befell man or beast must fall on them for their open plundering and theft, senseless slaughter, shedding of innocent blood. 

«I dissever, and part them from the Church of God, and deliver them vigorously to the devil of hell, as the Apostle St Paul delivered the Corinthian (1 Corinthians 5). 

«I interdict the places they come in for divine service, ministrations of the Sacraments of the Holy Church, except the sacrament of Baptism only, and forbid all Churchmen to shrive or to absolve them of their sins, until they first be absolved of this cursing.

«I forbid all Christian men and women to have any company with them; to eat, drink, speak, pray, lie with, walk with, stand with or in any other thing or way do with them, on pain of deadly sin. 

«I discharge all bonds, acts, contracts, oaths and obligations made to them by any persons, other of law, kindness, Christian obligation so long as they sustain this cursing, allowing that no man be bound to them, and that this be binding to all men. 

«I take from them and cry down all the good deeds that they did or shall do, until they rise from this cursing. 

«I declare them parted from all Matins, Masses, even songs, dirges or other prayers, on the Book (Bible) or the Beads (Rosary), for all pilgrimages and almsgiving done or to be done in the Holy Church or to the Christian people, enduring this cursing.

«And, finally, I condemn them perpetually to the deep pit of hell, to remain with Lucifer and all his fellows, and their bodies to the gallows of Burrow moor, first to be hanged, then rent and torn with dogs and swine and other wild beasts, an abomination to all the world. And their candles go from your sight, just as their souls go from the vision of God and their good fame from the world, until they forbear their open sins, aforesaid, and rise from this terrible cursing, and make satisfaction and penance.»

THE "GREAT CURSE" of Archbishop Gavin Dunbar of Glasgow is not an "eternal" or "perpetual" curse, it does not, from its words, extend to future generations of descendents of the Cursed; it extended only to the Reavers and their immediate descendents.  

IT is also not an unconditional Curse, for,  in accordance with Christianity, it kept the way open for all those cursed, to repent and do penance, to be absolved from this curse. 

Archbishop Dunbar's Curse was not a malevolent curse, nor was it an innovation both before and after Jesus Christ's earthly mission, before or after Archbishop Dunbar's own times. 

The "Carlisle Millenial Project," by contemptuously celebrating their "Reaver" ancestors and their crimes, and by cocking a snook at Archbishop Dunbar and his Great Curse, consciously made themselves deliberately partners of the Cursed and Damned Reavers, has invited the power of Satan upon themselves, and all ills that thereafter came down upon them, came by their own invitation. 

Heretics who seek to "release themselves" from Archbishop Dunbar's Great Curse, are deluded: The Great Curse wasn't directed at them; they do not possess authority from God and Jesus Christ to "release themselves," moreover, they by being Heretics and black guards against Jesus Christ and His Church, against His Holy Faith, make themselves subject to a far Graver Great Curse, not by mere mortal men, by God Himself, from which there is no escape, except by repentance, abjuration, and by returning to the One true Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation (See Mt. xviii, 15-17 at, and  Titus iii, 10-11, at 

The "Carlisle Council" and others have indulged in vain superstitions. Also, those Neo-Pagans and Witches and Wizards, Magicians, and others who have slandered and calumniated and blasphemed Archbishop Dunbar, have thereby put themselves under God's Curses, far more potent than curses by clerics and prelates. 

Archbishop Dunbar cited St Paul the Apostle cursing the incestuous  Corinthian (1 Corinthians 5, at Protestants, who are Heretics, and who violently pretend to be "Bible Christians," even as they violently contemn the Holy Bible, pretend that "No Christian may judge."

That "Judge Not" is based on Matthew vii, Matthew chapter 7. 

We all make judgments of Discernment, that has an impact on our lives and on the lives of those we accept and those we reject. 

We decide what is good and what is bad, who we shall consort with and whom we shall not consort with, how we shall worship and how we shall not worship. 

If I give you a cup of drink, and say, I have mixed poison in it, but drink it anyway, for who are you, or I, to judge whether it be poisoned, or not?, would you drink it? Would you refuse to judge the possibility, the probability, that I speak, not in jest, but in truth, and that drinking it will kill you? 

We choose who to marry and who not to marry, in doing so, we exercise judgment. 

We choose which school, academy and university we will seek admission from, or to, in doing so, we exercise judgment.

We choose what jobs we will seek, , in doing so, we exercise judgment. 

We choose to accept certain people as our friends, some as acquaintances, some as very close, bosom buddies. We equally choose not to accept the friendship of some, not to associate with some, not to consort with them. In doing so, we exercise judgment.

We choose what food to eat and what not to eat, in doing so, we exercise judgment.

Those who choose to vote, choose to exercise a judgment as to who will be the best or, at least, not the worst bet, for public office; in doing so, we exercise judgment.

Let us examine the Context of Mathew vii: "Judge not, that you may not be judged, For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged: and with what measure you measure out, it shall be measured to you again. And why do you see the mote (or speck) that is in your brother's eye, and do not see the beam that is in your own eye? Or how do you say to your brother: Let me cast the mote out of your eye; and behold a beam is in your own eye? You hypocrite! cast out first the beam in your own eye, and then you shall the better see to cast out the mote out of your brother's eye! Give not that which is holy to dogs; neither cast you your pearls before swine, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turning upon you, they tear you to pieces. Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and you shall find: knock, and it shall be opened to you. For every one that asks, receives: and he that seeks, finds: and to him that knocks, it shall be opened. Or what man is there among you, of whom if his son shall ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he shall ask him a fish, will he give him a snake? If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children: how much more will your Father who is in Heaven, give good things to them that ask Him? All things therefore whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you also to them. For this is the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew vii, 

Is that an absolute "Judge Not"? <br><br>

How can we "judge" as to what is a "beam" and what instead is a "mote" or a "speck," if we are absolutely to "Judge Not"? 

How can we judge that what we are giving to dogs, or casting before swine, is "Holy," or "Pearls," and not to be given or cast before, if we are absolutely to "Judge Not"? 

How are we to discern and to judge, if we are absolutely to "Judge Not"? 

The Gospel of John puts this differently: "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge just judgment." (John vii, 24 

So that is then not an absolute "Judge Not." 

"For the Lord loves judgment, and will not forsake His saints: they shall be preserved for ever. The unjust shall be punished, and the seed of the wicked shall perish." Psalm 37:28

"The Lord enlightens the blind. The Lord lifts up them that are cast down: the Lord loves the just." Psalm 146:8

"Know you not that the saints shall judge this world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know you not that we shall judge angels? How much more the things of this world?" 1 Corinthians vi, 2-6. 

"You shall do My judgments, and shall observe My precepts, and shall walk in them. I am the Lord your God. Keep My laws and My judgments, which if a man do, he shall live in them. I am the Lord." Leviticus xviii, 4-5

"You shall not do that which is unjust, nor judge unjustly. Respect not the person of the poor, nor honour the countenance of the mighty. But judge your neighbour according to justice." Leviticus xix, 15.

Did Jesus Christ actually say in an absolute sense, "Do not judge"? When examined carefully, it is obvious that that is the pretence of Hypocrites. Yes, that is right: I judge that that pretence, a pretension that Jesus Christ absolutely forbade us from making judgements, as Hypocrisy and as the last refuge of Hypocrites!

For more information on "Do Not Judge," see


Judge Not

Hypocrites are fond of selectively quoting (misquoting, isn't Satan the father of lies?) Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible on "Judge not."

«Judge not, that you may not be judged, for with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged: and with what measure you measure out, it shall be measured out to you. And why do you see the little speck of dust that is in your brother's eye; and do not see the huge log that is in your own eye? Or how do you say to your brother: Let me remove the speck out of your eye; and behold a beam is in your own eye? You hypocrite! First remove the beam in your own eye, and then you shall see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother's eye!» (Mt. vii, 1-5. See
St John Chrysostom

I will now quote the great Doctor of the Church, St John, called "Chrysostom," Greek for "Golden-Mouthed."  

"What does 'Judge not, and you shall not be judged' (Luke vi, 37), mean? 

"Are we not to denounce those who sin? 

"Why, then, does Paul say, 'Reprove, entreat, rebuke!' (2 Timothy iv, 2), and 'Reprove before (ie, in front of) everyone,  those who sin' (1 Timothy v, 20)? 
"Jesus Christ also said to St Peter, 'Rebuke him, and if he will not obey, tell the Church' (Matthew xviii, 15-17). 

"Why, then, did He give His Apostles the power of the keys? 

"For, if they are not to judge, they are without authority, and in vain have they received the power of binding and loosing! 

"Besides, if this were the case, everything in the churches and cities and homes would come to an end. For unless we correct our enemies, we shall never put an end to enmity, and everything would be turned upside down! 

"Therefore, let us take care to study the meaning of what is said here, so that no one may think that the remedies of our salvation are laws of disorder and confusion! 

"For, Our Lord has made as clear as possible to those who have understanding the perfection of this law, saying: 'First cast the beam out of your own eye' (Luke vi, 42). 

"You see, He does not forbid us to judge, but commands us first to remove the beam from our own eyes, and only then correct the faults of others." 

Source: St. John Chrysostom, On Matthew, homily XXIV, pg. 57, SS vol. III. 
St Paul the Apostle commanded Christians to judge, in Corinthians vi, 4-5.

What is obvious is that Jesus Christ warns against, and forbids and excludes Rash and Presumptuous Judgment, and Hypocritical Judgment. 

The Catholic Church has always taught that we can and must judge but that we must very certainly not be Rash in judging, for Rashness is the very opposite of Justice, nor must we be Presumptuous when judging, not Presume to place ourselves in the position of the Supreme judge, who is God, claiming to lay down absolute and definite judgment. 

Lucio Joao Mascarenhas 

Monday, October 10, 2022

The Bergoglian Jihad

The Bergoglian Jihad or "Apostolate" of  Priest-Hating: "Clerical" Pederasty, Hierophobia, Clericophobia and the "Synod on Synodality."
"Francis is betting that a synodal church will be a cure for a clerical church"

Someone is trying hard, very hard, extremely hard, with seemingly herculean efforts, to re-invent the wheel. 

Herculean, or Sisyphean?

ONE MAN, ably and valiantly helped by an army of acolytes, has started an intense, insane rant, and a rage, an irrational Jihad, yes, a veritable Jihad, against the Catholic Priesthood, or rather against the last lingering vestiges of the Catholic priesthood in his "Vatican2" Apostate Sect.

These are men and women overcome with an intense and overwhelming antipathy, revulsion, phobia, Hierophobia, Hieromisia, Clericophobia, Clericomisia,  for even the last remaining vestiges of the Catholic Priesthood in the Pseudo-Clerics of his sect. 

This is not a new Jihad, it was always there in this Apostate, Protestant, anti-Catholic sect, but even with such relentlessly voracious public and manifest Satanists such as Karol Wojtyla, it was never as open and as blatant, as it is under Bergoglio. 

This man, Bergoglio, has thrown off the mask, he is obsessed with an overpowering hatred of the Catholic Priesthood, or "Clericalism," the pathologies of Hierophobia and Hieromisia, the hatred of holy things, and of Clericophobia and Clericomisia, hatred of the Priesthood! 

It is an OCD, "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder," it devors them, it is eating them up inside, destroying them. They know that it is destroying them, eating them away, but they are determined, nay, indeed, they are committed, or better yet, vowed,  and espoused to their master Satan, to the "sacred" task of destroying, nay, of utterly extirpating, uprooting most mercilessly, the last vestiges of the Catholic Priesthood, before they go down to live for eternity with their father Satan, in hell!

These persons are victims of self-delusion. They are obsessively Hieromisic, Hierophobic, hating that what is holy and sacred, Clericomisic, Clericophobic, hating the sacramental priesthood as instituted by Jesus Christ as the backbone of His Church! 

This thing that they most passionately and rabidly hate, "Clericalism," is an Affirmation of Fidelity to God, an acknowledgement that God has given a special and different vocation, a calling out, to certain men, to be Sacramental Priests, over and above the Common Priesthood of the Christian Peoples, that these men, priests, are partakers of the Priesthood of Jesus Christ. 

They have inculcated in themselves a tunnel vision, focussing an insane, insatiable hatred of the sacramental priesthood instituted by Jesus Christ, as the core, the heart, even the backbone, of His Church!

Clericalism is not an aberration. It is not an error, or a deviation. Clericalism, like Ultramontanism, and Papism or "Popery," are essential elements of the Church, instituted by Jesus Christ Himself. 

Jesus Himself established the clergy, as the core of His Church. 

Clericalism is an essential and orthodox doctrine. The Theology of Clericalism is the building block of the Theology of the Magisterium, of the Doctrine of the Distinction between the Church Teaching and the Church Learning. 

Clericalism is the very nature of Catholicism, the very operation of Jesus Christ by which He fleshes out, and governs, His Church. Take away Clericalism, and there is nothing left to be called Catholic.

WE HAVE WAITED near 2000 years for this spectacle of laymen dressed as if they are "Catholic Priests, Bishops, Popes" denouncing, hating, the Priesthood, of being publicly consumed by Priest-hatred, and, where they have before secretly taught and worked, they are, in this age, so emboldened as to now openly and publicly, declare their war against the Clergy, against the priesthood, which Jesus Christ instituted as the mainstay of His Church. 

And openly and publicly by the pretended "Pope," no less! This is the zenith of Satanism! 

IN A PREVIOUS ARTICLE, I had mocked at Bergoglio's loud caterwauling and meally-mouthed hypocrisy in claiming that he will go "all out" to root out and to stamp out the alleged "Clerical Sex abuse scandal," rapes, Sodomies, Pederasties by the Pseudo-Clerics of his sect. I had affirmed then that Bergoglio is insincere, and I had pointed out that there was and is no need for drama and theatrics, he could end it very simply by returning to the 1917 Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law provisions on the subject of deviant "priests," etc., but that Bergoglio would NEVER do that: The alleged "Sexual abuse scandal" arose precisely due to his Sect's rejection of those provisions! (See

Now, we see that, instead of an honest and disinterested suppression of deviants in his "clergy," Bergoglio is rather doubling down: He and his acolytes, the Bergoglians, seek to falsely identify, confuse and conflate Clericality with the  "Clerical Sexual Abuse Scandal," contrived and fabricated by his sect, and seek to root out and destroy the Clergy via his "Synod on Synodality," by instituting  Congregationalism or "Synodalism," as a replacement for "Clericalism," for a Church guided and managed by priests, as Jesus Christ established it! 

"Francis is betting that a synodal church will be a cure for a clerical church." Yes, indeed! 

It is obvious, that in the Apostate "Vatican2" Sect, the Gates of Hell have long prevailed, and inexorably progresses to yet greater depravities!


God in the Holy Bible absolutely forbids all forms of pretended divinations, and of consulting spirits (Pythonism), or the dead (Necromancy), sorcery, magic (does not refer to sleight-of-hand), star signs, the reading of hands, sooth saying, fortune telling, etc. 

"You shall not divine nor observe dreams." Leviticus xix, 26.

(Protestant bible: "Do not practice divination or sorcery.")

"Go not aside after wizards, neither ask any thing of soothsayers, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God." Leviticus xix, 31.

(Protestant bible: "Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God.)

"The soul that shall go aside after magicians, and soothsayers, and shall commit fornication with them, I will set my face against that soul, and destroy it out of the midst of its people." Leviticus xx, 6.

(Protestant bible: "I will set my face against anyone who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute themselves by following them, and I will cut them off from their people.")

"A man, or woman, in whom there is a pythonical or divining spirit, dying let them die: they shall stone them: their blood be upon them." Leviticus xx, 27.

(Protestant bible: "A man or woman who is a medium or a spiritist among you, must be put to death."). 

"When you have been brought into the land which the Lord your God shall give you, beware lest you have a mind to imitate the abominations of those nations. Neither let there be found among you any one that shall expiate his son or daughter, making them to pass through the fire: or that consults soothsayers, or observes dreams and omens, neither let there be any wizard, nor charmer, nor any one that consults pythonic spirits, or fortune tellers, or that seeks the truth from the dead. For the Lord abhors all these things, and for these abominations He will destroy them at your  coming. You shall be perfect, and without spot before the Lord your God. These nations, whose land you shall possess, hearken to soothsayers and diviners: but you are otherwise instructed by the Lord your God."
Deuteronomy xviii, 9-14.

(Protestant bible: "When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord.")

"So Saul died for his sins, because he broke the commandment of the Lord, which He had commanded, and kept it not: and moreover consulted also a witch, and trusted not in the Lord: therefore He slew him, and transferred his kingdom to David the son of Isai." 1. Par. x, 13-14.

"And when they shall say to you: Seek of pythons, and of diviners, who mutter in their enchantments: should not the people (of Israel) seek of their God, for the living of the dead?" Isaias viii, 19.

(Protestant bible: "And when they say to you, 'Seek those who are mediums and wizards, who whisper and mutter,' should not a people seek their God?").

UNLIKE WHAT HERETICS PRETEND, God prohibits the consultation of spirits, that is the fallen angels, and of souls of the dead; He thereby does not forbid praying to God's Angels, and to human souls that have been declared by His Church to have been accepted into Heaven on the the basis of the living authority that He has endowed His Church with, nor praying for the dead who have died in God's grace. 

October 10, 2022. WhatsApp

Spiritualism, in the RADIO REPLIES by Frs. Leslie Rumble & Joseph Carry. 

317. May Catholics assist at Spiritistic Seances?

No. In 1917, the Church decreed as follows: "It is not lawful to assist at Spiritistic Seances or manifestations whether with or without a medium, even though such meetings seem to be honest and religious." Spiritualism claims to be a new religion, and therefore meets with the same fate as all other religions invented by men since the time of Christ. The only true religion is that established by Christ, and in the form in which He established it. It is little use to call oneself a Christian, and reject the Church as Christ built it, accepting any form of religion men would like to substitute for it.

318. Is there any truth in the claims of Spiritualism?

There is truth in the claim that the soul is distinct from, and can survive the body. All men instinctively know this, and as they lose faith in Protestantism, this fundamental truth of reason remains. Many of them therefore turn to Spiritualism. Thus this new phase gains ground among non-Catholics. As a religious system Spiritualism is the outcome of human effort, and is in vogue among certain men for a time. But it is valueless as a religion in the sight of God. It will die out in due course, possibly to give place to some other extravagant form of religious excitement. Man is constitutionally religious, and if deprived of Catholic truth will grasp at anything for a time. But substitutes are bound to disappoint in the end.

319. Why precisely does your Church condemn Spiritualism?

The Catholic Church certainly believes in the existence of the spiritual world, of God, of good and evil created spirits, and in the continued existence of the souls of men. But the phenomena of Spiritualism are due at best to natural causes; at times to imposture; very often to evil spirits. Certainly any effects due to the influence of spirits are not due to the intervention of good spirits. The medium acts under uncanny and feverish excitement; the effects are evil only too often; and messages received, as well as the methods adopted, are openly blasphemous and immoral, and quite unworthy of God. God Himself says, "Neither let there be found among you . . . one that seeketh the truth from the dead." Deut. XVIII., 10-11.

320. Has the Catholic Church ever been in communication with spirit beings from the next world?

In the history of the Catholic Church there are many accounts of messages received from the souls of the departed. The truth of these accounts is subject to the ordinary laws of historical criticism, and some accounts have certainly been proved doubtful. Others leave no room for prudent doubt. As a rule, God permits a soul only occasionally to communicate momentarily a warning, or a request for prayers, but nothing fantastical. Likewise, the messages are spontaneous, and not due to the curious efforts of people seeking the truth from the dead. The Church tests the messages received, or claimed as received, in order to discern whether good or evil spirits are responsible for the communication. (1) The message must in no way conflict with Catholic teaching or moral principles. Gal. I., 9. (2) The person who claims to have received such a communication must be characterized by sound common sense, and even be undesirous of such occurrences. (3) The effects of the message must be good, the recipient being moved to a holier life, and to nothing indecent, shameful, or contrary to Christian standards.

321. Spirits have told Spiritualists that we shall not see God face to face, and that we shall have only natural happiness in Heaven. Is there any truth in this?

The idea of merely natural happiness in Heaven is nonsense. The supreme happiness of Heaven is totally different from any happiness we know on earth. "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard . . . what things God hath prepared for them that love Him." I. Cor. II., 9. An eternity of the things we know here, and of life as we experience it would soon become blank misery, and not Heaven at all. God Himself tells us that we shall see Him face to face, and it is better to believe the God who made us than the Spiritualist who would only unmake us as regards our rational nature.

1318. How does the Roman Catholic Church view Spiritualism?

On April 24th, 1917, the Holy See issued the following decree: "It is not lawful to assist at any spiritualistic meetings, conversations with spirits, or manifestations of spirits. It matters not whether a medium be present or not, nor whether the meeting seems to be above board and apparently conducted from motives of piety. A Catholic may not be present at such meetings even as an onlooker, let alone asking questions of departed spirits and listening to their supposed replies."

1319. How do you account for the supernatural powers of some spiritualistic mediums?

Some of the phenomena produced by spiritualistic mediums are due to dexterity and fraud; some to natural clairvoyant and telepathetic powers; some to the influence of evil spirits. None can be ascribed to good spirits. God does not work that way, nor do His good ministering angels.

1320. Do departed souls return to speak at spiritualistic meetings?

No. With God's special permission, and by His power, it would be possible for a departed soul to communicate with those still in this world. But I deny that this occurs at spiritualistic seances. Supposed communications from deceased people at such weird gatherings are due to fraud on the part of the mediums; or are only imaginary and due to mental suggestion imposed by a medium; or are created by some dupe's own excited and expectant psychological state; or due to impersonation, some evil spirit exerting its influence and pretending to be this or that departed personality. Not only the Catholic Church condemns spiritualism. No professing Christian should have anything to do with it and its occult practices.

1321. Catholics believe in the communications of the Saints.

We do not believe in any communication with the souls of departed human beings in any spiritualistic way. Those souls are not in a condition of life adapted to such communication with us in this world. If God wishes, He can by a miracle permit such communications, but that very rarely happens and is quite abnormal. The Communion of Saints means simply that we who belong to the same Christ as fellow members of Him can benefit by the merits of the Saints and by their intercession. Communication with them is by prayer on our part. We are certain that they enjoy the very Vision of God, in which Vision they are aware of our prayers to them. But souls which have not attained to the Vision of God have no normal medium by which they can be aware of our doings in this world.

1322. By not believing in spiritualism the Church discourages inquiries which could lead to the discovery of knowledge not possessed by herself.

The Church does not believe in spiritualism as a semi-religious cult. She does believe in the existence of a spirit-world. God Himself is a pure spirit. Angels are spirits. So, too, are departed souls, and likewise devils. But the Church does not rely on spiritualism to provide her with the truth she must teach to mankind. She has received that truth from Jesus Christ who commanded her to teach mankind all that He had taught her. In the natural order the Church encourages men to discover all that science can teach them. In the supernatural order, she remains strictly faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ. And she condemns spiritualism as a movement with all its works. If men want supernatural progress, let them seek to unite themselves with God by prayer and by the Sacraments of Christ, not with spirits by superstitious incantations in dark corners, moved rather by a morbid curiosity than by any desire to serve God and sanctify their souls. Baron Von Hugel rightly said, "One never gets any spiritual ideas out of spiritualism."

1323. The Bible speaks of visions received by men, and of voices heard prompting to a certain course of action.

The Bible records that such things happened at times to certain people. But it does not say that they will happen to all. If you came to me to say that you had received a vision of some departed person, you would not convince me by producing documentary proof that St. Paul had a vision whilst on the way to Damascus. His vision would not prove yours; and I would certainly not take your mere word for it

1324. Why do you doubt visions today, or treat them as being of the devil or as due to insanity, or a temporary delusion?

The presumption is against God's departure from His ordinary ways. And the giving of visions is not God's ordinary way of acting. Therefore I would take it for granted that a supposed vision would be due, not to God, but to some physiological or psychological cause, or to the influence of some evil spirit. Certainly all such causes would have to be positively disproved before I would go on to consider this vision in a supernatural light. That is ordinary prudence, from which the Christian religion dispenses no one. If a case were submitted to me, I would first weigh very carefully all the natural qualities of the person concerned. Is he neurotic, nervous hysterical? Or is he of a calm, well-balanced temperament, and in good bodily health? Is he normal mentally, or endowed with an extravagant imagination? I would weigh well his virtue. Is he utterly sincere and humble, or eaten up with pride and given to vanity, boasting, and untruthfulness? Then I would examine the nature of his vision, and ask myself whether it in any way conflicted with the doctrines of Christian Faith already revealed by God; or whether it was in strict accordance with Christian holiness and moral decency. I would note also its effects upon himself—good, or bad. The Catholic Church has laid down many such tests. She does no deny the possibility of such things; but she does deny the right of any man to accept them as from God with blind credulity.

1325. The Bible prophesies that such things will be.

The Bible does not say that such things will occur always to everybody. Nor are they at all necessary. Visions do not make the recipient of them any better or holier. God may grant visions at times to the Saints because they are Saints. But they are not Saints because they have visions. They are Saints because they avoid sin as a very plague, and courageously practise Christian virtue. It is virtue and goodness that matter, not visions.

1326. The Bible should at least dispose you to accept spirit manifestations claimed by spiritualism.

That is not so. The evidence produced by spiritualists has nothing like the value of the evidence of Sacred Scripture. I do not deny that, at times, spirit-beings may be responsible for some of the manifestations at spiritualistic seances. But, if they are, they are not good, but evil spirits. God has given His complete revelation through Christ. Also, since good spirits are in perfect accordance with the will of God, they could not be sent by Him to reveal the contradictory and often blasphemous doctrines claimed by spiritualists to come from the spirit-world. Moreover, if Scripture has any authority, we must obey its precepts. What are they? "Let there not be found among you anyone that seeketh the truth from the dead." Deut. XVIII., 10. In Lev. XX., God absolutely condemns the man or woman who claims to have a "divining spirit"—not a very comforting reflection for the modern medium. The Prophet Isaiah (VIII., 19) says, "When they shall say to you: Seek of people with a prophesying spirit and of diviners who mutter in their enchantments, should not the people seek of their God instead of seeking comfort for the living from the dead?"

1327. I John, IV., 1, tells us to "try the spirits, if they be of God."

St. John is not referring to spiritual beings of another world than this. He is speaking of impulses and inclinations which come into our minds, and which can lead to disaster if people insist on following private judgment. He also refers to the spirit of other people's teachings. Immediately he makes this clear. "Believe not every spirit," he says, "for many prophets have gone out into the world." I Jn. IV., 1. We must try the spirit of these teachings to see if they be in conformity with the true doctrine revealed by Christ. How are we to know that true doctrine? If every man is to decide for himself what that true doctrine is, we are back in chaos again. Christ knew this, and took the precaution of establishing the Catholic Church, promising to preserve it from error till the end of time. If any doctrine contradicts the authentic teaching of the Catholic Church, it is false.