Something interesting has been brought to my attention:
Photo: Snickering Hyena of Anticatholicism
"In his last pastoral letter, of 2021–2022, Felipe Neri Ferrao wrote, 'The commandment of love is at the heart of every religion. Every religion is at the service of humanity.' "In his more recent pastoral letter, Ferrao calls for 'making a paradigm shift' from the liberation-theology-based 'small Christian communities' to 'small human communities.' See
The Simian Lupalism
"Pastoral"? What's "Pastoral" About Wolves Slobbering Over Their Lamb Chops? Call It A "Lupal," "Of The Wolf," Instead!
"This Pastoral Year our Archdiocese focuses on strengthening families, revitalizing Small Christian Communities and pastoral visits. Presenting the Holy Family of Nazareth as a model, the Archbishop invites the members of the families to fulfil the mission by safeguarding three types of relationships, namely, husband-wife, parents-child and child-parents.
"Concerning our mission in SCCs, he exhorts us to do away with the misconceptions regarding SCCs, to take the early church community as the model to revitalize the SCCs and to make a paradigm shift to Small Human Communities.
"In the section dedicated to pastoral visits, 3 categories are emphasized: pastor's visit to his flock, leader's visit to the collaborators and neighbors, and formator's visit to the formees and their families.
"Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao while appreciating the hard work put in by the Pastoral Secretariat and its collaborators, especially Fr. Simiao Fernandes who helped in preparing the pastoral letter, called upon all the catholics to play their role in building a truly synodal church. He envisaged the importance of strengthening our families, revitalising our Small Christian Communities and forming Small Human Communities where people of different beliefs or religions come together to build a humane and inclusive society."
Spoonerism: "Simião," speaks of monkeys, simians, instead of the correct "Simão," "Simon" in Portuguese.
Basalism As Handmaid of Anticlericalism
I found all of the above interesting, to say the least.
In 1994, I had noted an article by "Bishop" Bosco Penha in the Bombay diocesan rag, "The Examiner":
And in May 2020, I had written against Basalism:
All these years, I had overlooked a statement embedded in a mass of gibberish by "Bishop" Bosco Penha: "Clericalism will not lead to vitality in parishes." (See:
Jesus Christ designed His Church to be centred on the Clergy as the "Teaching Church."
Jesus Christ designed His Church to be guided and ruled by the Holy Ghost acting through the visible medium of His ordained Clerics: bishops and priests, as the means of the vitality of Holy Mother Church.
Anticlericalism is therefore a profound rejection of Jesus Christ, of Christianity, of Catholicism.
Anticlericalism is not a new phenomenon.
Since the Catholic Church rose to prominence, there have been stirrings of Anticlericalism.
However, Anticlericalism developed into an organized machinery only when the Deformation broke the power of the Catholic Church to suppress public Satanism: Deformed societies acted as nurseries and deep refuges for Anticlericalists from Christian nations.
From these Deformed societies, Anticlericalism, as agent and catspaw of the Deformation, struck out in a centuries long guerilla war against Christendom, culminating in the Portuguese Treason against the Iberian Union, the Subversion of Poland and its subsequent Partitions, Josephinism in Portugal (also called Pombalism), Josephinism in the Third Roman Empire (the 2nd was the Carolingian, the 3rd was the Ottonian-Habsburgian), the "French Revolution" and Napoleonism (Napoleone Buonaparte hailed from a family of Italian brigands, bandits or condottiers, settled in Corsica shortly before the French Occupation of Corsica), the "Bolivarian" Treasons and Balkanizations of Spanish and Portuguese America, the Portuguese Miguelist and Spanish Carlist Wars, the "Wars of Italian Unification," etc.
Between the fall of Napoleone Buonaparte and "World War II," France and many other lands ("Mexico," Latin America, "Brazil," Portugal, Spain, etc) were wracked by repeated Anticlericalist coups, and by brutal persecutions of Christianity, by traitors, agents of the Pretend-Jews and of the WASPs (who are Pharisees). All of these were very openly, unashamedly, notoriously, infamously, in the name of Anticlericalism!
And now that same Anticlericalism has been adopted by "Pope Francis," masquerading as "Catholic Pope," and his Anticlericalism also called "Synodality," adopted by this Antifrancis as the Official Ideology and Agenda of what purports to be the "Catholic Church" itself!
And so, we behold the spectacle of Anticlericalism as the "Charism" of the Antichurch, and as the "Charism" of the Antichrist Jorge "The Borg" Bergoglio masquerading as "Pope Francis," the Antifrancis, Prankish II.
To be an Anticlericalist is to be a Public and Manifest Satanist, and in our day, the one man who vaunts himself as "the greatest Anticlericalist," is the Sixth Beast, the Antichrist Jorge "The Borg" Bergoglio masquerading as "Pope Francis," the Antifrancis, Prankish II!
Anticlericalism in anti-Catholics is often merely something mildly amusing.
Anticlericalism in "Clerics" is mind-boggling.
"Bishop" Bosco Penha plugging Anticlericalism in 1994 proves that Anticlericalism very certainly didn't begin with the Borg, the Antifrancis!
What is evident is that "Vatican2" was the "Council of Anticlericalism."
Anticlericalism was one of the Babel of voices, heresies, speaking out of the Smoke of Satan that is "Vatican2," ("My Name is Legion!")
However, it (Anticlericalism) wasn't loud and in-your-face. That is, until now.
It also becomes evident that the Borg of Anticlericalism, Jorge Bergoglio, has been raised up by his owners, his puppeteers, precisely to catch up the football of Anticlericalism and to carry it to its goal.
"Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all wonder-workers? Have all the grace of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret?" — 1 Corinthians xii, 29-30.
Indeed. The distinction between the Ecclesia Docen, the Teaching Church, and the Ecclesia Dicens, the Learning Church, is set up and established by Jesus Christ as an essential element of His Church.
Jesus Christ did not make all His followers Shepherds.
Jesus Christ did not make all His followers sheep.
But some He made sheep, and some He made Shepherds of His sheep.
"And Jesus said to Simon Peter: 'Simon son of John, do you love Me more than these?' He replied to Him: 'Yea, Lord, You know that I love You.' He said to him: 'Feed my lambs.' He said to him again: 'Simon, son of John, do you love Me?' He replied to Him: 'Yea, Lord, You know that I love You.' He said to him: 'Feed my lambs.' He said to him the third time: 'Simon, son of John, do you love Me?' Peter was filled with sorrow, because He had said to him the third time: 'Do you love Me?' And he said to Him: 'Lord, You know all things: You know that I love You.' He said to him: 'Feed my sheep.'"
But "Vatican2" tells us that we have misunderstood.
"Vatican2" tells us that in fact Jesus said, "All of you, feed yourselves, because I have appointed each of you to be his own shepherd!"
And, the "Gospel" of the Antifrancis: "Flee from Jesus Christ! Flee from His Kingship! Flee from His Priests! Abhor His Priests!" This, in a nutshell, is the "Gospel" of the Borg. This is the "Gospel" of Anticlericalism.
It is this "Gospel" of Anticlericalism that has been insidiously worked up upon since October 1958, by the Antipopes Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, and Ratzinger.
It is this "Gospel" of Anticlericalism that the Antipope Prankish II Borgoglu has been tasked to push and to fulfil.
It is this "Gospel" of Anticlericalism that "Bishop" Bosco Penha was tasked to push and to hawk and to vend, and it is this same "Gospel" of Anticlericalism that the unordained and unconsecrated layman Felipe Neri Ferrao has been made "Bishop," "Archbishop," "Patriarch," "Cardinal," in order to push and to hawk and to vend, alongside of the One World Religion, of the public cult of the Demon Ganapati, by the Fake "priests" of the Antichurch, the "Priests" of the "Priesthood" of the "Gospel" of Anticlericalism!
How so very "Ecumenical" is Anticlericalism! These Anticlericalist clowns are swooning over Hinduism and its "Guru-Shishya Parampara," but viciously hate the "Guru-Shishya Parampara" that Jesus Christ set up as the heart of Catholicism!
WE ARE TOLD, breathlessly, by votaries of the "Council of the Smoke of Satan" or the Latrocinium of "Vatican2," that it, ("Vatican2") has "blurred" the distinction between the Ecclesia Docen and the Ecclesia Dicens.
Is that true?
Does anyone have the authority to alter the essential Constitution of the Church?
Can anyone alter the essential Constitution of the Church?
Galatians i, 8-9: "Even though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you different from that which we have preached to you, let him be Accursed!
"As we said before, so now I say it again: If any one preaches to you a gospel, different from that which you have received, let him be Accursed!"
Is a Pope, even a supposed "Pope," greater than "an angel from heaven," one who sees always the Face of God, who sees always God face-to-face, as it were?
Today we see men who have pretended to become "priests," "bishops," "popes," with the open and declared intension of exterminating the Catholic Priesthood established by Jesus Christ Himself, of men who have pretended to become "priests," "bishops," "popes," not to be Priests of that "Wicked Old Unecumenical Fool" Jesus Christ, but to be "priests," "bishops," "popes" of the "Gospel" of Anticlericalism!
Look at these men, pretend priests, bishops, popes, yet PUBLIC AND MANIFEST worshippers of Ganapati and of Panduranga and of Shiva and of Buddha and of Allah and of Guru and of Pachamama and of all the Devils of Hell!
Are these Jesus' shepherds?
Nay! These are Hyenas, mangy hyenas, rabid hyenas, snickering as they feast on their prey, the gullible idiots!
These are men who love Homosexuality and who abjectly, piously, devoutly, worship Homosexuality as "Sacred," as "Divine," and who religiously sodomize, and seek to be sodomized, as a "Sacred Ritual," which is, for them, the Greatest Sacrament!
These are men who love Homosexuality so much that they despise "that Wicked Old Unecumenical Fool Jesus Christ," and worship instead the Androgynous Demons Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, Ganapati, etc., and so much so that they fellate the "lingam"!
Today, this Feast of Christ the King, October 30, 2022, I call on all souls to obey God, by rejecting all false religions, all false gods, and by returning to the sempiternal orthodox Catholic Church, the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church, presently in Sede Vacante since the death of His Holiness Pope Michael I.
"Do not unite with unbelievers. For what unity has justice with injustice? Or what unity has light with darkness? And what unity has Christ with Belial? Or what unity has the Catholic believer with the unbeliever? And what unity has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God; as God says: 'I will dwell in them, and walk among them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.' Therefore, 'Go out from among them, and be you separate,' says the Lord, 'and touch not the unclean thing! So that I will receive you; and be a Father to you; and that you shall be my sons and daughters,' says the Lord Almighty.'"
"My people, go out from the Antichurch, Roman Protestantism, the Great Whore, Foster Daughter of Martin Luther; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and the Lord has remembered her sins."
"Do penance for your murders, your sorceries, your fornications, your thefts, that the Lord may have mercy upon you."
WHEN FERRAO CAME BACK from Antirome, he went to the Occupation, and very reverently licked and kissed and worshipped it's posterior.
But Goa is under the Kingship of Jesus Christ, and the viceroyalty of St Francis Xavier, and a part of Portugal, as part of the Kingdom of God. And, it is a Great Blasphemy to be a traitor and a Quisling.
"Dare any of you Catholics, having a matter against another Catholic, go for it to be judged before the unjust, the unbelievers, and not before the saints? Do you not know that the saints shall judge this world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Do you not know that we shall judge angels? If we are to judge angels, how much more should we judge things of this world? If therefore you need to have judgements of things pertaining to this world, set them to judge, who are the lowest in the church. I speak to your shame. Is it so that there is not among you any one wise man, that is able to judge between his brethren? But Catholic brother goes to law against Catholic brother, and that before unbelievers!"
BUT INDEED, if we are not to be judged by Unbelievers, are we to be ruled by Unbelievers?
Therefore, God has led the Catholic peoples to set up their own governments and to not submit to be ruled by Unbelievers. Wherefore we have "Deus vult!"
And yet, some evildoers, slaves of Sin and of the Devils, have gone out and have waged war against Jesus Christ and His Church and these evildoers, including the Accursed and Damned Valeriano Disgracias de Dramapor, have instigated and have collaborated with the invasion of Goa, the Rape of Mother Goa, and has made her a Strumpet of the Devils. And it is the Will of God that this Criminality be fought and be overturned, and that Goa, and all the Concan, and all Portugal, and all the ends of the Earth be liberated from the Social Reign of Satan and be reinstaurated into the Social Reign of Christ the King, be subjected to the government of the Saints. Wherefore we have "Deus vult!"
THE CHURCH OF SATAN TEACHES that "All religions teach love and the service of humanity."
That is part of the Core Apostasy of the Antichurch: "All gods are one. All religions are true." Etc., etc.
These men are not individually misguided.
On the contrary, they are a sect. An apostate sect.
"We know that we are of God, and the whole world is seated in wickedness, in darkness."
Jesus taught: "I am come as a light into the world, so that, whosoever believes in Me, may not remain in darkness."
Jesus taught: "I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me, does not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of life."
This feast of Christ the King, I call on every soul to return to the sempiternal orthodox Catholic Church, putting away the Whore Church! Return to Jesus Christ Who is the Only True Light! Walk in His Light, putting away all Works of Darkness!
"Be penitent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be wiped out." How to return to the sempiternal orthodox Catholic Church.